Holidays' Homework Class-VI Subject

Holidays’ Homework
1. Revise all chapters done in the class.
2. Do page no. 5-12 of BBC (comprehension)
Roll no. 1-16
1. Imagine you had to live in a remote village for a few months like the postmaster. Write two
short paragraphs and explain what was your life like.
No mobiles or television
Discussion with the villagers
No modern amenities
Difference between village life and modern life
Daily routine
Away from family
Desire to come back or not
Peace around or loneliness
2. Make a questionnaire of ten questions that you would like to ask our prime minister.
Roll no. 17-32
1. How can you be kind to the people who work to make our life comfortable, e.g. domestic help,
driver etc.
2. Write a letter to your friend in not more than 100 words and express how your town/city can be
made greener and why it is important. Explain your ideas and views.
Roll no. 35-48
1. Suppose your grandfather is injured. How can you take care of him and motivate him to recover
fast and get back to normal routine?
2. Talk to your neighbour, friend/relative who has a dog as a pet. Find out how the dog is of help to
them and the activities they usually enjoy doing together.
Roll no. 1-10: Make a model or chart of kinds of triangle.
Roll no. 11-20: Make a model or chart of kinds of polygon.
Roll no. 21-30: Make a model or chart of two and three dimensional figures.
Roll no. 31-40: Make a model or chart of parts of a circle.
Roll no. 41 onwards: Make a chart / model to differentiate between prime and composite number by
using two different colures
 Revise chapter-1, 2 & 3.
Subject- Science
Roll no. 1-8: Make model of the water cycle in nature.
Roll no. 9-16: Make model of simple circuit.
Roll no. 17-24: Model of earth /structure of earth.
Roll no. 25-32: Chart of lunar & solar eclipse.
Roll no. 33-40: Model of food chain or food web.
Roll no. Above 40: Chart to show the process of distillation.
Subject- Social Science
Note: - Revise all chapters done in the class.
Roll no. 1-12: Make project report on Kerala and Ladakh. Collect information and picture
Include- location, festival, dance forms, occupations, sports and activities. (Page 5-6)
Roll no. 13-24: Imagine that this is your first visit to a village. Write a short essay on your experiences.
Roll no. 25-36: Make a chart showing difference in the way of life between early and modern humans.
Some of points can be:-
 Hunter gatherer Vs food producer.
 Raw food Vs cooked food.
 Nomadic life Vs settled life
 What early humans ate Vs what we eat now.
Roll no. 37-48: Make a model of solar system.
Foundation of IT
Roll No. 1-12: Make a Folder of Windows (like: Taskbar, File, Folder, Start button etc)
Roll No. 13-24: Make a folder of Mail Merge (Creating Mail Merge Document, Recipient List, and
Inserting Merge Fields, Viewing the merge Data
Roll No. 25-36: Make a folder of Generation of computers.
Roll No. 37 onwards: Make a chart of different types of computer.
Note: - Size of Folder should be 8/11 inch.
Subject- Hindi
Subject- Punjabi