UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI USE OF SINGLE FREQUENCY DIFFERENTIAL GPS RECEIVERS IN GENERAL BOUNDARY SURVEYS STUDY AREA: MATHUNTHINI REGISTRATION SECTION BY KIRERA LINDA KATHAMBI F19/2558/2008 A project report submitted to the department of geospatial and space technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of: Bachelor of Science in Geospatial Engineering APRIL, 2013 1 ABSTRACT The general boundaries are mainly found in the Kenyan rural areas where most agricultural activities are located. In addition to having land parcel boundaries which are not georeferenced most of the land in the rural areas has not yet been surveyed. As a result problems related to land disputes, cadastral inconsistencies as well as little or no loans for investments from financial institutions generally affects the rural life. The research work aims at determining the most effective method of georeferencing the PIDs as well as on what can be done to improve their accuracy and that of the general boundary surveys generally. Land parcels are geo-referenced using X, Y (2D) Coordinate System. Research methodology involved; the identification of the study area, obtaining of the PID, selection of the land parcels to be surveyed, measuring of the parcel corner coordinates using the handheld and the Differential GPS (DGPS) receivers, scanning and georeferencing of the PID using both the DGPS and handheld coordinates and digitization of the land parcels to obtain the areas and perimeters. A google earth image of the same study areas was obtained to help in the analysis. The two sets of coordinates were different with a percentage mean difference of 15.4% in the northings and -10.93% in the eastings respectively. The position difference, that is, the difference between the positions fixed using the handheld GPS receiver from that fixed using the DGPS was as high as 8m and only two positions were less than 3m out of thirteen. The percentage difference in the original PID areas and perimeters from the DGPS ones ranged from 23% to 49% and 0.19% to 88.89% respectively. It was thus concluded that the handheld coordinates did not meet the accuracy requirements for georeferencing the land parcel boundaries. The analysis carried out using the google earth image showed that the PID did not represent what was on the ground. Based on the findings the research recommends the use of DGPS receivers for georeferencing of the land parcel boundaries. It also recommends its use in carrying out of the general boundary surveys for better accuracies in comparison to the handheld GPS receivers or the total stations. i DEDICATION The research is dedicated to my parents Susan and Davis, my sisters and brothers as well as my dear friends and Rick who through the days and nights they prayed for me and encouraged me when the various challenges seemed to wear me down. Thanks so much for your support God bless you so much. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I thank the almighty God for granting me good health throughout the research period. I wish to extend my special thanks to my supervisors Dr. Musyoka and Mr. Matara, for the guidance and support they offered to see this work being accomplished. Not forgetting Mr. Benson Makau for the GPS services during the field work. I also thank my fellow students and any other person not mentioned but in one way or the other contributed to the success of this work. God bless you all. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... I DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................................. II ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................... III TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................IV LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................VI LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................... VII ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................. VIII REPORT ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................................................IX CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.0. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2. PROBLEM STATEMENT AND JUSTIFICATION .......................................................................... 5 1.2.1. 1.2.2. PROBLEM STATEMENT ..............................................................................................................................5 JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................6 1.3. OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3.1. 1.3.2. OVERALL OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................................6 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................6 1.4. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS .............................................................................................................. 7 CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.0. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 8 2.1. INTRODUCTION TO GPS ................................................................................................................ 8 2.2. OVERVIEW OF GPS ......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1. GPS SEGMENTS ............................................................................................................................................9 2.3. HOW THE GPS WORKS ................................................................................................................. 10 2.4. DIFFERENTIAL GPS ...................................................................................................................... 11 2.4.1. ERRORS IN GPS MEASUREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 12 2.5. SATELLITE GEOMETRY MEASURES ........................................................................................ 13 2.5.1. DILUTION OF PRECISION (DOP).............................................................................................................. 14 2.6. SATELLITE BASED AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (SBAS) ........................................................ 15 2.7. CADASTRAL SURVEYING FOR LAND REGISTRATION IN KENYA..................................... 16 2.7.1. 2.7.2. 2.7.3. GENERAL BOUNDARIES ........................................................................................................................... 16 PRELIMINARY INDEX DIAGRAMS (PIDs) ............................................................................................. 17 FIXATION OF GENERAL BOUNDARIES ................................................................................................. 18 2.8. 2.9. 2.10. 2.11. THE REFLY PROCESS ................................................................................................................... 18 CADASTRE 2014............................................................................................................................. 19 CADASTRE 2034........................................................................................................................... 19 GEOREFERENCING ..................................................................................................................... 20 2.11.1. 2.11.2. NEED FOR GEOREFERNCING ................................................................................................................ 21 METHODS .................................................................................................................................................. 21 iv CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 23 3.0. METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................................. 23 3.1. STUDY AREA ..................................................................................................................................... 23 3.2. DATA, EQUIPMENTS AND THEIR SOURCES ............................................................................... 23 3.2.1. 3.2.2. DATA ............................................................................................................................................................. 24 EQUIPMENTS............................................................................................................................................... 24 3.3. DESCRIPTION OF THE DGPS SURVEY TECHNIQUE ............................................................... 25 3.4. OFFICE PLANNING AND PREPARATION .................................................................................. 25 3.4.1. 3.4.2. 3.4.3. 3.4.4. SATELLITE COVERAGE ............................................................................................................................ 25 CREATION OF A DATA DICTIONARY .................................................................................................... 26 BASE RECEIVER CONFIGURATION........................................................................................................ 26 ROVER RECEIVER CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................... 26 3.5. FIELD PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................... 26 3.5.1. 3.5.2. 3.5.3. 3.5.4. RECONNAISSANCE .................................................................................................................................... 26 BASE RECEIVER SET-UP ........................................................................................................................... 27 DATA COLLECTION WITH ROVER RECEIVER..................................................................................... 27 FIELD SKETCHES ....................................................................................................................................... 28 3.6. POST-PROCESSING OPERATIONS ............................................................................................. 29 3.6.1. 3.6.2. DOWNLOADING AND ARCHIVING ........................................................................................................ 29 PROCESSING ............................................................................................................................................... 29 3.7. MAP PRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 31 3.8. GEOREFERENCING AND DIGITIZING IN ARC GIS.................................................................. 32 3.8.1. 3.8.2. GEOREFERENCING .................................................................................................................................... 32 DIGITIZING .................................................................................................................................................. 33 CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 35 4.0. RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS................................................................................. 35 4.1. PROCESSING RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 35 4.1.1. GEOREFERENCING RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 36 4.2. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS ...................................................................................................... 39 4.2.1. IMAGE ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................................... 39 4.2.2. COORDINATE ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................. 44 4.2.3. ORIGINAL PID / DGPS AREAS AND PERIMETERS .................................................................................. 45 CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 47 5.0. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................... 47 5.1. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................. 47 5.2. RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 50 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 52 APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 54 v LIST OF TABLES TABLE 3.1: LINK TABLE INDICATING THE RESIDUALS ................................................................ 33 TABLE 4.1: COORDINATES USING THE SINGLE FREQUENCY DGPS .......................................... 35 TABLE 4.2: COORDINATES FROM THE HANDHELD GPS RECEIVER .......................................... 36 TABLE 4.3: COORDINATES ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 44 TABLE 4.4: PID/DGPS AREAS AND PERIMETERS COMPARISON .................................................. 45 vi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1.1: A SCANNED PID FOR MATHUNTHINI REGISTRATION SECTION, DIAGRAM NO. 10 .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 FIGURE 1.2: A CASE OF CADASTRAL INCONSISTENCY (YONCHON 2000) .................................. 4 FIGURE 2.1: THE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS), CONSTELLATION (SOURCE: WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/MIKECRAMER/GPS.HTM/#1MAGES) ................................................. 8 FIGURE 2.2: THE GPS SEGMENTS .......................................................................................................... 9 FIGURE 2.3: HOW GPS WORKS ............................................................................................................. 10 FIGURE 2.4: GEOMETRY OF DIFFERENTIAL GPS ............................................................................ 11 FIGURE 2.5: GPS RANGE MEASUREMENT ERRORS ........................................................................ 12 FIGURE 2.6: THE SATELLITE BASED AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (CASA, GNSS OVERVIEW, 2010) ................................................................................................................................................... 15 FIGURE 3.1: STUDY AREA ..................................................................................................................... 23 FIGURE 3.2: METHODOLOGY OVERVIEW ......................................................................................... 24 FIGURE 3.3: OVERVIEW OF DGPS SURVEY TECHNIQUE ............................................................... 25 FIGURE 3.4: BASE RECEIVER ............................................................................................................... 27 FIGURE 3.5: DATA COLLECTION WITH THE ROVER RECEIVER .................................................. 28 FIGURE 3.6: PROCESSING...................................................................................................................... 29 FIGURE 3.7: PROCESSING SCREEN ..................................................................................................... 30 FIGURE 3.8: PROCESSING SCREEN ..................................................................................................... 31 FIGURE 4.1: GEOREFERENCED PID ..................................................................................................... 37 FIGURE 4.2: POINT SCENARIOS ........................................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 4.3: DISPUTED BOUNDARY ................................................................................................... 39 FIGURE 4.4: HANDHELD AND DGPS OVERLAY ............................................................................... 40 FIGURE 4.5: INCONSISTENCY .............................................................................................................. 41 FIGURE 4.6: UPPER SIDE ........................................................................................................................ 42 FIGURE 4.7: LOWER SIDE ...................................................................................................................... 42 FIGURE 4.8: UPPER SIDE WITH MORE CONTROLS .......................................................................... 43 FIGURE 4.9: LOWER SIDE WITH LESS CONTROLS .......................................................................... 43 FIGURE 5.1: GEOREFERENCED DIGITAL PID ................................................................................... 49 vii ABBREVIATIONS GPS - Global Positioning System DOD - Department of Defense IOC - Initial Operational Capability NAVSTAR - NAVigation Satellite Timing And Ranging system. DOP - Dilution of Precision PDOP - Position Dilution of Precision HDOP - Horizontal Dilution of Precision VDOP - Vertical Dilution of Precision GDOP - Geometric Dilution of precision TDOP - Time Dilution of Precision SBAS - Satellite Based Augmentation System WADGPS -Wide Area Differential Global Positioning System WAAS -Wide Area Augmentation System FAA -Federal Aviation Administration EGNOS -European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System. GAGAN - GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation SA - Selective Availability PID - Preliminary Index Diagram LIS - Land Information System viii REPORT ORGANIZATION CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • Background information • Problem statement and Justification • Objectives • Research hypothesis • GPS • Cadastral • Georeferencing • Study area • Data and Equipments • Description of the DGPS survey technique • Georeferencing and Digitizing in ArcGIS • Processing results • Analysis and Discussion • Conclusions • Recommendations ix CHAPTER ONE 1.0. INTRODUCTION For land registration to be carried out in Kenya, accurate large scale cadastral mapping is mandatory and an effective survey technique has to be chosen. According to the National Land Policy, the processes of land surveying and mapping are integral to an efficient land administration and management system. In addition to preparing the maps and plans to support land registration, the earth is also mapped for land use planning. The traditional mapping processes used have been hampered by slow, cumbersome and outdated modes of operation, and failure to regulate non-title surveys leading to the development of incompatible maps. The measures that the Government has proposed for the mentioned problem are as follows: A. Amendment of the Survey Act (Cap 299) to allow: i. For the use of modern technology such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and streamline survey authentication procedures. ii. Regulation of non-title surveys. B. Establish a unitary and homogeneous network of control points of adequate density, preferably using dynamic technology such as GNSS; and C. Improve mapping standards in general boundary areas so that they fit into a computerized system. (National land policy, 2009) Boundaries are often marked by linear features meaning they are surveyed topographically by ground or photogrammetric techniques. Ground survey methods are normally slow and very expensive. Currently photogrammetric mapping techniques are still favoured for achievement of faster land registration progress. Well, this can even be made faster and cheaper through the use of accurate instantaneous positioning with GPS. 1.1.BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Land Act 2012 provides that in managing public land on behalf of the national and county governments, the National Land commission shall identify public land, prepare and keep a database of all public land which shall be geo-referenced and authenticated by the statutory body 1 responsible for survey. Also, all land to be involved in the compulsory acquisition of interest in land is to be geo-referenced and authenticated by the office or authority responsible for survey at both the national and county government. Again with reference to the Land Registration Act, 2012, all plans kept in the land registry are to be geo-referenced after a date appointed by the commission. According to section 15 (1) of the same act, the office or authority responsible for the survey of land shall prepare and thereafter maintain a map or series of maps to be known as cadastral map(s) for every registration unit. Part 2 of the same section states that the parcel boundaries on such maps shall be geo-referenced and surveyed to such standards as to ensure compatibility with other documents required under this act or any other law. In simple terms according to the current National Land Policy no ungeoreferenced cadastral maps will be used for land registration. Figure 1.1: A scanned PID for Mathunthini registration section, diagram no. 10 2 The main issue of this research is to show how to georeference the PIDs used for land registration in the general boundary areas. As evident in figure 1 above the PIDs is only a sketch diagram. Georeferencing the land parcel boundaries means defining their location in terms of a defined coordinates systems. Land parcels are geo-referenced using X, Y (2D) coordinate system. Most rural and suburban land parcels are not geo-referenced and are on general boundaries with some at accuracy level of meters. Geo-referencing is about accurate spatial information that is critical in decision making on real estate investment. It will be the cornerstone of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), an informational infrastructure to provide a platform for economic development and growth by facilitating data sharing hence optimal use of natural and built resources The changing scenario in governance especially for survey and land records department demands advanced information technologies and tools. The need of the day is creation of a comprehensive Land Information System (LIS), which has great potential in the field of land records management and can be used as multi-purpose administrative tool. This contribution could in turn facilitate the move towards a multi-purpose cadastre. In brief, the current situation of LIS in Kenya is that with the specific boundary LIS, cadastral plans are being scanned and screen digitized by survey of Kenya. The general boundary LIS is still all in paper form (Mulaku, 2012). Maps help determine the location of property, indicate the size and shape of each parcel and reveal geographical relationships that affect property value. Computerization of map and parcel data can enhance the capability to manage, analyze, summarize, display and disseminate geographically referenced information. Over the past few years GPS has emerged as a major tool for undertaking precise surveys. More recently, it has made inroads in those applications requiring lower precision surveys and is fast becoming a primary technology for acquiring data for input into geographical and land information systems (GIS/LIS). GPS receivers can provide coordinates, which are sufficiently accurate for cadastral purposes. The precise line of delimitation in the general boundary areas is usually left undetermined. General boundary surveys also lack controls. Due to this cadastral inconsistency results over 3 time. This means that the property (occupational) boundaries and the cadastral boundaries are usually in disagreement. Figure 1.2: A case of cadastral inconsistency (Yonchon 2000) Cadastral surveys establish property corners, boundaries and areas of land parcels. Conventional surveying methods have been used, and are still being used, for this purpose. Conventional methods however have the drawbacks that extensive traversing is required. Extensive clear cutting and intervening private properties might be required as well. GPS overcomes these conventional-methods drawbacks. There are several advantages of using GPS for cadastral surveying. The most important one is that intervisibility between the points is not required with GPS. This means that extensive traversing is eliminated, clear cutting is not required and intervening private properties is avoided. Other advantage is that GPS provides user-defined coordinates in a digital format, which can be easily exported to any GIS system for further 4 analysis. The accuracy obtained using GPS is consistent over the entire network thus making it the most appropriate tool for data collection towards the creation of a Survey Accurate Cadastral Map. Such accuracy is not possible with conventional surveying methods. Also, with GPS, one reference station can support a number of rover receivers. A number of private and governmental organizations have reported that the use of GPS in cadastral surveying is cost-effective. To further improve GPS positioning accuracy, differential or relative positioning method, which employs two receivers simultaneously tracking the same GPS satellites, is used. In this case positioning accuracy at the level of a few meters increasing to millimeter can be obtained. A single frequency GPS receiver is basically a GPS receiver that is capable of tracking only the L1 carrier wave signal. However when using single frequency GPS receivers the accuracy of the positioning decreases, particularly in the height component. One main factor that leads to degradation in accuracy is the un-modeled ionospheric error. But with the use of differential technology (DGPS) the overall accuracy usually increases. The discovery of the differential mode has improved the accuracy of GPS surveys and has gained the capacity to improve the accuracy of General Boundary surveys and fasten the Fixed Boundary surveys thus reducing the cost of surveying and enhancing access to land and value and security of tenure. 1.2.PROBLEM STATEMENT AND JUSTIFICATION 1.2.1. PROBLEM STATEMENT According to the National land policy all the maps to be used for land registration are first to be geo-referenced, this means that the PIDs have to be geo-referenced prior to their use in land registration. The problem is that these PIDs lack coordinates and are generally inaccurate due to the errors inherent in the enlarged unrectified aerial photos from which they were produced through tracing. There are also lots of other land parcels that are yet to be surveyed. With the expensive refly programme long abandoned, and other ground survey methods considered inacurrate, time consuming and expensive, it is clear that the GPS survey techinique proves to be the most appropriate technology for the improvement of the accuracy of the general boundary surveys in addition to surveying the remaining land parcels. 5 1.2.2. JUSTIFICATION No land is to be registered using un-georeferenced documents hence the need to have all such documents georeferenced. Land price is continuously rising and thus the land owners or users want to occupy the exact amount of land for which they pay for. Old cadastral maps cannot provide the accuracy people want. The parcel boundaries registered on such cadastral maps are inconsistent with the real occupation of land even though these maps have been updated continuously by the subdivision and / or merging of parcels. A parcel area measured on the map is usually different from what is written in the land register partly because the paper maps shrunk or stretched in most cases. The lines near map edges hardly meet their counterparts in the adjoining map sheets at a point. There is no doubt Kenyans deserve a valuable and secure land tenure system and there is general agreement that continuous efforts should be invested towards making cadastral surveys cheap, thereby enhancing access to land. GPS provides the opportunity to fix all forms of general boundaries thus enhancing the security and value of tenure besides reducing the cost of fixed boundary surveys. GPS technique is not only accurate but also cheap and faster compared to other ground survey methods. 1.3.OBJECTIVES 1.3.1. OVERALL OBJECTIVE To determine the most effective and efficient approach of georeferencing the PIDs. 1.3.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1) To obtain a PID of the selected research area, georeference and digitize it and then determine the areas and perimeters of the parcels of interest. 2) Creating an overlay of the PID with a satellite imagery of the same area to help visually determine the position difference of the parcel boundaries if any. 3) To clearly outline the DGPS survey methodology that can be applied for production of more accurate digital cadastral maps compared to the PIDs. 4) To compare and contrast the DGPS and handheld coordinates and determine their difference in terms of the accuracy requirements. 6 1.4.RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS This study shows how the general boundary surveys can be more accurately done and how accurate digital maps can be produced more economically compared to the traditional survey methods. Generally it shows how the general boundaries mapping standards can be improved to fit into a computerized system. There is sufficient evidence that the GPS approach offers significant advantages in terms of productivity. Other advantages of this approach are as follows; All data are collected on a unified system, thereby ensuring compatibility between surveys conducted by different parties. The methodology generates digital data, which will facilitate the transition to a Multipurpose LIS/GIS in the future. Even if the data collected at present is not directly utilized in this transition, the introduction of digital technology into Kenya will prepare the foundation of expertise required for this transition. The digital cadastral maps are easily reproducible in the event of loss or damage of the original and also it’s much easier to update such maps compared to the paper maps. Different cadastral map scales may be generated with minimum effort to support alternative applications. The introduction of modern technology, and the gradual transfer of this technology in Kenya, will prepare the way for future surveying and mapping activities such as for environmental assessment studies and AM/FM (Automated Mapping/Facilities Management) applications. A coordinate based cadastre will create uniformity and eliminate the time and labour consuming process of data integration and adjustment of dimensions and measurements. Technologically GIS advanced tools will be used to store, manage and analyze this cadastral data system along with the GPS technology which is used for the identification of the coordinate based corners in the field. 7 CHAPTER TWO 2.0. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1.INTRODUCTION TO GPS GPS meaning Global Positioning System refers to a satellite-based navigation system developed by the U.S Department of Defense (DOD) back in the early 1970s. It replaced the Transit system. GPS was initially developed as a military system but was made available to civilians later on. With GPS it’s to carry out continuous positioning and obtain timing information under all weather conditions anywhere in the world. 2.2.OVERVIEW OF GPS The GPS constellation completed in July 1993 consisted of a nominal of 24 operational satellites (21 satellites plus 3 active spares). This was known as the initial operational capability (IOC). Figure 2.1: The Global Positioning System (GPS), constellation (Source: Four GPS satellites are placed in each of the six orbital planes so as to ensure continuous worldwide coverage. This makes it possible for four to ten GPS satellites to be visible anywhere 8 in the world as long as an elevation mask of 10 degrees is considered. The following are some characteristics of a GPS satellite orbit. a) Are elliptical in shape b) Have a maximum eccentricity of about 0.01 c) Have an inclination of about 55 degrees to the equator. d) The semi major axis of a GPS orbit is about 26,560 km e) The orbital period is approximately 12 sidereal hours (approximately 11 hours 58 minutes). 2.2.1. GPS SEGMENTS Space segment 1 2 3 1- Data to GPS receiver 2- Data from GPS receiver 3- Navigation data from GPS receiver 2 User segment Control segment Figure 2.2: The GPS segments Space segment – The GPS satellites helps locate the position being determined by broadcasting the signal used by the receiver. The signals can be blocked by features such as buildings, mountains, and even people. The position is usually calculated by using signals from atleast four satellites and there is usually the need to have a station in an open space for clear reception. User segment –It comprises of a sensitive receiver which can detect signals (power of the signal is less than a quadrillionth power of a light bulb) and a computer to convert the data into useful 9 information. GPS receiver helps one locate his or her own position. The users include both the military and civilians. Control segment – This ensures that the entire system operates efficiently. Updating of the satellite signals and keeping of the signals in their appropriate orbits is essential for system effectiveness. 2.3.HOW THE GPS WORKS The location of a point is usually determined by applying the concept of resection as long as distances from a point on the earth to three GPS satellites are known along with the satellite locations. Theoretically, only three distances to three simultaneously tracked satellites are needed to obtain a position. However practically, a fourth satellite is usually needed so as to account for the receiver clock offset. satellite satellite distance satellite distance distance satellite distance Receiver position Earth surface Figure 2.3: How GPS works GPS satellites continuously transmit microwave radio signals composed of: a) Two carriers b) Two codes (or more for modernized satellites) c) A navigation message. 10 On switching on a GPS receiver, it picks up the GPS signal through its antenna. It then processes the signal using its built-in processing software. The result of the signal processing is usually: a) The distance to the GPS satellites through the digital codes (known as pseudoranges) b) The satellite coordinates through the navigation message. 2.4.DIFFERENTIAL GPS Differential GPS technology is one in which two GPS receivers are usually used to track a single satellite simultaneously. There is usually the control or reference receiver usually located at a known position and one or more rover receiver(s). The reference receiver at the known control point measures the errors in the GPS signals and transmits the corrections to the rover receivers. The corrections can be real-time or can be computed later on during post-processing. For effective transmission of the errors the rover receivers have to be within the same geographical area as the control receiver as the corrections cannot be universal but only useful over a significant area. The corrections are normally sent every few seconds when using real time transmission Corrections Control receiver Rover receiver(s) Figure 2.4: Geometry of Differential GPS The DGPS technology is usually capable of improving the accuracy of GPS measurements as it models the ionospheric errors. 11 2.4.1. ERRORS IN GPS MEASUREMENTS As seen earlier on differential GPS works by measuring the errors in GPS signals at a reference station and sends the corrections to users at the rover station(s). The errors are usually similar for rover receivers within close range with reference to the control station. The definition of "close" depends on the specific error. Figure 2.5: GPS range measurement errors The errors marked with a diagonal bar in Figure 2.5 above, are the same for close receivers. These are the errors that are removed in DGPS systems. Top most is the true range which is usually between 20,000 and 40,000 is required for navigation. The receiver clock error is estimated each time (commonly every second) when performing a solution and can be thousands of kilometers in some receivers. The Selective Availability (SA), had a standard deviation of about 30 meters when it was initially turned on. It was the dominant source of error for the civilian GPS user but It’s now is zero as it was turned off. However, when it was on, it was totally removed by DGPS systems. The ionosphere error varies greatly with time of the day, the location, and the solar cycle. Being a function of elevation angle, it can be as low as 1m for high elevation angles at night and 50m in 12 the late afternoon, in the tropics, at solar maximum for a 2 degree elevation angle. Low elevation angle lines of sight have a longer path length within the ionosphere than vertical paths. The atmospheric error is about 2.5 m for a vertical line of sight. It varies in a very predictably and is well modeled in most receivers. Only at angles below 5 degrees do complex bending effects come into play. The largest error will be the satellite clock error. For better navigation the satellite clocks have to be synchronized otherwise the navigation will be degraded. This is usually accomplished by setting all the GPS satellite clocks to a form of Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). The time differs from UTC by some integer number of seconds. For this reason it is called GPS Time. Even though extremely good atomic clocks are on each satellite, there is a wander in the clocks. This is a random process and cannot be modeled. There may also be some residual systematic error in the predicted clock state. Multipath errors and errors due to thermal noise inside the receivers are specific to individual receivers. The multipath error results when the GPS signals gets reflected by obstructing objects near the GPS receiver. Through appropriate receiver locations the DGPS technology is usually able to minimize or totally eliminate this error. Thermal noise inside the receiver depends on the individual receiver design. It is usually lower in more expensive receivers such as the dual frequency receivers. It’s however also usually lower for the newly manufactured receivers. Today the receiver noise varies from 2 m to 10 cm for the civilian receivers. 2.5.SATELLITE GEOMETRY MEASURES Satellite geometry represents the geometric locations of the GPS satellites as seen by the receiver(s). It plays an important role in the total positioning accuracy. It’s usually good for the well spread satellites and poor for those concentrated together. 13 2.5.1. DILUTION OF PRECISION (DOP) This refers to a single dimensionless number used to measure the satellite geometry. The lower the value of the DOP is the better the geometric strength and vice versa. The DOP number is computed based on the relative receiver-satellite geometry at any instance i.e., it requires the availability of both the receiver and the satellite coordinates. Approximate values for the coordinates are generally sufficient though, which means that the DOP value can be determined without making any measurements. As a result of the relative motion of the satellite and the receivers, the value of the DOP will change over time. The changes in the values will however be generally slow except in the following cases; A satellite is rising or falling as seen by the user’s receiver There is an obstruction between the receiver and the satellite In practice, various DOP forms are used depending on the user needs. For the general GPS positioning purposes, a user may be interested in examining the effect of the satellite geometry on the quality of the resulting three-dimensional position (latitude, longitude, and height). This could be done by examining the value of the position dilution of precision (PDOP). That is, PDOP represents the contribution of the satellite geometry to the three-dimensional positioning precision. It can be broken down into two components; horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) and vertical dilution of precision (VDOP). The former represents the satellite geometry effect on the horizontal component of the positioning accuracy, while the latter represents the satellite geometry effect on the vertical component of the positioning accuracy. Because a GPS user can track only those satellites above the horizon, VDOP will always be larger than HDOP. As a result the GPS height solution is expected to be less precise than the horizontal solution. Other commonly used DOP forms include the time dilution of precision (TDOP) and the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP), which represents the combined effect of the PDOD and the TDOP. To ensure high precision GPS positioning, a PDOP value of 5 or less is usually recommended. In fact, the actual PDOP value is usually much less than 5, with the typical average value in the neighborhood of 2. 14 2.6.SATELLITE BASED AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (SBAS) SBAS deliver error corrections, extra ranging signals (from the geostationary satellite) and integrity information for each GPS satellite being monitored. A government-operated state-space domain wide area differential global positioning system (WADGPS) includes four satellite based augmentation systems (SBAS), namely; Wide area augmentation system (WAAS), which was developed by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) European geostationary navigation overlay system (EGNOS), which relies on both GPS and the Russian GLONASS. India’s GPS and GEO augmented navigation (GAGAN) system. Japan’s multifunction transportation satellite (MTSAS) base satellite augmentation system (MSAS). Figure 2.6: The satellite based augmentation system (CASA, GNSS Overview, 2010) 15 As shown in Figure 8, in addition to onboard GPS navigation equipment, SBAS comprise: A network of ground reference stations to monitor GPS signals; Master stations that collect and process reference station data and generate SBAS messages; Uplink stations that send the messages to the geostationary satellites; and Transponders in the geostationary satellites that broadcast the SBAS messages to the aircraft. 2.7.CADASTRAL SURVEYING FOR LAND REGISTRATION IN KENYA Cadastral Surveying and Mapping is the cornerstone of any Cadastral System. The surveys usually result in the preparation of land registration documents. The process of land registration and issuing of titles is usually a large scale project and therefore requires survey techniques that are simple, quick and affordable, thus speeds up the official access to secure land tenure by many citizens. In Kenya, there are two principal methods of defining boundaries on the ground for administration of titles; the establishment of marks to define corners and the creation or adoption of continuous physical features which become recognized as boundaries of the land parcel. To hasten the registration process, both ground and photogrammetric techniques were adopted. Cadastral surveying refers to that branch of surveying directly related with provision of title to land. It is an aspect of land administration and its primary objective is to determine for each parcel of land its location, extent of boundaries, surface area and separate identity. In its wider perception cadastral surveying includes valuation and assessment of land and property. They usually result in the preparation of the land registration documents and they conform to different requirements depending on the registration legislation in place. In Kenya cadastral surveys are of two main types: Fixed boundary surveys General boundary surveys 2.7.1. GENERAL BOUNDARIES In general boundary areas relaxed (approximate) surveys are carried out. General boundary surveys were introduced along with the land reforms for the individualization of land tenure. The 16 aim was to speed up the issuance of individual title to land owners and to realize as much cadastral coverage as possible in the former naïve reserves. Under this system, the precise line of boundaries between parcels is left undefined – it could be the side of a hedge or a fence, or at the middle. This system relies heavily on demarcation of boundaries in a clear manner using physical features such as fences, hedges, ditches, etc. The output for these surveys is registry index maps to support registration. Mutation sheets are produced on subdivision, almagation and other procedures which require amendments to the registry map. Registry maps differ in terms of production techniques, content and accuracy. General boundaries are generally less demanding in standards of survey and tend to be used in areas with relatively lower land values than fixed boundaries. General boundaries are mainly found in the rural areas while fixed boundaries mark the extent of properties in the urban areas. 2.7.2. PRELIMINARY INDEX DIAGRAMS (PIDs) These maps are produced from enlarged, un-rectified aerial photographs and serve as interim registry index maps (interim RIM). They are deemed to be interim registry maps because they do not satisfy the conditions of a registry index map. They are produced from identification and markings of boundaries on the photograph. Boundaries, which are not identifiable, are marked by estimation. In a few cases, boundary surveys were done on base maps by plane table methods. Boundary identification is done by Land Adjudication Department Junior survey Assistants whose knowledge of and training in mapping, resulting in very inaccurate documents, but technical supervision is provided by Survey of Kenya (after 1967). Some of the problems associated with the use of PIDs include: Registered areas in most cases differ from the physical ground areas Sometimes a single land parcel may get registered to two different people The PIDs are usually not in any coordinate system and the positions of the land parcels as contained in the diagrams at times differs from their physical locations on the ground A parcel area may be very clearly available on the PIDs but in truth there is no such parcel on the ground as at times the boundaries get lost and since these PIDs lack the use of coordinates then it is impossible to use them to recover the boundaries. 17 2.7.3. FIXATION OF GENERAL BOUNDARIES General boundaries as has been introduced, define most of land property in Kenya. They are found in all consolidation, enclosure and rangeland areas. The registration in these areas is supported by either the Registry Index Maps (RIM) or the Interim RIMs. Except where it is noted in the register that the boundaries are “fixed” the registry index map is deemed to indicate only the approximate position of the boundaries. Section 22 of the Registered Land Act provides for “fixing” of general boundaries and to cause the positions of the boundaries to be defined precisely. This may be done if: The Registrar considers it desirable. An interested party makes an application to the Registrar If an approval for fixation of boundary is obtained, how and by whom such fixation may be done shifts to the Survey Act Cap 299, and considering that most general boundaries exist in the rural areas of Kenya where there is lack of survey control, GPS proves most useful in such circumstances. 2.8.THE REFLY PROCESS Refly is the process associated with the production of Registry Index Maps (RIMs). Here the land owners are usually encouraged to grow hedges to show their parcel boundaries and once the hedges are “air visible” aerial photography is usually done and accurate maps (RIMs) showing the parcel boundaries are prepared from rectified aerial photos by tracing. This can be referred to as aerial survey. The missing boundaries are then marked by the use of ground survey methods. RIMs have been produced for Kiambu district, most of Nyeri and Kirinyaga districts and parts of Meru and Murang’a districts. The RIMs are also currently being produced from satellite imagery. Even though the RIMs produced are more accurate compared to the PIDs, the re-fly is a time consuming and expensive process and as a result was long abandoned by the government as soon as it was implemented. The ‘push button’ GPS technology which requires relatively low-skilled personnel can be used to cater for the inaccuracies which in return improve cadastral surveys. 18 2.9.CADASTRE 2014 In 1998, the FIG working group submitted the booklet "Cadastre 2014 – A Vision for a Future Cadastral System" to the XXII FIG Congress in Brighton. The booklet identified the cadastral trends at that time, and looked into the developments of the cadastre in the future (Kaufmann and Steudler, 1998). The publication is known since as "Cadastre 2014" and basically gives six vision statements for a future cadastral system and several recommendations related to those: 1) "The cadastre of the future will show the complete legal situation of land, including public rights and restrictions!" As land becomes a scarce resource and more and more public rights and restrictions influence the private landownership, the cadastral system of the future needs to show the complete legal situation in order to provide the required land tenure security. 2) "Separation between maps and registers will be abolished!" The separation was historically necessary because of the available technology at the time, but this can nowadays be overcome, at least technically if not institutionally as well. 3) "Cadastral mapping will be dead! Long live modelling!" The production of plans and maps has always been the main objective and raison d'être of surveyors; modern concepts and technology provide different and much more advanced opportunities, which surveyors need to acknowledge by adopting principles from information technology. 4) "'Paper and pencil'-cadastre will have gone!" Digital technology will be a prerequisite for efficient and adequate service. 5) "Cadastre of the future will be highly privatized! Public and private sectors are working closely together!" Public systems tend to be less flexible and customer oriented than private organizations; the private sector can help to improve the efficiency, flexibility and introduce innovative solutions while the public sector can concentrate on supervision and control. 6) "Cadastre will be cost recovering." Cost/benefit analysis will become an important aspect of cadastral reform projects and the considerable investments need to be justified. (Daniel Staudler,2006) 2.10. CADASTRE 2034 Cadastre 2034 is an ongoing dialogue within the global cadastral fraternity, started at the FIG 2010 Congress in Sydney, Australia. The objective of the dialogue is to establish to what extent 19 the vision of cadastre 2014 has been realized and to set out a vision for how cadastres might be 20 years after 2014, that is, 2034. Towards a vision for cadastre 2034, the discussion revolves around six points. Moving from approximate boundary representation towards surveying accurate boundary representations. Shift focus from parcel based systems to systems of layered property objects, that is, shifting towards 3-D cadastre. Expansion from 2-D cadastres to include the 3rd (height) and 4th (time) dimensions. Access and updating of cadastral information in real time. Making national cadastres interoperable at regional and global levels. Representation of organic and fuzzy boundaries. The use of the RTK GPS surveys can easily enable the accessing and updating of cadastral information in real time. 2.11. GEOREFERENCING To Geo-reference means reference to an object by a specific location either on, above or below the earth’s surface. Geo-referenced boundary means reference to boundaries of a parcel of land to a specific or unique location on, above or below the earth’s surface (survey act cap 299) This term is also defined in the Land Registration Act, 2012 as referring to an object using a specific location on, above or below the earth’s surface. In geo-referencing a location is defined using a defined coordinate system of the country. Note that the Act also provides that the Registrar shall register long term leases and issue certificates of leases over apartments, flats, maisonettes, townhouses or offices having the effect of conferring ownership, if the property comprised is geo-referenced and approved by the statutory body responsible for the survey of land. 20 In other words to georeference means to define something in-terms of its existence in physical space. That is, establishing its location in terms of map projections or coordinate systems. The term is used both when establishing the relation between raster or vector images and coordinates, and when determining the spatial location of other geographical features. Examples would include establishing the correct position of an aerial photograph within a map or finding the geographical coordinates of a place name or street address. This procedure is thus imperative to data modeling in the field of geographic information systems (GIS) and other cartographic methods. When data from different sources need to be combined and then used in a GIS application, it becomes essential to have a common referencing system. This is brought about by using various geo-referencing techniques. Most geo-referencing tasks are undertaken either because the user wants to produce a new map or because they want to link two or more different datasets together by virtue of the fact that they relate to the same geographic locations. 2.11.1. NEED FOR GEOREFERNCING Geo-referencing is crucial to making aerial and satellite imagery, usually raster images, useful for mapping as it explains how other data, such as the above GPS points, relate to the imagery. Very essential information may be contained in data or images that were produced at a different point of time. It may be desired either to combine or compare this data with that currently available. The latter can be used to analyze the changes in the features under study over a period of time. Different maps may use different projection systems. Georeferencing tools contain methods to combine and overlay these maps with minimum distortion. Using georeferencing methods, data obtained from surveying tools like total stations may be given a point of reference from topographic maps already available. 2.11.2. METHODS There are various GIS tools available that can transform image data to some geographic control framework, like Arc Map, PCI Geomatica, or ERDAS Imagine. One is able to georeference a set of points, lines, polygons, images, or 3D structures. For instance, a GPS device will record latitude and longitude coordinates for a given point of interest, effectively georeferencing this 21 point. A georeference must be a unique identifier. In other words, there must be only one location for which a geo-reference acts as the reference. Images may be encoded using special GIS file formats or be accompanied by a world file. To geo-reference an image, one first needs to establish control points, input the known geographic coordinates of these control points, choose the coordinate system and other projection parameters and then minimize residuals. Residuals are the difference between the actual coordinates of the control points and the coordinates predicted by the geographic model created using the control points. They provide a method of determining the level of accuracy of the geo-referencing process. 22 CHAPTER THREE 3.0. METHODOLOGY 3.1. STUDY AREA The research area Mathunthini registration section is in Kenya, Machakos County, Mwala District. Machakos stretches from latitudes 0º 45’S to1º 31’S and longitudes 36° 45’E to 37° 45’ E. It covers an area of 6,281.4 km2 most of which is semi-arid. High and medium potential areas where rain fed agriculture is carried out consist of 1,574km2 or 26% of the total area. Figure 3.1: Study Area 3.2. DATA, EQUIPMENTS AND THEIR SOURCES The data and materials required for the planning and implementation of the research were as follows. 23 3.2.1. DATA A preliminarily index diagram of Mathunthini registration section from the survey of Kenya 3.2.2. EQUIPMENTS Single frequency differential GPS receivers. Handheld GPS receiver Computer Flash disk Compact disc Tape measure Tripod stand. Figure 3.2: methodology overview 24 3.3. DESCRIPTION OF THE DGPS SURVEY TECHNIQUE The survey technique was divided into three main steps: Office planning and preparation, field procedures Post-processing operations. Figure 3.3: overview of DGPS survey technique 3.4. OFFICE PLANNING AND PREPARATION 3.4.1. SATELLITE COVERAGE Comprehensive planning and organization make up an essential part of the DGPS survey technique. Prior to the survey, the satellite coverage of the area of study was determined where at any instant 11 to 13 satellites could be acquired by the receivers. 25 3.4.2. CREATION OF A DATA DICTIONARY A data dictionary is a catalog of information about the definition, structure, and usage of the data. The use of a data dictionary was recommended. It helped structure and guided the data collection process and provided additional meaning to the resulting data files. A data dictionary was created for the parcel corners and included the following attributes; Parcel ID, Date, and Time. 3.4.3. BASE RECEIVER CONFIGURATION Achieving good accuracy with DGPS is possible only under specific operational conditions. These conditions relate to the circumstances under which data are collected. The reference and rover receivers should be configured to ensure compliance with certain requirements. The following parameters were set for the base receiver: Logging interval: 1 second PDOP mask: 1.9 The logging interval specifies the regularity with which positions are stored within the receiver. The PDOP mask set ensured that data was collected only when favorable satellite constellation existed. 3.4.4. ROVER RECEIVER CONFIGURATION The rover receiver was configured in a similar way. In order to achieve good accuracy with the given hardware configuration, the logging interval at the base and rover receivers were identical. In addition, the following parameters were set for the rover receiver: Antenna height: 2m Datum: WGS 84 3.5. FIELD PROCEDURES 3.5.1. RECONNAISSANCE Reconnaissance involves procedure that brings to bear the general overview of the working area. This applies to all surveying techniques but is especially true for GPS surveying. During the recce the appropriate location for the base station was identified putting into consideration security issues. The location was also at an open horizon and away from obstructing surfaces. The size of the areas that were being surveyed was also estimated to help determine the 26 occupation period for the rover station. These procedures enable the measurement process to be optimized and organized in a logical fashion. 3.5.2. BASE RECEIVER SET-UP The base receiver was set up and the configuration checked once more. The receiver was centered and leveled over the mark as shown in the figure 3.4 below. Figure 3.4: Base Receiver It was then powered up and set to begin collecting data. The height of the antenna was measured (1.375m) and recorded in a field book, together with the station name, the date and time. Care was taken to ensure that the base station was collecting data prior to the rover receiver, since only simultaneous data between base and rover receivers may subsequently be differentially corrected. The issue of security was addressed by setting up the base receiver in the land of a friendly land owner. 3.5.3. DATA COLLECTION WITH ROVER RECEIVER The antenna was mounted on a range pole, and the data collector was firmly clipped on the pole. This configuration was well suited for the mobility that was required during the fieldwork. On 27 powering up the rover receiver the configuration was once more checked to ensure that nothing had been altered. Figure 3.5: Data Collection with the Rover Receiver Before collecting the data the name of the file in which the data was to be stored was specified. The default filename was selected then edited, this was so as to have the date and time of file creation reflected. The measurement process involved the identification of each parcel corner, the collection of DGPS data at each point, and the annotation of a field sketch. Occupation time was 7 minutes in some stations and 5 minutes in others depending on how far or close the rover station was from the base station. 3.5.4. FIELD SKETCHES Field sketches are an essential part of the data-collection procedure. Since DGPS measures point positions, it is necessary in the post-processing stage to connect these points in order to depict the boundary lines to be shown on the cadastral map. Due to this adequate notes were taken in the field. The PID of Mathunthini registration section was also being used to identify the boundaries which could be labeled on the diagram once identified on the ground. The same name 28 given to the points during storage in the DGPS receiver was labeled against the specific boundary corners. In addition field pictures were taken. 3.6. POST-PROCESSING OPERATIONS 3.6.1. DOWNLOADING AND ARCHIVING Later on after the field work the data was downloaded into a laptop prior to processing. Backups were also created on a flash disk. 3.6.2. PROCESSING All data collected and stored in the receiver relate to the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84) reference ellipsoid. It is recommended that the data be processed on WGS 84 and converted to the local datum once processing has been completed. The differential correction process was conceptually divided into the following steps: Figure 3.6: processing These were executed as functions within the GIS data Pro software and are discussed in more detail as follows. i. The base data file containing all data collected for the observing session was entered. 29 ii. The reference position of the base station entered related to the WGS 84 ellipsoid there was thus no need for position transformation iii. When executing the differential correction procedures two files were created. The first was the difference file, which contained the actual correction values for the satellite measurements on an epoch-by-epoch basis. This file was used to differentially correct the rover file collected during the same time period. The second file was the correction file, which contained the differentially corrected rover positions. iv. The differentially corrected rover positions were then exported from the GIS data pro software in an usable format. The software automatically averaged all positions collected for each of the parcel corner. An ASCII output format was utilized. This file then served as input into the transformation software. v. The final results were then transformed to the local datum in this case arc 1960 for the georeferencing of the land parcels The following are some of the post processing screens using the GIS data pro software. Figure 3.7: Processing Screen The diagram indicates the various epochs. 30 Figure 3.8: Processing Screen 3.7. MAP PRODUCTION The data collected and processed as described above are of little value to the property and land registration system unless they are presented in graphical format. This formatting represents the final step, and one of the most critical, in the DGPS survey technique, since it ensures that the GPS data are compatible with the traditional measurement process currently utilized for parcel mapping in Kenya. The ARC GIS 1.1 software was used for the production of the final “cadastral map.” The data collection process was also simultaneously done using the handheld GPS receiver where it involved ensuring that the PDOP value was good enough and then picking of the point coordinates. During the field work 11-13 satellites were acquired by the receivers and 7-12 satellites were used at the different data collection points. At some points all the acquired satellites could be utilized and this indicated good PDOP values such as 1.5 with the range of the PDOP values 31 obtained being 1.5-3.5, the cycle slip which helps determine the number of times that the signals got interrupted ranged from 0-4. 3.8. GEOREFERENCING AND DIGITIZING IN ARC GIS 3.8.1. GEOREFERENCING Georeferencing a raster dataset by definition means to define its location in terms of map projections or coordinate systems. The following steps were my basis for georeferencing the PID as well as the google earth image. 1) A new blank arc map was opened and the raster image (pid.jpeg) added , this can also be added from arc catalog. 2) Making sure that pid.jpeg was the selected layer in the georeferencing toolbar. 3) Georeferencing>fit to display was selected to bring the pid.jpeg image into the extent of data view. 4) Add Control Points Tool, from the Georeferencing toolbar was clicked on. Starting at the first selected point of the pid.jpg image, the first control point was created by clicking on the center of the intersection of the first point then right clicking and selecting input XY data, typing in the coordinates and finally clicking OK. 5) All four control points at the corner points of the pid.jpg image were created as in steps (1 to 4) above. 6) The View Link Table button in the georeferencing toolbar was opened to view the transformation data and the residual and RMS data for each link. All the numbers under the residual column were all in agreement and none was too large the conclusion that all the control points were properly positioned was drawn. 32 Table 3.1: link table indicating the residuals 7) Being satisfied with the results, the Update Georeferencing or Rectify from the Georeferencing Toolbar was chosen thus storing the transformation information internally within the raster dataset. The above steps were repeated for the PID.jpeg and the google earth.jpeg images. 3.8.2. DIGITIZING This refers to the process of converting raster data to vector data. The guidelines that follow were the ones utilized in the creation of the various features which included: line, polygon and point features. 1) Creating an empty shape file. Arc Catalog was opened and the location of your current mxd file browsed to. New shape file was created by right clicking on the folder then going to new � Shape file… and opening the Create New Shape file window. The polygon shape file was then named land parcels. Clicked on Edit… to see the Coordinate System of the file and clicked on import in the Spatial Reference Properties window to use the projection of the already existing layer. OK and OK again were clicked on to create the shape file. Then new shape file was then added to arc map. 2) Adding a new field in the Attribute Table. The Attribute Table of the land parcel shape which was empty was opened, clicked on the Options button then Add Field… this was only possible in the stop editing mode. 3) Digitizing land parcels and entering tabular data. The Editor Toolbar was made visible. 33 4) To begin editing the Editor Menu then Start Editing was clicked on. On being prompted to choose the folder that contained the land parcel shape file I did so and then clicked OK. The polygon images were then created by choosing the polygon tool and tracing over the land parcels. For the point and line features the above steps were repeated but now the point and polyline tools respectively were chosen instead of the polygon tool. 34 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0. RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1. PROCESSING RESULTS TABLE 4.1: Coordinates using the single frequency DGPS POINT name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 EASTING (M) 330,333.08 330,637.12 330,765.96 330,886.86 330,192.01 330,520.24 330,534.70 331,038.60 330,957.35 330,766.01 330,515.41 330,585.89 330,624.52 NORTHING (M) 9,845,867.53 9,845,113.30 9,844,645.76 9,844,775.61 9,846,128.50 9,846,417.24 9,846,430.87 9,846,078.22 9,845,961.19 9,845,801.94 9,845,925.21 9,846,042.17 9,846,283.41 HEIGHT (M) 1,281.99 1,290.32 1,294.86 1,294.66 1,278.18 1,265.46 1,266.54 1,260.60 1,262.33 1,273.32 1,280.52 1,280.58 1,266.43 The table above indicates the processed set of the DGPS coordinates. All are in meters. 35 TABLE 4.2: Coordinates from the handheld GPS receiver POINT NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11` 12 13 EASTING NORTHING (M) (M) 330,333 9,845,876 330,643 9,845,115 330,768 9,844,648 330,887 9,844,779 330,193 9,846,130 330,519 9,846,417 330,539 9,846,433 331,040 9,846,083 330,959 9,845,964 330,768 9,845,804 330,520 9,845,926 330,590 9,846,045 330,620 9,846,281 HEIGHT (M) 1,302.70 1,310.87 1,315.92 1,315.43 1,298.86 1,284.92 1,281.31 1,284.20 1,285.16 1,294.29 1,302.46 1,306.79 1,282.76 The table above indicates the handheld GPS coordinates which are also in meters. 4.1.1. GEOREFERENCING RESULTS The scanned PID was georeferenced using DGPS coordinates of four corner points in ArcGis 10.1. The PID was also georeferenced using the handheld coordinates and the Google earth image was georeferenced using the DGPS coordinates. The georeferenced PID was tilted in the clockwise direction with respect to the scanned PID as shown in figure 4.1. This is because it was now defined in-terms of its existence in physical space. That is, its location in terms of map projections or coordinate systems had been established. 36 Figure 4.1: Georeferenced PID After georeferencing three point scenarios arose as indicated in figure 4.2 below. 37 2 3 1 Figure 4.2: Point scenarios In scenario 1 the point is exactly at the middle of the intersection of the parcel corner. All the four corner points which were used for georeferencing were as shown. This was however the expected result for the control points. In scenario 2 the points seem to be just close to the intersection but not really at the middle. This was the case with most of the other points which were located within the area that was being georeferenced. Scenario three was rare but present. 38 The point was extremely off. The reason for this scenario is further explained in the analysis section that follows. 4.2. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS The data collected was reduced and analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The accuracy issues concerning the PID have also been analyzed with the aid of a satellite image from Google earth that was extracted using the DGPS coordinates. 4.2.1. IMAGE ANALYSIS Scenario 3: Boundary is supposed to be straight as shown by the Google image Figure 4.3: Disputed boundary As informed by the parcel owner the boundary was disputed and was supposed to be straight and not curved as indicated on the PID. The GPS point was not off but rather the boundary was displaced. To support the argument, the satellite image helps indicate the right boundary. 39 The river seems to have changed its course and this helps emphasize on the need to have the general boundaries fixed. Having such a river indicate the boundary can only lead to disputes. Figure 4.4: Handheld and DGPS Overlay The diagram above is an overlay of the digitized PID (the boundaries are colored) georeferenced using DGPS coordinates with the one georeferenced using handheld coordinates (the boundaries are dark). It helps visualize the difference in the coordinates. The visual difference might seem to be small but it is significant as indicated by the position difference values in table 4.3 in page 44. In the next diagram another case of having boundaries indicated on the PID yet not existing on the ground is illustrated. 40 The road is totally off and so is the boundary that it represents. Figure 4.5: Inconsistency The image above indicates a case of misrepresentation. The road is totally displaced from the right route that is indicated on the google image. This helps prove right the point that the PIDs do not at some point represent what is on the ground. The overlays of the digitized PID with the google earth image shows how the boundaries are slightly off in some parts and totally displaced in others. At this point it’s important to remember that the PID is erroneous not only in terms of incorrect areas but also in boundary representation and their continued use can only jeopardize cadastral surveys leave alone causing disputes. The next set of diagrams helps indicate two different results obtained when georeferencing is correctly done and when mistakes are done during the choice of controls respectively. 41 Figure 4.6: upper side Figure 4.7: lower side 42 Figure 4.8: upper side with more controls Figure 4.9: lower side with less controls 43 The last two sets indicate the problem that arises when controls are not evenly fixed. The boundaries on the upper side with more controls are better off than those on the lower side with lesser controls. This is because the PID was not firmly fixed in its position on the lower side due to the inadequate controls. 4.2.2. COORDINATE ANALYSIS Correlation is the attempt to measure the strength of such relationship between two variables by means of a single number called sample correlation coefficient(r). In probability theory and statistics, correlation coefficient indicates the strength and direction of linear relationship between two random variables (Webster 1998). In this research observations for the different receivers were the basis upon which relationship was obtained. Table 4.3: Coordinates Analysis EASTINGS (m) POINT 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 Mean Difference % MEAN STD DEV VARIANCE 95% C I Correlation R DGPS 330,333.08 330,637.12 330,765.96 330,886.86 330,192.01 330,520.24 330,534.70 331,038.60 330,957.35 330,766.01 330,515.41 330,585.89 330,624.52 Handheld 330,333 330,643 330,768 330,887 330,193 330,519 330,539 331,040 330,959 330,768 330,520 330,590 330,620 NORTHINGS (m) Difference (m) DGPS 0.08 -5.88 -2.04 -0.14 -0.99 1.24 -4.30 -1.40 -1.65 -1.99 -4.59 -4.11 4.52 9,845,867.53 9,845,113.30 9,844,645.76 9,844,775.61 9,846,128.50 9,846,417.24 9,846,430.87 9,846,078.22 9,845,961.19 9,845,801.94 9,845,925.21 9,846,042.17 9,846,283.41 Handheld 9,845,876 9,845,115 9,844,648 9,844,779 9,846,130 9,846,417 9,846,433 9,846,083 9,845,964 9,845,804 9,845,926 9,846,045 9,846,281 -10.93% 330,642.90 239.9997368 68709.30264 154.9028894 Difference (m) Position difference (m) -8.47 -1.70 -2.24 -3.39 -1.50 0.24 -2.13 -4.78 -2.81 -2.06 -0.79 -2.83 2.41 8.47 6.12 3.03 3.39 1.80 1.26 4.80 4.98 3.26 2.86 4.66 4.99 5.12 15.4% 330,645 240.0484727 57623.26923 130.4894384 0.999928 9,845,805.46 9,845,808 588.4776086 587.9556743 346305.8958 345691.875 319.8941938 319.6104723 0.999991 44 Values of r lies between -1 and +1, when r is equal to +1, it implies a perfect linear relationship with a positive slope while r= -1 implies a perfect linear relationship with a negative slope. Values near zero indicate little or no correlation (Al-Hassan, 2008). The calculated r by using data for the handheld and differential GPS receivers’ was 0.999928 and 0.999991 for the Eastings and Northings respectively. The two sets of coordinates thus showed strong positive correlation. The position difference, last column on table 3 is obtained from the function Pol (change in eastings, change in northings) = Distance, using the scientific calculator. This can also be determined adding the square of the difference in the northings and eastings and then finding the square root. For example for the first point: (0.082 + (-8.47)2)1/2= 8.470377 which is approximately 8.47. It refers to the difference between the position obtained using the DGPS with that obtained using the handheld GPS receiver. The differences obtained were as high as 8m with only two positions having less than 3m. The general boundaries are usually surveyed to an accuracy of 3m. Due to the large values in the position differences, the handheld GPS receiver did not meet the 3m accuracy. The low accuracy is mainly due to the effect of the un-modeled ionospheric errors. The DGPS technology is capable of correcting this error. 4.2.3. ORIGINAL PID / DGPS AREAS AND PERIMETERS The table that follows contains DGPS areas and perimeters computed by (Wangoshi 2001). The PID areas and perimeters were obtained using Arc GIS 10.1 after digitizing. TABLE 4.4: PID/DGPS AREAS AND PERIMETERS COMPARISON Parcel Number 603 618 572 552 515 607 Correlation coefficient (r) PID AREA (m2) DGPS DIFF 1 041 3 409 1 234 10 226 2 615 8 729 9 185 -794 7 495 % diff 29.17 -2.52 23.80 14 511 30 114 15 603 49.55 1,261 0.901486 PERIMETER(m) PID DGPS DIFF % diff 437 438 1 -0.19 266 235 -31 5.74 516 486 -30 5.56 781 0.964248 45 -480 88.89 Parcels 552, 515 and 607 have combined areas and perimeters as they got to be owned by one person who eventually merged them to a single larger parcel. Both the areas and perimeters showed strong positive correlation. The calculated percentages ranged from 23% to 49% for the areas and 0.19% to 88.89% for the perimeters. The allowed discrepancy in the areas is usually around 10%. It has been found in other research works that the area discrepancies can be up to more than 50% (Mulaku, 1996). The PIDs can therefore not be used for accurate parcel area calculation. 46 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1. CONCLUSIONS The application area using DGPS has proven it to be a useful tool for general boundary georeferencing and fixation if the needed precautions are adhered to. The DGPS technique employed in the determination of the 3-D coordinates of the parcel corners yielded acceptable results. The handheld results were not accurate enough. From the analysis carried out, the following results were obtained, a percentage mean difference of -10.93% and 15.4% in the Eastings and Northings respectively, for the DGPS and handheld coordinates. The Northings showed a much higher difference compared to the Eastings. The two sets of coordinates did show strong correlation but their position difference proved the difference between them to be significant. From the calculated position differences between positions obtained using the DGPS and those using handheld values as high as 8m were obtained. Among the 13 points only two positions which were less than 3m which is usually the survey accuracy for the general boundary surveys. This helps conclude that the handheld coordinates do not meet the desired boundary tolerance distance for the fixation of the general boundaries. Thus if used for georeferencing the results would not be accurate meaning that among the two sets only the DGPS coordinates are acceptable. The handheld GPS receiver does not only fail to meet the 3m tolerance but also makes it impossible to improve the general boundary accuracy not forgetting that the aim is to make it similar to that of the fixed boundaries that carries a 3cm tolerance. Handheld GPS is cheaper compared to the DGPS receivers but their use would not yield acceptable results. DGPS receivers are therefore the most efficient and effective. The single frequency DGPS receivers are affordable compared to the double frequency ones hence the single frequency ones are recommended. From the analysis using the satellite imagery, the parcel boundaries on the PID seemed to not totally coincide with those on the image completely. This is because the georeferencing was 47 obviously a bit different while selecting the control points. It is not possible to select the exact same locations for the imagery and the PID. Some other boundaries were totally off and others indicated where they didn’t even exist, this helps support the point that the PIDs are erroneous. They represent the land parcels topologically and not topographically. With the fact that the PIDs are erroneous computerizing them through digitizing doesn’t improve their accuracy. The accuracy of the coordinates obtained thereafter will still be having the same accuracy as that of the paper map. The use of such coordinates will not help meet the needs of the users at all. This means that the georeferenced digital PID shown in figure 5.1 below is as erroneous as the paper one. 48 Figure 5.1: Georeferenced Digital PID 49 5.2. RECOMMENDATIONS Since the expensive refly programme was long abandoned and the other ground survey methods considered time consuming and inaccurate, survey regulations should be revised to accommodate alternative technologies to improve cadastral surveys. The only solution is to carry out a resurvey of the land parcels using the accurate DGPS technology and create more accurate cadastral maps compared to the PIDs. It’s not possible to do the resurvey in the whole country at once. It can be divided into various blocks and the resurvey done block by block. This will help ensure that all areas under general boundaries are resurveyed and those that were not initially surveyed are also surveyed. Another recommendation is that instead of having to resurvey all the land parcels, satellite images in combination with the DGPS survey technique could be used to improve the PIDs. This can be done by first fixing the controls using the DGPS followed by scanning, georeferencing and digitizing of the PIDs after which they are overlayed with georeferenced satellite images and the boundaries corrected by shifting or moving them. Where the boundaries are not clear on the imagery the DGPS can then be used to locate them. This will help ensure that the PIDs represent what’s on the ground which will lead to improved parcel areas hence the general accuracy. The google earth images are not encouraged as there is always the need to georeference them and this might result in more error creation instead of having solutions. High resolution satellite images are more accurate than the google earth ones and there is usually no need to georeference them as they are usually already georeferenced. When it comes to georeferencing a minimum of four points should be used as the control points and they should be well spread preferably at the corners of the blocks otherwise if concentrated at a particular location other parts of the diagram will not be well fixed. In conclusion the following are some recommended guidelines when it comes to the choice of control points: o They should be easy to confirm as representing the same geographic location e.g. (road intersection boundary corners, etc.). o They should be spread across the image to be registered, one suggestion is to select a control point near each of the corners of the image and few others evenly spread throughout the interior. 50 o Good overlap is also important when working with more than one dataset. o Make sure you are clicking as close as possible to the same geographic location, zooming in and the use of snapping tool can help in this process. 51 REFERENCES 1. Ahmed El-Rabbany, Introduction to GPS: the Global Positioning System, Second Edition, Boston/London; Artech house. 2. Bernard Agina Oluande, master’s thesis An Assessment of the Accuracies of Preliminary Index Diagrams (PIDs) as used in Land Registration in Kenya master’s program land management and land tenure Munich 26/03/2004 (Access time: 11/5/2012, 6:53 P:M) 3. Daniel STEUDLER, Switzerland, Cadastre 2014 – Still a Vision. TS12 – Cadastre 2014 and Cadastral Modeling, shaping the change XXIII FIG Congress Munich, Germany, October 8-13, 2006 (Access time: 11/15/2012, 4:38 P:M) 4. Dr S.M Musyoka Adjustment Theory class lecture notes FGE 3 (unpublished) 5. George Oner Ogalo.: GPS in Cadastres: A Case Study of Kenya, FIG XXII International Congress, Washington, D.C. USA, 19-26 April, 2002 (Access time; 11/5/2012 7:05 P.M.) 6. Grenville Barnes, Bruce Chaplin, D/ David Moyer, GPS methodology for cadastral surveying in Albania. Working paper no.17 Albania series, Land Tenure Centre, university of Wisconsin Madison August, 1998. ( Access time: 1/17/2013, 6:37 P.M) 7. 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Ondulo J.D. and Kalande W. Kenya, High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery for PID Improvement in Kenya, TS 79 Cadastral Maps, Shaping the change, XXIII FIG Congress, Munich, Germany, October 8-13, 2006 (Access time: 11/15/2012, 3:49 P:M) 15. Prof G.C Mulaku Land Information System class lecture notes, FGE 5 (unpublished) 16. Sectional paper on Kenya National Land Policy, August 2009. 17. Survey Act Chapter 299, laws of Kenya. 53 APPENDIX 1 Why use single frequency GPS receivers and not dual frequency receivers? Dual frequency receivers which measure both the L1 and L2 carrier phase measurements is mostly used in modern RTK GPS kits. Using two GPS receivers, the baseline between the two station marks is determined along with the unknown ambiguities. The baseline length determines the duration necessary for the observation session as there is always the need for a change in satellite geometry. Usually, the longer the baseline the longer the observation session required. For this research work a static mode was used for data collection. With the fact that the dual frequency receivers are usually required for longer baselines normally 15 km and above the single frequency receivers which are applicable for shorter lengths are best fit for this study as the length of the parcels measured are meters long. The single frequency receivers can be used for baselines of length between 10 km to 15 km as well. In conclusion most precise GPS baseline achievable is on L1 only fixed solution. Thus, single frequency receivers are most suitable for short baselines but the results must be post-processed for good accuracies. In addition the single frequency receivers are also cheaper than the dual frequency receivers. 54