CEE 317 GeoSurveying Autumn 2015 Instructor Dr. Kamal Ahmed 121c More Hall. Phone: 543-7613 E-mail address: kamal@u.washington.edu Class web site: http://courses.washington.edu/cive316 Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30- 1:30 Textbook: “Elementary Surveying”, 13th edition, Prentice Hall TA: Mohammad Malakoutian malakout@uw.edu Office hours M and W 12:30 to 1:30 Grading: Homework 20%, Lab work 30%, Exams (total of 3 exams) 50% Exams: Weeks 4, 7, and 11, 50minutes each in lecture hours and location. Meeting Times Lectures: T. and Th. 8:30-10:20 SIG 134 Labs : M, T, W.& Th.: 1:30 -4:20 More Hall, room 116 Objective This class is designed to teach civil and environmental engineering students basic surveying techniques, skills, theory, and applications. Class material includes traditional plane surveying applications, digital mapping, geodetic coordinate systems and transformations, and Photogrammetry. Modern techniques closely related to the profession of surveying such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), Remote Sensing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are also introduced. Civil engineering applications of class material are emphasized. Assignments and Lab Reports There will be one assignment due every week with the exception of the first week. Any changes to the deadline will be mentioned in lectures. In addition to the assignments, one lab report and two project reports are required; lab reports are due in lab days one week after field work is done. Assignments are to be delivered via class Canvas site, lab work is submitted in printed form at the beginning of labs to the TA . Late assignments or lab reports and material left in my mailbox or office will not be accepted. The only exception is that you are allowed to submit “one” late homework; you MUST e-mail the TA BEFORE the deadline. The software used: “wolfpack” can be downloaded at: http://www.personal.psu.edu/cdg3/free.htm NOTE: No makeup exams will be given. If you have conflicts with exam dates, inform the Instructor by the end of first lecture. No changes will be done later, no excuses will be accepted. Week Date 1 10/01 Introduction, angles and azimuth Chapter 1 and 7-1 to 7-9 No Labs No Due Material 2 10/06 Angles and Azimuth, Field Notes , 2-6 to 2-15 “Resection” Leveling 4-1 to 4-4, 4-5.2, 4-6 to 4-12, 4-14,5-1 to 5-5, 5-8, 5-9 - Homework 1 Due Wed. Lists of group members required by the end of each lab - “Leveling” Group Work - No lab report required 3 10/08 Leveling 10/13 Leveling earthwork Reading Material 26-1 to 26-6, 26-8 to 26-10 -Distance measurement: tape, odometer, and stadia, EDM - The Traverse lab instructions 6-1 to 6-9, 6-15, 6-17 to 6-22 10/20 Traverse Adjustment 10-1 to 10-7.1 , 10-8, 10-10, 10-11, 10-15, and 10-17 10/22 Horizontal Curves 24-1 to 24-3 10/15 4 Lecture Exam 1 Lab Due material - Homework 2 due Wed. 9-1,9-2.1,9-2.2, 9-3 to 9-8 &9-10 - Project 1 -Leveling report due in labs -Homework 3 Earthwork Due on Wed. Week Date 5 10/27 Horizontal Curves Vertical Curves 10/29 Vertical Curves Topographic surveys (Mapping) -Topographic surveys (Mapping) - State Plane Coordinates 6 11/03 10/05 7 11/10 Lecture - State Plane Coordinates - Surveys of the Public Lands Boundary Surveys Reading Material - Project 1 - Homework 4 “distance and traverse” is due on Wed. - 18-1 to 18-10 &1812&18-14, 18-16, 18-17 - 19-1 to 19-6, 20-1 to 20-5 , and 20-10 22-1 to 22-15, 22-20 to 22-23 21-1 to 21-6 - Project 1 - Homework 5 “curves” is due on Wed. 11/12 - Construction Surveys - Theory of Errors Chapter 23 3-1 to 3-15, 3-17 11/17 - Theory of Errors - The Global Positioning System (GPS) The Global Positioning System - 3-1 to 3-15, 3-17 - Chapter 13 11/19 Due material 24-4 to 24-8-24-18 25-1 to 25-6, 25-8, and 25-8 17-1 to 17-9.1 &17-9.5 Exam 2 8 Lab 14-1 to 14-3, 14-6,14-7 -Project (1) report is due at the beginning of each lab section -Homework 6 “Mapping is Due on Monday. - Homework 7 “Coordinate systems” is due on Friday. - M., T. & Th. Labs: AutoCAD, computer lab More 1A - No lab on Wed. vet. Day Everybody: - Homework 8 “Public Project 2, Lands” is due on Wednesday. More 116 -M, T, & Th. labs: AutoCAD lab assignment is due on Tuesday -Nothing is due for W. lab Week Date 9 11/24 11/26 10 11 Lecture Civil 3D, meet in More lab 1A as instructed in lectures THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Reading Material 27-1 to 27-9, 27-11 12/01 Photogrammetry 27-14 to 27-17 12/03 Photogrammetry Remote Sensing - GIS - Integration and state-of-theart of surveying related technologies Review and questions 27-19 and lecture notes 12/08 12/10 - Exam 3 Lecture notes and chapter 28 Lab Due material - Wed. lab only: AutoCAD, computer lab More 1A -M, T. & Th. labs are off this week - Project 2 -Homework 9 “errors” due on Wed. - GPS Presentations "attendance is required” -- Project 2 report is due on Tuesday for all labs - Homework11 “photogrammetry” is due on Monday -Late permit cannot -Homework10 “GPS” and “Civil 3D” is due on Tuesday be used this week