Evangelism Everyone Everywhere SEC Strategic Framework 2016- 2019 Evangelism Everyone Everywhere The SEC President, Pastor Richard de Lisser, has outlined a vision for the next four years as: EVANGELISM, EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. The Premise for this vision is found in the gospel of Mathew 28:19,20. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost….. Our Mandate The South England Conference seeks to encourage each of its members to get involved in outreach and mission in the local community. Everyone is called to Evangelism to reach Everyone Everywhere in our communities. As a church our modus operandi is Evangelism! Our Strategy Our Themes Evangelism Everyone Everywhere!! Our Strategy Improving retention of our members Each member involved in outreach & mission in local community Improving quality of the personal & spiritual lives of our members & Pastors Our Targets Increase tithe & gift aid to support SEC Missions Annual Themes Our Vision Our transformation begins now! What we aim to be….. 1 Improving retention of our members A more nurturing church 2 Each member involved in outreach & mission in local community A more relevant church 3 Improving quality of the personal & spiritual lives of members & Pastors A spiritually hungry church 4 Increase tithe & gift aid and support of SEC Missions A more resourceful church A Nurturing Church What does it mean? The goal is to become a nurturing church. Where Everyone actively engages in caring for each other. Mentoring new members and fostering discipleship. What would it take to become a more Nurturing church? A Relevant Church What does it mean? “The Relevant church” – You and I become relevant to our communities. “The salt of the earth”, and “The light of the world” Our measurable target for the quadrennium will be to baptize 5000 souls. There will be Conference wide dates for baptisms which will fall on the last Sabbath of every quarter. With Everyone on board we can baptize 5000!!! What would a Relevant church look like ? A Spiritually Hungry Church What does it mean? As the church becomes more hungry for God’s word and His character, it will see improvements in the the personal and spiritual lives of members & Pastors alike What would it take to become a more Spiritually Hungry church? A Resourceful Church What does it mean? Increase in tithe & gift aid to support SEC Missions Therefore there must be money for mission! The South England Conference with your help will seek to raise £65 million in tithe and £15 million in Gift Aid by the year 2019. This will enable us to move the mission of the church forward. As we give more we can do more! Money Follows Mission What would it take to become a more Resourceful church? Our values are Christ centred and form the foundation for all we do Compassion Hope faiRness unIty Service Compassion Hope faiRnes Service Values unItyintegriTy integriTy Based on Plans Committee recommendation SEC session 2016 A strategy supported by yearly themes 2016 Revival The Book of Acts ‘Evangelism’ 4 2017 2018 2019 Restoration Reclamation Retention The Book of John The Book of Luke ‘Ministry of Healing’ ‘Desire of Ages’ The Book of Revelation ‘The Great Controversy’ Each annual theme will be accompanied by a great read !! 2016 Revival The yearly themes for the quadrennium will be accompanied by the following Ellen G. White books: For the first year – 2016, the theme will be “Revival” with the book of ‘Acts’ and E.G White’s “Evangelism” Evangelism must begin with a Revival and a Revival must begin with You and with Me. 2017 Restoration The theme for the second year 2017, will be “Restoration” with the book of ‘John’ and E.G. White’s “Ministry of Healing.” Each member is to be involved in outreach & mission in the local community 2018 Reclamation The theme for the third year 2018, will be “Reclamation” with the book of ‘Luke’ and E.G. White’s “Desire of Ages”. 2019 Retention The theme for the fourth year 2019, will be “Retention” with the book of ‘Revelation’ and E.G White’s “The Great Controversy” SEC Session 2015: Plans committee accepted recommendations Low hanging fruit A review evaluation process for pastors in churches Inspire prayer and fasting across the conference Big wins Raising profile of giving and church finance More financial support for the pathfinder bible experience Mentoring and training for all leaders Updating keeping the children and family safe policy Raising profile of creative ministries Multi lingual resurces (Romanian, Polish, Portuguese- Resources to be made available at SEC offices SEC Session 2015: Rejected plans committee recommendations… Distractions No Go Areas Publishing co-ordinator at SEC Cultural empowerment of men Literature evangelist resources (for our people to sell and make a living from) Full time campus directors at Universities Creation of a community of professionals through voluntary database of professionals Evangelism Relay Mar Our Key Dates 3 ABN Campaign Sep Expo Jan 10 Prayer & Fasting Day 1st Sabbath in Jan Mark Finely Tent Campaign Jul-Aug Mid Session Newbold Sep Further dates to be added Reclaim Day of Fellowship 2018 Date TBC Our Legacy This administration is intent on leaving a legacy and will be introducing a range of special projects which when implemented, will become part of our DNA. These include: Life Colours Shelter’s of Hope Natural Church Development (NCD) SEC Home/Hospital Visitation teams Final thoughts The Psalmist said in Psalm 85:6, “Wilt thou not revive us again that thou people may rejoice in thee? Revival brings rejoicing and soul winning brings joy! Luke 15:10. “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents” Let us engage in Evangelism, Everyone, Everywhere! Evangelism Everyone Everywhere How will the vision to LIVE in YOU so it can live in your CHURCH and in your AREA?