PMG Training 2014 - Illinois Jaycees

PMG Training & Project Management
What is a PMG and why do
we need to use one?
A PMG is the acronym for Project
Management Guide.
It is used in the Jaycee organization for a
variety of purposes.
• Used as a tool to help plan and
implement a project or event.
• Used as a means to approve your plan
by the chapter board and membership.
• Used as a means to appropriate funds
from the chapter.
• Used as a reference for future project
The Three Stages of a Project
• Planning
• Implementation
• Evaluation
• Brainstorming and Preliminary Work.
• Develop Projected Budget, Timeline,
Materials and Resources you will need
and Potential Problems and Solutions.
• Handle all Logistical Duties during this
• This is where you run the actual project
or event, be it an afternoon, or several
weeks (such as a Haunted House).
• Realize the goals you set out to do with your project.
• Be sure to send out thank you notes to supporting
businesses and individuals.
• Prepare your final PMG for approval from your board and
• Submit PR announcing your accomplishments and what
you’ve done for the community.
• Submit any charitable donations that were raised.
How do I use a PMG?
• Preliminary PMG- PMG draft which includes planning
process of questions 1-7. The objectives, goals, manpower,
materials needed, proposed budget and timeline of
planning are outlined. This will be presented to supervising
chapter officer, board and membership for approval.
• Final PMG- Complete step 8-10 by noting any changes or
recommendations for future chairpersons, evaluate goals,
complete impact statements and final budget.
Cover Page
Chapter’s Name and Number
State’s Name and Number
The Project Name
PMG Category and Area of Opportunity
Award Category
Chairperson’s Contact Information
Supervising Chapter Officer
Classifying Projects
•The main purpose of the project is considered
when selecting the correct Area of Opportunity.
•The project should also correlate to goals listed
in the chapter plan.
• The category is identified for project judging
Business Area of Opportunity
Projects in this area enhance the economics of
the community and chapter. This area includes
marketing & public relations, strategic planning
through the use of the chapter plan and PMG’s,
financial management through projects run to
raise funds solely for the chapter and business
opportunities through promoting free enterprise.
Business Area of Opportunity
Local Economic Development Program: Projects conducted
with the primary purpose of raising funds for the chapter, not
a charitable donation. Also included are projects related to
strategic planning.
Project Examples: Haunted House, Running a festival,
Parades, How to write a PMG, Board Retreats, planning &
analysis and record keeping
Local Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program:
Projects that promote and spread Corporate Social
Responsibility which takes into account the economic, social
and environmental impacts of the way business is done.
Project Examples: See JCI Website for additional information
Community Area of
Projects in this area enhance the community
through community service, community
fundraising, government and civic involvement
and programs for children and youth.
Community Area of
Opportunity Category’s
Local Community Empowerment Program: Programs conducted
to promote or improve the quality of life for people in a
community and assist with a community need. These projects
raise money for non-Jaycee programs and charities in the local
community and include government involvement.
Project Examples: Blood Drives, canned food drives, Adopt-AHighway, Raising money for local family stricken by tragedy,
Get Out and Vote and Political Debates
Local Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program: Projects
that promote and spread Corporate Social Responsibility which
takes into account the economic, social and environmental
impacts of the way business is done.
Project Examples: See JCI Website for additional information
Individual Area of Opportunity
Projects in this area enhance the individual
member’s personal and professional
development. Membership recruitment,
orientation, activation and retention are also
included in this area. Projects in this area range
from social activities to training sessions to MNights.
Individual Area of Opportunity
Local Personal Skill & Development Program: Projects
conducted to further JCI Mission by creating development
opportunities for young people to create positive change by
developing skills of individuals. Projects in this category
include social opportunities.
Project Examples: Public Speaking, Family Day at Zoo, New
Member Orientation, Passport to Civic Leadership, Chapter
Awards, guest speakers
Local Growth & Development Program: Projects conducted
with the goal of growing the United State Junior Chamber
through membership recruitment.
Project Examples: M-Nights, chartering a chapter, saving a
International Area of
Projects in this area enhance the member’s
involvement in Illinois Jaycees, US Jaycees and
JCI programs through participation in programs
(Camp New Hope, Heifer International, Nothing
But Nets).
International Area of
Opportunity Category’s
Inter-organization collaboration project: Projects conducted to
provide benefit to chapters and their members by
collaborating with members other than USJC and JCI
organizations. If the project is related to a state program the
primary purpose should state this.
Project Examples: Any collaboration between region, state,
USJC or JCI chapters, TOYP, TOYA, OYF
Local Community Empowerment Program: Programs
conducted to promote or improve the quality of life for people
in a community and assist with a community need through
fundraising for state priority programs.
Project Examples: Fundraising for Heifer International or
Camp New Hope
Question #1
Primary Purpose
A brief statement giving the one reason the
chapter wants to conduct this project.
The primary purpose will determine the
Area of Opportunity and PMG category the
project will fall under.
Poor Primary Purposes
To gain public exposure for the chapter by
running a highly visible, popular event, Increase
Membership and membership participation, to
raise money for the Charity XYZ.
To raise money for the March of Dimes and the
Better Primary Purposes
To run a (insert project here) to raise money for
Charity A.
To run (insert project here) to raise money to
support chapter operations.
To run a free Easter Egg Hunt for the enjoyment
of the area children.
Question #2
2. Give a brief description of the proposed
project and background information. Follow
this with a listing of the specific and
measurable goals to be accomplished by
this project.
Brief Description
• 1 to 2 Paragraphs
• Who, What, Where, When, Why
• Brief History
Explain how this project relates to the
chapter’s objectives, priorities, and goals as
listed in the chapter plan.
The Firecracker 5000 is a 5k run/walk race conducted
through the streets of downtown Peoria. This will be the
21st Annual celebration of this race. The race will take
place on July 4th at 7:15 a.m. with a registration cost of
$15 in advance and $20 on the day of the event.
Several sub-chairs in areas like manpower, registration,
and race refreshments are needed to assist the
chairman for this event with at least 600 expected
participants. This project is used to raise money for
charities and also to support chapter operations.
This project fits in the chapter plan under
Priority 2, Community Area of
Opportunity, Goal 4: Raise $12,000 for
various community organizations, Project
4: “Firecracker 5000.
Impact Statements
How will this project IMPACT the following
1. Individual Member
2. The Chapter
3. The Community
Goal Setting
Primary Purpose will relate to the
number 1 goal.
It is important to make sure the goals
are measurable and specific.
Poor Examples of Goals
1. To achieve some PR.
2. To raise some money for Arthritis
3. To involve a lot of Jaycee members.
4. To recruit some Jaycees.
Better Examples
1. To have Jaycee PR in four different media
2. To raise $1200 for the Arthritis Foundation
3. To involve 20 Jaycees
4. To recruit 2 Jaycees.
Question #3
Specific Steps
Question #4
Critical Contacts
• Both member and nonmember.
• Minimum of 3 manpower assignments- The President, the
Supervising Chapter Officer, and the Chairman.
• List committee members names
• Contact information and specific duties and responsibilities.
• For manpower assignments where a specific person(s) has
not yet been selected, list the specific responsibilities,
talents, skills, knowledge or abilities that person(s) will need
to possess.
Toby Quin
1105 Westminster
Washington, IL 61571
H- (309) 444-9304
Cell- (309) 648-6653
• Write Preliminary PMG
• Pass Preliminary PMG by board and membership (if applicable)
• Secure sub-chairmen and ensure they fulfill their responsibilities.
Approve all decisions of sub-chairmen.
• Schedule and chair all committee meetings
• Act as a liaison with city, county and state agencies and officials and
other related organizations
• Arrange place for pre and post race activities
• Obtain necessary permits
• Write Final PMG
• Pass Final PMG by board and membership (if applicable)
• Have Treasurer cut checks and arrange times to deliver them.
Question #5
4. What specific materials, supplies, and
resources will be required?
Question #6
6. Complete a proposed budget
indicating all anticipated income and
Keeping project goals in mind, refer to
the list of materials, supplies, and
resources, along with the proposed
action steps, to determine estimated
project income and expenses.
Include the value of donated items
(goods and services).
List all anticipated income and
• Money appropriated from chapter.
• List of donated items. Estimate the value.
• Cash sponsorships
• Cash Income – admission, raffle tickets, silent auction
Each of these areas that has more than one item should be
totaled. If there are no items then you would put generic
titles like Product Sponsors along with $0.00.
• Product Donations.
Then have an itemized list of the expenses
such as Food, Permits, Construction, Flyers
• Total Cash Expenses.
Total these two areas in line called Project
Net Income
Subtract Project Expenses from Income.
This is the project’s profit/loss.
Where do the profits go?
• Required return to chapter Dues Subsidy, Liability Insurance
Total this area with line called Total Required Return to
• Earmarks Itemize Profit designed to be spent at a later date.
Sometimes this is an estimate. Total this area with line called
Total Earmarks
• Charitable Contributions- Itemize and total any money
designated for charities in line called Total Charitable
• Return to Chapter- Any profit left over will be returned to
Simplifying the Budget
Appropriation from the chapter................$A
Value of Donated Items….......................$B
Cash from items sold…...........................$C
Appropriation returned to the chapter.....$A
Value of Donated Items...........................$B
Item bought for project 1..........................$E
Item bought for project 2..........................$F
Item bought for project 3.........................$G
Donation for cause or profit to chapter...$H
Total income & expenses MUST
No budget should be all zeros!
Consider each Letter a different value.
A = Appropriation from the chapter and is
the same in both the income and expense.
B = Value of donated items and is the same
in both income and expense.
C = The total amount of money brought in
from sales.
D = the total of all income and the total of all
expenses. Both numbers should be the
E, F, G = Arbitrary amount of purchases
made to run the project ie: pens, signs,
tickets, whatever....
H = Profit. Basically it should be the sum of
the income (A+B+C) or just D, MINUS the
total Expenses (A+B+E+F+G) So to show it
as a proper equation:
H (Profit) = D-(A+B+E+F+G)
Question #7
Describe the potential problems and the
possible solutions to successfully
complete this project.
Problem: Rain occurs (T-ball)
A) Set up rain line (JAYC hotline) for parents to
call to find out if games are canceled or will still be played
B) Reschedule game for next evening or extend
season another week.
C) Close the dome
Question #8
List solutions and/or recommendations for
future Project Managers.
• In this area, you talk about things that made the project
• Changes that should be made to make next year’s
project even better. Be specific, detailed and sincere.
• Keep a notebook and right down recommendations as
you think of them during the planning & implementation
• Have a wrap-up meeting. Several ideas will more than
likely be identified that you did not think of yourself.
Why was your project successful?
Kelleher’s provided a lot more than any hosts
have in the past few years and the runners
really liked the place.
What changes can you make to be
MORE successful?
We ran out of bottled water this year due to the
heat. Non participants were drinking the bottled
water and runners were taking whole bottles of
water and dumping it on their heads. There are
several ways to remedy this situation.
Question #9
A. Give specific and measurable results for
each goal established.
B. Project Summary. WOW Statement!
C. Describe the impact of the project on the
chapter, individual members, and the
1. To raise a minimum of $1500.00 for
Mental Health Association of Illinois Valley.
80% satisfied. We raised only $1200.00 for
this charity.
2. To have forty (40) Peoria Jaycees work.
At least 43 Jaycees assisted this project.
Impact Statements
For the individual- include items such as personal skills
developed, networking opportunities, training experience,
Exposure to members of problems/issues affecting community
Individual- This project had a favorable impact on the
individual members of the chapter. The project chairmen
gained a lot of project management skills and had the
opportunity to improve their public speaking ability. The
sub-chairs gained some valuable experience and several
have proven themselves capable of handling more
For the community- Number of members of the community that
attended, number of organizations that benefited from the project,
money raised for charity, number of canned goods donated, etc
Impact on the Community- This project is designated as a
community development project. It definitely succeeded in
this endeavor. $1200 was raised for the Mental Health
Association of Illinois Valley. This organization lost $200,000
in State budget cuts. This money will help soften the blow a
little bit. 2 “special” individuals will have the opportunity to
improve the quality of their lives by attending camp for a
week. In addition, we provided the opportunity for nearly
600 individuals to enjoy a July 4th morning.
For the chapter- number of members in attendance, number
of Jaycees activated, number of Jaycees recruited, amount
raised for chapter, PR
Impact on the Chapter- This project had a very
significant impact on the chapter. Forty Jaycees
sweated for several while raising $1790.10 to help with
operational expenses and other Jaycee projects. In
addition, 3 people were activated. 1 person was
recruited and we and we received a lot of PR. We had
100 radio spots, 100 TV spots and appeared in the
newspaper twice and two TV news organizations had
features on the event on their evening news.
Questions#10 - Appendices
a. Final Financial Statement
b. Contacts
c. Contracts and Agreements
d. Pictures
e. Press Releases, articles, and media