Laboratory Manual Pharmacology I Salman Bin Abdulaziz University COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 2014-15 / 1435-36 Lab No. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Laboratory Orientation 2-4 1 Study of Different Laboratory Animals and Their Application 5-6 2 Study of Different Stages of Anesthesia 7-8 3 Study of Some Basic Instruments Used for Isolated Tissue Experiments 9-10 4 Routes of Drug Administration to Laboratory Animals 11 5 To Evaluate the Analgesic Potency of Drug by 12-14 Formalin Test 6 To Evaluate the Analgesic Potency of Drug by Tail 15-16 Flick Method 7 To Evaluate the Analgesic Potency of Drug by Hot 17-18 Plate Method 8 Screening of Different Diuretics Using Laboratory 19-20 Animals 9 Screening of Anti-inflammatory Drug Using Hind Paw 21-22 Method 1 LABORATORY ORIENTATION Introduction: The laboratory portion of this course is designed to study the different laboratory animals, their applications and screening of different pharmacological agents thoroughly than it is presented in lecture. Core learning will come from practical and tissue studies. This method of ‘hands on’ learning should also enhance and strengthen the knowledge you gain in lectures. At times you will be working individually, in pairs or in groups of three or four. Each lab period is loosely structured to begin with a short introduction to the exercise that highlights the activities of the day, what materials are available for use and any changes in procedures. After that you will work independently to learn the material. There is never enough time in lab to go over each and every item that you are assigned. The lab is a designated a time when you have access to materials that you will not have available during home study time. Some of the information assigned in lab you can learn at home, particularly animals, instruments, method, procedure, application, mechanism of action of drugs etc. General Lab Rules: 1. Read the lab exercise before you come to lab. There is not time to review every aspect of each exercise and still give you time to work on your own. I will assume that you know what the exercise covers in general and I will only review changes or specific materials that you will use. 2. Before each lab, use the terminology list to mark the items in your manual’s text and illustrations that you are responsible for learning. 2. Read and memorize the laboratory safety rules of the lab below. The preservatives are irritants and some of you may be allergic to them. Gloves must be used during dissections and will be provided. Your dissecting tools will be provided for you as well. 2 Pharmacology Laboratory: Safety, Procedures, Emergencies These are minimum safety requirements. Instructors may institute additional policies at their discretion. 1. No open food or drink is permitted at any time, whether a lab is in progress or not. No eating, drinking, candy, cough drops, chewing gum or tobacco is permitted. All beverage and food containers must be put away in a backpack/bag/purse or left outside of the lab. There are shelves outside in the hallway to store food and beverages during lab. Never taste anything at all while in the lab rooms, unless it is a part of the lab activity (such as PTC paper). Also, do not apply cosmetics in lab (this includes lip balm). 2. Visitors under 16 years of age and children are not allowed in the lab rooms at any time. Visitors over 16 may be allowed at the instructor’s discretion, as long as the lab activity does not involve hazardous materials. 3. Know the locations of the eye wash and shower stations, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and emergency exits. Do not block access to these with trash cans, recycle bins, etc. 4. Safety instructions are given at the beginning of each lab period. Always arrive on time so that you know what you are supposed to do and are informed of any specific safety concerns or safety equipment associated with the day’s lab activity. 5. Wear any required personal protective equipment (lab coat, apron, goggles, etc). 6. Stash book bags safely so that they won’t trip people. 7. Report all illnesses, injuries, breakages, or spills to your laboratory instructor immediately. 8. Clean broken glass (glass that is not contaminated with any chemical reagents, blood, or bacteria) can be swept up using the dust pan and placed in the broken glass container. If the glass is contaminated in any way, keep the area clear to prevent tripping or laceration hazards, and consult your instructor for proper disposal guidance. A broken glass flow-chart is available in the lab to help you decide what to do. 9. Notify your instructor if any of the equipment is faulty. 10. Clean up your entire work area before leaving. Put away all equipment and supplies in their original places and dispose of reagents and infectious materials in the designated receptacles. Disinfect your work surface if the lab activity involved any infectious materials. Otherwise, wipe the entire work surface down with a clean, wet paper towel (no soap). 11. Use the appropriate waste containers provided for any infectious or hazardous materials used in lab. 12. Safety information reagents used in the lab activities can be found in the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), which are available in a binder in the lab. Know the location of the MSDS binder. We (faculty and students) should be fully aware of the properties of the reagents we are using. Please use the 3 MSDSs. If you cannot find the MSDS for the reagent you are using in lab, inform your instructor. They are also relatively easy to find online. A Google keyword example is “Sodium Chloride MSDS.” 13. Use caution with the lab chairs. Because they are on casters, they can roll away when you are standing at your workstation. Make sure your chair is where you expect it to be before sitting down. Do not use your chair as a means of moving from one part of the lab to the other. 14. Wash your hands before leaving the lab room. 15. If class is held at an alternate location (e.g. a field trip), you will be expected to conduct yourself appropriately and follow lab safety rules where applicable. GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE At the end of the practical training in general, and experimental pharmacology the learner shall be able to: 1. List the various dosage forms and enumerate their advantages and disadvantages. 2. Advise patients about the proper use of medication devices, storage of medicines etc. 3. Retrieve drug information from appropriate sources. 4. Appreciate the role of good laboratory practice in promotion of rational diagnostics, therapy, and experimentation. 5. Realize the cardinal role of ethics in experimentation. 6. Order monitoring of drug levels where indicated and take appropriate remedial measures. 7. Prescribe rationally and in an individualized pattern. 8. Plan and carry out experiments to demonstrate the effect of drugs in experimental animals and isolated tissues. 9. Critically appraise drug advertisements. 10. Apply fundamental statistical tests to experimental data and interpret results. 4 LAB 1: STUDY OF DIFFERENT LABORATORY ANIMALS AND THEIR APPLICATION AIM: To study the advantages, disadvantages and experimental uses of different most commonly used laboratory animals. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: PHARMACOLOGY is the branch of science which deals with study of drugs on living systems. EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY: deals with study of effect of various Pharmacological agents on different animal species. OBJECTIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY: ▫ To find out the therapeutic agent suitable for human use ▫ To study the toxicity of the drugs ▫ To study the mechanism and site of action of drugs LABORATORY ANIMALS: Animals those can be breaded and handled in laboratory. Examples: Rat, Mice, Guinea pig, Rabbits, Frogs, Cat, Dog, Monkey, Pigeon etc. 1. RATS (Rattus norvegicus ) • Albino rats of Wistar strain are commonly used • Other strains – ▫ Wistar kyoto rat ▫ Sprague Dawley rat ▫ Biobreeding (BBDP) rat ▫ Long-Evans rat ▫ Zucker rat ▫ Hairless rats (Rowett nude, Fuzzy, Shorn) ▫ RCS rats 5 2. MICE( Mus musculus) • Swiss albino mice are commonly used species • Other strains are – Balb/C and C-57 ADVANTAGES AND CHARACTERISTICS: ▫ Smallest ▫ Less drug required ▫ Easy to handle ▫ Cheap 3. GUINEA PIGS ( Cavia porcellus) ADVANTAGES AND CHARACTERISTICS: ▫ Docile animals ▫ Highly susceptible to TB and anaphylaxis ▫ Highly sensitive to histamine, penicillin ▫ Required exogenous vitamin C in diet 4. RABBITS (Lupas cuniculus) ADVANTAGES AND CHARACTERISTICS: ▫ Docile animal with large ears ▫ New Zealand white strains are widely used ▫ It has huge caceum and long appendix ▫ Enzyme atropine esterase is present in rabbit liver and plasma so it can tolerate large doses of belladona (atropine) 5. FROGS (Rana tigrina) ADVANTAGES AND CHARACTERISTICS: ▫ Used before 200 years ▫ Easily available during rainy season ▫ Amphibian animal and safe to handle ▫ Cannot breed in laboratory 6 LAB 2: STUDY OF DIFFERENT STAGES OF ANESTHESIA AIM: To study the different stages of anesthesia and calculate onset and duration of action of different anesthetic agent. ANIMALS: Wistar albino rats APPARATUS: Desiccator, Syringes, needle DRUGS AND SOLUTIONS: Diethyl ether, chloral hydrate BACKGROUND INFORMATION: General anesthesia was absent until the mid-1800’s. William Morton administered ether to a patient having a neck tumor, removed at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, in October 1846. The discovery of the diethyl ether as general anesthesia was the result of a search for means of eliminating a patient’s pain perception and responses to painful stimuli. Anesthesia is defined as partial or complete loss of sensation with or without loss of consciousness as a result of disease, injury, or administration of an anesthetic agent, usually by injection or inhalation. STAGES OF ANESTHESIA: STAGE 1 (ANALGESIA/ONSET/INDUCTION): STAGE 2 (EXCITEMENT/DELIRIUM): STAGE 3 (Surgical Anesthesia): STAGE 4 (Impending Death/ Stage of Danger): PROCEDURE: Two Wistar albino rats will be weigh and keep in different cages. One rat will be injected by intraperitoneal route with chloral hydrate in a dose of 400 mg/kg and another rat will be inhaled by diethyl ether. Onset and duration of action of both anesthetic agents will be recorded. Above mentioned different stages of anesthesia will be observed. 7 RESULTS: S. No. Name of Anesthetic agent Onset of action CONCLUSION: 8 Duration of Action LAB 3: STUDY OF SOME BASIC INSTRUMENTS USED FOR ISOLATED TISSUE EXPERIMENTS AIM: To study the basic instruments used for in-vitro experiments. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Isolated tissue preparations are commonly used to study the effects of drugs on specific type of receptors. These preparations are also used: For bioassay of drugs, Characterization of specific receptor or its subtypes, To determine concentration response curve of an agonist, To study antagonism of drug and in new drug discovery. The in vitro isolated preparation represents an isolated organ or a piece of living tissue from a freshly killed animal. Optimum ionic environment Adequate supply of nutrition and oxygen And a stable temperature These basic requirements should be provided if one has to maintain the isolated tissue in living state. BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Physiological Salt Solutions Instrumentation Procedures and drugs – to render the animal unconscious Tissue: isolated or whole PHYSIOLOGICAL SALT SOLUTIONS: Optimal pH 7.0 – 7.2 Commonly used PSS are: Frog Ringer (for heart, rectus abdominis and other preparations of frog) Tyrode (for guinea pig ileum, rat ileum, rabbit ileum etc.) De Jaon(for rat uterus) Kreb’s solution (for rat fundus strip, tracheal preparations, vas deferens) etc. ISOLATED ORGAN BATH: The apparatus providing the basic requirements of life to the tissue and facilitating the record of response. Outer water bath of perspex or glass 9 Inner organ bath (single or multiple)-glass (15-100 ml): Organ tube Tissue holder cum Aeration (oxygen) tube Glass coil connected to organ bath, Marriott's bottle: Reservoir for PSS Electric heater Preheating coil Sherrington Recording Drum and Drum Cylinder: It is an instrument on which physiological responses are recorded. Heavy base Base hoofs (legs) with adjustable leveling screws Gear rod Vertical shaft Drum Cylinder Brass or iron It has 8 variable speeds. The speed is measured in mm per second. Eight variable speeds are 0. 12, 0.25, 1.25, 2.5, 12.5, 25, 320 and 640 mm per second. Levers: Isometric contractions: change in tension (force). E.g. spring lever Isotonic contractions: change in length at uniform tension. E.g. isotonic frontal writing lever (light aluminum or stainless steel rod) Useful Hints for Students: Step by step Setup the assembly first Assembly should be on right hand side and drum should be on left hand side The drum should move from right to left or away from the writing point The speed of drum should be minimum The writing lever should be horizontal and the writing point should touch the drum. All tracing should begin after the overlap of the paper. Always start with the minimum concentration of drug. Write the name & amount of drug. Name of experiment and student with student ID and signature of teacher before varnishing. 10 LAB 4: ROUTES OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION TO LABORATORY ANIMALS AIM: To demonstrate different routes of drug administration using Wistar albino rats. ANIMALS: Wistar albino rats APPARATUS: Disposable needle and syringes DRUGS AND SOLUTIONS: Normal saline BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The possible routes of drug entry into the body may be divided into following classes: I. ENTERAL ROUTE 1. Sublingual: under the tongue 2. Oral administration (P.O.) 3. Rectal or vaginal II. PARENTERAL ROUTE: administration of medications by needle 1. Intravenous (I.V.): into vein Fastest 2. Subcutaneous (S.C.): in the subcutaneous tissue Slowest 3. Intramuscular (I.M.) Medium 4. Intraperitoneal (I.P.) : into the peritoneum (body cavity) 5. Intraarterial: direct inject into artery 6. Intradermal: under the epidermis or into dermis 7. Intraosseous: into the bone III. PULMONARY ROUTES: Inhalation into lungs IV. TOPICAL I. Nasal II. Skin III. Eye 11 LAB 5: STUDY OF ANALGESICS BY CHEMICAL METHOD AIM: To evaluate the analgesic activity of drugs by using formalin test. Chemical Method: Formalin induced writhing test Animals: Wistar albino Rats Apparatus: Syringe (with 100 divisions) 26g needle, stop watch Drug & Solutions: Aspirin 100 mg/kg, p.o. Formalin 10 %, 0.1 ml Normal Saline 0.9% BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Analgesics: painkillers, a drug that selectively relive pain by acting in the CNS and peripheral pain mechanism without significantly altering consciousness. Types of analgesics 1. Opioid or narcotic analgesics: relive visceral pain. Uses: deep pain e.g. Cancer, myocardial infarction, anginal pain Examples: 1- natural (as morphine, codeine) 2- semi synthetic (heroin) 3- synthetic (pethidine) 4- endogenous opiates (endorphins & encephalin) 2. Non opioid or non-narcotic analgesics: relieve somatic pain. Uses: dull pain e.g. Headache, toothache, backache Examples: aspirin, paracetamol, diclofenac, piroxicam PROCEDURE: Rats weighing 180-300 gm will be administer with 0.1 ml of 10% Formalin into the dorsal portion of the front paw. The test drug is administered simultaneously either s.c. or orally. Each individual Rat is placed into a clear plastic cage for observation. Reading is taken for a period of 60 minutes. Pain response is indicated by elevation or favoring of paw. Analgesic response is indicated if both paws are resting on the floor with no obvious favoring of injected paw. 12 PAIN RATING SCALE: 0 1 2 3 Both forepaws are placed on the floor and weight is evenly distributed. The injected paw is rested lightly on the floor or on another part of the animal body and little or no weight is placed on it. The injected paw is elevated and not in contact with any surface. The uninjected paw is placed firmly on floor. The injected paw is licked, bitten or shaken while the uninjected paw is not. Attempt to sleep by curling up with both paws off the floor is also given this rating. Attempts to sleep off by curling up with only the injected paw off the floor, even when it is tucked under the body is also given this rating. Normal grooming (during which both paws are elevated), licking and rearing (Forepaws are not in contact with floor, although forepaws may be in contact with the wall). During locomotion there is no discernible favoring of the injected paw This behavior is quite distinct from normal grooming although transition between the two is common. During locomotion there is not obvious limp. EVALUATION: Shows the prolongation of latency time by comparing value before and after administration of test compound. Comparison done by statistical analysis using t-test. 13 RESULTS: RESOURCES AND HINTS FOR TEACHERS: 1. Check work books after students calculate the volume of drug to be injected. Check volumes in syringes prior to injection. Restrain the animal for the student to inject. Timings of injections should be noted. Only one animal to be observed at a time. 2. Formalin should be freshly prepared for each class. 3. The experiment can be completed in 90 minutes. This can be followed by a small group discussion on evaluation of analgesics in humans. 14 LAB 6: TO EVALUATE THE ANALGESIC POTENCY OF DRUG BY TAIL FLICK METHOD AIM: To evaluate the analgesic activity of drugs by using Tail flick analgesiometer. Method: Thermal Animals: Wistar albino Rats Apparatus: Oral feeding needle, Tail flick analgesiometer, Mouse restraint Drug & Solutions: Aspirin 100 mg/kg, p.o. Normal Saline 0.9% BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The tail flick assay is a pain receptive assay in which a mouse is placed within a restraining tube with its tail protruding. PRINCIPLE: Record the response of an animal to a painful stimulus before and after administration of analgesics. PURPOSE: The method is based on the reaction of the rat to heat stimulus applied to a small area of the tail. The time until this response occurs is prolonged after administration of analgesics. PROCEDURE: Albino rats of either sex weighing between 100-150 g are used. The rat is held and its tail is placed on a level surface, a radiant heat is applied to the tail at a point not more than 3 cm from its tip. After an interval the animal withdraws its tail with a sudden and characteristic flick. Time of flicking is recorded, before drug administration. The reaction time are thereafter recorded after 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after administration of the test drug 15 OBSERVATIONS TABLE: Reaction time in second Rat No. Control Minutes after drug administration 15 30 45 60 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. EVALUATION: Shows the prolongation of latency time by comparing value before and after administration of test compound. Comparison done by statistical analysis using t-test. RESULTS: RESOURCES AND HINTS FOR TEACHERS: 1. Check work books after students calculate the volume of drug to be injected. Check volumes in syringes prior to injection. Restrain the animal for the student to inject. Timings of injections should be noted. Only one animal to be observed at a time. 2. The experiment can be completed in 60 minutes. This can be followed by a small group discussion on evaluation of analgesics in humans. 16 LAB 7: TO EVALUATE THE ANALGESIC POTENCY OF DRUG BY HOT PLATE METHOD AIM: To evaluate the analgesic activity of drugs by using Hot Plate analgesiometer. METHOD: Thermal ANIMALS: Wistar albino Rats APPARATUS: Oral feeding needle, thermostatically controlled Hot Plate DRUG & SOLUTIONS: Aspirin 100 mg/kg, orally Normal Saline 2 ml/kg, orally BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Eddy’s Hot Plate: Animal is placed on hot plate and time for jumping from plate is noted before and after administration of drug. Hind paw licking (4-6 sec) or jump response (2-3 sec) PRINCIPLE: Record the response of an animal to a painful stimulus before and after administration of analgesics. PURPOSE: The paws of rats are very sensitive to heat at temperature. So the responses are jumping, withdrawal of paws and licking of the paws. The time until this response occurs is prolonged after administration of centrally acting analgesics. PROCEDURE: Wistar albino rats of either sex with weight of about 200-250 g. The hot plate consists of electrically heated surface with controlled temperature 55±1°C. Animals are place on hot plate and time of flicking or jumping is recorded by stop watch, before drug administration. The latency time is recorded after 15,30,45,60 minutes following oral or subcutaneous administration of the test compound 17 OBSERVATIONS TABLE: Reaction time in second Rat No. Control Minutes after drug administration 15 30 45 60 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. EVALUATION: Shows the prolongation of latency time by comparing value before and after administration of test compound. Comparison done by statistical analysis using t-test. The value which is exceeding the value before administration for 50% or 100% can be regarded as positive response. RESULTS: RESOURCES AND HINTS FOR TEACHERS: 1. Check work books after students calculate the volume of drug to be injected. Check volumes in syringes prior to injection. Restrain the animal for the student to inject. Timings of injections should be noted. Only one animal to be observed at a time. 2. The experiment can be completed in 60 minutes. This can be followed by a small group discussion on evaluation of analgesics in humans. 18 LAB 8: SCREENING OF DIURETICS AIM: To study the Effect of different Diuretics on the Production of Urine in Laboratory Animals ANIMALS: Wistar albino Rats APPARATUS: Oral feeding needle, metabolic cages, measuring cylinder, funnel DRUG & SOLUTIONS: Furosemide (5 mg/kg; oral) Urea (900 mg/kg; oral) Normal Saline (2 ml/kg; oral) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Some of pathological conditions associated with retention of sodium and water in the body e.g. Congestive Heart failure, pulmonary edema, renal edema and hypertension. Diuretics are the drugs that cause a net loss of Na+ and water in urine. The first important site with regard to renal function is the glomerulus itself. Drugs which increase glomerular filtration rate (Xanthines, cardiac glycosides, saline) produces diuresis. THE FORMATION OF URINE: In summary, three processes occurring in successive portions of the nephron accomplish the function of urine formation: Filtration of water and dissolved substances out of the blood in the glomeruli and into Bowman's capsule; Reabsorption of water and dissolved substances out of the kidney tubules back into the blood (note that this process prevents substances needed by the body from being lost in the urine); 19 Secretion of hydrogen ions (H+), potassium ions (K+), ammonia (NH3), and certain drugs out of the blood and into the kidney tubules, where they are eventually eliminated in the urine. PRINCIPLE: Diuretics are the compounds which increase the flow of urine. Normal urine output in rats is very small (1-2 ml/rat/day). Hence, to get the measurable quantity the animals are first hydrated. The urine output is increased after administration of diuretics like urea and furosemide. Increase in volume of urine is measured with the help of measuring cylinder and compared with the normal urine output. PROCEDURE: Albino rats of either sex weighing between 150-200 g are fasted (deprived of food & water) overnight and saline is administered orally. These rats are divided into three groups as follows: 1. Only normal saline 2. Saline + Urea 3. Saline + Furosemide After administration of drugs, rats are placed in the three different metabolic cages. Urine is collected in measuring cylinder. Time when the first drop of urine is collected in a cylinder for each group is noted and the volume is recorded at intervals of 15 min for 3-4 Hours. The difference in the volume collected at different time interval and total volume can be compared with various diuretics. OBSERVATIONS TABLE: Amount of urine collected (ml) Groups After 15 Min After 30 Min After 1 Hr. Total Volume I II III EVALUATION: Calculate percentage increase in volume of urine taking control value as 100%. RESULTS: 20 LAB 9: SCREENING OF ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS USING HIND PAW METHOD AIM: To Evaluate the Anti-inflammatory Activity of the Drug (acetyl salicylic acid) Using Hind Paw Method MODEL: Acute inflammatory METHOD: Rat hind paw method ANIMALS: Wistar albino Rats APPARATUS: Oral feeding needle, Plethysmometer, DRUG & SOLUTIONS: Aspirin (100 mg/kg; oral) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Inflammation is a protective response to injury. It occurs in three phases: (a) The first phase being oedema and swelling with accompanying pain. These effects are produced as a result of the dilation and increased permeability of the blood vessels (veins) due to the release of certain mediators such as histamine, serotonin and kinins etc. (b) In the second phase, leukocytes migrate to this area and mopping up operations starts. (c) Second phase is followed by repair, which is ushered in by the proliferation of fibroblasts and synthesis of connective tissue. The ability of a compound to reduce the local oedema induced in rat paw by various irritants is the most widely used test to screen new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Many compounds like formalin, carrageenan, Kaolin, yeast and dextran have been used as irritants to produce oedema. PROCEDURE: Twelve healthy male albino rats weighing 100-200 gms will be selected and made into two groups of six animals each. All the animals will be kept on fasting for 18 hours. The hind paw of the rats will be marked at the level of tibio tarsal junction of hind leg, so that while measuring the volume, the dipping will be done to the same level. One group serve as control, 21 0.3 ml of Normal saline will be given orally. Another group will receive the test drug, Acetyl salicylic acid 300 mg/Kg. After 30 minutes of the administration of drug, 0.1 ml of 1% Carrageenan will be administered to the rats into the plantar surface of the right hind limb to induce paw oedema. The volume will be measured immediately and after 3 hours using plethysmometer. The change in the paw volume was compared with the control animals. The percentage of oedema compared to the control by the test drug was calculated using the formula CALCULATION: Vc - Vt % oedema inhibition = --------------- X 100 Vc Where: Vt- means increase in paw volume in rats treated with test drug; Vc-means increase in paw volume in control group of rats. OBSERVATION TABLE: Group Initial Reading 3 hr after Difference in Percentage Reading carrageenan volume oedema Control Test RESULT: The % oedema inhibition was found to be ______________ 22