SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Section – A [QUESTIONS 1 TO 25] Q1. Ans. Q2. Ans. Q3. Ans. Q4. Ans. Q5. Ans. Q6. Ans. Q7. Ans. Q8. Ans. Q9. Ans. 1/45 2 Marks Questions [PAGE 1 TO 3] What is a database? A database is a collection of related data or operational data extracted from any firm or organisation. In other words we can say it is group of records about a similar topic, like students of a class or employees of a company etc. What is DBMS? It is a system that is used to control and maintain the database. It is a computerized record keeping system. More precisely we can say that it is a system involving data, the hardware that physically stores the data, the software that utilizes the hardware’s file system in order to store the data and provide a standardized method for retrieving the data. What is RDBMS? Relational Database Management System. A type of DBMS in which the database is organized and accessed according to the relationships between data values.RDBMS satisfies Codd’s 12 rules. What is a Primary key? It is a constraint provided by DBMS. It is used to uniquely determine each row of the table. If we want to make a column unique and not null then that column is defined as primary key. It is used to create relations among the tables. What is foreign key? Foreign key is another key of DBMS. It is used when we want to input data in a table according to the data entered in another table. And it is used to establish relations between tables. It must be the primary key of another table or consists of NULL values. What is Sorting? Sorting: - It is the process of arranging data items in a particular order which may be ascending or descending. For example if we have a database of employees of a company and we want to arrange them in ascending and descending order according to emp no. What are various functions of database management system? Database system performs following functions: 1. Fast Access to data 2. Reduced redundancy in database 3. Inconsistency. 4. Sharing of data. 5. Security restrictions can be applied. What do you mean by Normalization? Normalization: -It is used to increase performance of RDBMS. It is the process of converting one table into many tables. It is the process that is performed in order to attain least redundancy in a database so that we can save the memory by avoiding duplicate data. It is used to simply maintain the data when updates, insertions and deletions take place What is the need of organizing data? We can easily search a particular record from database if it is organized in a proper way. Organized data can easily be handled. Memory is also saved as redundancy is avoided. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q10. Ans. Q11. Ans. Q12. Ans. Q13. Ans. Q14. Ans. Q15. Ans. Q16. Ans. Q17. Ans. Q18. Ans. Q19. Ans. Q20. Ans. Q21. Ans. 2/45 What is a null value? Null value means empty space but it is not equal to zero. When we input a record and skip to enter data in a particular field then that value is said to be Null. What does importing data means? Importing data means to pick the data from a different place other than the current place and then import it to the current place. We can import data through data menu and import option. Can there be more than one table in the same database? Yes, A database can have more than one table. We can store a number of tables in a single database. Normally related tables are stored in the same database. Which company product is access? Access is a product of Microsoft Corporation, which is owned by Bill gates. Access is a component of Ms Office. Can Access be used as a Front-End? Yes, Access can be used both as front end as well as back end. It has built in facilities to create tasks, queries, forms, reports, and macro through design view as well as through wizards. Both forms and reports are used as user interface for inputting data and show it in the required manner. Whereas, this inputted data can be stored in the form of tables. Access is a relational database system. Explain. Yes, access is a relational database system. In access, data is stored in the form of tables and we can create relationships between different types of information so that we can use them together. Name different type of queries in access. Access provides us a number of queries such as append, delete, create table crosstab, update etc. Explain RDBMS terminology. In RDBMS following term are used: 1. Relation: - Table is also known as a relation or collection of related information. 2. Tuple: - Tuple is a single record or a row of the table. 3. Entity: - The value entered in a field is called as entity. 4. Attribute: - Column name. 5. Cardinality: - Number of rows. Explain various elements of access database. Access has following database elements: 1. Table: All data in access is stored in the form of table. 2. Queries: These are the statements that produce information from a database after execution. 3. Forms: It displays and print data from a table or query. 4. Reports: It presents the data in a printed format. 5. Macros : It is a set of one or more actions, each performs a particular operation such as opening a form. Define column level constraints. If the constraints are defined along with the column definition, it is called as a column level constraint. Column level constraints can be applied to any one column at a time. Define table level constraints. If the data constraint attached to a specific cell in a table references the contents of another cell in the table then the user will have to see table level constraints. Define Distributed Processing and Transaction Processing. Distributed processing is the use of more than one processor to perform the processing for an individual task. A single computer uses more than one CPU to execute programs in parallel processing. A transaction is a group of logical operations. Systems dedicated to supporting such operations are known as transaction processing system. A single transaction might require several queries for reading and writing information in the database. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q22. Ans. Q23. Ans. Q24. Ans. Q25. Ans. Q1. Ans. Q2. Ans. 3/45 Which is the minimum Entity in a database? Attribute of any entity is the minimum entity in a database. Two-dimensional tables in a relational database are much like the traditional file system with its records, fields and files. Rows of the relation are referred to as Tuples of the relation and columns are referred as Attributes. An entity usually has an attribute whose values are distinct for each individual’s entity in the collection. Such as an attribute is called Key attribute and its values can be used to identify each entity uniquely. What are Database Constraints? Database constraints are checks or restrictions for column values in the table. They limit the possible values that user can enter into specified columns, enforcing referential integrity. When you create constraints in the database they confirm the values for creating and altering tables. Constraints ensure that value entered in the field must be accurate and correct and must fall with in specified range. Constraints are of two types system constraints and User Defined Constraints. Some example of system constraints are Primary key, Required etc. and user defined constraints are particular validation on some columns e.g. age must be greater than 18. What is the use of Required Property? You can use the required property to specify whether a value is required in a field. If this property is set to yes, when you enter data in a record, you must enter a value in the field or in any control bound to the field, and the value cannot be Null. What are Advantages of QBE? Advantages of QBE are: 1. QBE is a simple thing for non-technical users to build queries and is built into access. 2. QBE represents a visual approach for accessing information in a database through in use of query templates. 3. It is a powerful facility that gives the end user the capacity to access the information the user wants without having the knowledge of any programming language including SQL. 4. It also provides easy way to perform update operations like inserting deleting and modifying records. The DBMS is an Interface between physical Database and user Requests. Explain. The DBMS responds to a query by invoking the appropriate sub-programmes, each of which performs its special function to interpret the query, or to locate the desired data in the database and insert it in the designed order. Thus DBMS shields database users from the tedious programming they would have to do, to organise data for storage, or to gain access to it once it has been stored. So we can say that DBMS is an interface between physical database and user request. What are the benefits of using database approach? There are following benefits: Redundancy can be reduced :In non-database systems each application or department has its own private files resulting in considerable amount of redundancy of the stored data. Thus storage space is wasted. By having a centralized database most of this can be avoided. Inconsistency can be avoided :When the same data is duplicated and changes are made at one site, which is not propagated, to the other site, it gives rise to inconsistency. Data can be shared :The existing applications can share the data in a database. Standards can be enforced :With central control of the database, the database administrator can enforce standards. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q3. Q4. Ans. Q5. Ans. 4/45 Security Restrictions can be applied :Having complete authority over the operational data the database administrator can ensure that the only means of access to the database is through proper channels and can define authorization checks to be carried out whenever access to sensitive data is attempted. Integrity can be maintained :Integrity means that the data in the database is accurate. Centralized control of the data helps in permitting the administrator to define integrity constraints to the data in the database. Write the names of different types of database. 1) Analytical database: - They are primarily static and read only data bases, which stores archived, historical information used for analysis. 2) Operational database: - On the other hand operational database are used to manage more dynamic bits of data. They allow modifying, adding, deleting and appending the data. 3) Hierarchical database:- In these type of databases, data is organized in the form of child-parent relationship forming a tree structure. 4) Network database: - This database consists of a collection of records connected to one another through links. A relationship in this context is known as a set. 5) Relational database: - This database records data in the form of tables. A table is composed of a number of rows and columns. Each data field is considered as a column and each record is considered as a row. Explain various types of Relationships. A table relationship exists between two tables when they are related (as described above) and always falls into one of these categories, depending on how many times the linking values can occur in each table: One-To-One: This type of relationship exists when there is only one record on each side of the relationship for each linking value. For example, there is a one-to-one relationship from an Orders table to a Customer table when they are linked on the CustomerID field (only one customer for each order). One-To-Many: When there can be more than one record for a linking value on one side of a relationship, you end up with a one-to-many relationship. The relationship between the Contacts and Calls tables is an example of a one-to-many relationship. There is only one record in the Contacts table for each person, but you can have many records in the Calls table for each person. Many-To-Many: This type of relationship describes the situation where linking values can appear in multiple records on both sides of a relationship. A table of Classes linked to a table of Club Members using a Student-ID field would have a many-tomany relationship since a student could be in multiple classes and clubs. What do you mean by Quality of information? We expect information to be 'reliable' and 'accurate'. These features can be measured by the degree of completeness precision and timeliness. Completeness The user of information should receive all the details necessary to aid decisionmaking. It is important for all information to be supplied before decisions are made. For example, new stock should not be ordered until full details of current stock levels are known. Precision Accurate information can be more damaging than incomplete information- to a business. The degree of accuracy required depends on the recipient's position in the management hierarchy. Timeliness This is described as 'the provision of prepared information as soon as it is required'. We also need to consider the case where accurate information is produced, but not used immediately, rendering it out-of-date. So the systems demand timely information and cannot operate without it. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q6. Ans. Q7. Ans. Q8. Ans. 5/45 What is data independency? Explain its types. Data Independence The Ability to modify a schema definition in one level without affecting a schema definition in the next higher level is called data independence. There are two levels of data independence. 1) Physical Data Independence It is the ability to modify the physical schema without causing application programs to be rewritten. Modifications at the physical level are occasionally necessary to improve performance. 2) Logical Data Independence It is the ability to modify the logical schema without causing application programs to be rewritten. Modifications at the logical level are necessary whenever the logical structure of the database is altered (for example, when money-market accounts are added to a banking system). Logical data independence is more difficult to achieve than is physical data independence, since application programs are heavily dependent on the logical structure of the data that they can access. Explain characteristics of data in database. Characteristics of data in a database: The data in a database should have the following features : 1. Shared - Data in a database are shared among different users and applications. 2. Persistence - Data in a database exist permanently in the sense, the data can live beyond the scope of the process that created it. 3. Validity/Integrity/Correctness - Data should be correct with respect to the real world entity that they represent. 4. Security - Data should be protected from unauthorized access. 5. Consistency - Whenever more than one data element in a database represents related real-world values, the values should be consistent with respect to the relationship. 6. Non-redundancy - No two data items in a database should represent the same real-world entity. 7. Independence - The three levels in the schema (internal, conceptual and external) should be independent of each other so that the changes in the schema at one level should not affect the other levels. Explain various uses of database. The advantages of having data in a database is summarized below Redundancy can be reduced In non-database systems each application or department has its own private files resulting in considerable amount of redundancy of the stored data. Thus storage space is wasted. By having a centralized database most of this can be avoided. Inconsistency can be avoided When the same data is duplicated and changes are made at one site, which is not propagated, to the other site, it gives rise to inconsistency. Data can be shared The existing applications can share the data in a database. Standards can be enforced With central control of the database, the database administrator can enforce standards. Security Restrictions can be applied Having complete authority over the operational data the database administrator can ensure that the only means of access to the database is through proper channels and can define authorization checks to be carried out whenever access to sensitive data is attempted. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS 6/45 Integrity can be maintained Integrity means that the data in the database is accurate. Centralized control of the data helps in permitting the administrator to define integrity constraints to the data in the database. Q9. Ans What is database and what are main elements of database? Database is the collection of related data that is required for a particular organisation. A database consists of four elements—data, relationships, constraints and a schema Components of a database: Data Items Relationships Constraints Schema Data are binary computer representations of stored logical entities. Relationships represent a correspondence between various data elements. Constraints are predicates that define correct database states and the schema describes the organization of data and relationships within the database. Q10. Ans. Define schema and difference between Internal and external schema. The schema defines various views of the database for database management system, component’s use and for applications’ security. A schema separates the physical aspects of data storage from the logical aspects of data representation. The internal schema defines how and where data are organized in physical data storage. The conceptual schema model defines the stored data structures in terms of the database model used. The external schema defines a view or views of the database for particular users. Q11. What is a database management system (dbms)? Ans. A database management system (DBMS) is a software that provides services for accessing a database, while maintaining all the required features of the data. The DBMS responds to a query by invoking the appropriate sub-programmes, each of which performs its special function to interpret the query, or to locate the desired data in the database and insert it in the designed order. Thus DBMS shields database users from the tedious programming they would have to do, to organise data for storage, or to gain access to it once it has been stored. The major components of a DBMS are shown in the figure: SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q12. Ans. Q13. Ans: 7/45 Define Types of DBMS. A Database management system is a hardware/software system that consists of a database and necessary programs to carry out database management activities rolled in one. Users do not have to interact with the data files directly but through a language interface. Using a database management system for data storage and manipulation relieves the users from the bookkeeping responsibilities. For simple data manipulation users do not have to write programs, instead the programs are already written in the database which can be invoked by user by issuing one or more command in a database language. For more complex manipulations programming interface is also included in a DBMS. Most of the currently popular DBMS have more complex architecture. Moreover not only human users but other programs also can interact with the DBMS. In this arrangement, the database is commonly known as back-end while the user program is called front-end. Front-end applications can be designed to suite any individuals or organisations specified data-interaction needs. Different types of DBMS can take different approaches to manage the data. Each approach constitutes a database. Major database model types are: 1. Hierarchical data model 2. Network Database model 3. Relational Database model 4. Object oriented database model 5. Deductive database model Differentiate between DBMS and RDBMS. 1. DBMS stand for Database Management System, it includes theoretical part that how data is stored in a table, it consists of n number of tables and there is no relationship between tables. RDMBS stands for Relational Database Management System, which having the relationship with other tables. 2. The Relationship between tables in DBMS is Physical and the relationship in RDBMS is Logical. 3. DBMS does not support Data Integrity and RDBMS support Data integrity. 4. RDBMS support Structural Independence and Advanced Query Capabilities while DBMS does not support this. 5. DBMS does not support Security while RDBMS supports Security on Databases. You can not share data between Clients and server in DBMS as sharing is possible in RDBMS between Tables. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q14. Ans. Q15. Ans. Q16. Ans. Q17. Ans. Q18. Ans. Q19. Ans. 8/45 Define Data Integrity. Data integrity ensures that the values entered in the database attributes are accurate and lying within specified range. For example the age of the employees will be in the range of 18 to 70 years. To define an integrity constraint, include a constraint clause in a Create Table or Alter Table statement. The Constraint clause has two systematic forms; Table Constraint: - The table constraint syntax is a part of the table definition. This Integrity constraint defined with this syntax can impose rules on any columns in the table. The Table_Constraint syntax can appear in a Create Table or Alter Table Statement. Column Constraint: - This constraint Syntax is a part of a column definition. An integrity constraint defined with this syntax can impose rules only on the column in which it is defined. What do you mean by Referential Integrity? Referential Integrity: - A referential integrity constraint designates a column or combination of columns as a foreign key and establishes a relation ship between the foreign key and a specified primary or unique key, called the referenced key. If the Base Relation/Table includes a foreign key matching Primary key of some other base table relation. Then every value of the Foreign Key in the First table/Relation must either be equal to the value of Primary Key in some tuple of the second table or be the wholly null. Or in other words a Foreign Key value must match primary key value in some tuple of the referenced relation if that foreign key value is non-null. Sometimes it is necessary to permit foreign keys to accept nulls. Here it must be noted that the null values exist only when the value does not exist. Define the Term Distributed Processing. Distributed processing is the use of more than one processor to perform the processing for an individual task. A single computer uses more than one CPU to execute programs in parallel processing. In Distributed Processing the database components are not localized on a single location but instead are stored on different sites on a network is known as Distributed database. The database management system in such cases are equipped with network support and strict control mechanisms moreover, the database management system itself may be located at more than one site. Differentiate between Schema and sub Schema. Schema: The term schema indicates an overall structure of all the data items including their records types stored in the database. The first thing we must do is to set up a database and to define its structure namely the schema definition. Identifying the characteristics of each field contained in the database does this. A good way to define the schema of a database is to list down all the fields that need to be included in the database on the paper, and then to determine the name, type and size of the fields. Sub-Schema: The overall design of a database is known as schema of a database. The term Subschema refers to an application programmer's view of the data-items and record types, which the user would use. Many sub-schemas can be derived from one schema. The subschema is also called as Logical view. What do you mean by Entity Integrity? Entity Integrity: No attribute participating in the primary key of a base relation allowed containing any nulls. Primary key performs the unique identification function in a relational model. Thus a null primary key value within a base relation would be like saying that there was some entity that had no known identity. An entity that cannot be identified is a contradiction in terms, hence the name entity integrity. It also ensure that value entered in the column should be accurate and correct and must fall with in specified range of data. What are the Roles of Database Administrator? Data Base Administrator manages the database. His responsibilities are: SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q20. Ans. Q21. Ans. Q22. Ans. 9/45 1. DBA’s role is to create user accounts and assigning the proper rights or authentication to users. 2 He is responsible to take backup and recovery of database in regular interval. 3 His main role is to manage the network architecture of database properly. 4.Database replication is also done by database administration. 5 DBA is also responsible for granting different rights to users. Explain the types of integrity rules specified by relational model. There are two types of relational integrity rules Entity Integrity: - No attribute participating in the primary key of a base relation allowed containing any nulls. Primary key performs the unique identification function in a relational model. Thus a null primary key value within a base relation would be like saying that there was some entity that had no known identity. An entity that cannot be identified is a contradiction in terms, hence the name entity integrity. Referential integrity: - A referential integrity constraint designates a column or combination of columns as a foreign key and establishes a relation ship between the foreign key and a specified primary or unique key, called the referenced key. If the Base Relation/Table includes a foreign key matching Primary key of some other base table relation. Then every value of the Foreign Key in the First table/Relation must either be equal to the value of Primary Key in some tuple of the second table or be the wholly null. Or in other words a Foreign Key value must match primary key value in some tuple of the referenced relation if that foreign key value is non-null. Sometimes it is necessary to permit foreign keys to accept nulls. Here it must be noted that the nulls are of the variety value does not exist’ rather than ‘Value unknown’. What are the deficiencies of Pre-database information processing? 1. Data repetitions or redundancy. 2. Interdependence between programs and files. 3. Data inconsistency. 4. Lack of data integrity. 5. Representation of relationships. 6. Data management techniques. 7. Lack of co-ordination across applications using common data. 8. Lack of data security mechanisms. 9. Inability to manage concurrent access to data. 10. Non- uniform back-up and recovery methods. Define Client-Server Architecture. Can it be attained in Ms-Access? In a Client –Server Architecture, clients are interconnected with server. Clients makes request to the server and server responds to that client. The access to this type of database is through a request-reply manner. A user makes a request for the desired data through a special program called client-using a database language such as SQL, QBE etc. The client program sends the user request to the DBMS. The database server pulls out the requested data and passes it back to the client. The Client and server may reside on the same computer or may be on different computers physically separated from each other but having a network connection in between. Oracle and My-SQL server are two examples of this type of database. Yes, MS access supports client-server architecture. Q23. Ans. What is a Relational Model? Write its Advantages and Disadvantages. In relational model, data is organised in the form of tables. The data and relationship among the data are represented by a collection of tables. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q24. Ans. 10/45 Advantages: 1) No pointers or links are used to define the relations. So,many columns can be added without any difficulty. 2) It is very flexible. 3) One of reasons behind the success of relational model is simplicity. It is very easy to understand data when presented in the form of a table. 4) Another important advantage of relational model as compared to network and hierarchical model is that it doesn’t bind data in relationship between data item. Instead it allows dynamic relationship between data items. 5) In relational model, the related data is put in a two dimensional tables having rows and columns. Each table should have key value, which is unique identification of each record. So, it is very easy to retrieve any value. 6) Querying a relational database is very simple. It is highly efficient and very powerful. Disadvantages: 1) It does more complex activities thereby increasing system overhead. 2) It is costly. What is relationship? How many types of relationship in MS-Access? Relationship among Data: - A relational ship is defined as “an association among entities”. A relational ship type is an association of entity types, while a relationship instance is an association of entity instance is an association of entity instances. A relationship may associate an entity with itself. The three different types of relationship may recognized among various data stored in the database are; ONE TO ONE: - Consider an example a set of students in a class. Each student can have only one roll no. Similarly each roll number can be associated only with one student. This is the case of a one to one relational ship. Student1 Assigned Rollno-1 Many to One: - One student can register for only one particular course at a time. Where as one course is registered to many students. This can be illustrated with the following figure; Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Register Course SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS 11/45 Many to Many: - A vendor can sell a number of terms and many vendors can sell a particular item. The following Figure will clear it to you. Q25. Ans. Vendor 1 Vendor 3 Vendor 2 Vendor 4 What is E-R Diagram? What are its Various Components? E-R diagram is a tool to describe the properties of a real world object known as entity and also shows its relationships with other entities. Entity relationship diagrams are the document that is developed when using the traditional approach to system analysis and design. When designing a new system the system analyst first identifies all of the processes and data needed within a system. Ordinarily and cardinality Ordinarily and cardinality are two very important database properties. Cardinality is a relationship property that indicates the number of related instances an entity may have. An entity may have zero, one, or many related entity instance. . Ordinarily is a property that indicates whether an entity instance is mandatory. The analyst is extremely interested in this property. It determines whether an outer join should be used when extracting attributes from the two entities. The outer join extends the result of a simple join. An outer join returns all rows from one table and the corresponding rows from another table that satisfy the join condition. A simple join does not return such rows. Q26. Ans. Creating an entity relationship diagram 1. Identify the entities 2. Define the attributes (properties) of entities 3. Define the relationships 4. Determine cardinality and ordinarily of the relationship. 5. Determine descriptive attributes. 6. Create the ER-diagram. 7. Review and refine the record. What is Normalization? Explain various normal Forms with the help of Example. Normalization is the process of converting one table into many tables. Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database. This includes creating tables and establishing relational ship between those tables according to rules designed both to protect the data and to make the database more flexible by eliminating two factors. 1. Redundancy 2. Inconsistent dependency REDUNDANCY: - It means duplication of data. This wastes disk space and creates maintainace problems. If data of one table ,that exists in more than one table, is changed, then data must be changed in exactly the same way in all locations. INCONSISTENT DEPENDENCY: -It is intuitive for a user to look in the customers table for the address of a particular customers, it may not make sense to look there SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS 12/45 for the salary of the employee who calls on that customer. The employee salary is related to , or dependent on the employee and thus should be moved to the employee table. Inconsistent dependencies can make data difficult to access; the path to find the data may be missing or broken. There are few rules and specifications, real world scenarios do not lays allow to perfect compliance. If you decide to violate one of the first three rules of normalization, make sure that your application anticipates any problems that could occur, such as redundant data and Inconsistent Dependencies. FIRST NORMAL FORM: - A relation schema is said to be in 1NF if the values in the domain of each attribute of the relation are atomic. That is, only one value is associated with each attribute and the value is not a set of values or a list of values. First Normal Form will be divided into three parts. 1. Eliminates repeating groups in individual tables. 2. Create a separate table for each set of related data. 3. Identify each set of related data with primary key. SECOND NORMAL FORM: - A relation schema is in the 2nd NF if it is in 1NF and if all nonprime attributes are fully functionally dependent on the primary key. THIRD NORMAL FORM: - A relation is in 3rd NF if and only id it is in 2NF and every non-key attribute is non-transitively dependent on the primary key. Q27. What are Different types of Database and Users? Ans: - There are different types of databases provided by database management system They can be classified on the following bases On the basis of localization 1. Stand- alone database 1. Centralized database 2. Distributed database On the basis of access method 1. Client/Server 2. Web-based 3. Deductive database On the basis of application 1. Production database 2. Operational database 3. Enterprise 4. Data warehouse Database Users: End User: - The users who utilize the data stored in the database and the derived processed information are referred to as end users. Operator: - The user who performs data entry. Programmer: - Advanced users who develop and create application programs that interact with the database. Database designer: - The user who design the structure of the database. Database Administrator: - The users who are overall in charge of the administrative control of a database system called database administrators. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Section – B [QUESTIONS 1 TO 30] Q1. Ans. 13/45 2 Marks Questions [PAGE 12 TO 16] Write important Features of Access. – in Functions Q2. Ans. Write steps to create a Database. The starting screen is displayed as shown in the figure below. If this is the first time you have launched Access, you will not have the entries in the list box at the bottom of the dialog box. As soon as your Access Session is started, which asks for the various options such as: various database objects. Q3. Ans. Q4. Ans. reate a new database, but by use of a wizard or two to give you a quick start. – this will allow you to choose from a list. Write the extension of a Access database. The extension of any access database is .mdb. How we can reset toolbars and menus? Steps for resetting toolbars and menus are: 1. View >> Toolbars >> Customize. Click on customize. The customize dialog box appears. 2. Click the Options tab. 3. Click ‘Reset my usage data” button. The confirmation dialog box appears 4. Click ‘Yes’. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q5. Ans. Q6. Ans. Q7. Ans. Q8. Ans. Q9. Ans. 14/45 5. Click Close. The Customize dialog box closes and the toolbars and menus are reset to their default settings. If you have adjusted specific settings for any toolbars, those settings will be retained. How can we view data in database? In Access 2000, data is stored in a table form. Report or query may be presented in several ways, called views. For a table or a form datasheet, views display all the data in a tabular format—each rows a record and each column a field. When you open a table, it always appears in the Datasheet view, as it is the default view. If a Form has already been created for a table, Form view displays the table data one record at a time. Form Design view lets you create a new Form or change the structure of an existing Form. In the Table Design View the table is displayed as a list of fields and their associated properties. Define table. Table is a grouping of related data organized in fields (columns) and records (rows) on a datasheet. By using a common field in two tables, the data can be combined. Many tables can be stored in a single database. Define field. A Field is a column on a datasheet and defines a data type for a set of values in a table. For a mailing list table might include fields for first name, last name, address, city, state, zip code, and telephone number. Define record. Record is a row on a datasheet and is a set of values defined by fields. In a mailing list table, each record would contain the data for one person as specified by the intersecting fields. Write main features of Access. tion – in Functions Q10. Ans. Q11. Ans. How can we Convert database to Access 2000? Before opening an existing file that was created in a previous version of Access, it must first be converted to Access 2000 format. Convert a database by following these steps: 1. Open Access and select Tools|Database Utilities | Convert Database | To Current Access Database Version from the menu bar. 2. Select the database that should be converted and click the Convert button. 3. The new version will be a completely separate database and the old one will remain intact so you have to give the name of the new version of the database. Write different methods to create table. Create table in Design view will allow you to create the fields of the table. This is the most common way of creating a table. We can also modify the field descriptions, properties etc. Create table using wizard will step you through the creation of a table. We have to answer the queries by clicking on buttons, selecting fields, entering text and making Yes/No decisions. Create table by entering data will give you a blank datasheet with unlabelled columns that looks much like an Excel worksheet. Enter data into the cells and click the Save button. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q12. Ans. Q13. Ans. Q14. Ans. 15/45 What is field size? Field Size is used to set the number of characters needed in a text or number field. The default field size for the text type is 50 characters. Byte - Positive integers between 1 and 255 Integer - Positive and negative integers between -32,768 and 32,768 Long Integer (default) - Larger positive and negative integers between -2 billion and 2 billion. Single - Single-precision floating-point number Double - Double-precision floating-point number Decimal - Allows for Precision and Scale property control How can we Delete Fields from table? There are 2 ways to delete a field: on the left of a field) and press the Delete key. Whenever you delete a field, you receive a warning from Access stating that you will lose all data stored in the field. How can we insert Fields in table? There are 2 ways to insert a field: select “insert column” option. Q15. Ans. Q16. Ans. Q17. Ans. Q18. Ans. Q19. A new field is added to the table design. Write different methods to create form. You can create a form using: 1. Using the Auto Form feature: In this, select thetable or query on which you want to create a form, then a columnar form containing all the fields is generated by access. 2. Using the Form wizard: Form wizard simplifies the layout of the fields. You are guided through a series of steps, which help you to decide on the type to be created, and then form will be created automatically. 3. Using the Design View: In this we need to open the relevant tables and include in the form. We can also add controls in the form like text boxes, labels and option buttons. How can we Add Records Using a Form? Input data into the table by filling out the fields of the form. Press the Tab key to move from field to field and create a new record by clicking Tab after the last field of the last record. A new record can also be created at any time by clicking the New Record button at the bottom of the form window. Records are automatically saved as they are entered so that no additional manual saving needs to be executed. How can we use index tab to get help? 1.Help >> Microsoft Access Help or Press Fl. The Microsoft Access Help dialog box appears. 2. Click the Index tab. If it is not visible, then click on the Show button to make it visible. 3. Enter the word ‘YOU WANT TO SEARCH’ in the search text box and click on the search button. A list of print related topics appear. 4. Click on the topic. Define Filtering. Filtering temporarily isolates a subset of records. This is particularly useful because the subset can be formatted and printed just like the entire datasheet. Filtering means to filter out all but the data you let pass your criteria. How reports are helpful? SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Ans. Q20. Ans. Q21. Ans. Report is an effective way to present your data in a printable format. It enables you to display information of the required level of detail. The information can be viewed or printed in any format. Reports will organize and group the information in a table or query and provide a way to print the data in a database. What are different kinds of reports in Access? You can create the following kind of reports in Access. Tabular Reports Tabular reports are similar to a table that displays data in a row – column format. Tabular reports can group the data by one or more field values. Subtotals and page totals can be calculated and displayed on the report. Columnar Report Columnar reports display data vertically. You can use this kind of report to display one record per page or to display data that is related in a one – to – many relationships. Mailing Labels You can create mailing labels from the data stored in a table How You Change Sorting and Grouping Order in a Report? Q22. Ans. Q23. Ans: Q24. Ans. Q25. Ans. 16/45 Open the report in Design view. Click on “View” menu and select “Sorting and Grouping” option to display the Sorting and Grouping box. In the Sorting and Grouping box, click the row sector of the field or expression you want to move. Click the selector again, and drag the row to a new location in the list. How we can Print Reports? Select File-Page Setup to modify the page margins, size, orientation, and column setup. After all changes have been made, print the report by selecting File|Print from the menu bar or click the Print button on the toolbar. Explain Queries. Queries select records from one or more tables in a database so they can be viewed, analysed, and sorted on a common datasheet. The resulting collection of records, called a dynaset (short for dynamic subset), is saved as a database object and can therefore be easily used in the future. The query will be updated whenever the original tables are updated. Define different types of Queries. Types of queries are : Select query: It is used to extract from tables based on the criteria specified in the query object, and display the resulting records. Crosstab query: It is used to display summarised values (sums, counts, and averages) of both the rows and columns in the query. Parameter query: It prompts the user for the criteria on which the data will be retrieved. Action query: It is used to perform an action on records that meets the criteria specified in the query object. SQL query: It is a database query language that can be used to specify multiple tables, joins etc. Explain Designing a Form. The Form Design window is used to create a form without the help of the wizard. You need to open the relevant tables and include in the form. You can also add controls in the form, like text boxes, labels and option buttons. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q26. Ans. Q27. Ans. Define application window and application workplace. A window-based application has a window as user interface. Any event in a window is responded by the application owing that application. An application window has three statuses: i) Minimized ii) Maximized iii) Normal Windows The Screen of a Window having a comparatively large area is called its workplace. In this, a document is open and can be manipulated and it is called application workplace. Ms-Office Applications as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel are having application windows as we can open multiple documents or sheets in one application window. Explain Navigation bar. Q28. Ans. 17/45 The First Record button takes you immediately to the first record. The Previous Record button moves you back one record at a time. The record indicator displays the number of the current record and allows you to enter a record number and move to that record immediately. The Next Record button moves you forward one record at a time. The Last Record button take you immediately to the last record. The New Record button generates a new blank record. Press ‘Ctrl+Home’ to go to the first record. Press PgUP and PgDn keys to move to the next and previous records respectively Press ‘Ctrl+End’ to go to the last record. Differentiate between SDI and MDI. SDI (Single Document Interface): - The applications that allow opening only one document at a time is known as SDI e.g. Notepad. This type of application can have only one document opened and opening of another document will cause closing of the previous one. MDI (Multiple Document Interface):- The application that allow opening more than one document at the same time , is known as MDI. Out of the entire opened document only one can be active at a time. e.g. MS Word etc. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q29. Ans. Q30. Ans. 18/45 Differentiate between Table and a Query. Query: - A Query displays records and fields from one or more tables based on criteria that you specify Queries are like filter and much more flexible. It consists of instruction about what data to select from a table. With the help of a query we can extract particular information about an entity by specifying criteria. We can manipulate the record of a particular entity with the help of query. We can also create a new table from the existing table with help of a query. Table: - A table is a combination of Rows and Columns. Column represents the Attributes of a Entity while the row represent the Record of a particular Entity. In table we can store the no. of records of an Entity. E.g Student is an entity and Rollno, Name, Address are the attributes of student entity and the combination of all the attributes is known as a record of an entity. Attributes are also known as candidate keys, which uniquely identifies the value in a table. Write advantage to the chart and steps to create a chart. Charts are used to represent number in graphical form. Steps to create a chart of data 1. On the Insert menu, click Object, and then click the Create New tab. 2. In the Object type box, click Microsoft Graph Chart, and then click OK. Graph displays a chart and its associated sample data in a table called a datasheet. 3. To replace the sample data, click a cell on the datasheet, and then type the new text or numbers. 4. To return to Microsoft Word, click the Word document. Note If you close the datasheet you can reopen it by double-clicking the chart and then clicking Datasheet on the View menu. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Section – B [QUESTIONS 1 TO 39] Q1. Ans. Q2. Ans. Q3. Ans. 19/45 5 Marks Questions [PAGE 17 TO 33] What are the Benefits of Office 2000? Microsoft has created a general-purpose tool that can handle virtually all data processing, forecasting, communication, and web publishing activities of a modern business organization. Each office application shares common commands, dialog boxes, and procedures. So learn to apply commands in one application easily applied onto the another application. It also support variety of file formats including html. It is design to improve your efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. Microsoft Office 2000 programs support editing and viewing of documents in more than 80 languages by taking advantage of the Unicode text-encoding standard. If you work with documents that contain text in more than one language, if you work in a multinational organization, or if you share documents with people who use Office on systems that run in other languages, you or your system administrator can customize Office 2000 to handle conventions and requirements unique to each language. You can also make language-specific commands and features available within Office. What are the Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements to Install MsOffice 2000 and Features of Office 2000? Hardware requirements : To use Access 2000, you need: * PC with a Pentium 75 MHz or higher processor *Microsoft Windows 95 or later operating system, or Microsoft Windows NT Workstation operating system version 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later * For Windows 95 or Windows 98: 16 MB of RAM for the operating system, plus an additional 8 MB of RAM for Access * For Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later: 32 MB of RAM for the operating system, plus an additional 8 MB of RAM for Access Available hard-disk space for Access 2000 Typical installation: 161 MB * CD-ROM drive * VGA or higher resolution monitor; Super VGA recommended * Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing device Features of installation 1. After you have installed Microsoft Access 2000 or Microsoft Office 2000, the sample databases appear on the most recently used file list on the File menu, and on the list under open an Existing File in the dialog box when you start Microsoft Access for the first time. 2. Microsoft Access 2000 Setup program also installs text converters and additional proofing tools; most of these components are installed on first use and therefore do not consume a large amount of disk space. Although you can use these components with other Microsoft Office 2000 applications such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, they are not designed to be used directly with Microsoft Access. 3. If you do not use a custom installation, the Microsoft Office 2000 and Microsoft Access 2000 Setup programs install Microsoft Internet Explorer 5. If you use a custom installation, you can choose not to install Microsoft Internet Explorer. However, you must install Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 if you want to use data access pages in Microsoft Access. What is New in Ms-office 2000 and what applications it contains? Some of the new features in MS –office 2000 as compared to its previous versions are: 1. A new DTP program called Microsoft publisher, a graphic arts program called photo draw, better web integration, improved international language support and hundreds of new commands. and options. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q4. Ans. Q5. Ans. Q6. Ans. 20/45 2. Essential toolbars menus and web publishing tools have been standardized across applications. 3. Each application in the officer software suite has been redesigned to save files in HTML format for better integration with internet and corporate intranets. Difference application it contains are: 1) Word 2000 v) Outlook 2000 ii) Excel 2000 vi) Publisher 2000 iii) Power Point 2000 vii) Front page 2000 iv) Access 2000 viii) Photodraw 2000 What are the different ways to get help in Office 2000? Office 2000 help is used to provide help about all the application define under the office suite. Each application of the office 2000 suite contains the following tools. 1. Microsoft Help: - Each office application has the help menu. Just clicking on help the assistant appears provided it is turned on. If assistant is turned off the help window appears instead. If you wish to type a question in the help window, click the answer wizard tab. To scroll through a table of content for help, click on the content tab. When you want to search for specific words or phrases click the index tab. search for a topic, pick one from the list or type a question to display the similar result of the topic other wise the f1 key display the assistant balloon in which you can enter a word to find a topic. 2. Office Assistant: - Office assistant is an animated graphical character, which gives feeling of intelligent help provider to the user. Some of these assistant are presented below. Mr. Clippit, Mr. Dot, Mr. F1, Mr. Genius, Ms. Links. When you have a question about a Microsoft Office application, Office Assistant can provide the help. For Example, to get help about how to create a Query., type how to create a query in the Assistant’s Question box. The Ms-Office assistant is proactive. It automatically provides help topics and tips on task you work- and that too without asking you. For example when you write a letter, the assistant automatically displays topics to help you create and format a letter. The assistant also displays tips on how to use the features in the office programs more effectively. Just click the light bulb next to the assistant to see a tip. You can select an assistant of your choice and set it to operate so that it meshes with the way you work. What’s this: - It is a context sensitive help pointer with which you can click an application feature to learn about it. You can access it from the help menu. Define term Toolbar. What are various toolbars buttons in access? A toolbar is a group of tool buttons. A tool button is an iconic representation of objects like a command and clicking at one executes the command associated with it. These tool bar buttons are typically shortcuts to commands on the menu bar. Various tool bar buttons in Access are: 1) New ii) Open iii) Save iv) Print v) Print preview vi) Spell Check vii) Cut viii) Copy ix) Paste x) Format Painter xi) Undo xii) Office Links xiii) Analyse xiv) code xv)properties xvi)relationships xvii)new object xviii) help What are the different formatting options available in font dialog box? And how set a new default font? Font dialog box contain the following formatting option. 1. FontName: - Contains the list of fonts that we apply on the selected text. 2. Fontstyle: - It contains different styles like normal, bold, italic, bold-italic that can apply on the selected text 3. Fontsize: - To set the size of the font 4. Effect: - use to apply special effect on the selected text these superscript, subscript, emboss, hidden , shadow ,small cap ,double-strike , engrave, all caps 5. Underline style: - Single, double, dark and dotted. 6. Font Color: - To specify colour. We can set new default font by selecting required font then click on default button. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q7. Ans. Q8. Ans. Q9. Ans. Q10. Ans. 21/45 Explain the following features used n Ms-Office 2000. 1. Outline view and Split Screen view 2. Explain all methods to open non-word document. 1. Outline View: - This view is available in different application of office 2000. Use to display data in hierarichal form. Promote and demote tools are used to create heading and subheading. 2. Split-Screen View: - To divide the document in two different part so that one part of the document can be easily compared with the another part of the document. Non-word documents can be opened using the open option by selecting all files in file type or by inserting picture from insert file option from the menu. What are Menu and Dialog Boxes? A menu is a list of available menu. A menu contains a list of commands, or actions, which can be carried out. e.g. File, Edit, View, Windows, Help etc. A menu can be selected using mouse or using key combination with ALT key. You can invoke a menu item by clicking the mouse at that item. For instance clicking at the insert menu opens up the list items in this menu. Note that a letter in the menu item name is underlined e.g. F in file Menu. This has been done on purpose to introduce keyboard shortcut. You can invoke a menu by pressing Alt and function keys together. Some of the menu item has a triangle in front of them this means that this item is not a command itself but it is a sub-menu. Click it to display this sub-menu. Window based applications does not necessarily have command line interface. Basic input-output is carried on using dialog boxes. There are a variety of dialog boxes in Ms-Office applications. Some of them give you little information while some of them offer you options, which you can select. Write brief note on database toolbars. When the database window is active, Access displays the Database toolbar, with toolbar buttons that are specific to database administration. When you open a Form, the Form View toolbar replaces the Database toolbar. Similarly when you open a database in the design view, the Table Design toolbar appears or the Formatting toolbar appears when you are formatting a report. Some toolbar buttons become available only when certain database objects are being viewed. For example, the Paste button will be unavailable until you have placed some item in the clipboard using either Cut or Copy. Access 2000 default setting for toolbars displays the Database toolbar .The toolbar changes to Table design, Forms Design, Query Design and so on as you switch from one window to another. When you do Form or report design the Formatting (Form/Report) toolbar appears. How we create a Form? Explain Auto Form feature. You can create a form using: 1. Using the Auto Form feature. 2. Using the Form wizard. 3. Using the Design View. Using Auto Form Wizard to Create a Form 1. Select the Forms tab in the Database window. Click on the New Object button in the Standard toolbar. Select Auto Form: Columnar from the New Form Window as shown below 2. Select the table or query on which you want to create a form. 3. A columnar form containing all the fields in the selected table or query is generated by Access 4. Save this Form and close the form. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q11. Ans. 22/45 How can we Start MS-Access? To start an Access Session tart Button The Program menu will be displayed on the screen as illustrated You now get started with your Access Session. The following screen will be displayed as soon as your Access Session is started, which asks for the various options such as default) followed by existing databases on your System Depending on the task you want to do you can choose the appropriate option. Q12. Ans. Q13. Ans. Write several ways to start Access 2000. 1.You can start by clicking on the Office 2000 shortcut bar. 2.You can start Access from the Windows task bar. 3. If you have created a desktop shortcut for Access 2000, you can double-click on it to start Access 2000. 4. If you have created a shortcut for Access 2000 in the Quick Launch bar, you can click on it to start Access 2000. What is access startup dialog box? Once you have started Access 2000, the Access Startup dialog box appears (See Fig) giving you a choice of how to begin Access. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS 23/45 Access Startup Dialog Box Q14. Ans. Q15. Ans. The Access Startup dialog box gives you four options for beginning the Access session. To begin the Access session, choose one option from three options—you can create a new database or open an existing database. The three options are as follows: 1. Blank Access Database Use this option to create a new blank database. When you click the OK button after choosing this option, the ‘File New Database’ dialog box appears fill name of your database. 2. Wizards. Access Database Wizards, Pages and Projects If you want to create a new database based on a Wizard use this option. 3. Open an existing database This option is used to open an existing Access database. A list of recently opened files appears below the option. If the file you want is not in the list, click on ‘More Files...’ and press the OK button to bring up the Open dialog box. What are main components of a database in Access 2000? The main components are: Use tables to store database information. Forms: Use forms to enter or edit the information in your tables. Forms let you view one record at a time. Use reports to deliver a professional presentation or written report to your class. Queries: Filter data so that you retrieve selected records or fields from the database. Pages: Create HTML pages from a database quickly and efficiently. Macros: Automate tasks that you perform on a regular basis in a database. Modules: Automate a group of related procedures in Access 2000. How we can use TOOLBAR BUTTONS? In the following steps we will see how to use the Open toolbar button. 1. On the Standard toolbar, position the mouse pointer over the Open button. A Screen Tip of the button will appear, indicating the name of the button. 2. Click on the Open button. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q16. Ans. Q17. Ans. Q18. Ans. 24/45 3. In the ‘Look in’ drop-down list, select the location (hard disk or floppy drive) of the file. The names of all the folders and files in the hard disk or floppy are displayed in the Open dialog box. 4. Scroll through the folder list (if necessary) to locate where your files are located. 5. Double-click on the folder that you want to open. The folder opens and displays the name of the folders (if any) and files in it. 6. Choose the database you want to open by clicking on it. 7. Press the Open button. The file you have chosen will open. Instead of selecting the file by pointing the mouse on the file name and then pressing the Open button, you can double-click the file name to open the database. If the toolbar button that you want is not seen on the toolbar, you can find it by pressing the ‘More Buttons’ drop-down arrow How we can Arrange buttons on the toolbar? You can change the order in which the toolbar buttons appear on a toolbar. You might want to arrange the buttons that you use frequently together or you might want to logically group them. To arrange the toolbar buttons 1. View>> Toolbar>> Customize... The Customize dialog box appears. 2. If the Customize dialog box appears over the toolbar that you want to arrange, drag the dialog box away from the toolbar by clicking on the title bar at the top of the box and without releasing the mouse button, move the dialog box to the desired position and then release the mouse button. 3. On the toolbar drag the button you want to move and place it in the position you want. If the position is a valid one (acceptable position) then an I-beam will appear. If you drag the toolbar button to an area outside the acceptable positions (say outside the toolbar), then instead of the I-beam andX’ mark will appear at the bottom of the mouse pointer. 4. Once you have moved all the toolbar buttons to the desired positions, click the Close button to close the Customize dialog box. What is the use of Detect and Repair option of Help Menu? Microsoft may get corrupted in due course of time. Most of such problems are due to missing files and registry. To help the users correct malfunctioning of Microsoft Office Applications, a detect and repair utility has been included in Office 2000 programs. However it does not repair personal files, such as documents or worksheets. When you choose Detect and Repair Office 2000 analyzes the files in you office application to verify that they are of the proper size and contain necessary binary information. Detect and Repair can also fix corrupt or missing keys in the windows Registry by reverting to internal application defaults that keeps the program in use from stopping unexpectedly. If Office 2000 locates a missing or corrupt file, it replaces the file from your installation source. To initiate detect and repair utility in a Microsoft application, do the following: 1. On help menu click on Detect and Repair option. A Dialog Box opens 2. To restore the programs shortcuts to the windows start menu select the Restore my shortcuts while repairing check box. If Detect and Repair command does not fix your problem you first reinstall the application with which you are having problems using the original Office 2000 CdRom. Or secondly connect to Microsoft Office Update Web site to correct the problem. What is Editing and enhancing of cell? How auto-calculations get quicker answers in office 2000? Editing cell means to change the values or data store in the cell. We can update the cell containing data by clicking on the cell and then by changing the existing value or adding a new data in it. Enhancing means to modify a cell with background colour, foreground colour and by providing borders to the existing cell. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q19. Ans. 25/45 Auto Calculation: - Microsoft excel provides feature of auto calculate. when we select a range of cell in the excel it displays the sum of range in status bar . it can also perform other types of calculations and provide quick answers. These calculation are changed by right clicking on the status bar and select required calculation from the shortcut menu. The shortcut menu displays the options as Average, Sum, Count, Max, Min, Count None. We can select any of these available options. Define database, object, table, field, record, design view, datasheet view. Q20. Ans. A database is a collection of related information. An object is a competition in the database such as a table, query, form, or macro. A table is a grouping of related data organized in fields (columns) and records (rows) on a datasheet. By using a common field in two tables, the data can be combined. Many tables can be stored in a single database. A field is a column on a datasheet and defines a data type for a set of values in a table. For a mailing list table might include fields for first name, last name, address, city, state, zip code, and telephone number. A record in a row on a datasheet and is a set of values defined by fields. In a mailing list table, each record would contain the data for one person as specified by the intersecting fields. Design view provides the tools for creating fields in a table. Datasheet view allows you to update, edit, and delete in formation from a table. How we start and open new database? After opening Access, you will be presented with the window shown below. Select one of the first two options if you are creating a new database or the third if you want to edit an existing database. Blank Access database You must save an Access database before you start working on it. After selecting "Blank Access database", you will first be prompted to specify a location and name for the database. Find the folder where the database should reside in the Save in drop-down menu. Type the name of the database in the File name line and click the Create button. Access database wizards, pages, and projects SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS 26/45 Access' wizards and layout are existing database structures that only need data input. Select a database type and click OK. Name the database on the next screen. Open an existing database If the database was opened recently on the computer, it will be listed on the main window. Highlight the database name and click OK. Otherwise, highlight "More Files..." in the list and click OK. From the subsequent window, click the "Look In:" drop-down menu to find the folder where the database is located, highlight the database name in the listing and click OK. Q21. Ans. Q22. Ans. Write different data types used in access. Data Type is the type of value that will be entered into the fields. Text - The default type, text type allows any combination of letters and numbers up to a maximum of 255 characters per field record. Memo - A text type that stores up to 64,000 characters. Number - Any number can be stored. Date/Time - A date, time, or combination of both. Currency - Monetary values that can be set up to automatically include a dollar sign ($) and correct decimal and comma positions. AutoNumber - When a new record is created, Access will automatically assign a unique integer to the record in this field. Yes/No - Use this option for True/False, Yes/No, On/Off, or other values that must be only one of two. OLE Object - An OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object is a sound, picture, or other object such as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet that is created in another program. Use this data type to embed an OLE object or link to the object in the database. Hyperlink - A hyperlink will link to an Internet or Intranet site, or another location in the database. The data consists of up to four parts each separated by the pound sign (#): DisplayText#Address#SubAddress#ScreenTip. The Address is the only required part of the string. How can we create a Table in Design View? Design View will allow you to define the fields in the table before adding any data to the datasheet. The window is divided into two parts: a top pane for entering the field name, data type, and an option description of the field, and a bottom pane for specifying field properties. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q23. Ans. 27/45 Here are the steps to create a table using design grid: 1. From the Database view, click New and then choose Design View from the resulting dialog box, and click OK 2. Enter a field name in the first row of the Field Name Column. 3. Press Enter or Tab to move to the Data Type Field. 4. Enter a data type for this field. Access will scroll using the first letter of the data type, or you can also use the drop down list provided to you. 5. Alter the Field Properties section of the table design grid as needed. 6. Add a comment in the description column for your better understanding. What are Database properties and how can we add properties? Each Access database has a set of database properties. These properties are details about a file that help identify it—for example, a descriptive title, the author name, the subject, and keywords that identify topics or other important information in the file. File properties fall into these categories: automatically updated, preset and custom. Automatically updated file properties include statistics that are maintained for you, such as file size and the document creation date, modification date and so on. Preset document properties (such as author, title, and subject) already exist, but you must enter a text value. Custom document properties are properties you assign a text, date, number, or “yes” or “no” value to. You can choose from a list of preset names or add your own names. Steps to set the document properties for a document. 1. Open the document if it is not already open. 2.File >> Database Properties. The Properties dialog box appears. The General and Statistics tabs contain automatically updated file properties. The Summary tab contains the Preset properties and the Custom tab contains the custom document properties. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q24. Ans. 28/45 3. You don’t have to do anything to the automatically updated document properties. Access automatically updates them for you. 4. Click on the Summary tab, if it is not already active. 5. Type in the details that you want. 6. Now we will add some custom properties to the document. Click the Custom tab. 7. In the Name box, type a name for the custom property, or select a name from the list. 8. In the Type box, click the type of property you want. 9. In the Value box, type a value for the property. The value you enter must match the selection in the Type box 10. Click Add. The custom property will be added to the list at the bottom. You can add as many properties as you want How can we modify table? Modifying the Table Design Sometimes changes are necessary to the table design because of change in the application’s need and specification or the table might not generate the desired output. To do this you may require adding a new field or deleting an existing field or just change the data type of the existing field. Inserting New Fields The steps involved in inserting a new field are as follows: A new field is added to the table design. Renaming Fields You can change the name of the field by placing the cursor on the field and typing the new name. This change should be made in all the reports, forms and queries that you have created. Deleting Fields The steps involved in deleting a field are as follows: press the Delete key. Whenever you delete a field, you receive a warning from Access stating that you will lose all data stored in the field. Changing the Field Size Fields need to be resized to hold more data or to save on database size if the width is more than required. You can only resize the fields with data type that of Text and Number as all other data types have predefined sizes. To increase the field size: in the Properties pane. To reduce the size: Q25. Ans. How we Add Records in the Table? Steps to add records to a table are: 1. Click on the Tables tab in the Database Window. 2. Click on the table name you want to add records to. 3. Click on the Open button. (You can also double – click the table icon) 4. Bring the cursor to the first field and type the value. When you start typing a second row is also visible. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q26. Ans. Q27. Ans. 29/45 Why we use Forms? Write types of forms. Forms are the primary objects used to enter and edit data. Forms provide a great degree of flexibility for viewing and entering data. Forms help you rearrange fields and view many more on a single screen. Types of Forms 1. Columnar Forms 2. Tabular Forms 3. Main/Sub forms Columnar Forms The fields are arranged as columns and resemble a manual data entry form. Tabular Forms The fields are arranged as columns and the records are entered in rows. Thus, it resembles a datasheet. Main/Subform This type of form is normally used to depict one to – many relationships. The main form displays the main record and subform displays the records from the related table in Datasheet view. How we Create Form with Help of Form Wizard? Like all Wizards, the Form Wizard simplifies the Layout of the fields. You are guided visually through a series of steps, which help you to decide on the type to be created, and then the form is created automatically. The steps in creating a form through Form Wizard are as follows: on the new command button in the Database window. Dialog box is displayed as shown. You need to specify the table or query on which the form will be based, from the list of tables and queries. The New Form Dialog box gives you the following choices. Design View: Displays a blank form that user needs to design by adding Fields. Form Wizard: It is used to create a form with one of three layouts – columnar, tabular, or datasheet. A step - by – step procedure guides you in customizing the form. Auto Form Datasheet: It is used to create a datasheet form. Auto Form Tabular: It is used to create a tabular Form. Auto Form Columnar: It is used to create a columnar Form. Chart Wizard: It is used to create a Form with Graph. Pivot Table Wizard: It is used to create an Excel PivotTable. A PivotTable is used to perform calculations, such as count, sum and average, on the rows and columns of a table. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q28. Ans. Q29. Ans. Q30. Ans. Q31. Ans. 30/45 1. Select the table or query on which the form will be based. 2. Choose the form type in the New Form Dialog box. 3. Select the fields that you want on your form and click Next button. 4. Choose the required layout and click Next button. 5. Select the form style and click Next button. 6. Type the name of the form in the text box and click Finish button. Explain Finding, Editing and deleting data in a form. You can find the information that you need without any difficulty in Access. In fact this is one of the main advantages of using a database management system to store your data. Once you have found the record modifying the data is very easy. If you want you can delete the records that you do not want in the table. Steps modify, add a record and delete records. 1. Start Access and open the database Pegasus.mdb. 2. Click on the Forms button on the Database window to bring up the Forms that we have created. 3.Double-click on the Form. The Form opens with the first record. 4. On the Form View toolbar, click on the Find button (the button with the figure a binoculars). The Find and Replace dialog box appears with the Find tab In the Find What box type what you want to find. 5. You can delete or edit data in the form. How can we use help in Access? 1. Help>> Microsoft Access Help or Press Fl. The Microsoft Access Help dialog box appears. 2. Click the Answer Wizard tab. If the Answer Wizard tab is not visible, then click on the Show button to make it visible. 3. In the ‘What would you like to do?’ box type what you want to search. 4. Click Search. The search results are displayed. 5. In the ‘Select topic to display’ area, click ‘Create a database ‘if not selected already. 6. On the help toolbar, click the Hide button, to hide the tabs. The answer to your query is available in the Help window. 7. Close the Microsoft Word Help window. Note: -similarly you can use content tab and index tab to get help Explain Filtering and Steps of Filtering. Filtering temporarily isolates a subset of records. This is particularly useful because the subset can be formatted and printed just like the entire datasheet. Filtering means to filter out all but the data you let pass your criteria. Access makes this operation as simple as sorting. Steps in Filtering 1. Click the Filter by Selection button on the toolbar for Customer table in the Northwind database. 2. Click the remove Filter button to remove the filter. Click the same button to reapply the filter. 3. Click the Remove Filter button to remove any filter by selection. Click the Filter by Form button. 4. Note the pull – down buttons. Pull down the combo box for Contact Title and choose Accounting Manager. Click the Apply Filter button. This will apply the filter as before. You can filter on more than one field using this method. Once you have filtered a datasheet to display a subset of records, you can still sort the records and find data just as if you were working with the entire datasheet. Explain Sorting. You may want to view the records in a table in a different order than they appear such as sorting by a date or in alphabetical order, for example. Follow these steps to execute a simple sort of records in a table based on the values of one field: SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS 31/45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Q32. Ans. Select the text you want to sort. On the Table menu, click Sort. Under Sort by, select the type of item you want to sort by. In the Type box, select the type of sorting you want. Click Ascending or Descending. To set additional preferences, click Options, and then select the options you want. To sort by more than one column (such as sorting by date and then sorting records with the same date alphabetically), highlight the columns by clicking and dragging the mouse over the field labels and select one of the sort methods stated above. What are different ways to create reports? Explain one of them. A report can be created by any of the following methods Creating a Report with Auto Report 1. Launch Access and open the database in which you want to build a report. 2. Click Reports on the Object bar, and then double – click Create Report by Using Wizard 3. Select the table or query on which the report will be based. 4. Select the fields in the available list and click the Single Field button or if you want to select all the fields click on All Fields button and then click next 5. Click First sort order list arrow in the sort dialog box, click the field according to which you want to sort and then click the Next button. 6. Click Next button to select Tabular layout and Portrait orientation, and then click Next button to accept corporate style. 7. Give the report a name and click the Finish button. You can now see the report, which you have made with the selected tables, forms or queries. Alternatively you can choose to create a Tabular AutoReport. To do this, select the AutoReport Tabular option from the New Report Dialog box. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q33. Ans. 32/45 How you will create a report using Report Wizard? Reports wizard give a layout for the report, which can then be customized according to your needs. You can use the Report Wizard to create reports with grouping and summaries. The steps to create a report with the Report wizard are: 1. Launch Access and open the database in which you want to build a report. 2. Locate the New button on the Database view toolbar. Click that button to start new report. 3. Choose Report Wizard from the main list box. Pull down the combo box at the bottom of the dialog box to choose the query or any other object for the report basis. Your screen resembles as above. 4. Click OK to start the actual wizard process. Specify the field what you want to be part of your report. 5. The next dialog box enables you to specify what fields to group on, if any. The screen what you will see is: 6. You can specify the sort in the next dialog box. In the next dialog box you can choose the layout of the report. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q34. Ans. Q35. Ans. 33/45 7. Give the name to the report, which describes the outline of the report and then click Finish button to accomplish your task and to see the preview of your report. A report preview is a screen view of how your report will look on the web or from a printer. Write steps for creating report using Report Design View. The steps involved in designing a Report are 1. Launch Access and open the database in which you want to build the Report. 2. Click on the Report tab in the Database window and then click the Design button on the Database view toolbar. This will launch report in the Design View. You can see the design view in the following figure. First understand the parts of the design view This has a toolbox that is similar to the Form Design window. The report is divided into the following sections. The Report header that prints only at the beginning of the report. The Page header, which prints at the top of each page. The Group header that prints before the first record of each group. The Detail line that prints each record of a table or dynaset. The Group footer, which prints after the last record of a group. The Page footer that prints at the bottom of each page. The Report footer that prints at the end of a report. The drag and drop facilities enable us to select fields from tables and place them up in the report. Once a field is placed on the report it becomes the control. 3. Select the Field list option from the view menu. 4. Select the field that you want to add to the report. 5. Drag and Drop the field in the appropriate position in the report. 6. Save the report by giving the name and close the design view. Define Template, Pivot Table and Pivot Chart. Template: -A template determines the basic structure for a document and contains document settings such as AutoText entries, fonts, key assignments, macros, menus, page layout, special formatting, and styles. Pivot Table: - A Pivot Table form can display a field's values horizontally or vertically, and then calculate the total of the row or column. Pivot Chart: -A pivot char combines the interactive summarization of data provided by a Pivot Table with the visual appeal and benefits of a chart. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q36. Ans. Q37. Ans. 34/45 What are Crystal Reports and how they are Different From Other Reports? Crystal Reports, developed by Crystal Decisions in the early 90s, arrived as the world's first Microsoft Windows report writer in 1992. In 1993, Microsoft bundled Crystal Reports in Microsoft Visual Basic. The initial version consisted of a designer, the Crystal Reports API and the Crystal Reports control. Crystal Reports quickly became the de facto tool for developing reports with Visual Basic. 'Crystal Reports' is a popular third party package that is included with Visual Basic, which allows you to create reports for your application. Developers can use Crystal's report designer to create a form letter template and pull customer information from a variety of databases. Generated form letters can be printed and mailed to customers. An additional example of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET's broad range of use includes formatting a report as an invoice. Invoices for a specific date range or a particular set of customers can be produced and exported as a .pdf file with minimal effort and almost no coding. When you have designed your report, the saved file should have an extension .rpt. You can use this report with the Crystal Report control to display or print your report in a VB application. You will have to add the Crystal Report control to the toolbox, this is done by going to the Project menu and selecting Components, then looking down the list for the control and clicking on it Crystal Reports can help you create flexible, high fidelity reports and tightly integrate them into applications. Learn how the following groups of features make it a world standard for enterprise reporting. Features of Crystal Reports 1. Data access Access almost any kind of data with more than 35 data drivers, custom data access, and tight control over database connectivity. 2. Formatting and design Design professional-looking, interactive reports using features like the visual report designer and dynamic prompts. 3. Report viewing and interaction Make it easy for your end users to view and work with their reports by customizing them to match their needs. 4. Application integration Find out how you can use Crystal Reports to add report viewing, creation, and modification capabilities your applications. 5. Security, support, and maintenance Learn how Crystal Reports can work within your existing security infrastructure and with other Business Objects tools. How a Data can be Imported and Exported in Ms-access? An import/export specification contains information, such as file format, date order, or number formats, that Microsoft Access uses to import or export a fixed-width or delimited text file. An import/export specification is stored with the default name: Filename_ImportSpec or Filename_ExportSpec in the database that you import to or export from. Import a Data Before you import or link data from a delimited text file or fixed-width text file, make sure that the file has the same type of data in each field and the same fields in every row. 1. Open a database, or switch to the Database window for the open database. 2. To import data, on the File menu, point to Get External Data, and then click Import. To link data, on the File menu, point to Get External Data, and then click Link Tables. 1. In the Import (or Link) dialog box, in the Files Of Type box, select Text Files (*.txt;*.csv;*.tab;*.asc). 2. Click the arrow to the right of the Look In box, select the drive and folder where the file is located, and then double-click its icon. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q38. Ans. Q39. Ans. 35/45 Important If you link to a file on a local area network, make sure that you use a universal naming convention (UNC) path, instead of relying on the drive letter of a mapped network drive in Windows Explorer. A drive letter can vary on a computer, or it may not always be defined; whereas, a UNC path is a reliable and consistent way for Microsoft Access to locate the data source that contains the linked table. 1. Follow the directions in the Import Text Wizard dialog boxes. Click Advanced to create or use an import/export specification. To Export external data the following steps are needed to perform. 2. In the Database window, click the name of the object you want to export, and then on the File menu, click Export. 3. Click the arrow to the right of the Save In box, and select the drive or folder where the Microsoft Access database you want to export to is located. 4. Double-click the icon for the database that you want to export. 5. In the Export dialog box, enter a name for the new object (or accept the current name). If you are exporting a table, in Export Tables, select whether you want to export both the table's definition and data or just the table's definition. Click OK to export the object. How we initiate and close the following settings on the screen standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, status bar, title bar, menu bar and split bar? Initiate & remove the following settings 1. Standard toolbar: - By selecting standard toolbar from the view menu’s toolbar. To remove deselect it from the toolbar option. 2. Formatting toolbar: - By selecting formatting toolbar from the view menu’s toolbar option. To remove deselect it from the toolbar option. 3. Status bar: - By applying check to the tool menu->option then status bar checkbox. To remove check from the tool menu->option then status bar check box. 4. Title Bar & Menu Bar: - These are initiated by the closing full screen and closed by applying fullscreen. 5. Split Bar: - It can be initiated by placing the cursor where to insert bar and click of window menu ‘s split option and close by clicking on remove split option in window menu Explain select Queries in QBE With Example. QBE is a graphical query language where an example of what is required is expressed by the user. The Graphical explanation is submitted to a QBE processor that interprets the implementation of the query; perform the actions required as warranted by the query and return the result if any. A query that results into a subset of the entire table of a group of a tables is known as a Select Query. It allows you to select not only required rows but also columns from the underlying table. Let us consider some typical example to describe the power of QBE. In English the Query is Print the names and ages of all the students. Query in QBE A variable that appears only once can be omitted; QBE supplies a unique new name internally. Thus the previous query could also be written by omitting the variables N and A, Leaving Just P in the sname and age columns. E.g.Student Rollno sname Class Age P.N P.A If we want to print all the fields in some relation we can place under P. under the name of the relation. This notation is like the SELECT * convention in SQL. It is equivalent to placing a P. in Every field. Student Rollno sname Class Age P >30 SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Section – C [QUESTIONS 1 TO 24] Q1. Ans. Q2. Ans. Q3. Ans. Q4. Ans. Q5. Ans. Q6. Ans. Q7. Ans. Q8. Ans. 36/45 2 Marks Questions [PAGE 34 TO 36] What is SQL? SQL stands for structured query language. SQL is used to communicate with database. According to ANSI (American National Standards Institute) it is the standard language for relational database management system. SQL statements are used to perform tasks such as update on a database, or retrieve data from a database. Explain various features of SQL? 1) It is just like English language using set of English Phrases to manipulate the database. 2) It is NON-procedural. 3) SQL encompasses a range of the uses and users. DBA’s application programmer’s managements and end user can use SQL. 4) It provides the tasks like querying data, insert, update, delete, create database, guaranteeing database consistency etc. How you will create a table in SQL. OR Write the syntax of creating table in SQL. A table can be created by following syntax: Syntax: - Create table <table name> (field1 datatype (width), field2 datatype (width)……); Can we use SQL statements in access? Yes we can use all types of SQL command in access like Select * from emp; Write different Types of SQL. SQL can be classified based on its functionality. SQL can be used to control, define and manipulate data. The classification can be done as follows 1. Data Control Language (DCL), which provides the control statements that, governs data security with GRANT and REVOKE statements. 2. Date Definition Language (DDL), it is used to define the objects, which creates and maintains the physical data structure with CREATE, DROP and ALTER verbs. 3. Data Manipulation Language (DML) that accesses and modifies data with the SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements. Define Data Definition Language (DDL). Data Definition Language is used to create, alter and delete database objects. The commands used are CREATE, ALTER and DROP. The Main data definition statements are listed below 1. CREATE TABLE 2. CREATE VIEW 3. CREATE INDEX 4. ALTER TABLE 5. DROP TABLE 6. DROP VIEW 7. DROP INDEX Define TABLES. A table in a relational system consists of rows of column headings, together with zero or more rows of data values. Data is entered in cells. Explain Drop Table command. An existing base table can be deleted at any time by using the DROP TABLE statement. The Syntax of the statement is: DROP TABLE table_name ; SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q9. Ans. Q10. Ans. Q11. Ans. Q12. Ans. Q13. Ans. Q14. Ans. Q15. Ans. 37/45 The specified table is removed from the system. All indexes and views defined for the table are also automatically dropped. Define NULL. Nulls are special markers by which SQL systems represent missing information. For example, when we say that the height of a person is null, it means that, we know that such a person exists, he/she does have a height, but we do not know what the height is. Two special comparison operators, IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are provided to test for the presence or absence of nulls. Zero length string is also a Null value for string type field. Write syntax of SELECT statement. The syntax of the SELECT statement with most of the options is given as follows SELECT [ALL DISTINCT] scalar-expression(s) FROM table(s) [WHERE conditional-expression] [GROUP BY column(s)] [HAVING conditional-expression] [ORDER BY column(s)]; Define DISTINCT. DISTINCT is used to eliminate the duplicate scalar values, distinct can be used to eliminate ‘duplicate rows’ also. The alternative to DISTINCT is ALL, which is by default, that shows all the rows with duplicate values also. How we Retrieve data Using *? "*" is used to get all the columns of a particular table. For example the SQL, SELECT * FROM BOOK_TABLE Will give an entire copy of the table BOOK_TABLE How we Retrieve data in Order? For getting the result in a particular order we use the ORDER BY clause. Consider the query ‘Get all the distributor details in descending order of discount’. The SQL statement will be as follows: SELECT * FROM DISTRIBUTOR_TABLE ORDER BY DISCOUNT DSC; Explain SELECT command using BETWEEN. BETWEEN can be used to get those items that fall within a range. For example consider the query “Get all the details of the books whose price is in the range of 10 and 25 both inclusive”. The SQL will be as follows SELECT * FROM BOOK_TABLE WHERE PRICE BETWEEN 10 AND 25; Explain LIKE statement. LIKE is a very powerful clause and also very useful. For example if you want to “get all the details of the books whose publisher’s name starts with ‘M’”, use like as follows SELECT * FROM BOOK_TABLE PUBLISHER LIKE ‘M%’ For ex: NAME LIKE ‘%al%’ - It evaluate the value to true if NAME contains the string ‘al’ anywhere inside it. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q16. Ans. Q17. Ans. Q18. Ans. Q19. Ans. Q20. Ans. Q21. Ans. 38/45 Define UPDATE Operation. Like SELECT statements, the UPDATE statements operate on both tables and views. But all views are not updatable. It is used to update (change) data in the database. Explain INSERT Statement. It is used for inserting rows into a table. The general syntax of the insert statement is as follows INSERT INTO table-name [[column [, column]…..] Values (" ",); For ex: INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOKNO, TITLE, AUTHOR, PUBLISHER, YEAR, and PRICE) VALUES (0471115037, ‘60 Minutes Software’, ‘Parkinson Wiley’, 1996, 45); Explain UPDATE Statement. The UPDATE statement is used to modify or update an already existing row of a table. The syntax for UPDATE statement is as follows UPDATE table-name SET column = scalar-expression [WHERE condition] All rows in the table, which satisfies the condition, will be updated in accordance with the assignments in the SET clause. Change the DISCOUNT on book computerfundamental to 45. UPDATE book SET DISCOUNT = 45 WHERE bookname="computerfundamental "; Explain DELETE statement. DELETE statement is used to delete an already existing row or rows from a table. The syntax for DELETE statement is as follows DELETE FROM table-name [WHERE condition] All rows in the table, which satisfies the condition, will be deleted. If the WHERE clause is omitted, all rows will be deleted. Consider the following example: delete all the books published by McGraw-Hill. DELETE FROM BOOK_TABLE WHERE PUBLISHER = ‘McGraw-Hill’ Can we access data without SQL in ACCESS-2000? You can work with Access without the knowledge of SQL but as your application grows in complexity you will find the knowledge of SQL handy. Access has a feature called Query-By-Example or QBE for querying a database. Using QBE you can create SQL statements to query a database by using a graphical interface. Give brief introduction of QBE. QBE was developed by IBM in the 1970s to help database users to access and retrieve information from the database, QBE represents a visual approach for accessing information in a database through the use of query templates. We use QBE by entering example values directly into a query template to represent what is to be achieved—the answer to the query. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q22. Ans. Q23. Ans. Q24. Ans. Define Multitable Queries. The Multitable query is a query which is based on more than one table which are linked together with help of one or more fields which is common in them. They can be Primary key in one table and Foreign key in the other table. What is UNIQUE Key Concepts? The purpose of unique key is to ensure that information in the column for each record is unique, as with telephone or driver’s license numbers. A table may have many unique keys. It can have NULL values but only one NULL value can exist for that column to make it unique. Create table emp(emp_code varchar2(5), name varchar2(15),not null addr varchar2(25), phone number(8) unique); What is a FOREIGN key? Foreign key represent relationships between tables. A foreign key is a column (or a group of columns) whose values are derived from the primary key of the other table. The existence of a foreign key implies that the table is related to the primary key table from which foreign key is derived. A foreign key must have a corresponding primary key value in the primary key table. Section – C [QUESTIONS 1 TO 25] Q1. Ans. Q2. Ans. 39/45 5 Marks Questions [PAGE 37 TO 48] Explain various advantages of using SQL. ADVANTAGES OF SQL 1. SQL is a high-level non procedural language that provides a greater degree of abstraction than procedural languages. It is fashioned so that the programmer can specify what data is needed but need not specify how to retrieve it. This will be taken care of by the Database Management System. 2. SQL enables end-users and systems personnel to deal with a number of database management systems where it is available. Increased acceptance and availability of SQL is also in its favor. 3. Applications written in SQL can be easily ported across systems. Such porting could be required when the underlying Database Management System needs to be upgraded or changed. 4. SQL as a language is independent of the way it is implemented internally. A query returns the same result regardless of whether optimizing has been done with indexes or not. This is because SQL specifies what is required and not how it should be done. 5. The language while being simple and easy to learn can handle complex situations. 6. The expected results are well defined. The language has a sound theoretical base and there is no ambiguity about the way a query will interpret the data and produce the result. 7. SQL is not merely a query language. The same language can be used to define data structures, control access to the data and delete, insert and modify occurrences of the data. 8. All SQL operations are performed at a set level. One select statement can retrieve multiple rows; one modify statement can modify multiple rows. This ‘set-at-a time’ feature of SQL makes it more powerful than the ‘record-at-a-time’ processing techniques employed in languages like say COBOL. Write different types of SQL. SQL can be classified based on its functionality. SQL can be used to control, define and manipulate data. The classification can be done as follows: 1. Data Control Language (DCL), which provides the control statements that, governs data security with GRANT and REVOKES statements. 2. Data Definition Language (DDL), it is used to define the objects that creates and SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q3. Ans. Q4. Ans. Q5. Ans. Q6. Ans. 40/45 maintains the physical data structure with CREATE, DROP and ALTER verbs. 3. Data Manipulation Language (DML) that accesses and modifies data with the SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements Explain Data Control Language (DCL). The data control language consists of commands that control the user access to the database objects. Thus DCL is mainly related to security issues, that is, determining who has access to database objects and what operations they can perform on them. The task of DCL is to prevent unauthorized access to data. The Database Administrator (DBA) has the power to give and take the privileges to a specific user, thus giving or denying access to the data. The commands that are mainly used are GRANT and REVOKE. Examples: 1. GRANT SELECT ON table-name TO user_name—gives the user the authority to do and select operations on the table. 2. GRANT SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE ON table-name TO user_name—gives select, delete and update authority. 3. REVOKE CREATE TABLE FROM Alexis—removes the privilege to create tables from user named as “Alexis” 4. REVOKE SELECT ON table-name FROM user—revokes the select privilege from user on the specified table. Explain Data Definition Language (DDL). Data Definition Language is used to create, alter and delete database objects. The commands used are CREATE, ALTER and DROP. The principal logical data definition statements are listed below 1. CREATE TABLE : It is used to create a table. 2. CREATE VIEW : It is used to create a view. 3. CREATE INDEX : It is used to create an index. 4. ALTER TABLE : It is used to alter a table. 5. DROP TABLE : It is used to drop a table. 6. DROP VIEW : It is used to drop a view. 7. DROP INDEX : It is used to drop an index. Write different data types that a cell can hold. * CHAR: - values of this data type are fixed length character strings of maximum length 255 characters * VARCHAR2: - values of this data type are variable length character strings of maximum length 2000 characters * NUMBER: - value of this data type is numeric digits of maximum length up to 38 digits. * DATE: - it is used to store date, the standard format is DD-Mon-YY For e.g.:13-nov-00 * LONG: - long can store variable length strings up to 65,535 characters. Explain the create table command. It is a DDL command. Syntax: Create Table <table name> ( Column name Datatype (size), Column name Datatype(size) ----------- ); E.g. Create table master ( CLIENTno varchar2(6), Name varchar2(20), Address1 varchar2(30), SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS 41/45 Bal_due number(10,2) ); Q7. Ans. Q8. Ans. This command is creating a table of name” student” with columns clientno, name, address1, bal_due etc and specify their fields also. How can you view data in the table? The basic commands are: 1. To select all records from the table E.g.- select * from <table name>; 2. To retrieve specific column from a table E.g.- select CLIENT_no, name from CLIENT_master; 3. To sort data in a table E.g.- select * from <table name> order by <column name>; 4. To select a data set from table E.g:- select * from <table name> where <search conditions>; Select * from CLIENT_master where CLIENT_no=’COOOO1’; How can we update the contents of a table? Syntax: Update<tablename> Set colname1= expression1, where columnname = expression; E.g. :- Update CLIENT_master Set name = ’Vijay’ where CLIENT_no = ’c00001’; It is updating the field “name” of the table “client_master” where client_no=’c00001’. DELETION OPERATION Syntax: - Delete from <table name> where <search condition>; E.g.- Delete from CLIENT_master; This will delete all records from the table. E.g.- Delete from CLIENT_master where CLIENT_no=’c00001’; This will delete a specific record from the table. Q9. Ans. Explain alter and drop command. ADDING NEW COLUMNS Syntax: ALTER TABLE <table name> ADD(newcolumnname data type(size)); ALTER TABLE CLIENT_master ADD( CLIENT_tel number(8)); MODIFYING EXISTING COLUMNS Syntax: ALTER TABLE <table name> MODIFY (column name newdatatype(size)); E.g.: ALTER TABLE CLIENT_master MODIFY (CLIENT_no varchar2(25)); OPERATIONS THAT CAN BE PERFORMED BY ALTER COMMAND Change the name of the table Drop the column Change the name of the column Decrease the size of a column if table data exist DROPPING / DELETING TABLES Syntax: DROP TABLE<table name>; Eg: drop table CLIENT_master; SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q10. Ans. 42/45 Name some logical operators used in SQL. LOGICAL OPERATORS: - The logical operators that can be used in SQL sentences are :And – Expression will be evaluated if and only if the value of both operands is true Or - Expression will be evaluated if the value of any operand is true Not - Expression will be evaluated if the value of none of the operands is true Eg:1) Select CLIENT information like CLIENT_no, name, address1, address2, city and pincode for all CLIENTs in ‘BOMBAY’ or ’DELHI’; SELECT CLIENT_no, name, address1, address2, city, pincode FROM CLIENT_master WHERE city = ‘BOMBAY’ OR city =’DELHI’; Q11. Ans. Q12. Ans. 2) Select CLIENT information like CLIENT_no , name , address1, address2, city & pincode for all the CLIENTs of Bombay and whose pin_code is either 400054 or 400057; SELECT CLIENT_no , name , address1, address2, city, pincode FROM CLIENT_master WHERE city = ‘BOMBAY’ AND ( pincode=400054 OR pincode=400057) ; Define UPDATE and INSERT Operation. Like SELECT statements, the UPDATE statements operate on both the tables and views. But all views are not updatable. It is used to update (change) data in the database. INSERT It is used for inserting rows into a table. The general syntax of the insert statement is as follows: INSERT INTO table-name [[column [, column]…..] Values (" ",); EXAMPLE INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOKNO, TITLE, AUTHOR, PUBLISHER, YEAR, and PRICE) VALUES (0471115037, 60 Minutes Software, Parkinson, Wiley, 1996, 45); UPDATE The UPDATE statement is used to modify or update an already existing row of a table. The syntax for UPDATE statement is as follows UPDATE table-name SET column = scalar-expression [WHERE condition] All rows in the table, which satisfies the condition, will be updated in accordance with the assignments in the SET clause. Change the DISCOUNT on book computerfundamental to 45. UPDATE book SET DISCOUNT = 45 WHERE bookname="computerfundamental "; What do you mean by Queries and write its types? Queries select records from one or more tables in a database so they can be viewed, analyzed, and sorted on a common datasheet. The resulting collection of records, called a dynaset (short for dynamic subset), is saved as a database object and can therefore be easily used in the future. The query will be updated whenever the original tables are updated. Types of queries are : SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS 43/45 Select query: It is used to extract from tables based on the criteria specified in the query object, and display the resulting records. Crosstab query: It is used to display summarised values (sums, counts, and averages) of both the rows and columns in the query. Parameter query: It prompts the user for the criteria on which the data will be retrieved. Action query: It is used to perform an action on records that meets the criteria specified in the query object. SQL query: It is a database query language that can be used to specify multiple tables, joins etc. Q16. Ans. What is a composite key? How you will assign it? A composite primary key is a primary key made up of a combination of columns. Because Oracle 7 creates an index on the columns of a primary key, a composite primary key can contain a maximum of 16 columns. To define a composite primary key, you must use the table constraint syntax, rather than the column constraint syntax. Example The following statement defines a composite primary key on the combination of the SHIP_NO and CONTAINER_NO columns of the SHIP_CONT table: ALTER TABEL ship_cont ADD PRIMARY KEY (ship_no, container_no) DISABLE This constraint identifies the combination of the SHIP_NO and CONTAINER_NO columns as the primary key of the SHIP_CONTAINER- The constraint ensures that no two rows in the table have the same values for both SHIP. NO column and the CONTIANER_NO column. Q17. Ans. Q18. Ans. Q19. Ans. Explain make-table query. The make-table action query performs an action on existing table or tables to create a new table. It creates a new table from all or part of the data in one or more tables. The newly created table can be saved to the current database or exported to another database. The data in the newly created table does not inherit the field properties of the original table or tables. These properties must be set manually after table creation. Now change the Query type to Make-Table Query. Now enter the name of the new table and specify whether you want the new table in the same database or in a different one. What is the difference between form and reports? Reports are similar to forms; in fact report design window shares many of the features of the form design view. But there are some important differences too 1) Forms are primarily used to edit or view data on the screen. When we move through the forms we navigate from record to record. Reports also can be previewed on the screen as well but their main purpose is to present information nicely on a printed page. 2) Reports have special features, which provide help to summarize the data. It is not possible to view this type of summarized information by using forms. Can you create an index by yourself? Although access provides an automatic primary key but we can also define an index. Steps are as follows 1. Select the field to be indexed 2. In the bottom half of the window, select the general tab and click the line for indexed SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q20. Ans. 44/45 3. Open the drop down list for indexed and select" yes (Duplicate OK)” or “yes (No duplicates)”. Depending on whether there will be more than one record with the same value in the indexed field or not. Explain delete query. You can delete records from a table using the QBE facility. We use the delete action query for deleting records from a table. The delete action query deletes one or more than one records from a table or more than one table. Firstly,we create the Query, then change the query type to Delete query in the design view. Run the delete action query and a warning message asks us whether you want to go ahead with the deletion of the records. Once you give a confirmation to the deletion of the records by pressing the Yes button, the selected records are deleted from the table. The SQL for deletion, generated by the RDBMS is like DELETE -------FROM [------] WHERE ( condition) Q21. Ans. Q22. Ans. Q23. Ans. Example: - Suppose we want to delete details of all those books in the CATALOG table that were published in 1995. DELETE Catalog .11 tie, Catalog .Year, Catalog. Price, FROM [Catalog] WHERE (((Cata1og.Yea) =1995) Explain update query. QBE can be used to update or modify the values of the one or more records in one or more than one table in a database. For example, let us assume we want to increase the price of all the books published in 1997 by 20%. To perform this, we first create a query that targets the CATALOG table. Now we will change the query type to Update Query in the design view. The query changes to an update query run the update action query and a warning message asks us whether you want to go ahead and update the selected records. Once you give a confirmation for updating the records by pressing the Yes button, the price of the books published after 1995 will be increased by 20%. The SQL for deletion, generated by the RDBMS is as follows UPDATE [Catalog] SET [Catalog].Price = WHERE (((Catalog. Year) =1997)); Explain append query. We can use the append query to insert records from one or more source tables into a single target table. We can append rows to a table in the same database or in a different database. Let us consider an example. Suppose the new stock of books have arrived and are stored in a table called NEW. And we also want to add these to BOOK table. To create a append action first create query then change its type to Append Query in the design view. Enter the name of the table to which the records from the source table are to be appended. Enter the location of the target table. Click ok.Run the query . A warning message telling you that you are going to append rows. Define Joins and Types of Joins. Joining tables within a query is a fundamental operation in a relational database. Two or more tables can be combined in a single query to return results as if all the data came from a single source. The join condition specified in the query defines the relationship between the tables used in the query. The join condition is specified in the WHERE clause of a query by matching like columns between tables. Inner Join: -An Inner Join is the conventional join in which tuples from one or both of the argument relations may participate in the result. The notion of natural join from relational algebra is a kind of inner join. In an inner join we must specify the order in which attributes are to appear. SUBJECT: RDBMS-I/MS-ACCESS Q24. Ans. Q25. Ans. 45/45 Outer Join: - The outer join extends the result of a simple join. An outer join returns all rows from one table and the corresponding rows from another table that specifies the join condition. A simple join does not return such rows. OUTER JOIN queries can be of followings. Left Outer Join: - In this, all the rows from 1st table and the corresponding rows from 2nd table that corresponds the join condition. Right Outer Join: - In this, all the rows from 2nd table and the corresponding rows from 1st table that corresponds the join condition. Full Outer join: - All tuples from both argument relations participate in the join. Cross Join (Cartesian Products) If two tables in a join query have no join condition, Oracle returns their Cartesian product. Oracle combines each row of one table with each row of the other. A Cartesian product always generates many rows and is rarely useful. For example the Cartesian product of two tables, each with 100 rows, has 10,000 rows. Always include a join condition unless you specifically need a Cartesian product . If a query joins three or more tables and you do not specify a join condition for a specific pair, the optimizer may choose a join order that avoids producing an intermediate Cartesian What are Views? When can they be updated? View is a virtual table that doesn’t eist on its own but it is derived from its base table. It is not stored anywhere but its definition is stored in the data dictionary.After a table is created and populated with data it may become necessary to prevent all user from accessing all columns of a table, for data security reasons. For this, oracle allows the creation of an object called a view. A view is mapped, to a select sentence. View is stored as definition in oracle’s system catalogue. When reference is made to a view, its definition is scanned the base table is opened and the view created on top of base table. Hence, a view holds no data at all, until a specific call to the view is made. What are Sub-Queries? Explain with Example. A subquery is a form of an SQL statement that appears inside another SQL statement. It is also termed as NESTED QUERY. The statement containing subquery is called a parent statement. The rows returned by the subquery are used by the parent statement to provide values for the conditions in the WHERE , HAVING clause in various DML statements. E.g Suppose we want to find the name of the student who is older than at least one teacher who teaches DBMS course. We can formulate the query as follows: Select name from student where age>any (select teacher_age from teacher where teach=’DBMS’)