
The Book of Genesis
The Holy Bible
• Bible is one whole book written by different
people led by the Holy Spirit.
• 66 + 7 canonical books (old testament 39 books
& new testament 27 (3x9) books.
• 1500 year by more than 40 authors in 3
Outline of Old Testament
I The Pentateuch
III. The Books of Wisdom
Called the Law
Declared the need for a Savior for
liberation from bondage
Encompassed the story of humanity
from its fall until the it stood on the
threshold of the divine promise
IV. The Books of Prophecy
II. The Historical Books
A history of God's work with His
people in the new land
(a) The period prior to kings
(b) Era of judges
(c) Era of the kings
(d) Division and captivity
Give us practical understanding of
faith for life with God, to support us
until we traverse this life
Appearance of prophets in a spiritually
dark period, urging people to repent
and ascertaining the need for the
coming of Christ
Outline of the five Books
• These books represent a part of history, that begins
with Creation and ends on the eastern bank of the
Jordan River as Moses, representing the Law, turns
over his leadership to Joshua, representing Jesus; the
Law leads us to Christ (Romans 10:4).
• In these books, history mixes with faith, so that the
history becomes inseparable from religious belief ...
nonetheless this history is preparatory for the coming
of the Savior.
• Preparing for Salvation: The Book of Genesis
• Choosing His People: The First Part of the
Book of Exodus
• Supporting His People: The Second Part of
Exodus & The Book of Leviticus
• His people in the Wilderness: The Book of
• Moses in Moab: The Book of Deuteronomy
The Author
• The author is Moses the prophet according to the
testimony of the two testaments: the Old (Exodus
17:14 & 24:4 and Numbers 33:2) and the New
according to the Lord Christ and His apostles (John
• Moses the prophet wrote it in historical form not as
poetry in order to show us the truth with simplicity and
clarity, unlike the fairy tales that had spread all over the
• God is the Father, who created everything for man, and established him as
master of the earth and what surrounds it.
• He cares that every human should enter with Him into a personal
relationship, and offers humans His Divine Mysteries.
• He gave to man the commandment to practice love with obedience and
exchange love with love, respecting his sacred free will.
• He pointed out the sanctity of the body, marriage, human life and material
creation, and declared man's need for salvation and renewal of his creation.
• It is the book of beginnings: the beginning of creation (1:1); the beginning of
man (1:27); the beginning of the Sabbath (2:2,3); the beginning of marriage
(2:22-24); the beginning of sin (3:6); the beginning of sacrifice or salvation
(3:15); the beginning of prophecy (3:15); the beginning of human authority
(9:1-6); the beginning of nations (11); and the beginning of God's people
Outline of the book of Genesis
• God the creator & controller (Chapter 1-11)
The creation (1-2)
The fall & promise of salvation (3-5)
The flood, Noah and the renewal of the world (6-9)
Tower of Babel and start of nations (Confusion of
Tongues) (10-11)
Outline of the book of Genesis
• God concerns for His chosen people (Chapter
Abraham (12:1-25:18)
Isaac (25:19-26:35)
Jacob (27-36)
Joseph (37-50)
Main events
• Creation
– What is day mean even before the Sun. (2Peter 3:8 &
Psalm 90:3)
– The fall of human
• Adam and His son
– Cain and Abel
• Wickedness in the world; Noah and the Flood
• God’s covenant with Noah
• The tower of Babel
Main events
• Abram and Lot; The LORD’s Covenant With Abram
God’s promise to Abram
Abraham and Isaac
Jacob and Esau
Jacob and his sons
Jacob and his sons goes to Egypt
The death of Joseph
• In objects: the Tree of Life (3:22); the coat of
skin (3:21); the ark (1 Pet 3:20,21); and Jacob's
ladder (28:12).
• In people: Melchizedek (14:18-20 and Hebrews
8); the sacrificial Isaac; and Joseph.