AP World Mid Term Review

AP World
Mid Term Review
8000 BCE – 600 BCE
600 BCE – 600 CE
600 – 1450 CE
1450 – 1750 CE
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What is peridoization?
• What is History?
• What are pastoral nomadism, hunting and
gathering, horticulture, shifting cultivation, and
sedentary agriculture?
• Which established a larger surplus?
• Where did the earliest transition in Agriculture
take place?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Why settle near a river?
• What were the early cultural hearths of civilization?
What were major rivers of civilization?
Which cultural hearth had no river?
Describe cultural diffuse vs. independent invention?
What was the role of women in agriculture?
Agriculture in Mesopotamia depended on artificial canals
for irrigations. What other civilizations developed such
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Describe the early religions within Mesopotamia,
Egypt, the Indus river valley region and China.
• Why are the deities worshipped by
Mesopotamia and Egypt considered
• Know the political developments of Mesopotamia
(A B H A C P), Egypt (Old, Middle, New), India
(Dravidian to Aryan) and China (Xia, Shang and
Zhou and Qin).
• Describe artworks and monuments that were
important to the above regions’ cultures and
religions. (ex: ziggurat…)
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What created the first major conflicts of civilization?
• Why did writing develop and where do historians
have evidence of its’ first appearance?
• What society developed the first codified law code?
Early Eastern Ideas and Philosophies:
• Why and where did the concept of the Mandate of
Heaven develop?
• What is ying and yang? What is feng shui?
• Identify the following philosophies: Confucianism,
Daoism (Taoism) and Legalism
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Unifiers of Ancient Civilizations:
– Sargon (Mesopotamia)
– Menes (Egypt)
– Cyrus (Iran)
• Review religion in the ancient world – What
country focused more on family ties then life after
• What was the main early Holy text of the Israel
/ of Zoroastrianism / of Hinduism?
• Who were the Phoenicians?
• Language Families?
• Monotheism develops form what Civilization?
What about Dualism?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Who were the Minoans of Crete and
Mycenaean's of the Peloponnesians?
• Important epic myths of the Ancient and Classical
world? (Gilgamesh, Homer’s…)
• What was the Greek’s view of their geography?
(i.e. the Sea)
• Why where the Acropolis and Agora important to
Ancient Greek city-states?
• Describe the cause of the Greek Dark Age.
• Who where the three key Greek philosophers?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What were the causes and effects of the Persian
and Peloponnesian wars on Greek society?
• Why is Alexander the Great important to the
development of World history? What happened to
his empire after his death?
• What was the Hellenistic Age? What was the
greatest city of that age?
• What natural resources did Rome rely on as they
developed into a Mediterranean super power?
• What was the economic wealth of the Roman
state based on?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Why can it be said that the Roman state was
not a true democracy?
• What was the role of women in Ancient Greek and
Roman society? How did this compare to other
• How did Roman society view the natural
• One success in winning loyalty of all Italy was…
• Why could Christianity be considered an act of
disloyalty at times in Roman society?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What was the fundamental resources of
• List the important innovations of Rome and
Han China.
• What was the influence of Confucianism
on Chinese society?
• What were the natural borders of the
classical civilizations?
• List the major classical civilizations form
East to West.
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What natural boundary exists between
Northern India and China?
• Describe the varna system and how it developed in
• Know the major tenants of Hinduism and
• Who was Siddhartha? What did the Four Noble
truths state?
• Describe the rise and fall of the Mauryan and
Gupta. What was there lasting influence?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Describe the Silk Road in general.
• What type of goods traveled along this
road? Know some examples (other than silk
– from different regions)
• Describe early maritime trade? What
religion (as well as the Silk road) helped
to spread?
• What was the technological advancement
that helped to navigate the Indian Ocean?
• What is a universalizing religion?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What was the belief structure of Manichaeism?
How did this faith spread?
• In general where the Parthian and Sassanid
Empires located? How had they risen a fallen
(very brief)?
• Describe the founding of Islam.
• What created division in Islam?
• What is the meaning of Muslim? What is the
meaning of Islam?
• Why did the Umayyad Dynasty Collapse?
• Conversion to Islam.
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Causes of the Fall of Rome and the Han
• What was the remaining section of the Roman
empire? Why had it remained intact?
• What was the role of Christianity in the Middle
• Why had the Great Schism taken place?
• How did Byzantine culture differ from the
• What was the “Plague of Justinian”?
• What were Byzantine cultural achievements?
• What is the importance of Justinian?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What linguistic zones developed after the fall of
• What were the primary centers of agricultural
development after the fall of Rome?
• Who was Charlemagne? How had he risen to
• Who were the new invaders of this Medieval
world? (From the north and the east)
• Briefly describe feudalism.
• What was the role of women in Islamic and in
Western Medieval society?
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What was the Investiture Controversy?
(later ended by the Concordant of
• What was the most important impact of
monastic orders?
• What caused a revival in Western Europe
between 1000 – 1200, which caused a
population boom?
• Describe the causes and effects of the
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
Gothic v.s Romanesque Architecture
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Be able to compare and contrast Medieval
Japan and Medieval Europe.
• Which empire reunited China in the 6th century?
• During the period of disunity in China what
philosophy came to dominate and why?
• What major achievement did the Sui build?
• Why was the Tang empire considered
• Know the importance of Chang’an
• Describe the tributary system and why it was
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• What goods and ideas did Central Asia
and the Islamic world introduce to
• Describe the rise and fall of the Tang. What
religion did the Tang blame their instability
• What was a major Song achievement in
• Describe the Song government and the civil
service examinations.
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• South East Asia – What goods did SE ASIA supply that merchants
– How did Hinduism, Buddhism and then Islam influence
SE Asia?
– Describe the developments of SE Asia between 600 –
1450 and 1450 – 1750.
• Africa – What goods did Africa supply the classical world?
– How did Islam change Africa.
– Describe the developments of Africa between 600 –
1450 and 1450 – 1750.
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History
AP World Mid Term
• Review the five themes of AP World during each
time period (Wood Text)
• Review Rubrics of the essays! (Wood Text &
• Review important dates (online)
• Review Iconic Images (online)
• Review the list of Who’s Who (online)
Mr. A. Smith - AP World History