Beyond Resolutions PowerPoint Presentation

Beyond Resolutions:
Change Strategies That Work
Presented by
Sharon K. Barrett
Health and Wellness Coach
Beyond Resolutions:
Change Strategies That Work
Resolutions and Change
What is a resolution?
• The state or quality of being
resolute; firm
• A resolving to do something
• A course of action
determined or decided on
Are You Ready?
Assessing Motivation – Stages of Change
What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?
Resolutions and Habits
Habits can be obstacles
to behavior change
• It’s easy to slip into
habitual behaviors
that lead us away
from the new
direction we want to
Habits Can Be Beneficial
• Habits allow us
to perform
complex tasks
with less stress
• Habits express
our character
Habits and Awareness
Habits do not require our full attention
Habits and their Context
Habits are strongly rooted in the
situations in which they occur
Why are Habits so Hard to Change?
• Habits are often
unconsciously cued
• Before we even
realize what we’re
doing we’ve done it.
Awareness Is The Key to Change
Mindfulness can help
us become aware of
the habits we need to
How Does Mindfulness
Help Us Identify Habits?
When mindfulness is practiced throughout the
• It may help you to notice patterns of thinking
and behavior
• Once you become aware of these habits, you
may decide to change them
Mindfulness Meditation…
A way to practice entering a self-observant state.
Suppressing Unwanted Behaviors
A natural response to unwanted behaviors is
trying to suppress them
• Breaking habits by suppressing them may lead
to the opposite of the desired result.
• Inhibition can lead to habit binges.
Focus on What You Want
Instead of trying to
suppress an unwanted
behavior, focus on
new, desired behaviors
WOOP It Up In the New Year!
Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan
Wish – your new year’s resolution
Outcome – the best outcome you can imagine
for your resolution
Obstacle – what might get in the way?
Plan – make a plan to make it happen
Wish and Outcome
1. Write down your wish,
your new year’s
2. Write down all the
great things that will
happen when you
Write down the obstacles
you are likely to face
• Why do this?
• It’s a reality check to
make sure you’re not
biting off more than you
can chew
Plan For Success
Make a plan using implementation intentions
Implementation intentions
are simple “if, then…”
statements that allow you
to insert new behaviors into
existing routines
Implementation Intentions
If I go into the kitchen to grab a snack, then…
I will ask myself if I’m hungry
If I’m not hungry, then…
I will have a glass of water instead
If I am hungry, then…
I will eat a healthy meal or snack
How Long Does It Take to
Form a New Habit?
On average, it takes 66 days to form a new habit.
Other Strategies That Can Help You
Stay on Track
Fellowship of the Resolution
Join forces with others who are trying to achieve
the same goal
• Look for people who will complement your
• Quick starters, Fact finders, Those with Follow
Through, Implementers
Pre-commitment Strategies
“I want to break my habit of playing video games all
weekend. I want to spend time with friends, but I know
that when Friday comes, I’ll just start playing and won’t
stop all weekend.”
“I’ll bring my video game console over to
my mother’s house on Thursday, then I’ll
call some friends.”
Vicarious Victory
Vicarious victory is
when you join in on
the success and
optimism of others
Changing the Environment or Context
Changes to our environment don’t need to be drastic in
order to be effective in helping us break bad habits
• Move the alarm clock across the
• Automatically shut down the
• Stop buying junk foods
Mindful Habits
Is it possible for habits, which often are
automatic and cued by the unconscious to be
A habit is mindful when an automatically
initiated behavior is combined with a mindful,
continuously varying way of carrying it out.
Habits That Lead to Happiness
Practicing Gratitude
Visualizing Your Best Possible Self
Savor the Moment
Committing acts of kindness
Final Thought…
Thank You!