BELLS HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2016 BELLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Joe Moore, Superintendent Approved by Board of Trustees: November Board Meeting Board President 1 Table of Contents Campus Improvement Committee Members 3 District Goals 4 Comprehensive Needs Assessment 5 Goal 1 13 Goal 2 19 Goal 3 21 Goal 4 23 Professional Development Plan 24 Glossary of Acronyms 25 2 Bells High School Campus Improvement Committee Members Administrative Representatives Josh Weger, Principal Yalonda Ivers, Assistant Principal Teacher Representatives Jennifer Sewell Pam Neal Shawn Poe Carolyn Emory Jason Fox Parent and Community Representatives James Gill Nicki Cunliffe Cindy Bankston Jamie Derzapf Corrie Branham Guinnevere Simons Margaret Hughes Kelly Lewis VISION STATEMENT Bells ISD will create an innovative learning environment of high expectations to help students achieve personal success while becoming responsible citizens. MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of Bells ISD to provide engaging, purposeful learning experiences every day that develop graduates who are productive citizens in a technologically advanced job market. 3 DISTRICT GOALS for 2015-2016 1. 2. 3. 4. Bells ISD will promote high standards for academic achievement to ensure that every student earns a high school diploma and meets postsecondary goals. Bells ISD will support a positive and safe working environment for all Bells ISD employees and students. Bells ISD will cultivate a system of strong communications that promotes family engagement and community partnership. Bells ISD will commit resources to attract and retain highly qualified employees for all positions in the district. 4 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Prioritized Strengths and Areas of Concern CURRENT ACCOUNTABILITY RATINGS - MET STANDARD Met Standards on: Student Achievement (91) Student Progress (30) Closing Performance Gaps (51) Postsecondary Readiness (85) 2015 PERFORMANCE INDEX REPORT 100 90 80 70 60 50 BHS Score 40 Target 30 20 10 0 1 - Student Achievement 2 - Student Progress 3 - Closing 4 - Postsecondary Performace Gaps Readiness 5 DISTINCTIONS Reading / ELA Mathematics Science Social Studies *Student Progress Performance Gaps Postsecondary Readiness 2015 vs 2014 BHS STAAR Passing Results - Spring (All Students) 120 100 80 2015 Need to be in the top 10 to earn a distinction. 60 Note: th 11 of 40 comparison schools in Performance Gaps 40 12th of 40 comparison schools in Postsecondary Readiness 0 2014 2015 Adv 2014 Adv 20 English I English II 6 Algebra I Biology US History 2015 BHS VS STATE STAAR Results - Spring (All Students) 120 100 97 93 94 92 91 86 81 80 80 State Testing Data Continued 66 63 BHS State 60 BHS Level III State Level III 40 28 21 20 15 6 8 20 18 23 5 0 0 English I English II Algebra I Biology US Hist Note: The passing rate for first-time test takers in English II was 90% for BHS (73% statewide). 7 BHS SCORES WITH NEW PHASE IN STANDARDS (All Students) 120 100 93 86 80 80 State Testing Data continued 97 87 80 77 94 92 89 77 73 74 64 Phase in 1 (2014-2015) 60 54 Phase in 2 (2015-2016) Final (2021-2022) 40 20 0 English I English II Algebra I Biology US History Note: The new standards are scheduled to be implemented this Spring. 8 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Additional Data Annual Grade Level Passing Rate 2014-2015 Bells High School 9th Grade – 100 % 10th Grade – 100% 11th Grade - 100% 12th Grade – 100% This is after students paid for and attended summer school. Percentage of at-risk students (current) Bells High School: 27% Percentage of economically disadvantaged students (current) Bells High School: 28.8% Most Recent Dropout Rate (2012-2013) Bells High School: .9% SAT and ACT scores (2014-2015) 28 BHS Students took the ACT in 2014-15 (29.7% of Juniors and Seniors) Previous years participation: 2013-14 - 28 students 2012-13 - 15 students 2011-12 - 19 students 2010-11 - 9 students ACT Results 22 21.5 21 20.5 BHS 2014-15 20 State 2014-15 19.5 BHS 2013-14 19 18.5 18 English 9 Math Reading Science Composite SAT Results 510 500 490 22 BHS Juniors and Seniors took the SAT in 2014-15 (23% of Juniors and Seniors) 480 470 BHS 2014-15 460 State 2014-2015 450 BHS 2013-14 440 430 420 410 Reading Advanced classwork statistics (2014-2015) Math Writing Honors English 9th-11th - 29.8% (31.6% in 2013-14) AP English - 0% (10.5% in 2013-14) AP Calculus - 6% of Seniors (7% in 2013-14) Dual Credit English - 40% of Seniors (26.3% in 2013-14) Dual Credit Government - 38% of Seniors (43.9% in 2013-14) Dual Credit Economics - 8% of Seniors (10.5% in 2013-14) Dual Credit US History - 22.45% of Juniors (36% in 2013-14) Dual Credit Totals 34 Juniors and Seniors (36%) were enrolled in a dual credit course. They took 71 courses in the fall and 67 courses in the spring. 10 DATA REVIEWED District Goals/Plan Comprehensive Needs Assessment Tool Disaggregation of longitudinal TAPR data using AWARE. Disaggregation of current-year state assessment data using AWARE. Prior year budgets/entitlements and expenditures in relation to current year funding priorities. Staff development needs surveys District and Campus-led administrative meetings Results of State and Federal planning requirements Teacher retention rates Student retention rate SAT / ACT Results along with High Ed Coordinating Board Reports PBMAS Report STRENGTHS DATA SOURCE STAAR performance in all areas STAAR performance of economically disadvantaged and special education subgroups (closing performance gaps) Student progress ACT performance in Science and Math (Q1) Number of students participating in Dual Credit and honors courses Implementation of technology in classroom instruction Meeting Requirements of HB 5 (Foundation Plan + Endorsements) Parent communication and involvement Participation in extra-curricular activities 11 2014 State Assessment Reports 2014 Distinction Summary (TEA) Surveys AREAS OF CONCERN DATA SOURCE Level III (advanced) performance and new phase in standards Accountability Distinctions English I and II retesters District-wide writing curriculum Student certifications (MOS, Adobe, etc…) Student apathy, increasing student engagement, higher expectations SAT performance Vocabulary Academic competitions (UIL) Advanced coursework (AP) options in History and Science 2014 State Assessment Reports 2014 Distinction Summary (TEA) – Q4 Teacher Staff Development CAMPUS NEEDS ASSESSMENT DATA Curriculum and Instruction Improved model of Accelerated Instruction Substitute Training Additional Computers School Safety More cameras outside/parking lot Fencing to secure exterior doors More Bullying awareness (motivational speaker) Appropriate use of technology training for students Parent Involvement JH to HS transition with students and parents Possible volunteer program (PTO) Special Programs Closing the achievement gap between economically disadvantaged / special education students and all students Strategic Planning Process 12 Spring 2014-15 Needs Assessments Legend of Symbols for Completion of Objectives and Strategies 1 = Not yet started 2 = Implementation initiated 3 = Work in progress 4 = Completed ACADEMICS GOAL # 1: Bells High School will promote high standards for academic achievement to ensure that every student earns a high school diploma and meets postsecondary goals. OBJECTIVES/STRATEGIES RESOURCES EVALUATION/ STAFF TIMELINE INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL NEEDED: HUMAN, EVIDENCE OF RESPONSIBLE START/END DEVELOPMENT MATERIAL, FISCAL MONITORING Target Goal #1: Improve student success rates to achieve the highest standards on State and Federal Accountability. Meet all PBMAS compliance Supt, Local Funds 2016 PBMAS Report August - May indicators in 2015-2016 by Asst Supt, 3 conforming to federal and state Principals requirements for all academic programs Meet State Accountability Targets Supt, Local Funds 2016 State Accountability August - May in all four indices of the state’s Asst Supt, Ratings system: Student Achievement, Principals 3 Student Progress, Performance Gaps, and Postsecondary Readiness. Conduct comprehensive needs Principals Time Tabulated Needs Spring 2016 assessments related to Assessment Instrument 3 accountability data, all school programs, all student populations Conduct accountability data Principals, Time Agenda and notes from August - May 3 review meetings each six weeks Teachers PLC meetings Review formative assessments in Principals, Time Data from unit tests August - May 3 department meetings / PLC Teachers 3 Improve attendance rate (goal = 98%) monitoring excessive absences weekly, warning letters and phone contacts, Friday Night School and truancy as Principals, aide Personnel, Time 13 PEIMS Data August - May punishment. Improve attendance rate through Principals Gift cards PEIMS Data August - May positive rewards. Prize drawings 3 each month for perfect attendance, exemptions from semester exams. Target Goal #2: Improve access to a challenging curriculum that engages students, promotes critical thinking and achievement at all levels in all student groups. Ensure a guaranteed and viable Principals, Local Funds Lesson Plans, August – May curriculum by using the TEKS Teachers Unit Tests 3 Resource System in all core classes Incorporate student-centered, Principals, Lesson Plans, Lesson Plans, August - May hands-on instruction to enhance Teachers Professional Observations and Walk3 mastery of the curriculum and Development Throughs higher levels of cognitive learning Maintain 22:1 class size ratio (or School Board, Personnel PEIMS data August - May 4 less) to ensure high student Supt, performance Principals Target writing instruction Asst. Supt, Local Funds Writing documents, August - May 3 Principals, STAAR ELA scores Teachers Target Goal #3: Improve student success rates for all learners including struggling learners and all student groups. Use AWARE to disaggregate Principals, Personnel, Lists of students, August - May accountability data to identify atTeachers Funds STAAR data 3 risk students and students with special needs 4 3 Utilize morning, afternoon, and advisory tutoring opportunities for intervention and accelerated instruction (at-risk students, economically disadvantaged, special needs). Assign students to the learning lab as needed. Engage in efforts to mainstream students into the regular classroom and provide solid inclusion support for students with special needs. Maintain a special Principals, Teachers Local Funds Master Schedules, Progress Reports August - May Supt, Diagnostician, Counselors, Principals Professional Develop, IDEA funding PEIMS data, PBMAS report, TAPR report August - May 14 3 4 3 2 education rate less than 8%. Monitor and increase performance of economically disadvantaged students on state assessments in all subject areas. Provide a list of these students to teachers. Provide at-risk students with accelerated instruction opportunities within the master schedule (English / Alg & Bio Lab / US History Accelerated Instruction) Implement Odysseyware program as a credit recovery opportunity and to offer courses typically not available Continue the Rite Flite program for dyslexia services Principals, Teachers Local, State, and Federal funding STAAR data 2016 June Principals, Teachers Time STAAR data, Report Cards August - May Principals Local Funds Transcripts, Progress Reports August - May Principals, Reading Specialist Principals Title I Funds Benchmarks, STAAR data, Observations TAPR report August - May Furnish GED information for any Personnel student that decides to drop out, 4 encourage enrollment in GED classes or registration for the GED test Provide appropriate curriculum for Principals, Personnel, Program Reviews gifted and talented students as Teachers Time, outlined in the Texas Local Funds 2 Performance Standards Project for GT. Teachers receive training and implement strategies into their lesson plans. Provide training for teachers on Principals, Time Professional challenging all students and Teachers Local Funds Development activities, 2 teaching to the upper-level (Ron PLC meetings Clark) Target Goal #4: Improve the preparation of students for college-level coursework and career opportunities.. At least 75% of students will take Principals Parents, Program Reviews 3 either a college entrance exam or Local Funds, 15 August - May August - May August - May August – May 4 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 3 meet TSI requirements Administer the PSAT to all juniors and offer the opportunity to interested freshmen and sophomores. Provide resources that will enable 100% of all high school students access to SAT and ACT prep materials (Career Cruising) and inform parents of opportunities Provide incentives for students to work on the Method Test Prep program in Career Cruising (prizes for reaching a certain level) Explore the possibility of using an outside consultant to teach testing strategies for the ACT / SAT exams Host a practice test day in our computer lab using Method Test Prep if 20+ will sign up Address concern with students’ lack of vocabulary, weekly word nerd winners, lead4ward vocabulary tools Continue opportunities for dual enrollment courses (currently offering English, Government, Economics, US History, Math). Communicate about the reduced cost possibilities for low-income students. Increase the number of articulated courses with Grayson College Increase the opportunities for concurrent enrollment courses through the college (Humanities, Art History, College Algebra, Activity Funds Principals Test Results Fall 2015 Principals Local Funding TAPR Report August - May Principal, Teachers Local Funding TAPR Report August - May Principals, Parents Parents TAPR Report August - May Principals, Teachers Local Funds SAT / ACT results August - May Assistant Principal, Teachers Local Funds SAT / ACT results August - May Principals Local Funds Master Schedule August - May Principals Local Funds Letter to Parents August - May Principals Local Funds Master Schedule August - May Principals, Teachers 16 3 Speech, Music Appreciation) Continue support of Pre-AP and AP programs in language arts and mathematics. Strive for all students involved in an AP course to score a 3 or better on the exam. Publish a Guidance Handbook for 8th-12th grade that clearly communicates graduation requirements for BHS students Host student / parent preenrollment conferences with all 8th grade students before entering 9th grade Conduct registration events for 9th-11th grade students to review 4 year plans and college career pathways Increase the number of students in Business and Technology courses who are taking the Microsoft and Adobe certification tests in Spring 2016 (Goal of 25%). Involve local business leaders Provide students in Business and Technology courses access to Certiport practice activities for improving skills in Microsoft Office and Adobe products Continue to offer Technology Career Prep classes such as game programming, robotics, digital design, and art and animation Have a robotics team compete in the NTBest competition 4 Provide students and parents with 3 4 4 3 2 2 4 School Board, Supt, Principals, Curriculum Director 6399 Funds, Title II Funds PEIMS roster, Program Reviews, Progress Reports Each Six Weeks Assistant Principal, Curriculum Director Principals, Parents Local Funds Completed Document December 2015 Local Funds Distribute materials, Completed documents April-May 2016 Principals Local Funds Distributed materials, Completed Documents April – May 2016 Principals, Tech Teachers Carl Perkins Funding Certificates awarded June 2016 CTE Teachers Carl Perkins Funding Certiport Reports, Certifications June 2016 Principals Local Funds Master Schedule August - May Teacher, Principal Local Funds November 2015 Principals Time Completed design, Participation in the competition Student 4 year plans 17 April - May guidance and counseling over the different endorsements offered at BHS. Host Generation Texas week in Principals, Time 3 November to promote college and Teachers career initiatives Target Goal #5: Increase student and teacher access to advanced technologies. 2 3 1 2 3 Increase technology training for teachers through 30 hours of online, self-paced professional development opportunities in a Fall and Spring Tech Challenge, topics include Google Drive, Twitter, PBL, Website Updating, etc . . Upgrade high school CTE computer labs (new computers in Mrs. Faber’s lab, her old computers moved to Mrs. Fuller’s lab) More computers available in the library for online courses Increase parent / community awareness of instructional resources by showcasing technology resources used by students and staff (smart board, mimeo, ipads, netbooks) Improve network infrastructure and bandwidth, went from 20 megs to 100 megs, our average usage is around 40-60 megs Student Evaluations November 2015 Principals, Technology Director, Teachers Local Technology Funds Comprehensive Needs Assessment August - June Technology Director Local Technology Funds Budget Ledgers Fall 2015 Technology Director Technology Director, Teachers Local Technology Funds Time Budget Ledgers Fall 2016 Sign-in sheets August – May Technology Director Local Funds General Ledger June 2014 18 SCHOOL CLIMATE GOAL # 2: Bells ISD will support a positive and safe working environment for all Bells ISD employees and students. OBJECTIVES/ STRATEGIES INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2 1 4 3 4 3 3 3 Provide programs for drug prevention (Red Ribbon Week), suicide prevention, and violence prevention Motivational speaker for drug prevention, bullying, cyber bullying, etc… Continue a drug-testing program for all students involved in extracurricular activities or that drive to campus All students will receive a Student Code of Conduct and discipline expectations. These will be reviewed by the teachers in advisory periods Disciplinary Alternative Educational Placement (DAEP) will be provided to enforce proper student behavior if needed Implement a district suicide prevention plan created by counselors. Maintain the district Crisis Management Plan and educate teachers in handling crisis situations, schedule drills to practice different scenarios Take measures to create a STAFF RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES NEEDED: HUMAN, MATERIAL, FISCAL EVALUATION/ EVIDENCE OF MONITORING TIMELINE START/END Principals, Teachers Local Funds Safe-Schools Survey August - May Principals Local Funds Budget ledger August - May Principals Local Funds Test Results August - May Principals Teachers Time Discipline referrals and records August - May Principals, DAEP teacher Local Funds Discipline records August - May Principals Time, Local Funds Sign-in sheets, Certificates August - May Superintendent, Principals Time District Needs Assessment August - December School Board Local Funds Board meeting Spring 2015 19 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 safer facility, fencing around the perimeter, locking exterior doors Superintendent minutes Make sure all visitors to the campus are screened and required to have a visitor’s pass Review the Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy with students annually. Students will be informed that bullying and sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Make FCA available to all students on a weekly basis. Use this organization for activities such as SYATP, Fields of Faith, etc… Give students, parents, and staff the opportunity to complete Region 10 SafeSchools Survey Utilize Remind 101, email, memos, conferencing website, and messenger system to keep teachers and parents aware of immediate school safety issues Provide CPI training and updates to campus team annually Utilize BISD School Resource Officer on a daily basis, work together to increase school safety Provide training to students on bus evacuations procedures Principals Office Secretaries Local Funds Sign-in sheets August - May Principals, Teachers Time Sign-in sheets, Safe-Schools Survey 1st six weeks Teachers, Students Time Sign-in sheets August - May Assistant Superintendent, Principals Time Survey Results supplied by Region 10 February 2016 Principals, Teachers Time Documentation August - May Principals Time Certificates August - May Superintendent, Principals Local Funds Time Sheet August - May Principals, Teachers Time Documentation Fall 2015 3 20 PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT GOAL # 3: 3 3 3 4 4 1 2 Bells ISD will cultivate a system of strong communication that promotes family engagement and community partnerships. OBJECTIVES/ STRATEGIES INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 100 club – all students that log 100 hours of community service throughout their high school career will receive a special distinction during graduation Provide students with opportunities to participate in projects (Bells Christmas project, community food drive, coat drive, Highway clean-up, Blood drive, youth mentoring) Update and maintain the campus website, teacher webpages, extracurricular pages, and weekly emails. Publish online district newsletter to highlight accomplishments Improve club participation rates, reach students not active in anything, showcase available organizations to the incoming 8th graders. Continue Fish Camp to help with the transition to High School. Create more clubs (Robotics, Spanish, FCCLA, Chess, Auto, Future Teachers of America) to give more options to students Invite parents to chaperone student activities such as field trips and social events STAFF RESPONSIBLE EVALUATION/ EVIDENCE OF MONITORING Student Log TIMELINE START/END Assistant Principal RESOURCES NEEDED: HUMAN, MATERIAL, FISCAL Time Principals Teachers, Community members Time, Local Funds, Community donations Record of donations August - May Principals, Teachers, Coaches Time Visitor counts to the district website All year Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Teachers Principals, Teachers, Sponsors and students Time, Local Funds Newsletter posted All year Time Sign-in Sheets Spring 2016 Principals, Teachers Time Sign-in sheets August - May Principals, Teachers, Parents Time District survey August - May 21 August - May 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Provide facilities for communitywide activities within Board policy guidelines Issue press releases and other information for publication in a timely manner Increase use of Messenger Service and Remind 101 to notify parents, employees, and students of school updates, emergency situations, and weather reports Use website, newsletter, newspaper, faculty meetings, student events to recognize student achievements Feature the names of all students that made the honor roll each six weeks. Provide parents with up-to-date information regarding STAAR testing as it relates to their child (testing calendar, graduation requirement, results, etc . .) Continue to use Parent Portal to keep parents up-to-date on student grades. Use the ICU document to improve communication between teachers. Inform parents of college admission standards and possible financial aid. Create a bulletin board in the commons with scholarship information and applications. Superintendent Facilities District calendar of events All year Principals, Teachers, Coaches Principals Time Publicity Archives August - May Time, Local Funds Survey feedback August - May Principals Time Documentation August - May Principals Time, Local Funds Letters, Sign-in sheets August - May Principals, Teachers Local Funds Grade reports August - May Principals Time, Personnel Sign-in sheets August - May 22 PERSONNEL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GOAL # 4: 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 Bells ISD will commit resources to attract and retain highly qualified employees for all positions in the district. OBJECTIVES/ STRATEGIES INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Ensure that teachers and paraprofessionals meet the requirements for highly qualified Present teacher contract renewal recommendations at April Board meeting Provide TEKS Resource System, AWARE, technology, and other trainings to teachers throughout the year Incorporate book study (What Great Teachers do Differently) into faculty meetings Utilize PLC / department meetings to stay abreast of the transition to STAAR testing and the Foundation plan Provide appropriate staff development for regular and special education teachers, including strategies for working with at-risk, special education, economically disadvantaged students, and other populations Continue the Christmas bonus for staff Small UIL stipends for sponsoring / teaching events STAFF RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES NEEDED: HUMAN, MATERIAL, FISCAL EVALUATION/ EVIDENCE OF MONITORING TIMELINE START/END Assistant Supt, Principals Title II funds, Local Funds Highly Qualified Report October 2015 Principals, Superintendent Time Board minutes March 2016 Curriculum Director, Principals Time, Title II Funds, Local Funds Staff Development Records, Certifications August - May Principals Time, Local Funds Staff Development Records August - May Curriculum Director, Principals Time Staff Development Records August - May Superintendent, Principals 6399 Funds, Title II Funds Budget, Program Review, Comprehensive Needs Assessment August - May Superintendent, Board of Education Superintendent, Board of Education Local Funds Budget Fall 2015 Local Funds Budget August - May 23 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 2014-2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. STAAR and TEKS training / Analyzing High Priority Standards – Region 10 ESC Ron Clark at Sherman High School PLC and Department meetings over various topics Book Study - What Great Teachers do Differently by Todd Whitaker Data Analysis - AWARE Lead4ward Relevant Review Workshop Various Technology Trainings Online or Notebook Compliance Trainings GT Update Training PDAS Trainings PD 360 Online Trainings 24 APPENDIX H: GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ADA = Average Daily Attendance AP = Advanced Placement AMAO = Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives AYP = Adequate Yearly Progress ARD = Admission, Review, Dismissal CTE = Career and Technology Education CPI = Crisis Prevention and Intervention ELA = English Language Arts EOC = End-of-Course ESC = Education Service Center ESEA = The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), renamed the "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) Act of 2001 ESL = English as a Second Language FCCLA = Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America FIRST = Financial Integrity Resource System of Texas GT = Gifted and Talented H.B. = A bill originating in the House of Representatives IDEA = Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IMA = Instructional Materials Allotment L.E.A. = Local Education Agency (your district) 25 LEP = Limited English Proficiency LPAC = Language Proficiency Assessment Committee NCLB = No Child Left Behind OLPT = Oral Language Proficiency Test PAC = Parent Advisory Committee PBMAS = Performance Based Monitoring Assessment System PDAS = Professional Development Appraisal System PEIMS = Public Education Information Management System S.B. = A bill originating in the Senate SCE = State Compensatory Education SSI = Student Success Initiative SBDM = Site Based Decision-Making SIOP = Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol SSA = Shared Service Arrangement (Also known as a Co-op) STAAR = State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness TAKS = Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills TAPR = Texas Academic Performance Reports T.E.A. = Texas Education Agency TELPAS = Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System TEKS = Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills THEA = Texas Higher Education Assessment 26