BSAD 552 CRN 20390 - Western New Mexico University


Instructor: Dr. Linda Baldwin Office: Light Hall 102 A

Time: 4-6:45 pm


Light Hall 202 Phone: 538-6329

Office Hours: 1-1:45pm Wed. and 2:00-3:20 pm Tues./Thurs.

Or by appointment

Text/ Resources:



Spring 2013

Jackson, Schuler, Werner. Managing Human Resources 10thED. South-Wes/Cengage

Learning, 2009.

Business Week, Wall Street Journal, any professional journal dealing with Human Resource Mgt

Course Overview and Framework

Of the many varied factors that are cited as contributing to the effectiveness of modern organizations, the human element is clearly the most critical. Regardless of the size or nature of an organization, the activities it undertakes and the environment in which it operates, its success is determined by the decisions its employees make and the behaviors in which they engage. Managers are becoming fully cognizant of the fact that a critical source of competitive advantage often comes not from having the most ingenious product design or service, the best marketing strategy, the most state-of-the-art technology, or the most savvy financial management but, from having the appropriate systems for attracting, motivating and managing the organization's people.

The function of managing people was traditionally considered just that in organizations, a separate functional area, usually called personnel. The contemporary perspective is that all managers and supervisors, regardless of the function in which they specialize, are human resource managers and that no manager can expect to advance within his or her organization and career unless he or she can effectively manage people toward meeting divisional and organizational goals.

Despite the fact that managers in many organizations recognize the importance of effective people management, management of a firm's human assets is often one of the most neglected functions in organizations. Many technical specialists lack the training and skills to handle human issues while others are swamped with technical matters, leaving them little time to devote to people issues.

Consequently, our study of human resource management will revolve around two themes: 1) how to think systematically and strategically about managing an organization's human assets, and 2) how the management of human assets can provide an organization with a distinct competitive advantage in the marketplace.

As a course that takes a general management perspective toward the management of human resources, we will cover the main content areas of HR but not get into highly technical areas of concern to human resource professionals (such as psychometric dimensions of test validation, the specifics of job evaluation methods, or the detailed aspects of job grading or classification). Instead, we will explicitly adopt the perspective of the general manager and address human resource topics from a strategic perspective. When we discuss topics such as selection, performance appraisal, training and compensation, our perspective will be that of how choices in these areas relate to the firm's strategic objectives and can impact company performance.

Course Goals and Objectives

-to develop an understanding of the critical domains of human resource management and how it

"fits" with other functional areas and corporate strategy

-to help you understand the general manager's role as a human resource manager

-to increase your knowledge of how human resource management functions and processes influence individual attitudes, behavior, and productivity as well as overall organization performance

-to gain insights as to how to manage people more effectively in a variety of organizational settings and situations

-to develop proficiency in assessing the impact of an organization's strategy on the design of appropriate HR philosophies and programs

-to learn techniques to recruit and retain talented, motivated employees in competitive labor markets

-to examine cultural and international variations of human resource management that impact global competitiveness

-to understand the role of human resource management in assisting an organization's adaptation to change

-to become more proficient in field research through the investigation of a "cutting edge" human resource management topic

-to develop the analytical skills to assess the impact that an organization's human resource practices have on its performance and effectiveness

Course and Class Structure:

Student Evaluation:

Assignments (written/oral) 30%

Participation 10%

Attendance 10%

Two Exams 50%

Note: Class participation will be evaluated in every class on the basis of informed student input on the day’s topic. It is mandatory that each student is prepared to discuss and answer questions related to that chapter. Three absences are allowed (note since this class meets once a week, one absence is equal to three.)

You may note that class participation does not mean class attendance. Participation implies active contribution to class discussion. Each of you, in every session, should come prepared to face your colleagues (and me) with a thorough reading of the material assigned and some thought as to the issues raised within the readings. It is also critical that we take full advantage of the experiences and knowledge that all class members have in our discussions. Your work experience has provided you with numerous examples of successful and unsuccessful management of human resources. If we are to meet our objectives for the course, it is critical to explore how, why, and under what circumstances various approaches work or fail in actual practice.

DATE Chapter Assignment Action

Jan. 14

Introduction of Students and Course

Briefly discuss Chapter 1

Attend Class

Jan. 21

Jan. 28

Feb. 4

Feb. 11

Feb. 18

Feb. 25

Mar. 4

Mar. 11

Mar. 18

Mar. 25

Apr. 1

April 8

April 15

Apr. 22

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday No class No class

Chap.2 Understanding the

External and Organizational


Chap. 3 HR Planning for

Alignment and Change

Chap. 4 Ensuring Fair Treatment and Legal Compliance

Discuss questions 1, 3, 4 and 5.

Chap. 5 Using Job Analysis and

Competency Modeling

Chap. 6 Recruiting and Retaining

Qualified Employees

Answer questions at end of chapter and explain your answers thoroughly

Case 5 discussion

Written (typed, word processed)

Answer question 5. Also do the Case

Study. United Way and the Boy

Scouts of America.


Share results with class

Mid Term


Chap. 7 Selecting Employees to

Fit the Job and the Organization

Chap. 8 Training and Developing a Competitive Workforce

Chap. 9 Conducting Performance


Questions 1-10 pages 315-16

Do Experiential Exercise and bring results to class.

Readings 9.1 Complete Question 5 written

Readings 8.1 &

8.2 Written

Chap. 10 Developing an Approach to Total Compensation

Chap. 11 Using Performance-

Based Pay to Achieve Strategic


Chap. 12 Providing Benefits and


Chap. 13 Promoting Workplace

Reading 10.2 & 10.3

Discuss questions at end of Chap. In class

Reading 11.1 Quest. 7 Reading 11.2

Quest. 8

Pick one of the 6 readings and present to class

Discuss questions at end of Chap. In class

April 29

May 6

Safety and Health

Chapter 14 Understanding

Unionization and Collective



Reading 14.3 Questions 4 & 8

(May do activity in class)

Maximum presentation 10 min.

Be able to discuss findings in class

Final Exam(online)


You are to analyze an organization in which you currently work or an organization in which you have recently worked. If you choose an organization in which you have recently worked, be sure that it will be possible for you to have access to that organization. You will need to be able to obtain observational and interview data as well as some organizational records and documents

(some of which may be confidential) from this organization. If you work in a very large organization, you may study an autonomous subsystem of this organization but check with me before doing so.

In doing the research for this project, assume the role of a management consulting team required to prepare a written research report about the organization studied. Your report should examine all of the various HR systems in place in the organization (human resource planning, staffing, performance appraisal, training and development, compensation, labor relations, legal compliance, etc.) and assess their fit with the organization's strategy . This report should be professional in appearance, neatly typed, grammatically correct, and show evidence of thorough proofreading. Careless errors in presentation will be severely penalized.

Your paper should have a methodology section explaining what you did, with whom you spoke, and how you obtained your information. It should have an introduction in which you describe your organization (identify products / services, size, location(s), number of years in operation, etc.), its strategy and objectives and the larger environment in which it operates and state what you plan to do in the paper. It should also have a conclusion with recommendations. If you quote anyone directly, you should footnote these quotes. If you use outside references, you should have a bibliography arranged in a standard format. Pages must be numbered.

In order to answer the questions below, you will need to interview people who can give you information and to observe some things for yourselves in order to check on the accuracy of that data you are given. It is very important to be specific in your answers and to offer evidence to substantiate your assertions by citing specific examples of events and behaviors within the organization. It will be fatal to wait until the end of the semester to work on the paper. Instead, you should do a little work on it each week, preferably gathering data on the material we have just studied. Applying yourself to this assignment can provide you with two benefits: allowing you to develop proficiencies in systemic organizational analysis by collecting and evaluating data, and allowing you to develop insights about your organization that can be of significant

benefit to you as you progress in your career. Past students have found this assignment to be a good deal of work but also extremely beneficial and rewarding.

Points to Be Included in Your Analysis (other points may be included also).

Describe the organization's short and long-term strategy. What impediments to success exist within the organization? What specific changes would you recommend to the organization to assist it in facing the future?

Analyze and describe the organization's current HR systems. To what extent do existing HR systems assist or hinder the organization in its performance? What evidence do you have to support this? Does the organization evaluate its HR systems, programs, policies, etc.? How? How should/could it?

Is the organization effective in meeting its goals and objectives? How do you know? How does the organization know? Does HR appear to contribute to the organization's effectiveness or lack thereof?

How were the existing HR systems developed? By Whom? When? For what purpose? Are they still relevant? Have they been redesigned?

Does senior management value the role of HR in the organization? What evidence do you have of this? What role does the senior HR manager play within the top management circles? Do line managers in the organization see themselves as HR managers?

What ongoing or new challenges from the organization's environment are on the horizon? Is the organization prepared for these changes from a corporate strategic perspective? From an HR perspective?

Most importantly, what recommendations would you make to the organization concerning HR systems in order to improve performance? Are these recommendations feasible and practical

(meaning likely to be implemented), given the organization's history, culture, resources and management team?

The above questions are merely guidelines. If they leave out anything of significance in your organization, feel free to include it. Throughout your analysis you should determine why everything is as it is, diagnose systems as having an appropriate or inappropriate "fit" with each other and the organization, and make any necessary recommendations for changes.

Your final written paper should present a very thorough investigation, analysis, and discussion of your topic and be at least 12-15 pages in length. If you cite references or quotes from other

people, be sure to reference them in your text and include them in your bibliography which should be arranged in a standard format. This paper will be due in class on May 6 .

In proceeding with this assignment, please feel free to consult me regarding any issues, problems, early findings, etc. that concern you. I believe that with judicious topic selection you not only will enjoy this assignment but will also have the opportunity to sharpen a number of critical management skills.

Guidelines for Written Work

All written work must be typed, double-spaced and carefully proofread. Original work will be the only basis for grading. Rewrites and/or extra work will not improve grades. Papers will be graded on spelling, grammar, and presentation as well as content. In general, papers with more than 3 errors (misspelled words, fragments, grammatical errors, etc.) per page will automatically be penalized one letter grade.

All written work must conform to the following specifications:

_ papers should have a title page which includes the name or names of the author(s), the title of the assignment, semester, course and section number, and my name. Points will be deducted for violations of this policy

_ papers should be stapled; no covers, paper clips or binders, please!! Points will be deducted for violations of this policy

-papers must be double-spaced, using a 12-point font and one inch margins on all four sides. Pages must also be numbered. Points will be deducted for violations of this policy

-all sources of information must be referenced in a list of references at the end of the paper, listed alphabetical by the last name of the author. Any citations to references should be designated throughout the text by enclosing the author’s names and the year of the reference in parentheses. For example, Several studies (Smith, 2000, Jones, 1997) support this conclusion. Any citations to the source of a direct quotation must have a page number reference. For example, Smith argued that the validity of Jones study is subject to question

(Smith, 1997: 56). Follow APA Guidelines.

Helps outside the classroom: WNMU’s writing center is located in Miller Library behind computers. A handout will be distributed with additional information (hours, etc.) for help in writing papers and assignments.

There are no tutors available for this course, however if you are having difficulty you may make arrangements to meet with the instructor outside class time.

Academic Support Center in the Juan Chacon building.

The Campus Career Center is located in Juan Chacon Building. Marie Leck is the coordinator.

Attendance; It is expected that students will attend all class meetings. Three absences are allowed . More than three missed days may adversely affect your overall grade. (Remember this is a three hour class, thus 1miss is equal to three absences).

NOTE: The above schedule, policies, and assignments in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances or my mutual agreement between the instructor and the students.

The following is a list of books that you may find useful to you in your career as well as your education. They are not required for this course, however if or as you read them share your thoughts on the topics as well as how they fit with the topics we are covering in class.

Leadership and Self Deception: The Arbinger Group

Anatomy of Peace: The Arbinger Group

Clayton Christensen The Innovator's Dilemma Clayton Christensen :The Innovator's Sol ution

Andy Grove: Only the Paranoid Survive

Leonard Arrington: Great Basin Kingdom

Sydney Finkelstein: Why Smart Executives Fail

Roger Lowenstein: When Genius Failed

Benjamin Graham: The Intelligent Investor Alfred P Sloan: My Years With General Motors

Peter Drucker: The Effective Executive (others)

Andrea Gabor: The Man Who Discovered Quality (Ed Deming)

Mary Walton: Deming Management at Work

W. Edwards Deming: Out of Crisis

Ron Chernow: The Death of the Banker

Ron Chernow Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr

Jeremy Siegel: Stocks for the Long Run

Jeremy Siegel: The Future for Investors Tom Peters & Robert Waterman: In Search of Exc ellence Jim Collins & Jerry Porras: Built to Last

J im Collins: Good to Great

Jim Houtz & Kathy Heasley: Seize the American Dream Burton Malkiel: A Ra ndom Walk Down Wall Street Charles Mackay: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and

the Madness of

Crowds Joseph Badaracco: Leading Quietly; An Unorthodox Guide to Doing the

Right Thing; Questions of Character, Illuminating the Heart of Leadership through Literat ure

McLean & Elkind: The Smartest Guys in the Room Lawrence Cunningham: The Essays of W arren Buffett Walton & Huey Sam Walton: Made in America Fred Schwed Jr

Where are the Customers' Yachts? Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad, Poor Dad Stanley &

Danko: The Millionaire Next Door David F Swensen: Unconventional Success

Steven Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

The Snow Ball: Warren Buffet Story

The Great A&P and the struggle for Small Business in America: Marc Levinson
