
Who is Jesus?
Caesarea Philippi
Retreat Center?
Mt. Hermon
Caesarea Phillipi
Greek god of
 and sexuality
Most Important
Question of Life
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Inescapable Question in the
Context of Religious Pluralism
Religious Pluralism and
Thirty-Seven Percent of White
Evangelicals agree with Hindus
that there are many Paths to God.
Lisa Miller, “We Are All Hindus
Now” - Newsweek
Jesus in World Religions
Jesus is the closest thing the world
has to a universal Religious Figure –
Craig Hazen, Biola University
Almost every religion attempts to
bring Jesus into their religious
Who Does Islam Say that
Jesus Is?
Virginally Conceived
Miracle Worker
End-Time Figure
Mentioned nearly 100 times in the Qur’an
Who Does Hinduism
Say that Jesus Is?
Jesus measures up as a Sadhu, a holy man.
He preached a universal message, love of
God and love of brother, which was beyond
any sectarianism or selfishness. Jesus was
one of those people who appealed from heart
to heart, and that's what makes him such a
good Hindu Saint.
Who Does Hinduism Say
that Jesus Is?
In some forms of Hinduism, Jesus is one of
ten (eighth) avatars of Vishnu.
Vishnu: god of love, benevolence, and
Avatar: a Hindu term meaning “descent.”
The manifestation of a god on earth in human
or animal form.
Shaunaka Rishi Das
Director of the Oxford Centre of
 In my particular tradition,
and among other Hindus,
He is seen as much more, as
an Avatar, specifically a
Shaktavesha Avatar or an
empowered incarnation.
This means that God has
sent Him to us for a specific
mission to fulfill God’s will
on earth
Who Does Buddhism Say
Jesus Is?
In the Mahayana tradition, Jesus is a
Bodhisattva – an enlightened being – someone
who has refused liberation from the wheel of
samsara and out of compassion returns to assist
others toward enlightenment.
Who Does Buddhism Say
Jesus Is?
Dali Lama claims
he is not worthy
to be compared
with Jesus
because Jesus is a
fully enlightened
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
The Point
Since Jesus is by any measure the only universal
religious person, a figure so towering that almost
every religious body has to find a way to bring
Him aboard in some capacity, it makes perfect
sense to me that anyone on a religious quest
should know where to start.
Craig Hazen, Biola University
Blind Men and the Elephant
Different Paths to Top of Mountain
Blind Men and the
Lessons from the Blind
Men and the Elephant
Humans are similar to blind men groping in the
Christianity Agrees With This Claim
Each religion provides a unique answer to the
riddle of the elephant of religious truth.
No blind person can arrogantly claim to possess
exclusive truth
Problems with the Blind
Men and the Elephant
 Claim: Every religion is valid and we need to combine
our answers to arrive at complete religious truth
 A mosaic of answers to the riddle of the nature of the
elephant does not accurately describe the truth about the
 An assembly of spear, hose, fan, wall, pole, and rope
does not equal an elephant.
Problems with the Blind
Men and the Elephant
 At least one man knows the truth – the rajah
 The rajah (God) could tell the blind men the truth
(revelation) about the nature of the elephant (religious
 The claim that no religion can know the truth is not a
relativistic claim. This claim is an absolute claim.
Problems with the Blind
Men and the Elephant
 Maybe the elephant represents God
 What if the elephant does not keep silent?
 What if God communicated to groping blind men?
 If so, Would the men be intolerant for passing on the
communiqué from God?
Different Paths Up a
Different Paths Up a
The followers of various religions ascend to
the summit of the mountain (God) by
different approaches
Some paths are more winding; some paths
are more direct
All paths reach the summit eventually
Popularity: promote tolerance
Problems with the Mountain
Justifies Indifference to Truth Claims
Does not respect people – does not take people
Does not promote tolerance. Crushes Dissent
Problems with the Mountain
Ignores Differences in Understanding Ultimate
Christianity: Triune, Personal God
Hinduism: Impersonal God (Brahman)
Buddhism: Atheistic
Problems with the Mountain
Ignores Differences in the Human Condition
Christianity: Created In God’s Image, Fallen,
Hinduism: Divine but Ignorant
Buddhism: Nothingness
Problems with the Mountain
 Ignores Differences in the Path of Spiritual Liberation
Christianity: By grace alone through faith alone in
Christ alone
Hinduism: Knowledge of Who You Really Are
Buddhism: The Loss of Desire Leading to Nirvana
Problems with the Mountain
Who Awaits You at the Top of the Mountain?
Buddhism: No One
Islam: Allah – non-Triune, Love not an
Christianity: Jesus
Hinduism: Brahman (you)
Problems with the Mountain
Favors One Religion: Hinduism is the Default Position
“Whatever path men travel is My path; no matter
where they walk it leads to Me.” – Krishna –
Other Religions Must Give Up Distinctives
Islamic Confession
Christians: Trinity, incarnation, atonement,
Medical Treatment
 Set forth by Abu Qurrah – 8th century Arab Christian
 A sick man receives various treatment proposals from a number of
medical experts with differing qualifications (religious experts)
 Decision Factors
 Qualifications of Caregiver
 Understanding of the Disease
 Reasonableness of the Treatment
 Likelihood of Success
Medical Treatment
Applied to Christianity
Qualifications of Caregiver: The sinless life and
resurrection mean that Jesus surpasses all other
religious teachers (contrast others teachers)
Understanding of the Disease:
Disease is Sin not Ignorance (Hinduism)
Sin is the only empirically verifiable religious
Medical Treatment
Applied to Christianity
Faith is Reasonable since humans
are powerless to heal
Likelihood: Testimony of
Transformed Lives
The religious landscape can be compared
to a maze
One entrance into the maze and one way
out of the maze
Many dead ends and obstacles
Is it intolerant to claim one way is superior
to other ways?
World Parliament of Religions
Defender of Christianity – Rev. Cook
Illustrated the Truth of Christianity
by Quote from Shakespeare
What can remove the spot?
Who Do You Say That I
Virginally Conceived
Victoriously Sinless
Vicarious Substitutionary Death
Visible Ascension
Triumphant Return