Military Requirements for Petty Officers 2nd and 3rd Class: Chapters

Military Requirements for Petty
Officers 2nd and 3rd Class:
Chapters 1-4
Chapter 1: Leadership, Supervision,
and Training
Fundamentals of Leadership:
“We need men and women who by their personal integrity,
their sense of moral purpose, and their acceptance of the
requirement for hard work will exemplify the best in
leadership traditions of the Navy and our Country.”
Admiral Arleigh A. Burke (USN RET)
(Former Chief of Naval Operations, 1955-1961)
The Navy defines leadership as follows:
Leadership is the art of influencing people to progress
towards the accomplishment of a specific goal
The Petty Officer’s job is to be sure his or her
leadership actions conform to the rules and regulations
governed by the chain of command.
US Navy Regulations
Manual for Courts-Martial
Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy
Personal Qualities of a Leader:
High Standard of Performance
Moral Courage
Dedication to the Navy and the Nation
Enviable Example
Loyalty to the Chain of Command
To lead, you must first be able to follow: for without followers, there can
be no leaders.
Navy Saying
Exercise of authority is inseparable from and acceptance of
Your responsibilities will extend both up and down the chain of
You will be regularly and continually responsible for training
You will have the additional responsibility of working in
coordination with others
As your responsibilities increase, your ability to communicate
clearly and effectively also must increase
You will have the increased responsibility of keeping up with
new developments
Human Behavior
Human behavior is the result of attempts to
satisfy certain needs:
 Safety-Security
 Social-Belonging
 Esteem
 Self-Actualization
Leadership/Supervisory Skills
Break the job into tasks
Assign tasks
Coordinate material and safety requirements
The proper tool for the job
Progress checks
Status reporting
Be on time
Be accurate
Be brief
Be gone
Performance feedback
Leadership/Supervisory Skills (cont’d)
Evaluating performance
Conflict resolution
Personal Qualification Standards
Personal Qualification Standards (PQS) Management Guide,
NAVEDTRA 43100-1
Continuous Improvement
Work Smarter not harder
Responsibilities of a Training Petty Officer
Instruction Methods and Techniques
Related Techniques
Lesson Summary
Oral Questioning
Training Aids
Command Training Team
Formed for the purpose of informing and keeping everyone up to date on
areas such as fire fighting, safety, personal rights, responsibilities, and
equal opportunity issues and policies
Chapter 2: Military Justice and
Petty Officer’s Authority
General Authority stems from U.S. Navy Regulations:
Art. 1037 – Authority of Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned
Officers and Petty Officers
Art. 1020 – Exercise of Authority
Art. 1132 – Compliance with Lawful Orders
Organizational Authority
Derived from assigned billets within command as designated by the
Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy
Lawful Orders
Any order imposing punishment outside the
framework of the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) is unlawful. Punishment may only be
through the judicial process or nonjudicially
through UCMJ Art. 15 (CO’s NJP)
Nonpunitive measures available to
supervisors :
Extra Military Instruction (EMI)
Withholding of Privileges
Approved by the Manual for Courts-Martial
Training device intended to improve efficiency of a
command or unit
Final authority to withhold privileges rests with the authority
that grants the privilege
Extension of Working Hours
Work must be essential, must have a readiness requirement,
or must be work that should have been finished during the
normal workday
SORN (OPNAVINST 3120.32) states:
“Authority should be delegated to the lowest level of
the competence commensurate with the
subordinate’s assigned responsibilities and
capabilities. The principles of delegation, however
recognize that officers at all levels must be
accountable ultimately for the performance of their
organizational segments even if they have charged
subordinates with immediate authority for managing
certain functions”
Reporting Violations
Duty as a Petty Officer
24/7 responsibility
Reporting of Offense Processing
Means letting the proper authority know about the
apparent misconduct
 Standard Navy report chit, Report and Disposition
of Offense(s), NAVPER 1626/7
NAVPER 1626/7
Accused’s name,
rate, SSN, branch of
service, and division
Date and place of
Complete ID of all
Your Rate and
Don’t worry about
everything after the
portion about Art.
Reporting Violations (cont’d)
Rights of the Accused
UCMJ Art. 31
Commanding Officer assigns junior officer or senior
petty officer to investigate
Executive Officers Inquiry (XOI)
Captain’s Non-Judicial Punishment (CO’s Mast)
Redress of Grievances/Complaints of Wrongs
UCMJ Art. 138
U.S. Naval Regulations Art. 1150
Manual for the Judge Advocate General (JAGINST 5800.7) Ch. 3
Summary (SCM)
Special (SPCM)
1 commisioned officer
Award any sentence given at mast as well as confinement for 1 month, hard labor
with out confinement for 45 days, restriction for 2 months, forfeiture of 2/3 pay
per month for 1 month
No less than 3 members (may include 1 enlisted at request of Accused)
Accused may consult with defense counsel and request the court consist of only
the military judge
Award any sentence given at SCM as well as bad-conduct discharge, confinement
for 6 months, loss of 2/3 pay for 6 months, hard labor without confinement for 3
General (GCM)
No less than 5 members
Accused may consult with defense counsel and request the court consist of only
the military judge
Can award any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ, including death when
specifically authorized for the offense
Covered under Uniform Regulations
Sea-bag inspections
Must maintain minimum uniform requirements as per U.S.
Navy Uniform Regulations, NAVPERS 15665
Consult local instruction for procedures, but may include:
Prescribe a time and place
Have current list of required items
Instruct person to present each item as you call it off
Check clothing for required stenciling
Have person sign inspection sheet when complete to acknowledge
items missing, needing replacement, or maintenance
Grooming Standards
Hair will be neat and clean and present a groomed appearance
Hair above ears and around neck will be tapered from the lower hairline upward
at least ¾ inch, may not touch the collar, will not be longer than 4 inches, and
cannot touch the collar or ears
Sideburns permitted, but must be even and end in clean shaven horizontal line.
Cannot extend past middle of the ear
Mustaches are permitted but must be neatly trimmed so that they don’t appear
Hair must be neatly arranged and styled to present feminine appearance but may
not fall below the lower edge of the uniform collar. No hair is to show under the
front brim of the hat. Only ornaments permitted in hair are bobby pins
(inconspicuously arranged) and barrettes (2 max) of a color that matched the hair
Fingernails may not exceed ¼ inch long. Polish must be a soft shade
complimentary to the skin tone
Cosmetics should be of conservative color and applied sparingly
Earrings must be the 6-mm ball (approx. ¼ inch) with a brushed matte finish
Chapter 3: Quality of Life
Purpose of quality of life programs is to promote the
effective use of the Navy’s human assets.
Includes the following major programs:
Personal Excellence
Family Support
Equal Opportunity
Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Health and Physical Readiness
Navy Family Housing
Personal Excellence Program
Promote personal development of Navy
members in order to contribute to the selfsatisfaction, morale, and quality of life
 Health/Fitness
 Citizenship
 Navy Personal Excellence Partnership Program
Family Support Program
Family Service Centers
 The Family Advocacy Program
 Family Home Care Programs
 Casualty Assistance Calls Program
Health and Fitness
Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program
 Programs and Resources
Navy Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program
 Drug and Alcohol Program Advisors (DAPAs)
 Right Spirit Campaign
 Alcohol Treatment Facilities (ATFs)
 Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselors (NDACs)
 Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers (ARCs)
Suicide Prevention
Health and Physical Readiness
Exercise, physical fitness and weight control
 Nutrition education
 High blood pressure identification
 Stress management
 Smoking Education and Prevention
 Lower Back Injury Prevention
Misc Programs
Military Cash Awards Program
 OPNAVINST 1650.8
Navy Family Housing Program
Equal Opportunity Program
Chapter 4: Career Information
Navy Enlisted Classification Structure (NECS)
Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA 14325
 Supplement the enlisted rating structure
 Manual of Navy Enlisted and Personnel Classification and
Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068, Section II
Petty Officer Quality Control Program
MILPERSMAN, Art. 3410180
 Professional Development Boards (PDB)
Est. by BUPERSINST 1040.5
Special Programs and Projects Duty
Law Enforcement
Includes – Law Enforcement, Physical Security,
Permanent Shore Patrol, Armed Forces Duty
Detachments, and Navy Absentee Collection Units
Brig Staff Duty
U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard
Navy Aircrew Program
Navy Special Warfare and Explosive Ordinance
Disposal Programs (SPECWAR, EOD, SEAL)
Chief Warrant Officer and Limited Duty Officer
Enlisted Warfare Specialist Designations
Enlisted Surface Warfare
Specialist (ESWS)
Enlisted Submarine Warfare
Specialist (ESS)
CINST 1552.16
Enlisted Aviation Warfare
Specialist (EAWS)
OPNAV 1414.1
OPNAV 1414.2
Enlisted Seabee Combat
Warfare Specialist (ESCWS)
OPNAV 1410.1
Enlisted Service Records
Official history of a person’s career
NAVPERS 1070/600
Specific Order
Right-hand side – order in which these forms are filed has led
to their being referred to as pages
Left-hand side- includes a separator (Career Performance
Data, NAVPERS 1070/617)
Beneath separator are evaluation reports and counseling records,
commendations, and award correspondence.
All papers are filed above the separator are filed in chronological
order, the most recent on top
Enlisted Service Records (cont’d)
Dependency Application/Record of Emergency
Data, NAVPERS 1070/602
Aka “Page 2”
Enlisted Qualification History
NAVPERS 1070/604
 Aka “Page 4”
Fleet Reserve
 Regular Navy Retired List
 Naval Reserve Retired List
 Retired Reserve
 Temporary Disability Retired List
 Permanent Disability Retired List
What instructions govern Naval
U.S. Navy Regulations
 Manual for Courts-Martial
 Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.
What are the two types of
performance feedback?
What are the four areas a sailor can
be counseled in?
 Career
 Performance
 Disciplinary
Name the three instruction methods?
 Discussion
Where does a Petty Officer derive
his/her authority?
Navy Regulations
Art. 1037
 Art. 1020
 Art. 1132
Organizational Authority
What article of the UCMJ covers
CO’s Non-judicial Punishment
Art. 15
What are some non-punitive
measures available to the chain of
Extra Military Instruction (EMI)
 Withholding Privileges
 Extention of Working Hours
What is a NAVPERS 1626/7?
Report and Disposition of Offense(s) (Navy
“Report Chit”)
Article 31 of the UCMJ covers what?
Rights of the Accused
What are the different types of
Courts-Martials and what are the
Summary (SCM)
Special (SPCM)
1 commissioned officer
Award any sentence given at mast as well as confinement for 1 month, hard labor with out
confinement for 45 days, restriction for 2 months, forfeiture of 2/3 pay per month for 1
No less than 3 members (may include 1 enlisted at request of Accused)
Accused may consult with defense counsel and request the court consist of only the military
Award any sentence given at SCM as well as bad-conduct discharge, confinement for 6
months, loss of 2/3 pay for 6 months, hard labor without confinement for 3 months
General (GCM)
No less than 5 members
Accused may consult with defense counsel and request the court consist of only the military
Can award any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ, including death when specifically
authorized for the offense
What is the maximum length
allowable for a female sailor’s nails?
¼ inch
What instruction controls the Navy
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program?
What is the MILCAP program and
what is the maximum reward
associated with it?
Military Cash Awards Program
 $25,000.00
What is NAVPERS 1070/602?
Dependency Application/Record of Emergency
 “Page 2”
What is NAVPERS 1070/604?
Enlisted Qualification History
 “Page 4”