Why Definitions are Important

Chapter Fifteen:
In Search of Homeland
Defining Homeland
Defining Homeland Security
Issues surrounding homeland security
 Issues surrounding homeland security
are confused because the country is
dealing with a new concept, a new
meaning of conflict, and a change in
the procedures used to defend the
United States
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
 DHS is responsible for protecting the
borders and the country’s interior
Defining Homeland Security
Mission and understanding
 Mission and understanding mean the same
thing, but there are many different
understandings of homeland security because
many agencies have differing missions
 The policy guiding homeland security in the
United States has not been fully developed,
and executives are not quite sure of the way
that all the missions of various agencies fit
Defining Homeland Security
Civil defense
 Homeland security also involves civil
defense, that is, citizens engaged in
homeland security
 A major portion of security is a civic
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and
Views of War
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and Views
of War
Democrats and Republicans
 Republicans tend to see terrorism as a
military issue
 Democrats tend to see terrorism as a
criminal act
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and Views
of War
Before the time of growing terrorism
 Before the time of growing terrorism,
War was an extension of politics fought
within the legal framework of the
 The Constitution states that only
Congress has the power to declare war,
and Congress declares whether America
is in a state of war or of peace
 Terrorism is changing the nature of
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and Views
of War
Carl von Clausewitz
 Prussian general and military philosopher, Carl
von Clausewitz, came to believe that the
French Revolution created a new type of war
 The strength of the French came from their
ability to place the nation in arms, that is, to
rally the people to the belief that all citizens of
a nation are potential soldiers or supporters of
the military
 Clausewitz’s On War is a philosophical treatise
on the nature of total, nationalistic wars
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and Views
of War
Victor Hanson’s criticism of Clausewitz
 Hanson criticizes Clausewitz and the
Western way of battle, claiming the
West is consumed with the way war
was fought in Ancient Greece.
According to this line of thought, the
purpose of military action is to seek a
decisive engagement.
 Terrorism is designed to produce the
opposite effect, seeking to avoid direct
confrontation with force
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and Views
of War
Sun Tzu
 Chinese philosopher, Sun Tzu, produced
a treatise on the paradoxes of war
 Sun Tzu saw war and peace as two
sides of the same coin
 War and politics were psychological
forces held together by the belief in
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and Views
of War
Terrorism is based on Sun Tzu’s concept of strength-toweakness
In modern military parlance this is called asymmetrycompeting forces are out of balance
Terrorists tend to be true believers who sacrifice lives,
and they are willing to attack while avoiding social
conventions and societal norms
The purpose of terrorism is to give the impression that
powerful economic, military, and political forces cannot
protect ordinary people going about their daily routines
Military forces must cope with this change, but criminal
justice agencies become involved in homeland security
precisely because terrorists fight outside the rules
Pearl Harbor and 9-11: Two
Different Worlds
Pearl Harbor and 9-11: Two
Different Worlds
December 7, 1941
 The purpose of the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor was to destroy U.S.
military capabilities in the Pacific
Pearl Harbor and 9-11: Two
Different Worlds
September 11, 2001
 The 9-11 attacks were designed for drama.
They were a tragedy performed on a
subnational level, with the purpose of
murdering thousands of people to create an
aura of fear
 The goal of the September 11 terrorists was
not one of conventional military strategy. Its
purpose was to create so much feat that
Western institutions would change their
 The terrorists of September 11 were attacking
globalization while America was defending
state power
Pearl Harbor and 9-11: Two
Different Worlds
The new style of conflict
 Jihadists are not attacking state power;
they are attacking the idea of Western,
and particularly American culture
 Modern terrorism is aimed at the
infrastructure of everyday life and the
symbols that define that structure
Redefining Conflict,
Defense, and Intelligence
Redefining Conflict, Defense, and
Clausewitz’s factors on the changing
nature of military action
 Sometimes wars are fought on
frontiers against irregular armies
 War is an extension of politics. The
only reason a nation fights is to win a
political victory
Redefining Conflict, Defense, and
Preparing for the new type of war
 The Pentagon prepared to fight stateto-state battles during the 1990s
 Terrorists do not fight in field
engagements; therefore, military
forces must transform their structures
to take the fight to terrorists
Redefining Conflict, Defense, and
Vice admiral Arthur Cebrowsky
 Cebrowsky believes that America
needs to create a new defense culture
that permeates all levels of society and
that breaks down barriers between
 The United States needs forces that
thoroughly understand American
culture and the cultures of our
enemies and friends
Redefining Conflict, Defense, and
Martin van Crefeld
 Crefeld argues that war has changed;
violence is the purpose
 Crefeld illustrates his thesis by using
the French-Algerian War as an example.
The Algerian nationalists of the National
Liberation Front (FLN) fought for the
community’s survival. As long as they
fought, they were succeeding
Redefining Conflict, Defense,
and Intelligence
Barnett’s thesis
 Barnett implies that military forces must
change for future battles
 A force fighting to impose political will
operates differently from a force fighting for
 The purpose of power is to create a new set
of international rules in which all nations are
included in economic development, prosperity,
and peace
 When nations are excluded, violent terrorists
have no incentive to play within the rules
The Role of Symbols
and Structures
The Role of Symbols and
Symbolic targets
 Asymmetrical war is waged against
symbolic targets, and homeland
security is designed to secure symbols
 Attacks against symbols disrupt support
structures and can have a high human
The Role of Symbols and
Grenville Byford
 Byford points out that symbolic attack
may simply be designed to inflict
massive casualties; that is, killing
people has a symbolic value
 Rather than engaging in political
rhetoric about morality, Byford
concludes, it is more productive to
understand that Americans represent
symbolic targets of military value
The Role of Symbols and
Ian Lesser’s three forms of terrorism
 Symbolic terrorism is a dramatic attack to
show vulnerability
 Pragmatic terrorism involves a practical
attempt to destroy political power
 Systematic terrorism is waged over a period of
time to change social conditions
 Terrorists use symbolic attacks or attacks on
symbols to achieve pragmatic or systematic
The Role of Symbols and
The key to security
 Offer protection without destroying
abstract meanings
 Enhance protection while maintaining
 The irony is that every added security
measure increases the feeling of
Law Enforcement’s
Special Role
Law Enforcement’s Special Role
Preemptive, offensive policing
 If law enforcement simply responds, it
will have little impact on the prevention
of terrorism
Law Enforcement’s Special Role
Results if state and local agencies shift to
offensive thinking and action
 Police contact with potential terrorists
will increase
 This, however, increases the
possibility of negative stereotyping
and the abuse of power
 Proactive measures demand increased
intelligence gathering, and much of the
information will have not relation to
criminal activity
Law Enforcement’s Special Role
Offensive action in the private sector
 Offensive action begins in the local
 The weakness in local systems occurs
because state and local police
departments do not frequently think
beyond their jurisdictions, and they do
not routinely take advantage of
potential partnerships inside their
Building Intelligence
Building Intelligence Systems
The most important aspect of security
 Information that guides security forces
 Information is crucial for day-to-day
Building Intelligence Systems
Information gathering
 While academic in nature, information
gathering is directly applicable to
gathering intelligence
 Applied intelligence involves gathering
basic information about a target and
real-time information about current
 The practical application of this process
comes through organizing structures
aimed at collecting, analyzing, and
forwarding information
Building Intelligence Systems
President Jimmy Carter
 Carter wanted to protect Americans
from their government
 The government began to limit the
power of intelligence operations,
unintentionally hampering their
Building Intelligence Systems
Time magazine article
The article stated: America needs to learn to
spy again
National security intelligence is crucial, but law
enforcement has a role
The authors of the article also censure
bureaucratic structures for failing to share
information, and they condemn the system for
relying too heavily on machine and electronic
Another weak point is the inability to analyze
the information
Building Intelligence Systems
New Jersey State Police (NJSP)
 The NJSP Intelligence Service Section is made
up of three divisions
 The Intelligence Bureau is the largest division,
composed of six units
 The Analytical Unit
 The Casino Intelligence Unit
 The Electronic Surveillance Unit
 The Liaison Computerized Services Unit
 The Service Unit
 The Street Gang Unit
Building Intelligence Systems
The central security unit is responsible
for New Jersey’s counterterrorist
mission. It is a proactive organization
designed to prevent terrorism through
The Solid Waste Unit keeps an eye on
organized crime
Recently, NJSP linked its intelligence
service with federal law enforcement,
giving it the potential for greater
Building Intelligence Systems
California Anti-Terrorism Information
Center (CATIC)
 Formed after 9-11, the CATIC is a
statewide intelligence system is
designed to combat terrorism
 The center links federal, state, and local
information services in one system and
divides operational zones into five
administrative areas
 CATIC combines public information with
data on criminal trends and public
terrorist activities
Building Intelligence Systems
New York City Police Department (NYPD)
 Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly
created two new units
 One for counterterrorism
 One for intelligence
Building Intelligence Systems
Critics of the FBI and CIA
 The FBI and CIA have been criticized
for failing to gather information before
the September 11 attacks and
ineffectively analyzing the information
they did have
 Civil liberties groups fear growing
power in agencies associated with
homeland security, while others express
concern over expanding executive
Planning for Homeland
Planning for Homeland Security
Planning is essential
 Planning enhances the gathering,
organizing, and analyzing of
Planning for Homeland Security
The International Association of Chiefs of
Police (IACP)
 The IACP believes planning can be
guided by looking for threats inside
local communities
 Indicators such as an increase in violent
rhetoric, the appearance of extremist
groups, and increases in certain types
of crimes may demonstrate that a
terrorist problem is on the horizon
Planning for Homeland Security
Richard Best
 National security differs from law enforcement
 In police work, officers react to information
provided voluntarily
 National security intelligence is used to
anticipate threats
 Law enforcement should plan and develop two
channels for information
 One should be aimed at law enforcement
 State and local police agencies should be
prepared to pass such information along to
defense sources
Creating a Culture of
Information Sharing
Creating a Culture of Information
The National Strategy for Homeland
Security calls for increased information
sharing among law enforcement agencies
Creating a Culture of Information
Information sharing systems
 The Regional Information Sharing System
 The RISS is a six-part information network
whose policies are controlled by its
 The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas
 The El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC)
 The International Law Enforcement
Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA)
 Weaknesses in the U.S. system
Creating a Culture of Information
The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing
 The purpose of the plan is not only to
create a culture of sharing, but to
generate the structures and
communications systems to make it
 All agencies will communicate in a
single network
Creating a Culture of Information
9-11 Commission Report
 Recommendations focused on defense,
intelligence, information sharing,
homeland security, and law
 The commission argued that the
government was structured to fight the
Cold War, not to counter terrorism
Creating a Culture of Information
Critics of the 9-11 Commission Report
 The FBI’s record of combating terrorism
was port, and there may be no reason
to believe that restructuring will
improve its capabilities