iNOW Training Information

1. In web browser, type in or SETS
2. A login box will appear. Your login is the first part of your email address and the password is
your email password.
3. After you login, the iNOW or SETS login screen will appear. If your login has been setup, you
will be able to login to your school’s iNOW program.
A. Your login should be your first and middle initial and your last name
If this doesn’t work, try your first initial and last name
B. Password is Chilton1
4. You will be prompted to reset your password. Change your password to something you will
remember, but not the same password that you use for everything. (KEEP UP WITH YOUR
DESK OR COMPUTER SCREEN. This program is worldwide and can be used by anyone if they
have access to your login and password. This program can be used at home.
5. Once you have changed your password and logged in, in the box for school, you will choose
Jemison Elementary. For the academic session, you will choose 2011-12.
A. School: Jemison Elementary
B. Academic Session: 2011-12
C. Click Continue
D. The iNOW Homepage will be displayed
1. Announcements and school events by calendar are
posted on the Homepage. The office dictates who can
see the announcements.
2. If you have website links that you would like to share
with others, the office will have to put these links on the
3. The student tab listed on the homepage allows you to
view student's information. What you can view depends
on pre-set permissions.
When you click on the classroom tab, grade book,
attendance, grades, lunch count, roster, textbook, and
reports will be visible.
1. A list of your students by student number, name, grade, and sex will
2. Click on the student's number and their information should be displayed:
address, phone number, emergency contacts, and other.
3. Once you are finished viewing student information, click close. If you need
to change some of the information, change it, save it, click ok, and then click
4. If the planet icon appears, that means the student does not have internet
5. + - Medical Alert: once you click on this you should be able to see the
medical alert, medicine, and treatment ( If you see a bubble with an i in it, it
means special instructions - The parents must be contacted.)
6. If you see a graduation cap icon, this means the student is a special
education student- You can not click on this and access this information
due to confidentiality.
7. A yellow square in the last column means truancy. This means that a
student has 3 unexcused absences
8. You can click on seating chart in order to create a seating chart for
your class. Click on the student's name and drag it to the desired location.
You can also print this. (You can create a seating chart for each course.)
9. You can print a detailed class roster by clicking on course roster under
reports and click the find button above teacher name. Type in your name
and it will display a detailed class roster of your students.
10. Make sure that you check the information that you want listed on your
You can include who textbooks are issued to and
whether or not they are returned. You can't access this
unless the office sets it up.
TUTORIAL (click on
the globe icon)
1. Login to iNOW
2. Click the classroom tab
3. Click the attendance tab
4. The current date and grading period will be selected for you. If you need to change the date or
grading period, you can click on the date box and type in the date, or you can click on the ellipsis
button to select a date from the calendar.
5. To change the grading period, click on the scroll down bar.
6. You also have the option to include withdrawn students.
7. If you change the date, grading period, or choose withdrawn student option, you will need to
click the refresh button before proceeding to enter attendance.
8. Once you have verified the date, you are ready to enter your attendance.
9. Select the class in which you will enter attendance. (JES - Homeroom)
10. To select a course, click the bullet beside the course and click view, or click on the course
number that appears as a blue link.
11. A screen will display listing all of the students enrolled in the course for the selected date and
grading period.
12. If you select to include withdrawn students, they will also display.
13. The course number, name, term , grading period, period of the day, teacher, and date selected
appear at the top of the screen.
14. At the bottom of the screen you will see a count for the number of students who are currently
marked as present, absent, missing, and tardy.
15. If the office or attendant clerk has marked a student as absent, their name will appear with a
dot next to their student number.
16. To take attendance, you only need to mark students as missing from your class. Students will be
defaulted as present.
17. To mark one or more students as missing, just place a check next to their name and click the
missing button.
18. If you accidentally mark the wrong student, you can place a check next to their
name and click the present icon.
19. You will notice as you mark students missing, tardy, or present the totals at the
bottom are automatically updated.
20. When you are ready to post, click the post button.
to contact the office to make changes.
A. a planet like icon next to a student's name means that
the student has not been approved for internet access
B. a + sign means that the student has a medical alert (If
your administrator has given you appropriate access, you
can click on the medical alert icon to view the student's
medical alert along with any recommended medications or
C. a graduation cap indicates that the student is actively
participating in a special education program
D. the "i" or info icon, indicates that a special instruction
has been entered for the student ( If you have been granted
access, you can view this information.)
TUTORIAL (click on the
globe icon)
Click on the classroom tab
Click the grade book tab
1. Normally the grade book will display each activity as a separate column and the
columns will display in order by date. Activities in August will display first in the lesson
plan, Sept., and so on. If you would like your activities to display in descending order,
check the space for view by date descending.
2. The student's running average will display in a separate column in the grade book. If
you want to round the displayed average, check the box for round displayed average.
When you check this box, a student who has a running average of 92.5 will be rounded to
a 93.
3. If you check the box that groups by category, when you view the grade book columns
all of the activities of the same category will display together. All of your homework will
be grouped together, all of your test will be together, and all of your class work will be
grouped together.
4. If you need to have a student come to your desk to view their scores in your grade
book, but you do not want them to see the names of other students, you can click the box
adjacent to hide student names.
5. Your grade book will display currently enrolled students ONLY. If you
would like the grade book to include withdrawn students, check the box to
include withdrawn students.
6. The grade book displays the student's running average at all times. If you
check the box for display total points, the student's total points earned will
display next to the average. For example: If a student received 120 points out
of 150,the display will indicate 120/150 to indicate their total earned number
of points.
7. The student's running average will always display in the grade book. If you
check the box beside display averages, the student's running average will also
appear on the scores tab.
8. Check display letter grade if you want to display the letter grade that is
equivalent to the student’s average. Keep in mind, that if you have checked the
option to round displayed averages, that may affect the letter grade that
You have four options when it comes to averaging.
A. If you select points, the average is calculated by dividing the total number of points
the student has earned by the total number of points possible.
B. If you select the average option, the average of each activity is calculated first and
then the student's overall average for the grading period is calculated by averaging all of
these averages.
C. The best way to explain category points or category averages is to give you an
example. If you select category points, the program will use the same method for
determining the student's average by adding up the total number of points earned and
dividing by the total number of points possible. However, it then takes the process a step
farther to allow you to indicate a weight value by category such as homework, quizzes, or
test. So when you create your categories you can enter the weighted value to be applied
to the category. For example: Let's say you set up a category for homework and give it a
value of 20%, you set up a category for quizzes and give it a value of 30%, and then set
up a category for tests to be weighted at 50% for a total of 100%. When the student's
running average is calculated, the homework assignment total will be worth 20% of the
student's overall average. The quizzes will be worth 30% of the student's overall average,
and tests will be equal to 50% of the student's overall average.
You will notice if category points or category averages is selected, the display total
points box is grayed out. This is because the total number of points is the only factor
that is used to determine the student's average, so it will not be displayed.
D. The category average uses the same basic approach as
category points but it uses the average of the student's
activities rather than the total points possible.
Once you are finished setting up your defaults, click OK to
save changes.
13. Copy Options to another course: If you have already setup
options for another course, choose the course that you want to
copy the options to on the grade book screen. When that
subject's display screen appears, click on options, click the
copy options link, click on the course you have setup your
options for, click ok, and click cancel. You should see that the
options have been copied to the course you are currently
Student Display Name: As an example, to setup the display for your students in
the grade book, click on category points, and then the scroll down bar for
student display name. Choose how you want your student's name to be
displayed in the grade book.
Standard Default Options You are only going to setup the standard options if
you are using standards. If you check standard calculate weight maximum
value, you have an activity tied to a standard, and you have a weight value
greater than 1 assigned to the activity, the score that the student receives will
be weighted if this box is checked. For example: If you have an activity worth
50 points and a weight value of 2, and the student earns 48 (if this box is
checked) the student will receive a 96 out of a possible 100 points. If you are
teaching a course that has standards attached to it, you must select the
standards grading scale. If you do not see a standard based grading scale,
contact your office or program administrator. Under standards calculate rule,
you can select how the marks a student receives for standards will affect their
grade. Select current grading period if you only want the grades that a student
receives for a standard to affect their grade for the grading period. Select
Running Section if you want the grades for the standards to affect their grade
throughout the entire length of the course. Select running term if you want
the grade for the standard to affect the student's grade for the entire term.
Next, you can determine the standards calculating method. Select averaging if
each individual activity is an average and the standard grade is calculated by
averaging all activities. Select points if each individual activity is based on
points. The standard grade will be determined by dividing the total points
earned by the total points possible. This setup only needs to be done once for
each class.
*(Teachers must setup at least one category for each course titled lesson/
lesson.) This is so that you can put your lesson plans in every day and
choose a category for them.
1. This is where you will add your categories for grading. (Weekly test,
test, homework assignments, class assignments)
2. You have to setup at least one category in order to use the grade book.
3. Click the category link: If you have already setup categories for
another course, you can click the copy categories link and select the
course from which to copy the categories, click cancel, and click ok.
4. You can click the add button to add a new category.
5. Required information is noted with an asterisk.
6. Enter the category name... Description is optional
7. Drop high and low score is optional
8. If your grade book is setup to calculate student averages based on
category points or category averages, the percentage field is where you
will enter the percentage. In the example earlier on setting up grade book
defaults, homework was to count as 20% of the student’s overall average.
Under category for homework, 20% was noted in the percentage field.
9. Click create and the record is saved. A blank box for adding another
category will be displayed.
10. When you are finished, click cancel to exit the add category screen.
11. If you are using category points or category averages, you must make
sure your percentages add up to 100%.
1. Login to iNOW, select the classroom menu
2. To enter scores, comments, or standard marks select a course either by
clicking to bullet the course and then click view, or click the course number
that appears as a blue link.
3. If you will be assigning comments to the student's activities, click the
comment setup link.
4. Click add to insert a new comment.
5. Enter the comment description and click create.
6. Continue adding new comments, clicking create to save each comment.
7. When you are finished, click cancel.
8. Click close, to close the screen.
TUTORIAL (click on the
globe icon)
To create activities, click the plan tab.
15. Activities for the selected date will display.
16. To view activities for the week, you can select the week view box and then
click refresh.
17. The activities for the week will display below along with the date and
description of the activity.
18. The category appears in parenthesis.
19. To view all activities in the lesson plan for the selected grading period and
course, remove the date from the date field and click refresh. You may also use
the previous and next week buttons to navigate through your lesson plan one
week at a time.
20. Click the add button to insert a new activity.
21. The add activity screen will be displayed. Required fields such as activity
name are indicated with asterisks.
22. The date will be the last date for which you entered an activity.
23. To change the date, you either type it in the date box, or click the
ellipsis button.
24. Enter the information that pertains to the activity, select category,
enter the activity name and check the appropriate boxes.
25. You only check the assessment box if this is an assignment that is an
assessment given online using STI assessment.
26. If you check the homework box, assignments that are marked as
homework will display for parents to see online when they login to parent
27. You need to check the graded box, if students are going to receive a
grade for the activity.
28. You can also check “drop student score” if student’s scores are to be
dropped from the activity.
29. The "entire activity dropped box" is only to be checked if grades for this
activity for all students are to be dropped from their running average.
30. If you check the graded box, you can enter the total points possible for the
31. Next you can enter a weight multiplier, but according to the speaker at the
board, it should always be set on 1.00.
32. If scores in the activity are not to be included in the student’s running
average, you can set the weight multiplier to zero.
33. If the activity is to count more than once in the student’s running average,
you can increase this number. For example: If a quiz is to count twice in the
student’s running average, you would enter 2.00 for the weight multiplier.
34. You can also enter a number in the weight addition field, if points are to
be added to each student’s grade for this activity. For example: If you have an
activity worth 20 points and you enter a 2.00 in the weight addition box, each
student will receive two extra points on their score.
35. Click create to save your changes. Once the record is saved you can access
the tabs across the bottom of the page.
36. To add a standard for this activity, click on standards and then the add button. A list
of standards attached to this course will be displayed. If no standards are listed, please
check with your program administrator.
37. To add a standard, you can either click the blue link for the standard or you can place
a check next to each standard that is addressed by this activity and click ok.
38. To add comments to the activity, click the comments tab and add your comments.
You have the option to make the comments public or private. You can switch back and
forth. Public comments may be viewed by anyone, even parents. Private comments are
only visible to the teacher and program administrator.
39. You can do the same thing on the materials tab, objectives tab, and resource tab.
40. Click ok to save your activity.
41. A new add activity screen appears and the next attendance date will appear.
42. This program automatically sets the next attendance date for you. If you are putting
your activities in order by date, the date will automatically be inserted for you.
43. Under manage; you can automatically import activities from STI assessment by
clicking the tab that says Import from STI assessment.
44. When you have completed adding and saving activities, click the cancel button.
45. Once you have completed creating activities, you can import them into another
course. Click close and the courses that you teach will appear. Click on the course you
want to copy the activities from. When the screen for that course is displayed, you can
click copy grade book. This will copy your activities from another course to this course.
Click on copy grade book, choose the course in which you want to copy the grade book
to, and then click ok.
46. The program will display all the activities that have been entered. Here you can place
an individual check by each activity that you wish to import into the class, or you can
click the box at the top of the list to select all activities. Then click ok.
47. Click on the plan tab to see the imported activities.
48. To access each activity, you can place a check mark next to the activity, or you can
click the activity that appears as a blue link.
49. You have the option to check the “entire activity dropped” box. If you check this box
and click ok, the scores that the students received for this activity will no longer be
calculated in the student’s overall average.
50. You can also place a check in the box “activity completed” if the assignment has been
completed. Then click ok.
51. When you view your activities individually or by week, you may
notice icons beside your activities. Icons depend on how you setup
your activities.
52. If you place your mouse over the icon, you can see a reminder of
what the icon represents.
Check mark = completed
 paper icon = students are to receive grades for the activity,
 the home icon = homework
 check list icon = an assessment to be given online through STI
 arrow = student’s score can be dropped
 paper and arrow icon = all student’s scores for this activity were
When putting in lesson plans, you have to go to the classroom page
and change the grading period to the second nine weeks before the
program will allow you to put in lesson plans for that grading period.
Make sure to click the refresh button when you make changes to the
date or grading period.
Remove the check mark from the graded box if you are putting in a
lesson that is not graded.