Police Overview History Early “policing” informal, watch systems, volunteers, few paid personnel Or, military Professionalized police forces with the advent of the Industrial Revolution Urban migration, unrest Structure History Police officers tended to be poorly trained with little check on power Often used to break up labor disputes Corruption was visible and common Resented by the poor, particularly immigrants Wickersham commission 1931—lack of efficiency, honesty, discipline, lack of equipment Recommended education and training, job security IACP had been developed in 1892, became the leading voice for reform in the 20th century IACP Development of civil service, removal of political control, central organizational structure, development of record keeping systems, specialized units Vollmer, O. W. Wilson—argued for a professionalized force, tough, trained, rule-oriented, paramilitary force 1960s and 1970s Turmoil and crisis Civil rights movement, Supreme Court decisions, riots and demonstrations Growing crime rate Consequences: increased spending on technology, federal funding LEAA, LEEP Police role Functions of police Crime fighter vs. order maintenance Styles of policing (crime fighter, watchman, public servant, legalistic) Considerable disagreement over these roles Major issues How many police are needed? When there are no police, there is often chaos (the thin blue line) Although not always—the most recent blackout Faster response times More detectives Issues Targeting career criminals Eliminating technicalities Increasing arrest rates Using problem solving techniques Using the results of deterrence research to deter criminals Adding police KC patrol experiment Why wasn’t patrol effective? Patrol is spread thinly in the best of circumstances Many would-be criminals do not see it as a threat Nor do they always act rationally Adding police Majority of murders and assaults, about 50% of rapes occur between people who know each other, in the heat of passion and often indoors, where police presence will have no effect Outdoor crimes theoretically could be impacted by more police Adding police About 100,000 officers were added as a result of the Violent Crime Control Act of 1994 Not much effect—why? Crime is concentrated in large cities, which received only 23% of the funding Many hired had desk jobs Faster response time Commonly believed that faster response times will catch more criminals About 75% of crime-related calls involve crimes that occurred some time ago (“cold” crimes) About 25% of crime-related calls involve a confrontation Faster response time Even then, it frequently does not make a difference People often delay before calling the police. Victims compose themselves, call a family member Witnesses often hesitate (cell phone might make a difference) Faster response time Response time might make a difference in a small number, perhaps 3% (Police Executive Research Forum). Commercial robberies Faster response time may improve public relations Too much hurry could result in danger to others More detectives Police clear about 21% of all index crimes Belief that we could clear more with more detectives Most crimes that are cleared are easily solved, such as acquaintance crime 60-80% of arrests made by patrol rather than detectives More detectives Information about the suspect most important A study in LA indicated that police cleared 86% of cases in which a suspect was immediately identified Cleared 12% cases without an identification More detectives Skills or training help clear a case only where there is evidence Of course, lack of training can hurt a case Targeting career criminals Following high rate offenders (Wolfgang’s research) Repeat Offender Project High rate offenders placed under surveillance Highly intensive Targeting career criminals 58% of the target group were arrested within a year Conviction rate 37% Questions about the cost-effectiveness of the program Eliminating technicalities Rationale: police have been restricted in their efforts to catch criminals Exclusionary rule Motion to suppress: <5% of cases Successful in .69% of the total More likely to make a difference in cases involving drugs and weapons Technicalities Other types of cases often cleared through other means, primarily information about the suspect One study found that 70% of cases where evidence was suppressed were convicted on other charges (small N) Technicalities: Miranda Rate of confessions has declined by 16% (Cassell)—however, was declining prior to Miranda Estimated that confessions needed in 24% of cases Some of those cases get convictions anyway Technicalities: Miranda Many suspects waive their rights—2/3 in one study, 80% in another Police confronted them with evidence and/or appealed to their self-interest about 80% of the time About 1/4 appealed to suspect’s conscience Increasing arrests Arrests should increase certainty of apprehension Arrests take police off the streets, decreasing visibility Effects of arrest and patrol presence have not been systematically compared Increasing arrests Avoidance of arrests, “peacekeeping” Arrests as escalation of a dispute Whether arrests are effective may be situational Problem oriented policing Risk analysis: determining where the problems and problem areas are and focusing resources on those areas Minneapolis Hot Spots Patrol Experiment Showed statistically significant effects POP Frequent rotation of personnel in this study was more effective Longer the police stayed, the longer the hot spot was crime free, up to a point (about 10 minutes in this study) Merely driving though had little effect What police do at a hot spot may be important POP Look at problems in areas—hot spots Repeat criminals Repeat victims Repeat calls for service POP: examples Crackdowns: most successful in the short run, only a few studies show displacement Must be unpredictable to avoid displacement Residual deterrence and the “phantom” effect POP Effect of field interrogations positive, if done correctly A Kansas City study found that aggressive gun seizures reduced violent crime Gun tips and buybacks did not Use of trespasser laws Risk analysis and risk control Analyzing the problem, and then constructing barriers in high risk situations Analogy to driving—safety devices Ad hoc nature of these efforts Risk analysis and control Deterrence theory indicates that perceptions of certainty of apprehension most likely to have an effect Analyze high risk areas Control high risk situations by constructing barriers Risk control Analogous to care safety devices Altering physical environment Natural surveillance, establishing territoriality Studies indicate that these factors affected by another variable, i.e., willingness of those surveying to intervene Other efforts Better lighting, barriers and cul-de-sacs Results ambiguous, apparently community dependent Broken windows Policing disorder and incivility