Work Breakdown Structure Project Name: Southeastern Wisconsin Aurora Health Care facilities EHR System Company: BAMP Inc. Project Management Consultants Focus Area: Develop and implement an Electronic Healthcare Record system that can be used and shared throughout all the southeastern Wisconsin Aurora Health Care facilities in real time. The EHR system shall be designed to offer healthcare staff the ability to view and upload information to Aurora patient records such as pre and post-op documentation, patient appointment scheduling, lab orders and test results, x-rays, prescription drugs, problems and diagnosis, allergies, insurance information, and general doctor notes. The system will also have the capabilities to be accessed outside of the Aurora Health Care facilities by authorized staff using web access devices such as smartphone’s, pda’s, tablets, and laptop computers. The EHR system will also be equipped with a security clearance system that will limit users from accessing files and folder that they don’t have the authority to. The EHR system will also be in compliance with HIPPA standards and users of the EHR system will be required to take 40 hours of training on HIPPA regulations before being allowed access to the system. Product/Process: Create an EHR system that meets all of the requirements that Aurora Healthcare facilities has requested. Provide enough storage space that will suffice the needs of the client for the next 20 years according to their forecasted growth rate. Provide security features that will insure that the data is only accessible to allowed users. Provide backups of the data incase multiple servers go down or primary data files get corrupted. Provide southeastern Wisconsin Aurora Health Care facilities with business class internet service that will enable staff to access the EHR system while on the go through web enabled devices. Prepared By Document Owner(s) Project/Organization Role Amir Beshiri Project Manager Marc Majewski Project Manager Jason Prothero Project Manager Favi Alvarez Project Manager Project Closure Report Version Control Version Date Author Change Description 1.0 4-6-2012 Amir Beshiri Created document. Confidential Document1 Last printed 3/24/2016 6:54:00 AM Work Breakdown Structure Work Breakdown Structure Purpose and Limitations The purpose of this worksheet is to: Identify the work to be done. Identify the types of resources required for the work. Develop estimates for each work element. Identify storage locations. This worksheet does not address: Who will perform the work. When the work will be completed. 1. Initiation 1.1. Evaluating project goals and objectives 1.2. Formulate preliminary cost and budget analysis 1.3. Determine and develop project vision and scope 1.4. Determine major milestones 1.5. Secure sponsorship and funding 2. Planning 2.1. Identify system configuration constraints 2.1.1. Review system requirements Identify coexisting issues with current programs 2.1.2. Determine implementation constraints Identify roles of users Define system security Identify migrating strategies 2.2. Perform capacity planning 2.2.1. Identify number of potential users 2.2.2. Determine potential system usage patterns 2.3. Determine server requirements 2.3.1. Number of servers for system demand 2.3.2. Determine number of servers for redundancy 2.3.3. Determine memory per server 2.3.4. Determine role of servers Identify servers needed for testing Identify servers needed for training 2.4. Determine bandwidth requirements Confidential Page 2 3/24/2016 Work Breakdown Structure 2.5. Determine data storage facilities 2.6. Determine system infrastructure requirements 2.7. Develop system integration plan 2.8. Develop project management plan 2.9. Determine project team 3. Execution 3.1. Project kickoff meeting 3.2. Purchase system hardware and software 3.3. Develop EHR system 3.4. Secure data storage facilities 3.5. Obtain business class internet 3.6. Deploy pilot 3.7. Testing 3.7.1. Resolve issues 3.8. Install system live 3.9. User Training 3.9.1. System training 3.9.2. HIPPA regulations training 4. Control 4.1. Project Status Meetings 4.2. Implement change management plan 4.3. Implement quality management plan 4.4. Update risk management plan 4.5. Update Project Management Plan 5. Closeout 5.1. Audit Procurement 5.2. Document Lessons Learned 5.3. Update Files/Records 5.4. Gain Formal Acceptance 5.5. Archive Files/Documents Confidential Page 3 3/24/2016 Work Breakdown Structure Work Breakdown Structure Organization Chart 1.0 Automated Software System 1.1 Prime Mission Product 1.1.1 Subsystem 1… (Specify Names) 1.2 Platform Integration 1.1.2 PMP Application Software Confidential 1.3 Systems Eng/ Program Mgt 1.1.3 PMP System Software 1.4 System Test & Evaluation 1.5.1 Equipment 1.5 Training 1.6 Data 1.5.2 Services 1.5.3 Facilities Page 4 Work Breakdown Structure EHR System Initiation Planning Execution Control Closeout 1.0 2.1 3.0 4.0 5.0 Determine project goals and objectives 1.1 Identify system configuration constraints Project Kickoff Meeting Project status meetings Audit Procurement 3.1 4.1 1.5.1 2.1.1 Formulate preliminary cost and budget analysis Review system requirements Purchase system hardware and software Implement change management plan Document Lessons Learned 1.2 2.1.1 3.2 4.2 1.5.2 Develop EHR system Implement quality management plan Update Files/ Records Identify coexisting issues with current programs Determine and develop project vision and scope 1.3 Determine major mildstones 1.4 Secure sponsorship and funding 3.3 Determine implementation constraints 2.1.2 Identify roles of users 1.5 1.5.3 Secure data storage facilities Update risk management plan 3.4 4.4 Obtain business class internet Update project Management Plan Archive Files/ Documents 3.5 4.5 1.5.5 Define system security Deploy pilot 3.6 Identify migrating strategies Testing 4.3 Gain Formal Acceptance 1.5.4 3.7 Perform capacity planning 2.2 Identify number of potential users 2.2.1 Determine potential system usage patterns 2.2.2 Determine server requirments 2.3 Number of servers for system demand 2.3.1 Determine number of servers for redundancy 2.3.2 Determine memory per server 2.3.3 Determine role of servers 2.3.4 Identify servers needed for testing Identify servers needed for training Determine bandwidth requirments 2.4 Determine data storage facilities 2.5 Confidential Determine system infrastructure requirments 2.6 Develop system integratrion plan 2.7 Develope project managment plan 2.8 Page 5