Research Proposal and Outline Paper Research Proposal and

Research Proposal and Outline Paper
Research Proposal and Outline Paper: Eating healthy to curb Global Warming
ENGL135 Advanced Composition
DeVry University
Research Proposal and Outline Paper
Eating healthy to curb Global Warming
Part 1: The Research Proposal
Global warming is a looming threat to humanity and the existence of our home planet
Earth. Although, various measures are taken at the macro level, it is equally crucial to take
necessary precautions to prevent and contribute positively to this cause. This paper addresses the
research on the possibilities of changing our food habits and adopting healthy eating habits
which will ultimately contribute successfully to the above mentioned cause. We will explore the
opportunities available by choosing which we can reduce carbon emissions and yet maintain a
healthy lifestyle.
Eating healthy to curb global warming is not an easy task, as it would take a considerable amount
of changes which should be affected on the entire population of the world gradually. However,
this approach would ensure an assured success as it would mean we would all be contributing to
keep our environment clean, and because of large numbers it is automatically bring down the
harmful conditions created by man due to his activities. The key to achieving the goal would be
to devise simple yet effective options such that the changes in eating habits are not too blatant
and provide sufficient number of alternatives so that it suits different kinds of people. The plan to
conduct this research is by using the Internet to survey people from various communities and
geographies about how they would adopt healthier eating habits and change at least two highly
environment-harming foods over a period of time. The possible platforms of conducting this
survey would be using social media and social network platforms, along with emailing the link to
the survey site to different contacts. Data from various sources would need to be considered and
deeply analyzed to reach to a fair conclusion.
Research Proposal and Outline Paper
Part II: The Research Outline:
The plan for researching on the topic of eating healthy to curb global warming is to two
fold – survey and analysis. This two fold structure would ensure that we understand the problem
in hand fully and also successfully analyze various possible approaches and solutions.
Eating Healthy
A famous German philosopher Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach had once rightly said,
“You are what you eat”. This is very true in today’s context. It would seem we are giving rise to
a culture where the generations after us would be growing up and surviving on fast foods only.
The irony remains that while many of us are complaining of obesity and excessive eating
disorders, there are millions dying across the world due to starvation. This research will attempt
to analyze the eating patterns followed by various people across the world and collect data
related to unhealthy eating styles.
Global warming
This is one problem which needs no explanation. While there might be a few of us who
would think that that this might just be term coined by the government to scare the masses, it
would only be sensible for us to see how the planet is indeed becoming polluted excessively and
that we humans have the biggest role to play in it. Since man-made industries are one of the
major causes of global warming, it is only fair that we do our bit no matter how small it is.
Although it may seem insignificant to do small things like cutting down the number of
hamburgers in a week, it would contribute immensely if one and all participated in this and
brought about a change consciously.
Research Proposal and Outline Paper
The Survey
First part of the research involves survey to see how the people would react and how
much they would be ready to adopt a healthy lifestyle such that they would contribute
considerably lesser or not at all to the global warming. This could mean giving up one or more of
their favorite food, adopt a different eating habit, consume alternative food, or start eating
something that they would generally not eat earlier.
Developing Objectives and Plans
The second part of the research would be to analyze the data collected in the first section
and see how we could come with smart plans which would be easy to adopt and environment
friendly. This would also involve a deep understanding of human psyche and environment
friendly concepts. History has shown that human beings can adapt and accept completely new
conditions, and hence we would have to revisit those notions where once again we need to bring
about a conscious change amongst ourselves so that we can save our race and our planet.
Right here, right now
Taking the lyrics of the famous song goes Right here, right now by Fatboy Slim, it is only
possible to save our planet from eternal doom and destruction if each and every one of us spreads
the awareness and works towards a positive change from today. It would probably mean a very
small push at the moment, but slowly the wave of change will take over the entire race, and we
would all be contributing positively towards nature. In the process we would also be living a
much more healthy and enriched lifestyle.