Embryology of the Branchial Region The audio narrations of these slides have been transcribed verbatim and can be downloaded from http://www.anat.sunysb.edu/HBA531/Embryology/ notochord brain pharynx 4 weeks aorta stomodeum Jack Stern 2003 4 weeks branchial arches heart stomodeum modified from Moore KL 1982 The Developing Human Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 1st aortic arch ruptured oropharyngeal membrane coelom brain pharynx notochord coelom neural crest Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 1st aortic arch pharynx Jack Stern 2003 lots of growth Jack Stern 2015 neck Jack JackStern Stern2015 215 ectomesenchyme Jack Stern 2015 Things Neural Crest Becomes 1.The front 2/3 of the skull, the connective tissue and tendons of muscles innervated by cranial nerves, nonvertebral skeletal elements in the neck, and most of the connective tissue of the head and neck. 2. All the dorsal root ganglia of the body (and some cells in cranial nerve sensory ganglia). 3. All autonomic ganglia of the body. 4. Adrenal medulla. 5. Spiral septum of truncus arteriosus and, maybe, cusps of aortic and pulmonary valves. 6. Melanocytes. 7. Schwann cells. 8. Those localized regions of the skull, cervical vertebrae, sternum, scapula, and clavicle to which the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid attach; carotid bodies; paraganglia; telencephalic meninges. Jack Stern 2015 ectomesenchyme Jack Stern 2015 pharyngeal pouch branchial branchial cleft arch mesodermal core of branchial arch Jack Stern 2015 aortic arch branchial septum 2 1 1 3 2 4 3 6 4 Jack Stern 2015 branchial arch cartilage aortic arch branchial septum 2 1 1 3 2 4 3 6 4 Jack Stern 2015 Branchial Arch Cartilage Fate 1st Arch Malleus, Incus, Sphenomandibular ligament 2nd Arch Stapes, Styloid process, Stylohyoid ligament, Lesser horn of hyoid, Superior portion hyoid body 3rd Arch Greater horn of hyoid, most of hyoid body 4th & 6th Arches (?) Thyroid, Cricoid, & Arytenoid cartilages Jack Stern 2015 Jack Stern 2015 aortic arch aortic arch mesodermal mesodermal core core right and left 2nd branchial arches Jack Stern 2015 Jack Stern 2015 branchial septum pharynx branchial cleft pharyngeal pouch Jack Stern 2015 This doesn’t happen in amniotes Jack Stern 2015 Cranial Paraxial Mesoderm (CPM) Jack Stern 2015 CPM lateral plate mesodermal core Jack Stern 2015 Eustachian tube & middle ear cavity eardrum external auditory meatus Jack Stern 2015 Jack Stern 2003 palatine tonsil Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 Through 3rd pouch Jack Stern 2003 dorsal clump pharynx ventral clump Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 epipericardial ridge opercular process 1 2 3 4 6 Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 opercular process Jack Stern 2003 cervical sinus Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 cervical sinus Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 Anomalies Associated with Opercular Process, Cervical Sinus, and Branchial Septa Jack Stern 2003 branchial cyst Jack Stern 2003 external branchial sinus Jack Stern 2003 internal branchial sinus Jack Stern 2003 branchial fistula Jack Stern 2003 derived from pharyngeal pouch III derived from pharyngeal pouch IV Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 cross section through III or IV dorsal clump ventral clump Jack Stern 2003 parathyroid III 1 2 non lymphoid part of thymus parathyroid IV 3 4 6 C-cells of thyroid ? Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 median tongue bud Jack Stern 2009 1 2 3 4 6 median tongue bud Jack Stern 2003 lateral tongue bud lateral tongue bud pharynx 1 1 median tongue bud Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 thyroid diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 thyroid diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 pharynx 2 2 thyroid diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 hypobranchial eminence copula 1 2 3 epiglottis 4 6 Jack Stern 2003 hypobranchial eminence copula epiglottis 1 2 3 4 6 Jack Stern 2003 pharynx 3 or 4 3 or 4 copula or epiglottis Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 laryngotracheal diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 pharynx 6 6 laryngotracheal diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 median tongue bud lateral tongue bud lateral tongue bud copula thyroid diverticulum epiglottis laryngotracheal diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 median tongue bud lateral tongue bud lateral tongue bud copula thyroid diverticulum epiglottis laryngotracheal diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 lateral tongue bud lateral tongue bud 1 1 median tongue bud Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 median septum of tongue Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 anterior two-thirds of tongue (from lateral tongue buds) Jack Stern 2003 foramen cecum 1 epiglottis 2 3 4 6 posterior one-third of tongue (from copula) Jack Stern 2003 lung buds 1 2 3 4 6 thyroid diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 thyroid diverticulum continues its growth caudally Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 tip of thyroid diverticulum reaches position anterior to future trachea Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 Jack Stern 2003 tip of thyroid diverticulum Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 thyroglossal duct lobe lobe isthmus Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 thyroglossal duct 4 6 thyroid gland Jack Stern 2003 Jack Stern 2003 parathyroid III 1 2 non lymphoid part of thymus parathyroid IV 3 4 6 C-cells of thyroid ? Jack Stern 2003 parathyroid III parathyroid IV 1 2 3 4 6 thymus stuff Jack Stern 2003 1 2 3 4 6 Jack Stern 2003 superior parathyroid 1 2 3 4 inferior parathyroid 6 thymus Jack Stern 2003 thyroglossal duct degenerates Jack Stern 2003 Most Common Definitive Thyroid Gland lobe isthmus lobe Jack Stern 2003 foramen cecum 1 2 3 4 6 thyroid Jack Stern 2003 What can go wrong with thyroid? 1 2 3 4 6 Jack Stern 2003 pyramidal lobe Jack Stern 2003 Normal Variant hyoid bone thyroglossal ligament Jack Stern 2003 thyroglossal (duct) cyst Jack Stern 2003 Be sure to read the Clinical Correlation Notes document concerning what can go wrong with parathyroid development, tongue development, and neural crest migration. http://www.anat.sunysb.edu/HBA531/Embryology/ Jack Stern 2003