Turnitin Overview ppt - Distance Education at LAMC

Turnitin Product
Our Company
Products and Customers
Stats & Facts
• The US and global leader in
• Pure SaaS (cloud) technology
• Processes up to 300,000 new
plagiarism prevention
• Founded in 2000
• Headquarters: Oakland, CA and
Newcastle, UK
• 150 Employees
• Majority-owned by Warburg Pincus
• Turnitin for educators
• iThenticate for researchers
• One of the most widely—used
educational applications in the world
papers a day.
• Over 1 million active instructors.
• Used by over 10,000 institutions in
126 countries.
• Supports 12 languages: English,
Spanish, French, German,
Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch,
Turkish + 4 Asian languages
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Our Vision
To be the world’s most innovative and effective technology for improving students’ written work.
Promote Fairness in
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Faster & More Effective Grading
Improve Student Outcomes
The Plagiarism Problem in Education
According to a recent Pew Center survey of
college presidents, plagiarism is a growing
Source: Pew Research, 2011
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Turnitin for
• OriginalityCheck®,
GradeMark®, PeerMark®
• 10,000 schools
• 1M instructors, 20M students
• 12 languages, 40 countries
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
How Turnitin Works
A web-based solution that puts the student’s paper at the
center of the online feedback process
Prevents Plagiarism
Delivers Rich Feedback
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Engages Students
Manages Assignments
and Communications
OriginalityCheck Technology
Student Paper
Digital Fingerprint
Database of Fingerprints
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Originality Report
How Our Technology Works
Technical Challenges
• Needle in a Haystack
For a single paper, check ~100 fragments against:
• A specially indexed copy of the Internet
• 200M+ student papers
• 110M+ books, journals, magazines and newspapers
• Signal vs. Noise
• In parallel, check for fuzzy matches, synonyms, word
substitutions, paraphrasing and translated plagiarism
• Deliver close to zero false-positives
• Big Data, Fast
• Do this for up to 300,000+ papers a day
• Return results in under a minute
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
The benefits:
Fast and authoritative:
Quick, accurate reports
from the world’s largest
comparison database
Instructor learning
curve is very fast
because of our
intuitive design
Identifies matched content by
comparing papers against:
• 20+ billion current & archived web pages
• 200+ million student papers
• 110+ million academic articles
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Insight into students’ sources
• View sources matched in student paper
• Compare original source material to
student’s written work
• Source preview
• View additional sources
• Side-by-side comparison
• Link to original source
• Exclude quotes and bibliography
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Save instructors time, and
delivers rich feedback with:
• Drag-and-drop QuickMark® comments
• Rubrics
• Grade book
• ETS e-rater® grammar feedback
• Voice comments
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© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
ETS® e-rater®
Automated feedback on
grammar, mechanics, usage,
spelling and style
• Saves instructors time and provides
more feedback to students
• Allows instructors to focus feedback on
writing and ideas instead of spelling and
• Uses the same technology employed in
the GRE® and TOEFL®
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
ETS e-rater
Grammar handbooks provide
students with in-depth instruction
in their native language
• English-language handbooks for high
school, advanced and ELL students
• Handbooks in all 12 supported Turnitin
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Engages students in the
writing process
• Saves time distributing papers and
collecting reviews
• Allows instructors to guide the peer
review process
• Develops students’ critical thinking
• See all reviews written for a paper
at once
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Turnitin Suite
• One view of all types of feedback
from OriginalityCheck,
GradeMark and PeerMark
• Engages students by providing
rich, legible feedback
• Saves instructors time
• Simplifies collection, distribution
and access to student papers
• Eliminates the headaches of
paper management
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
As originality checking becomes
a standard practice, serious
incidents of potential plagiarism
decrease, and the level of
original student work increases.
Decline in the Percent of Papers with Large Matches (>50 %)
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Reduction in Unoriginal Content
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Reduction in Unoriginal Content
Community Colleges
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Faster, Better Feedback
Instructors indicate that Turnitin allows them to give better feedback in less time, culminating in
higher levels of teacher-student engagement.
Time Saved Grading
Feedback Quality
Student Engagement
Based on 350 GradeMark users, June 2012
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Higher Education
2,500+ institutions
70 of the Top 100 U.S.
Colleges and Universities* are
Turnitin customers
*As measured by U.S. News & World Report
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Turnitin serves over 300
Community Colleges and nearly
1.5 million of their students.
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
What’s New
Translated Matching
January 2012
Identify unoriginal content that has been translated from English into other languages
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Student Class Homepage
January 2012
Everything students need to access Turnitin assignments and information in one place.
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February 2012
This freely available online
demo teaches new users
the basics, right within
GradeMark itself.
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
March 2012
Who’s submitted, and who
missed the deadline? How
are all of your assignments
progressing? What should
you grade next?
An instructor’s world within
Turnitin—all in one place.
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Voice Comments
May 2012
Instructors can record voice
comments for students to
hear their ‘tone’ and the
nuances of their GradeMark
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
What’s Next
The following contains forward-looking product plans which are subject to change.
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Common Core Rubrics
Instructors will be able to grade students’ papers using pre-loaded rubrics that are aligned with
the Common Core State Standards.
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Flexible Grading
& Marking
Instructors and institutions will
be able to utilize a wider
variety of grading and rubric
options to support their
preferred marking and grading
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Assignment Management
Instructors will be able to release feedback to students on demand and will have
easier access to much-requested information about their papers.
© 2012 iParadigms LLC. Company confidential.
Turnitin for iPad
Grade anywhere (even offline)
with the ease and mobility of
the Turnitin iPad app.
iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc.
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Thank You