SUNEE BRITISH FENCING 1 BARON'S GATE 33-35 ROTHSCHILD ROAD LONDON W4 5HT T: +44 (0) 20 8742 3032 F: +44 (0) 20 8742 3033 Neil Brown Project Officer 07590 046892 | Beth Davidson Regional Manager 07834 884194 | British Fencing Academy, SUNEE This document contains essential information for all fencers & coaches who are interested in selection for the National Academy, SUNEE training programme for 2010-11, please make sure you read all of it carefully. At the moment we are in the process of setting up 2 centres to deliver the national academy programme, Birmingham and SUNEE (North East). It also contains an application form for completion by fencers who are not on the automatic invitation list by their National ranking. Background The formal launch of the British Fencing National Academy took place earlier this year with 2 pilot training days & a residential week at Nottingham Trent University. Over 100 fencers & 70 staff were involved. The Academy has been established to help us deliver our vision of becoming a “world leading fencing family”, and has three areas of focus: Talent Development, Education and Club Development. With these regional centres we are starting the ongoing national programme which will develop over the next few years. It will deliver support to fencers, coaches and parents through a national and regional framework and in time will have support through a “virtual Academy”, with online resources. The aim of the Talent Development strand of the Academy is to provide an opportunity for fencers with talent and desire to develop and prepare for life as an international athlete. It is based on the Long Term Athlete Development Framework (LTAD) for Fencing, available on the British Fencing web site at It is a holistic training and education programme which seeks to give fencers the education and skills to reach their full potential as a successful senior athlete. It aspires to bring together world leading experts in a range of fields such as psychology, strength and conditioning, injury prevention, rest, physiotherapy, nutrition, balancing education with sport and planning. Upwards of 1000 fencers will be included in regional & national activities by 2013 & the aspiration is to have all national squads & national teams selected from the Academy fencers in time. There is a standing invitation to the personal coaches of the Academy fencers to attend every National Academy session (providing these coaches are suitably registered). Partnerships British Fencing are very pleased to announce that we have made an agreement with the five Universities in the North East to deliver the National Academy on a regional level. Coaches We can also announce that we have appointed a team of Beth Davidson and Iain Aberdeen to run the British Fencing Academy, SUNEE. The timetable of the National Academy regional delivery is available on the Academy page of the British Fencing web site This page also gives our fencers access to resources developed during the Summer camp. Sport Universities North East England (SUNEE) This is a partnership between 5 universities in the North East: Durham University, Newcastle University, Northumbria University, University of Sunderland & Teesside University. The North East has a strong history of supporting fencing at the Universities and also in the region. Fencing has been a focus sport for the region as well as a performance sport at several of the Universities. The planned facility development shows the levels of investment in this area specific to fencing and illustrates the Universities’ commitment to the sport. The Universities have a history of working closely with the relevant County Sport Partnerships. The Regional Fencing Development Officer is hosted by Northumbria University, again illustrating the links between fencing and the Universities. British Fencing Academy Application Applications are now sought from fencers who would like to join this new British Fencing programme. Some of the places available will be automatic by national ranking & some will be by application. The list of fencers who are invited to become part of the National Academy is in this document, this includes all the fencers who attended the National Academy Summer camp in August 2010. It is important to note that we are starting regional delivery of the British Fencing National Academy programme. This means that fencers who are taking part in the regional sessions will become part of the National Academy & are expected to adhere to the standards this programme will set. Initial selection will be largely based on national rankings & will focus on the cadet age group (born 9496). There will also be spaces open to some junior fencers (born 91 -93). Fencers who are selected for the National Academy regional programme will be normally be expected to commit to attend all the sessions in the calendar. The dates of these are available on the British Fencing web site at & below. Not every fencer who trains with the National Academy in each regional will be able to attend the National sessions. There is a limit of 20 fencers per weapon so if the sessions are oversubscribed there may be an additional selection process within this group. British Fencing Academy, SUNEE. Training days 10-11 28 Dec, 23 Jan, 17 Apr, 26 Jun, 31 Jul, 4 Sept, 23 Oct, 6 Nov, 27 Dec Selection for British Fencing Academy, SUNEE 2010-11 Fencers will be invited to take part in the regional delivery of the National Academy programme by place on the national cadet rankings. There will also be places available for other fencers who will need to complete an application form. Selection for fencers who are not on the selection-by-ranking list will be done by the regional coach in consultation with British Fencing. All ranking lists taken as at 11th October 10 The fencers who will be automatically selected for the regional training weekends will be as follows:The top 12 fencers born 94 or earlier The top 10 fencers born 95 or earlier The top 8 fencers born 96 or later All fencers who attended the National Academy Summer camp in August 2010 There will be a limit of 20 fencers per weapon in each regional centre. We would expect all fencers to attend their nearest regional centre but there may be a limited number of exceptions to this. There may be some additional selection if the first few regional activities are oversubscribed. National Academy Selection Model This model illustrates selection for academy programmes, not selection for European or World championships. At the moment our selection systems for cadet do not take fencers differing levels of maturity & relative age effect into account & we are looking to create structures to address these problems. Please see the British Fencing LTAD model for more information Costs The setup of the programme is part of the England Development Project & as such will use resources & expertise developed for the Academy as well as officer time assigned to this project. However the programme must be set up in such a way that will be sustainable for the long-term goals & processes that are being put in place now. Because of this the sessions will cost of £40 for each fencer (this will be discounted for those who pay for several sessions in advance). This payment can be done by posting a cheque to British Fencing or over the phone to the British Fencing office (there will be a £2 surcharge for this). Timetable Each day will start at 9am and will finish at 5pm. Full timetable will be published in due course. Personal Coaches This information is for all the coaches who have been identified by the fencers selected to take part in British Fencing’s national academy programme 2010-11. Firstly, thank you for the work you have done to be in this position. We understand the time & effort this takes & know that you are the coaches who are supporting British Fencing’s activity on the world stage. You are invited to attend all sessions with the fencer(s) you coach. Please note that coaches will need to be properly registered with British Fencing to take part in any academy sessions or activities. As you will know this is a minimum standard of: Membership of British Fencing A recognised coaching qualification A valid British Fencing CRB Attendance on a scUK safeguarding & protecting children course within 3 years A first aid qualification or England Fencing declaration The registers are held by each home country so please contact the respective office if you are not sure of your status. The England register is available to view at National Academy – Regional delivery. Pre-selection ranking list Weapon WF WS MS MF WF MS MS ME MF WS ME ME MF MF ME WS MF MS WS MF ME ME MF MF MS WS ME WS ME ME Surname ALLAND ALLEN AMSALEM ARCHER ARCHER ARTESI ARTESI ATKIN BAILEY BANKS BARNES BARTLETT BASHIR BEARDMORE BEAUMONT BEDDOE BENNETT BETTLE BILLINGTON BIRCH BOLTON BOYLE BROSNAN BRYANT BURTON BURTON CAPERN-BURGESS CARSON CHAN CHANG First Name Rosie Sophie Rubin Kristjan Hannah Gianfranco Fabio Ben George Paisley Jahmal Alex Ibrahim Alex Nicholas Megan Freddy William Lizzie Jai Matt Samuel James Lyle George Emma Aubrey Victoria Herman Jordan Year 1996 1996 1996 1994 1995 1994 1994 1996 1995 1996 1995 1995 1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1994 1996 1996 1994 1994 1994 1996 1995 Weapon WF WF WE MS MF WS WF WF MF MF WS WE WS ME ME WS WF WE WF ME WF MS ME WE MS MS WF WS WE ME Surname KING KUBLER LAMB LAWRENCE LEE LEWIS LINEHAM LING LLOYD LOZOVIK LUCAS MACKINNON MAIDWELL-SMITH MARSH MARSH MARSHALL MARTIN MAYLE MCDERMOTT MCGLADE MCLELLAND McPHERSON MING MOISEIWITSCH MOORE MOORE MULLINS NELSON NESBITT NICHOLS First Name Leah Ife Fawn Grant Toby Jessica Amy Evangeline Alexander Alan Bethan Leonora Alice Philip Anthony Olwen Lorna Rebecca Chiara Daniel Lara Robert Daniel Nina Chris Will Chloe Hannah Hannah Harrison Year 1995 1995 1994 1996 1994 1996 1994 1996 1996 1996 1996 1994 1994 1994 1996 1996 1995 1995 1994 1996 1995 1995 1994 1994 1996 1996 1996 1995 1996 1996 WF MS WF MS MF WE WF ME ME WE WS WE MS MF MF WF WF MS MF WF WE MS ME MF MF WF WF WF WF MS MS ME MF WF WE WS ME WE WE WS MF WF MS ME MS ME MS MF ME MS WS MS WS ME WE ME WE WS WE MF WF CHART CLOUGHLEY COLLISTER COOPER CORLETT CORMACK CRAIG CROWE CURRAN-JONES DAVIES-GREGORY DAYKIN DE BONO DE LANDRO DE SAINTE CROIX DEAMER DICKSON DOUGLAS DOWSE DUNNILL DUXBURY DWORKIN EDMUNDSON EDWARDS FEASTER FEASTER FERRIS FIHOSY FITTON FRANKLIN GANDER-COMPTON GANDER-COMPTON GERMANY GOLBY GORDON GOURLEY GRAY GREALEY GREETHAM GUNDRY GWILLIM-THOMAS HADLEY HALL HALLIWELL HARRIS HARRIS HAWKSWORTH HENDRA HENDRIE HORNBY HORRIX HORRIX HOSKING HOUSEMAN HUDSON HUTTER HYATT IRWIN ITZKOWITZ JONES JORDAN KEYS Yvonne Connor Stephanie Samuel Thomas Ellie Alex Henry Tomas Katie Kate Isabel Mario Calum Luke Chloe Saskia Niall Oliver Victoria Sasha Sam Alex Daniel John Isobel Ayesha Alexandra Jessica Jacob Jacob William Thomas Heather Sarah Anna William Sadie Jessica Rose James Harriet William Hugo Rafe George Tom George Edgar Jack Emma William Gabriella Jack Clara Thomas Ellie Aliya Caitlin Peter Olivia 1996 1996 1995 1995 1994 1996 1994 1996 1995 1995 1996 1996 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1994 1996 1995 1995 1994 1996 1995 1996 1996 1996 1995 1994 1995 1995 1994 1995 1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1994 1996 1996 1996 1994 1995 1994 1996 1995 1994 1996 1994 1994 1995 1996 1995 1994 1994 1996 1995 WF WS MF ME ME WF ME WE MS MS WE WE ME ME WF WF ME MF MS WS WS MF MF ME MF MF MS ME ME WF WE WS WS MF MS MF WF WE WE WS WF WF WE ME WF MS MS MF WE WE MF MS MS MF MS MS MS MF MF ME WS NOBLE NOREJKO OSTACCHINI PAIGE PECK PEKER PINKERTON PIPES POTTER POTTER POWELL RADFORD RAPSON REES RICE RICH RIDLEY RIDSDALE ROGERSON RUAUX RUSHTON RUSSELL SADIQ SANCHEZ-LETHEM SAVIN SCHLINDWEIN SCOTT SIMMS-LYMN SIMPSON SMITH SMITH SMITH SPENCE SPENCER-TAYLOR SPOOR ST JOHN STAPLES STEAD STRATFORD STRATFORD SUDDERICK SUDDERICK SUMMERS TIDMARSH TOMLINSON VAN NIEUWERBURGH VEITCH WADDINGTON WALSH WARDLE WATSON WEBB WHITTLE WILDE WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMSON WILSON WOOLLARD WORMAN YATES Madelaine Teresa Scott Alex Harry Cecilia Steven Georgia James Nathan Elisabeth Amy Alec Owen Ella Elaria Sam Ethan Noah Emily Francesca Iain Hussain Paul Alex Alex Stuart Jay Jamie Katriona Elizabeth Natasha Niamh Alex Josh Charlie Victoria Imogen Miranda Jessica Zoe Phoebe Francesca Ned Elen Christian Robert Oliver Hannah Charlotte Jack Jonathan Magnus Ronan Gruffydd Nick Andrew Alexander Max Craig Georgia 1994 1995 1995 1994 1996 1995 1994 1996 1994 1996 1995 1994 1994 1994 1996 1995 1994 1996 1995 1995 1994 1996 1994 1994 1994 1995 1994 1996 1994 1996 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1994 1996 1994 1996 1995 1995 1994 1996 1996 1994 1996 1994 1996 1996 1995 1994 1996 1995 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1994 Application In order to take part in the National Academy regional training fencers will need to do the following: Those on the pre-selected list (by national ranking or attendance on the Summer camp, Aug 10) Complete & return the 1-line spreadsheet to the British Fencing office, by email to Complete & return the permissions form & the athlete agreement to the British Fencing office, this can be emailed or posted Pay (for 1 day at £40 or 5 days at £180) cheque payable to British Fencing or payment can be made over the phone at a cost of £2. The closing date for this will be 2 weeks before the National Academy training day. There is a limit of 20 fencers per weapon so if the sessions are oversubscribed there may be an additional selection process within this group. Those not on the pre-selected list Complete & return the 1-line spreadsheet to the British Fencing office, by email to Complete & return the application form at the end of this document The closing date for this will be 2 weeks before the National Academy training day Then, if selected: Complete & return the permissions form & the athlete agreement to the British Fencing office Pay (for 1 day at £40 or 5 days at £180) cheque payable to British Fencing or payment can be made over the phone at a cost of £2. The closing date for this will be the weekend before the National Academy training day 1-line spreadsheet Please complete all the fields on the 1-line spreadsheet, this should be completed by all fencers & official coaches/officials. Please complete all the relevant fields, rename the file as nationalacademyinfo_Firstname_LASTNAME.xls (using your own name, so if you are Valentina Vezzali the file will be called nationalacademyinfo_Valentina_VEZZALI.xls), & send as an attachment at Use only one row for your data & don’t add any more columns. The file can be downloaded at Application form for fencers not on the pre-selected list above For fencers born 91-97 only These fencers should complete the online application and return the form below to Katie Dolan at the British Fencing office, Selections will be done by the national & regional coaches. Name: Weapon: DOB: I would like to be considered to be part of the British Fencing National Academy regional training sessions 2010-11 for the following reasons:- To be completed by parents of fencers attending National Academy training activities Fitness to participate: I confirm that the fencer is in good health and injury-free and can therefore take a full and active part in this activity I wish my child to be allowed to take part in the National Academy training and I agree to them taking part in any or all the activities described I have read and understand the drug testing rules laid down by British Fencing. See details on the British Fencing web site at I agree to accept the fencer’s place as part of the training and with that will be responsible for all payments due I understand that British Fencing only assumes duty of care for my child named above from the time that he reports to the training at the agreed point time and that British Fencing’s duty of care ends when the fencer is handed over to the parent/guardian/carer or at the agreed end of the training Consent for collection after the trip by an individual other than the parent:I give consent for my child to be handed into the care of at the end of the training Consent for independent travel after the event:I give consent for my child to leave the training on their own using public or other means of transport and will not hold British Fencing responsible for any mishap that may occur after the point of exit from the trip o In loco parentis authority:o I hereby give permission for the team managers and coaches in charge of the training to give the immediate necessary authority on my behalf for any emergency medical or surgical intervention recommended by competent medical authorities, where it would be otherwise contrary to my child’s interest, in the doctor’s medical opinion, for any delay to be incurred by seeking my personal consent and where the young person is incapable of giving informed consent themselves. This consent to act also applies for any drug testing and/or other situation where someone is required to act as a responsible adult in my stead o I give permission for the team managers and coaches on the training activity to administer paracetamol as appropriate o I hereby give permission for travel in a staff member’s car if appropriate, e.g. travel to GP or to hospital For information: 1. 2. In Loco Parentis is being sought for all children / young adults under the age of 18 with the following limitations to use:Family Law Reformed Act 1969 was the statute that brought the age of majority down from 21 to 18 AND allowed a child / young person of at least 16 years of age to give informed (full knowledge of possible side effects) consent to surgical, dental and medical treatment (including anaesthetics) providing that they are deemed competent (not under the influence of drugs or alcohol)and conscious The person who is ‘In Loco parentis’ can then give consent on behalf of the parent / carer Criminal consent – according to criminal matters in the UK (may vary from country to country) a child / young person who is held at a police station will require to be released into custody or questioned in the presence of a responsible adult if they are under the age of 17. ‘In loco parentis’ refers to being the responsible adult. Consent for pictures I am aware that photographs and video footage will be taken during the National Academy training for promotional & training purposes and give consent for my child to feature in such photos / footage. By ticking the box below I am indicating that I give consent for my child to feature in any promotional literature / media activity regarding the British Fencing National Academy. I have read & agree with all the information detailed in this application. Name of Parent / Guardian * Date * Parent / Guardian E-mail Address * Any information entered here or on the application 1-line spreadsheet is confidential but will be shared with relevant staff on a need to know basis for the safety & welfare of the fencer. Any questions please contact us. Please send a digital photo of yourself to the British Fencing office at: The file should be a passport-style photo & named as follows GBR_LASTNAME_Firstname.jpg ATHLETE AGREEMENT Please sign and return to the British Fencing office at NB: Electronic signatures are acceptable and deemed to be binding. Athlete Agreement – National Academy Regional Training 2010-11 Name of fencer: I have read and understood the code of conduct and agree to take part in the training camp under the terms described I accept the authority of all British Fencing officials and will comply at all times by the code of conduct from point of entry to point of exit on the camp and understand that any breach of this code will have consequences. I agree that I will be responsible for any damages caused by me Fencer’s signature:………………………………………………………… Date:……………… Please print…………………………………………………………………… Signature of parent/guardian………………………………………………… Date……………….