Welcome to MSc Economics


A Warm Welcome to

All Students on


MScBES & MScEDG (Erasmus)


Who Am I?

Ben Lockwood, in place of

Jennifer Smith

Director of Taught Postgraduate




Office Hours: 10-11 and 2-3 Mondays


This Morning

• External Speakers

– 9.10am: Linda Squirrell, IT Services

– 9.20am: Christopher Manley, Warwick Careers and Skills

– 9.30am: Helen Riley, Library

– 9.40am: Philip Gaydon, Learning Grid

– 9.50am: Stephen Soanes, PG Hub

• Break

• 10.10: My Presentation


This Presentation

• Immediate things to do

• Identify key people and places

• Course structure & module choices

• House rules, pastoral support system

• Other learning opportunities

– Research workshops and seminars

– IT and Library

– Life-skills


You should have already ….

• Enrolled with the Department and University

• Registered with IT Services

• received a user id, password and email address

• Important: we will communicate with you via your university email address only


You should have already ….

• Checked out our MSc web pages: www.warwick.ac.uk/go/economics/pg/

• Spent some time reading the MSc Handbook

• Orientated yourself: figure out location of PG Office

(S0.91), notice-board, pigeon-holes etc.

• Introduced yourself to fellow students (over 30 countries)

• Found the bar …


Week 1

• Question Time: today in Butterworth Hall – please arrive by 4.30pm.

• EC961 Introductory Maths/Stats Exam: Thursday 3 rd Oct

10.00-12.00 in Panorama Room, Rootes Building. PG Office will hand out barcodes this week, which you need to bring to the exam.

• Careers and Skills Session: Thursday 3 rd Oct 2pm, 3pm or 4pm. Group allocations are at www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/pg/incoming/mscarrival

• Sign up for Library Introduction and Database Training sessions by Wednesday

2 nd Oct 2013 using this link: www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/pg/incoming/mscarrival/libintro

Sign up for STATA Classes by Friday 4 th October 2013 using this link: www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/pg/modules/ec910/arulampalam/stata/tutorial

Week 2

• All MSc teaching starts on Monday of week 2.


Week 1: Additional Induction

Meetings, Wednesday 2



• MSc EIFE: with Course Leader Juan Carlos Gozzi, 10.00-

11.00am in room MS0.4

• MSc EDG: with Course Leader Bishnu Gupta, 10.00-

11.00am in room S2.86

• MSc BES (Economics Track): with Course Leader

Eugenio Proto; 10.00-11.00am in room S2.79

• MSc BES students also have a Psychology Induction today at 1pm in room H1.48


Head of


Deputy Head of Department

Abhinay Muthoo a.muthoo@warwick.ac.uk

Jeremy Smith jeremy.smith@warwick.ac.uk


Director, MSc


Director, MSc

Jennifer Smith


Gianna Boero



MSc Admin Team

Programme Manager Postgraduate Coordinator

Carolyn Andrews


Room S0.89

Ext 22983

Mandy Eaton economics.pgoffice@warwick.ac.uk

Room S0.91

Ext 23048


MSc Admin Team



Teaching Programmes



Sue Rattigan


Ext 23027

Caroline Woodhouse


Ext 28126 economics.pgoffice@warwick.ac.uk


How to contact the

MSc Admin Team

• Please send a single email message to economics.pgoffice@warwick.ac.uk

when you would like to get in touch, or visit us in person in room


• We will then direct your query to the appropriate person who can help



• Departmental

Information gateway for students

• Sign up for classes, submit module evaluations, see exam results, etc

• From Msc homepage, click on my.economics


Basic course structure (all except BES)

• See the Handbook for the full details

Maths & Stats

Economic Analysis






Maths and


Term 1

Micro and Macro

Econometrics A or B

Term 2

Research Methods

Three Optional Modules from list (varies between variants)

Term 3



MSc Behavioural & Econ Science

• See the Handbook for the full details

Pre-term Term 1 Term 2

Maths & Stats Pre-sessional

Maths and


Economic Analysis Micro

Econometrics A or B Econometrics

Issues & Psychological


Methods and Analysis in Behavioural Science

Experimental Economics

Psychological Models of


Behavioural Science:

Implications and



Term 3

Research Proposal

Research Project


Teaching Timetables

• Published online: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/pg/timetable/

• Please check regularly as the timetables are subject to change at short notice.

• MSc EIFE will have additional workshops in Term 2 – more details at the EIFE induction meeting


Econometrics A or B ?

• Take B if you are familiar with (or are prepared to fill in any gaps on your own):

– Ordinary Least Squares

– Tests of significance (t & F), Tests of linear restrictions

– Properties of Normal, t, chi-squared, and F distributions

– Multicollinearity, Prediction

– Autocorrelation, Heteroscedasticity, Weighted Least


– Dummy variables, Endogeneity

• If in doubt, see Wiji Arulampalam (Room S2.118).


Econometrics A or B ?

• Econometrics A/B choice needs to be made by

Friday 11 th October 2013 (end of week 2) via eMR (E-vision Module Registration)

• Sign-up for Econometrics A/B Classes via my.economics by Friday 11 th October 2013 .

• No swapping afterwards.


Term 2 Option Modules?

• See Handbook and the MSc webpages for available options

• PROVISIONALLY choose THREE from your list (differs between variants)

• Then, you must register your provisional option choices with University via eMR

• Go to: http://www.warwick.ac.uk/evision and then to the module registration page.

• Follow the onscreen instructions and see help-sheet:

( http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/academicoffice/examinations/emr/ )

– Deadline Friday 18 th October 2013 (end of week 3)

– eMR choices automatically update on my.economics


Term 2 Option Modules?

• For MSc Econ, Msc EIFE: one IB-coded module can be chosen

• This year, three are available:

• Derivative Securities (IB9X7)

• Behavioural Finance (IB9Y2)

• International Financial Markets (IB967)

• You must register for one of these WBS modules by

Friday 18 th Oct 2013 on eMR if you are interested

• BUT: numbers on these are capped, random selection used in the case of excess demand!


Term 2 Option Modules ?

• Note that initial choices are only provisional (an eMR constraint!)

• Advice session: 3-5pm Friday 29 th November

2013 (week 9) – Room MS0.1

• Mandy can make changes on eMR for you during first three weeks of spring term.

• Possible an option may not run due to low numbers.


Departmental Research


• Research Seminar

– External (usually international) speakers

– Thursdays 16.00-17.30 in S2.79

• and join us for drinks in Common Room afterwards

• Specialist Seminars

– Mondays (Political Econ) 16.00-17.30 in S2.79

– Tuesdays (CAGE/Empirical) 16.00-17.30 in S2.79

– Wednesdays (CRETA/Theoretical) 16.00-17.30 in S2.79

• See our webpages for details


The MSc Distinguished

Visitor Lecture Programme

• At least one lecture in each of Terms 1 and 2

• Lecture given by distinguished professional or academic economist

• A chance to meet with the speaker afterwards

• This year:

- Chris Walters from OFT confirmed to talk on Thursday 24 th October

• Last year:

– Professor Omer Moav (Economics).

– Professor David Miles (Bank of England)

– Professor Lord Meghnad Desai (LSE)

– Professor Andrew Oswald (Warwick)

– Professor George Akerlof (Berkeley)


House Rules

 If you miss an exam or test, or need a deadline extension, due to illness or personal problems:

 if possible, see your Personal Tutor to explain

 get medical notes etc before , not after the exam

 Com[p

 The same applies if you feel your performance in an exam may be affected due to illness or personal problems:

 if possible, see your Personal Tutor to explain

 get medical notes etc before , not after the exam


House Rules, Contd

 Be here during term-time: contact points (exams, personal tutor, seminars - see MSc Handbook)

 NO Summer internships or any other jobs

 September dissertation deadline – absolute

 Progression to dissertation – not automatic, depends on the number of failed exams

 Lecture notes – practice varies


Pastoral Support

• Personal tutors

– Already allocated

– See your PT every term

– PT Week 7 th -11 th Oct 2013 and 3 rd -7 th Feb 2014

Senior Tutor

Gianna Boero


Institutional support

• The University Health Centre

– Make sure you are registered with a GP – before you get sick

– NHS Direct 0845 4647 and http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/

• The Students’ Union

– Advice and Welfare Services fact sheets on many subjects

• study skills, changing/leaving your course,….emergency contraception

– Nightline service

• 9pm to 9am student-run listening service, Ext 22199


Institutional support

• The University International Office

– Language and visa problems, accommodation and financial problems

• University Counselling Service

– Senior Tutor's office

• Personal/emotional problems, disability etc

• www.warwick.ac.uk/services/tutors , Ext 22761


Teaching quality

• Our teaching is “research-led”

– Top marks in last “RAE” exercise

– (with UCL, LSE, Essex and Oxford)

– University of Warwick

49.6 staff submitted, 40% of work 4*

• Top marks in the last national “TQA”

– Along with UCL and Essex


Teaching quality

• But it doesn’t always go right

– We want feedback

• Module assessment via my.economics

• End-of-year survey

– If you are having problems on a module, see the lecturer first

– Then, bring it up with your GSSLC rep

– If all else fails – see me!

• And you can help …………..


… Staff-Student Liaison

• We need student reps on GSSLC

– 2 x MScEcon, 1 x MScEIFE, 1 x MScEDG,

1 x MScBES, 2 x Diploma & 2 x M/Res/PhD students.

– Ethnic/geographic/gender mix.

• Please think about “standing” for this office

– See the Graduate SSLC web pages.

– Don’t be shy - nominate yourself or a friend.

– Fill-in online form by Fri 11 th Oct 2013 (end of week 2)

• a few words of background and a photo

• www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/pg/gsslc/nominations/

– Vote from Mon 14 th Oct to Fri 18 th Oct 2013

• We will email details to the “winners”

• Date of first meeting to be confirmed


IT Services

• See what IT Services offers

– http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/its/

• Help

– telephone to the Service Desk on Ext 73737,

– Email the ServiceDesk

– Visit the Drop-In Centre on the first floor of the Library normally open 9:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.


IT Support

Neil Gatty Andrew Taylor Peter Kane n.j.gatty@... Andrew.l.taylor@... P.Kane@...

Ext 23501 Ext 23501 Ext 23501


IT and Other Facilities

MSc Study Area

• S2.81a Common Room

• PC and printing facilities reserved for ecpxxx logins.

• Daily newspapers and some periodicals will be supplied, and coffee machine!


Connect from a campus residence.

Learn how to connect from off-campus.

Also “open access” computer rooms e.g. in library.

STATA CD - both Econometrics A and B use it exclusively. Sign up for

STATA classes by Friday 4 th October 2013 .



• The basics of library usage is part of

Research Methods module

– Electronic journals

– Bibliographic databases

– http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/library/

• Opening hours

– 08.30 – 00.00 (Weekdays & weekends)

– Different in vacations


Life Skills

• Warwick Skills Certificate

– Short courses in

• IT, Communications

• Creativity, Personal development

• Career development, Academic and writing skills

• http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/scs/skills/msp/

• Foreign language skills

• http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/languagecentre/

• English Language skills

• email Centre for Applied Linguistics (CAL)


Life after the Warwick MSc

• Jobs

– Check out the Careers Service

– http://www.warwick.ac.uk/careers/

– Attend the Careers Session on Thursday afternoon

• MRes/PhD

– Talk to Omer Moav/Thijs van Rens

– Careers Service can help with this too

– Staff have many connections at other universities

• Discuss with your PT


And don’t forget …..

• IT Services on-line registration (if not done already)

Sign up for Library classes (deadline Wednesday 2 nd October 2013 )

• EC961 Introductory Maths/Stats Exam, Thursday 3 rd October 2013 10.00-12.00


Panorama Room, Rootes Building.

Sign up for STATA classes (deadline Friday 4 th October 2013 )

• Econometrics A/B (deadine Friday 11 th Oct 2013 on eMR and sign up for classes via my.economics)

Module Registration on eMR (deadline Friday 18 th Oct 2013 )

• Teaching starts Monday of Week 2

• Check out the handbook for details 39

Good luck with the

EC961 Introductory Maths &

Stats Exam on

Thurs 3


October 2013,

10.00am-12.00noon in Panorama

Room, Rootes Building

