ela - march 23 - everythingisbetterinthemiddle

Language Arts – Found Poems
Set (5 min)
Ask the students the following:
- Characters from Freak the Mighty
- 2 or 3 events from Freak the Mighty
- What has happened so far in Max the Mighty?
- Main characters
- A main event so far in the novel
Development (20 min)
Closure (2-3 min)
What it is
Types of poetry
Have you written or read poetry before?
Introduce Found Poems
o Define noun, verb, adjective if needed
Show an example and the process
Outline steps
Do a Found Poem together as a class on the
- You can do found poems with any article or
novel that you are reading
- A found poem is another way to interpret what
you are reading
- This poem is another way to express your
Could show more than one example
Have a handout or list of words ready that we
could use
Could work with a partner if not as a whole class
Exit slip – define a found poem
Students could do their own poems
Found poems
Look at words that authors use to create images and express thoughts to readers
Writing activity
Focuses on vocabulary words and nouns, verbs and adjectives
Key ideas expressed in a passage, article or chapter
It is important to look at what you are reading and remember don’\t forget what the author is
saying when you are looking at words
Big Idea : use the authors words to create your own new passage
Steps to writing a Found Poem: (Taken from 50 Instructional Routines to Develop Content Literacy –
Douglas Fisher, William G. Brozo, Nancy Frey and Gay Ivey)
Circle or list the strongest words and phrases in the passage – verbs, nouns and adjectives
Start the poem with a strong word or phrase – keep phrases how the author wrote them
Add some words to help with grammar – most words come from the textbook
Title the poem – write the chapter, the book title and author, and page numbers your poem comes
*Found poems can come from long and short readings
Noun – person, place, thing, quality or action
Verb – action word
Adjective – describes a noun
Chapter 1 (pages 1-2) Max the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
Words and phrases:
Maxwell Kane
And ears that stick out
Abdominal snowman
Stay hurt forever
Why hurry?
Feet that won’t listen
A shiver in my bones
Turn my ears off
- big dude
- with a face like the moon
- humongous
- weenie
- a coward
- fight
- scared
- prison
- bad apple
- world
- school
- long
- home
- cracks
- sidewalk
- get a life my brain says
- screaming
- loud
- freeze
- invisible
- runaway and hide somewhere else
Max the Mighty
Maxwell Kane – a big dude.
With a face like the moon,
and ears that stick out.
A humongous abdominal snowman,
a weenie, a coward
who avoids a fight.
Scared, and hurt forever.
Prison - a bad apple in a weird world.
After school moping along, why hurry?
Cracks in the sidewalk,
and feet that won’t listen.
Get a life my brain says.
A girl screaming, loud, causes a shiver in my bones.
I freeze up, invisible; I want to turn my ears off.
I want to runaway and hide somewhere else.
Found Poem from: “Max the Mighty” – Rodman Philbrick - Chapter 1 (pages 1-2)