Ethics and global ma..

Ethics and Global Marketing
Preparation and background reading for daily exercises
Before Monday 13th May / pre-course preparation:
Read the following websites to give you some background information on the Co-operative Bank, a
UK bank with an ethical position in the marketplace. On Monday 13th May we will have a general
class discussion about ethics and marketing.
1. Some information from the Co-Operative Bank about its ethical position:
2. 'Will Co-operative's expansion compromise its ethics?',19th July 2012, Channel 4 News
(Channel 4 is one of the main UK TV channels).
3. 'Ethical banking: as banks wallow in the mire, is it still possible?' 18th July 2012, The
Guardian (one of the UK's main broadsheet daily newspapers).
Monday 13th May:
1. Your assessment task is to write a journal log in which you critically reflect on your learning
from today's session. There is no word limit to your journal log but you must write a
minimum of one page of A4 and you must use examples from reading (academic sources
and case studies) to illustrate your comments.
2. Read the Dove case study information at in preparation for Tuesday's role play activity. Follow
the links at the end of the blog for wider reading and understanding of the issues. You will
also find it very useful to read the following blog:
Tuesday 14th May:
1. Continue with your reflective journal log.
2. In preparation for Wednesday's activity, visit the Starbucks website and read about the
firm's ethical commitments:
3. Now read the following media release (dated 28th February 2011) about Starbucks from the
Ethical Consumer website:
Wednesday 15th May:
1. Continue with your reflective journal log.
2. Read the Oxfam case study in preparation for tomorrow and give some thought to the
questions raised at the end (ignore question 2b). Be ready to discuss these questions with
your class members in tomorrow's session.