Chapter 10 Quiz Questions

Chapter 10 Quiz Questions
1. How can you effectively present large blocks of data or reveal comparisons? Campbell
Using graphics such as tables or graphs enables effective presentation of large amounts of data.
2. How do graphics allow you to be concise? Campbell
Graphics allow you to provide large amounts of data in a small amount of space.
3. What are four things graphics help readers see? Campbell
Graphics help the readers see and understand trends, comparisons, percentages and facts &
4. What can happen when you use only unbroken text in a document? Campbell
The reader may lose interest, get confused, or overlook key points.
5. When should you avoid using color in a graphic? Campbell
Avoid color in a graphics when production budgets are limited, when disk space or computer
memory is limited, when the printer only prints black and white, or when the colors may be
skewed on the readers monitor and may affect the presentation of the data.
6. What are drawbacks to 3-D graphics? Christian
3-D graphics do not convey information quantifiably.
7. When you use graphics, what are five criteria to follow to achieve successful graphics?
Five criteria for achieving successful graphics include: locating graphics appropriately, sizing
graphics effectively, correctly labeling, integrating properly with text, and using graphics to
enhance the material explained in the text.
8. What are two things you achieve by using a table? Christian
Tables make information easily accessible and understandable.
9. After a table, what explanatory information should you include in follow-up text? Christian
Explain the significance of the information contained in the table.
10. In a table, should you use decimals or numerators and denominators for fractions? Christian
Be consistent. Choose one or the other, either decimals or fractions.
11. Figures accomplish what two things in a document? Ronne
Figures highlight and supplement important points in your writing.
12. What are five types of figures? Ronne
Five types of figures are: bar charts, pie charts, line charts, flowcharts, and schematics.
13. What are two types of bar charts? Ronne
Two types of bar charts are grouped bar charts and pictographs.
14. What is a pictograph? Ronne
Pictographs use picture symbols instead of bars to show quantities.
15. What are three ways to achieve an effective pictograph? Ronne
The picture should be representative of the topics discussed. Each symbol equals a unit of
measurement. The size of the units depends on your value selection as noted in the key on the
x-and y- axis. Use more symbols of the same size to indicate a higher quantity; do not use larger
When would you use a Gantt chart? Qualley
You would use a Gantt Charts if you trying to show a client phases of a project. This could
include planned start dates, planned reporting milestones, planned completion dates, actual
progress made toward completing the project, and work remaining.
What do pie charts illustrate? Qualley
Pie Charts illustrate portions of a whole. The pie chart represents information as pie-shaped
parts of a circle. The entire circle equals 100 percent or 360 degrees.
What type sequence can you reveal in a flowchart? Qualley
You can show a chronological sequence of activities.
How are schematics useful? Qualley
Schematics are useful for presenting abstract information in technical fields such as electronics
and engineering.
What are two reasons for using icons? Qualley
When used correctly, icons can save space, communicate rapidly, and help readers with
language problems to understand the writer’s intent.