Gayle M. Richardson, CPA, Professor (aka Ms. R) Website Fall 2014 Email: or 661-395-4062 (BC office) Business Building Room 3 Preferred…..Voice and text 661-241-3313 Office Hours MW from 9 - 11 a.m. and T from 12:45 – 1:45 p.m. Business Administration B53a (BSAD B53a) Introduction to Accounting 1 MW 11:10 -12:35 p.m. CRN 70750 August 23 – December 12, 2014 Business Ed Building, Room B7 Three Credit Hours Lecture - Introduction to modern financial accounting theory and practice. Analysis of financial transactions using the rules of double-entry bookkeeping. The accounting cycle includes adjusting entries, worksheets, the use of special journals, bank reconciliations and the preparation of financial statements. Text and supplies: Heintz, James A. and Robert W. Parry. College Accounting, 21st Edition Chapters 1-27, Cengage Publishing, 2014 ISBN: 9781285055411 Calculator (bring to class EVERY DAY!!!) Accounting paper (3 column, 5 column and 13 column) Ruler, Pink Pearl eraser, Mechanical Pencil ----All work is to be done in pencil Colored pencil - for correcting your homework Letter size Folder with tab and fastener (for your workpaper folder) Stapler and staples Pen drive Money for movie rentals (maybe) Small box to keep everything in Gades card, Scantron 886 forms for tests Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Define the fundamental accounting equation and its logical bookkeeping applications. Describe basic accounting theory and practice as it relates to a service or retain type operation. Perform routine bookkeeping duties. Develop the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of owner’s equity. 1 Summarize stages of the accounting cycle. Discuss specifics of bank accounts and cash funds. Differentiate among special journals. Prepare, relate, and analyze financial statements for merchandising firms. Define payroll accounting and distinguish between employee earnings, deductions and taxes. Means of Achieving Student Learning Outcomes: Three hours lecture per week Each topic introduced by lecture/demonstration Students will be given reading assignments, practical problems, quizzes, practice sets, team projects, internet assignments, etc. and reviews to enable the student to monitor his/her own progress Policies: Attendance Students are expected to attend all sessions of this course. Unexcused absences totaling six hours will be cause to drop a student from the course. Two tardies are equal to one unexcused absence. IF YOU COME IN LATE OR LEAVE EARLY, YOU WILL BE DOCKED FOR 1 HOUR. A calendar for the semester is on the web site along with all assignments. Be sure to check them periodically for updates. This is YOUR responsibility to know. We follow a basic calendar, but we make adjustments during the semester if the class is not understanding the basic concepts. No makeup examinations or quizzes will be given. Don’t even bother asking!!! Please do not bring cellular phones or beepers to class unless they are on vibrate mode where only you know that someone is trying to reach you. Please plan to be in class before 11:10 a.m... in order for us to start on time. If we start on time and finish the material, we can leave early! Also, when you come to class, please come prepared to learn and leave your distractions in your car or at home! If you can’t make it to class on time, maybe we need to transfer you to a class that meets later in the day. If you are late consistently, I have been known to lock the door and give a quiz. Remember – there are NO MAKEUP quizzes or tests! Last Name, First Name BSAD –B53a– Class Hour Chapter # Date Turned in Table of Contents(List) Homework Students are expected to read each chapter prior to the lecture. Your homework should be done before coming to class. You will correct it in colored pencil in class to enable you to study those areas that you did not understand immediately. Try not to use a RED pencil since it may reflect as being “negative.” Big Smile! We do not want a negative 2 atmosphere! Homework is due on the last day the chapter is covered in class which is why the calendar is flexible in the beginning. After we have accomplished Chapter 4….we will proceed with a more stringent schedule. You are taking this class to learn accounting! Each chapter takes approximately three class hours to cover. If your homework is not turned in with the rest of the class you will lose five points per day. Maximum penalty is 15 points. Each homework assignment is worth 20 points. Hence, you can always turn your homework in late and still receive 5 points. Your homework will always include the Glossary/Vocabulary at the end of each chapter, exercises & problems. You can find the assignments at Inside BC. Complete homework means that you have done everything that was assigned and corrected them in colored pencil. In addition, the homework must have a cover sheet attached in front, stapled in the upper left-hand corner. If you don’t understand, please see me. Workpaper Folder You are to maintain a BOUND WORKPAPER FOLDER. This letter size folder will contain all of your homework, handouts, lecture notes, quizzes and any other related material for each chapter. This syllabus should be in your folder. In addition you are to keep track of your grade on the inside cover of your folder (left hand side). The folder must be neat, orderly and in chronological order. This folder is worth 50 points at the end of the semester. Please don’t wait until the end of the semester to put it together. You will just cause yourself a lot of unnecessary stress. It is easier to “just do it” as we move through the semester. The folder and acco fastener (under supplies) are to be used for this folder. On the tab please indicate your name, class, and semester. I will show you how this works. If you don’t understand---- ASK!! Office Hours Students are encouraged to seek help from me. My office is in the Business Building, Room B-3. I will be in my office MW from 9 - 11 a.m. and T from 12:45 – 1:45 p.m. I check my email often and can access it via my IPhone. However, sometimes I do have meetings and other commitments. If you need to schedule a specific time outside of my office hours, just email me. This can change due to meetings, so check with me for an appointment. My office phone is 395-4062 and I do have voice mail 241-3313. The best way to reach me is via EMAIL I am available! Grades: The point system is used based upon what you earn. The following is subject to change: I reserve the right to change classroom policies and/or assignments if circumstances dictate. Any changes will be announced in class. It is your responsibility to be in class and to be aware. You are encouraged to join Enactus, formerly SIFE, for extra credit. See me or go to or email Tests (4 @ 100 points) 400 Homework (12 Chapters at 20 each) 240 Quizzes (POP- 12 at 10 ea.)approx Workpaper Folder General Ledger Project Final Exam Total Points Available 120 50 50 100 960 3 A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 50-69% "Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disabled Student Programs & Services located at Student Services Building, 1st Floor, Counseling Center (661-395-4334), as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion." There are many resources available to you as a student. Just ask! Habits of Mind: How will you succeed at BC this semester? What determines success is not circumstance, but habit. Habits of Mind, It’s POSSIBLE at BC has many free tools intended to help you accomplish your goals in school. Only you can overcome the challenges you face this semester and in life. Start out successfully with these steps: Visit the Habits of Mind website: . Download the app for Habits of Mind at Bakersfield College for power in your palm. Ask for help, do the work, and refuse to quit. Success takes energy, planning, and strategies for both the expected challenges in school as well as the unexpected twists life can take. Ask me for more information. Now is the time to develop new habits. It’s POSSIBLE at BC P O S S I B L E Persist Organize Strive for Excellence Stay Involved Innovate Be Focused Learn for Life Emphasize Integrity 9/07/2014 – Last day to withdraw with no grade 10/31/2014 – Last day to withdraw and receive a “W” 70750 B53a Intro to Accounting Calendar Fall 2014 Subject to Change 4 IN CLASS Week Starting Assignment 1 8/25 Chapter 1 – Introduction to Accounting Monday Wednesday ORIENTATION Lecture Ch 1 Homework: Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter E 1-1B, 1-2B 2 9/1 Chapter 2 – Analyzing Transactions: The Holiday Accounting Equation Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter E 2-4B, P 2-9B (9/7 drop date without a grade) 3 Lecture Ch 2 9/8 Chapter 3 – The Double-Entry Framework Review Ch 2 Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter P 3-13B and 3-15B 4 9/15 Chapter 4 – Journalizing and Posting 5 9/22 Chapter 5 – Adjusting Entries and the 6 9/29 Transactions Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter E 4-3B, P 4-9B Review Ch 3 Chapter 2 Homework Due Lecture Ch 3 Chapter 3 Homework Due Lecture Ch 4 Review Ch 4 Chapter 4 Homework Due Lecture Ch 5 Chapter 6 – Financial Statements & Review Ch 5 the Closing Process Ch 5 Homework Due Lecture Ch 6 Work Sheet Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter P5-14B Review Ch 1 Ch 1 Homework Due Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter P 6-8B (P6-9B in 20th Ed) 7 10/6 Chapter 7 – Accounting for Cash Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter Review Ch 6 Lecture Ch 7 Ch 6 Homework due Test 1 - 6 Chapter 7 Homework due Lecture Ch 8 P 7-9B, 10B and 7-11B 8 10/13 Chapter 8 – Payroll Accounting: Employee Earnings and Deductions Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter P 8-9B Review Ch 7 9 10/20 Chapter 9 – Payroll Accounting – Employer Taxes and Reports Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter Review Ch 8 Lecture Ch 8 Ch9 Homework 5 10 11 P 9-7B 10/27 Chapter 10 –Accounting for Sales and Cash Receipts Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter P 10-11B 11/3 Chapter 11– Accounting for Purchases and Cash Payments Study & Practice in Wiley Plus Key Terms P 11-11B Due Test 7 & 8 Review Ch 9 Chapter 9 Homework Due Lecture Ch10 Review Ch 10 Chapter 10 Homework Due Lecture Ch 11 12 11/10 Holiday Tuesday 11/11 Chapter 12 – Special Journals Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter E 12-1B, 12-2B, 12-3B, 12-4B, 12-5B Review Ch 11 Chapter 11 Homework Due Lecture Ch12 13 11/17 Chapter 13– Accounting for Merchandise Inventory Appendix 13 –Perpetual Inventory Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter P 13-8B and 9B Appendix 13-2B Review Ch12 Chapter 12 Lecture Ch13 Homework Due Test 9 - 12 14 11/24 Chapter 14 –Worksheet & Adjustments for Merchandising Companies Appendix A – Expense Method of Accounting for Prepaid Expenses Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter P 14-9B, P 14-12B Appendix E-14B Review Ch13 NO CLASS Lecture 14 & Holiday App A 11/27 & 28 15 12/1 Chapter 15 –Financial Statements and Year End Accounting for a Merchandising Business Key Terms (write out by hand) Read the Chapter P 15-9B Chapter 13 Homework Due Review Ch14 Lecture Ch 15 Chapter 14 Homework Due Review Ch 15 16 12/8 No Class Chapter 15 Homework Due Final 1011:50 a.m. Finals Week Final on 13 thru 15on Wednesday 12/10 6