Practical Record Aim: To check the conduction of water through

Practical Record
Aim: To check the conduction of water through xylem
Materials required:  Beaker
 Stand
 Knife
 Water
 Leafy shoot/ twig
Hypothesis: Vascular bundles in the stem, root, leaf stalks and leaf veins are all continuous and
form an unbroken system of tubes. Collectively, they form the transport system throughout.
Water and salt travel upwards mainly through xylem and food substances travel up and down
through in the plants through phloem.
1. Take two leafy shoots (of delicate and fleshy stem) that has been cut under
2. Keep their lower ends dipping in the water?
3. Remove about 3cm long, outer ring ( phloem) of the stem ( as in the Beaker A)
4. Keep the central part intact
5. Remove an equal length of the central part ( xylem) keeping the outer part intact
( As in the Beaker B)
6. The shoots are then fix to the stands and are allowed to remain for sometimes
with their lower ends still immersed in the water.
Observation table
The leaves of the twig remain turgid and stand out almost normally
The leaves and twig get wilted and droop down
Result/ Inference: The turgidity and normal standing of of the twig in the beaker A indicates
that water is conducted through xylem
1. The leafy shoots should be cut under the water to prevent any air bubbles getting in
2. While removing the outer ring, phloem, the xylem should be kept intact and vice- versa.
 It was challenging to cut the stem in the water
 It was difficult to remove the inner xylem pars.
Aim: To prove that temperature is necessary for germination.
Materials required:
 two beaker/conical flask
 cotton wool
 water
 seeds
 dropper
Hypothesis: Very low as well as very high temperature is unsuitable for germination. A very low
temperature inhibits the growth of embryo and a very high temperature destroys its delicate
tissue. The temperature should be optimum (i.e. 25-350C)
1. place the wet cotton wool in beaker
2. then place some seeds(maize) on it and marked it ‘A’
3. place the wet cotton wool in second beaker
4. place some seeds on it and marked it ‘B’
5. place the beaker ‘A’ in normal/ordinary room temperature
6. place beaker ‘B’ in refrigerator whose temperature is quite low
7. then observe it
Observation table
Observation(after two days)
Germination occurred
No germination occurred
Result: we conclude that temperature is necessary for germination
Precautions: we added equal amount of water on the cotton.
Aim: To prove that water is necessary for germination
Materials required:
 two beakers
 cotton wool
 water
 seeds
 dropper
Hypothesis: Water for seeds is obtained from its environment. The seed absorbs water all over
surface through micropyle. The seeds swell and testa ruptures to allow radical elongate and form
root system
1. Place the wet cotton wool in beaker
2. Then place some seeds on it and marked it as ‘A’
3. Lower ther small test-tube in the Beaker A which it contains alkaline Pyrogallic
acid,which absorbs oxygen.
4. Place some seeds and marked it as ‘B’.
5. In the beaker B lower the test-tube in the same manner except the test-tube should
contain plain water unlike in the beaker A.
6. Keep both the beaker in an ordinary room temperature.
7. observe it
Observation tale:
Observation after two days
Germination occur
No germiantion
Result: we concluded that water is necessary for germination.
1. There should be equal amount of water spread in the cotton wool.
Aim: To prove that Oxygen is necessary for germination
Materials Required:
 two beakers
 cotton wool
 water
 seeds
 dropper
Hypothesis: For the rapid cell division and cell growth energy is required. The enery required is
available only by reparation i.e. usage of oxygen for respiration. Hence the need of oxygen.
1. place the wet cotton wool in both beakers
2. then place some seeds( maize) on it and marked it as ‘A’
3. place some seeds( maize) and marked it as ‘B’
4. keep both the both beaker in an ordinary room temperature.
5. observe it
Observation tale:
Observation after two days
Germination has occurred.
Germination has occurred
Result/ Inference: The germination in Beaker B indicates that the oxygen is necessary for
germination whereas in the Beaker A oxygen has been absorbed by the alkaline pyrogallic acid
and germination.
2. The re should not be a single drop of alkaline pyrogallic acid on the seeds and cotton
wool while lower with test-tube.
3. There should be equal amount of water spread in the cotton wool.
Failure and Difficulties:
The experiment was a failure because pyrogallic acid doesn’t absorb Oxygen. We tried the
experiment for twice but the result was same i.e. germination took place in the both beakers. We
have kept pyrogallic acid in open air to check whether it is functional or not. The result was still
the same.
Aim: To see the uptake of water by plant
Materials required:
 Ganong’s photometer
 leafy shoot
 safranin
 beaker
1. Bring the suitable plant and cut with the sharp knife
2. Fix apparatus as shown in the diagram.
3. Air bubble is introduced in the horizontal graduated capillary tube which is dipping into
beaker containing colour water.
4. Observe the process
(In order to bring back the air bubble to its original position, release some water from reservoir
into the capillary tube by opening the stop-cock).
Result/ Inferences: We have observed that colour water was moving in the capillary tube due to
the transpiration pull. Liquid in the capillary tube move very fast. In average it took minimum 47
to complete the capillary tube.
 Entire apparatus should be filled with water so that no air spaces are present.
 We face difficult to introduce air bubble
Aim: To prove that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis
Materials required:
 Destarched potted plant
 Conical flask
 Stand
 Methyl alcohol or spirit
 Test-tube
 Petri dish
 Iodine solution
 Spirit lamp
Hypothesis: Photosynthesis is the process by which living plants cells, containing chlorophyll,
produce food substances (glucose and starch), from CO2 and water by using the light energy.
1. We have to destarch the plant before 48 hours of the experiment
2. Take the destarched leaves
3. Insert one of the destarched leaves inside the conical flask through split cork which it
contains KOH( KOH absorbs CO2 )
4. Leave the plant in the sunlight
5. After a few hours (3-4), test the leaf and any other leaf of the plant for starch.
Testing the leaf for starch
1. Dip the that leaf in the boiling water for a minute to kill the cells
2. Boil the leaf in the methylated spirit over a water bath till it becomes pale-white due to
the removal of the chlorophyll. Now the leaf becomes hard and brittle.
3. Place the leaf again in the hot water to soften it.
4. Spread the leaf in a petri dish and pour the iodine solution on it
5. The leaf which was exposed to the atmosphere should turn blue-black and the one inside
the conical flask containing KOH should not turn blue-black but in our experiment both
leaves turn blue-black. ( As shown in the figure)
Result: we concluded that leave that is inside the flask do not turn to dark blue indicating there is
no presence of starch.
Precaution: we use the soft, fleshy dicot leaf not the rough and hard leaves of dicot.
Difficulty: it was very difficult to insert the leaf through the cork into the flask. Not only that our
plant was lost and we have to de starch plant for three time. And we do also realize that we must
use soft and fleshy dicot leaf
Aim: To check the movement of water molecules through cells
Materials required:
 Potatoes
 Safranin
 pins
 Knife
 Water
 Petri dish
 NaCl solution
Hypothesis: The movement water molecules across the semi-permeable membrane from dillute
solution to concentrated solution.
1. Cut the potatoes into cube shape of equal sizes.
2. Make holes at the centre of equal height, length and breadth.
3. To the first potato cube add concentrated NaCl solution and place it in the petri-dish
containing plain water.
4. To second potato cube add plain water and place it in the petri-dish containing conc.
NaCl solution.
5. To third potato cube add plain water and place it in the petri-dish containing plain water.
6. Observe.
Observation Table
The level of conc. Soln. increased and coloured water too diffused in.
The level of plain water inside the potato cube decreased
Remain same.
Results/ Inferences: The diffusion of water from dilute to concentrated solution through cells.
 Size of the potato cube should be equal throughout.