Here are a Few Questions regarding how to Sell Incentives: SEAN'S

Here are a Few Questions regarding how to Sell Incentives:
How can offering incentive programs expand my promotional product business?
How is selling an incentive program similar to selling promotional products?
How is selling an incentive program different from selling promotional products?
If I am proficient in selling promotional products, what do I need to be qualified to sell incentive
programs in terms of (a) basic knowledge (b) support structure (C) education and (d) supplier
At the end of my overview, I invite you to ask any questions you might have regarding subjects such as:
Things to consider when choosing an Aggregator.
Steps in designing specialized incentive, appreciation, and recognition programs.
Why is Brand-named merchandise an important element of an incentive program?
How does an incentive program achieve measurable Return on Investment (ROI)?
 How is ROI measured, and why should I care?
Groups and Associations you might want to use as a resource:
Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI)
ASI is currently developing an incentive initiative to support its members. For more information, contact Chris Lovell, MASI,
Senior VP at ASI, at, or call her at 800-546-1478.
Incentive Marketing Association (IMA)
As the incentive industry’s non-profit trade association, IMA offers a tremendous reservoir of white papers, case studies,
presentations as well as education and member-to-member support. The premiere training curriculum for familiarization with
the incentive industry is the Principals of Results-Based Incentive Programs course, which is offered at the PPAI Expo each year,
as well as online. Their annual July meeting, the IMA Summit, offers a great opportunity to meet industry leaders. IMA
also provides education, resources and research to promote the use of incentive programs to the business community and is
the umbrella organization for the Global Incentive Council (GIC), the Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC), the Incentive
Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA), the Incentive Travel Council, the Performance Improvement Council, the
Promotional Product Provider Council, the Recognition Council, IMA-Canada Council and IMA-Europe Council. Contact Karen
Renk at, or call her at 630-369-7780.
Incentive Federation (IF)
PPAI, ASI and IMA are all members of the Incentive Federation, a major proponent for new legislation and protecting existing
beneficial federal and local laws for the incentive industry. The IF welcomes new individual and corporate members, as their
membership size is one sign to the legislators with which they meet that this is a broad-based community. Visit or contact George Delta at or 703-848-4588. George is recognized
throughout the industry as a leading legal authority on incentive tax and jurisdictional questions such as escheatment, and
regularly is called in to consult end users with concerns about these issues.
Incentive Research Foundation (IRF)
The IRF is dedicated to advancing the science of Motivation and Incentives through research, and is considered by many to be
the ultimate resource for the study and analysis of the incentive business. Visit the IRF’s website at, where
they will soon be releasing a major new study named Incentive Insights. 60 Incentives, Recognition, Travel, Awards and
Meetings Experts answer the question: "What Makes or Breaks a Successful Incentive Program?”. For further information,
contact Melissa Van Dyke, President of the IRF, at, or call her at 314-473-5601.
Promotional Products Association International (PPAI)
Is actively supporting PPAI members in pursuing expanded offerings in Brand-name merchandise and Incentive programs. For
more information, contact the PPAI membership department at 888-486-7724 (I-AM-PPAI).
If you have any additional general or specific questions, feel free to contact me directly…
Sean Roark, CPIM
(281) 376-7677
My discussion on the value of Brand-named merchandise may interest you; it can be accessed under the heading “Brands Gain Clients
and Improve Profits!” on the IMA homepage,
Sean Roark, who along with his wife Leslie owns Houston-based PromoPros, Inc., will be showing how Incentive
Programs can increase business with existing customers, open doors to new clients, and significantly improve your
business’ bottom line. You’ll see how incentive programs are similar to promotional product campaigns, how they are
different, and what it takes to give the same high level of service to an incentive customer that you currently provide to
your ad specialty clients. There will be an overview of different incentive, appreciation, and recognition programs.
In 2005, responding to a client request, Sean wrote his first incentive program. Since then, he has earned the Incentive
Marketing Association’s designation of CPIM (Certified Professional of Incentive Management) and oversees PromoPros’
incentive subsidiary, IncentPros. He is a nationally recognized authority on Safety Incentive Programs, addressing groups
such as the National Safety Council, the American Society of Safety Engineers, and being published in national magazines
such as Occupational Safety & Health.
Sean will draw on his career as a Broadway Stage Manager, his work on Saturday Night Live and other eclectic
experiences to help you understand why incentive programs are a smart move for a successful Promotional Product
Provider. In support of fellow distributors, Sean has previously presented at PPAI Expo, regional associations and the
Motivation Show as part of the Promotional Products Provider Council education initiative of the Incentive Marketing
Association. Sean has developed this presentation in cooperation with PPAI as part of an education initiative by the
Promotional Product Provider Council of the Incentive Marketing Association. Sean currently sits on the board of IMA
and the Incentive Federation.
Here’s what industry leaders are saying about Sean’s presentation:
“Developing and delivering incentive programs to new and existing clients can be a tremendous opportunity for promotional
consultants to build business and stronger client relationships. I know of few industry professionals that have embraced and
capitalized on this opportunity as well as Sean Roark of PromoPros. Sean is an experienced and successful practitioner and
knowledgeable mentor and teacher. Attending Sean’s session is a worthwhile investment, that will kick-start entry into this
profitable marketplace.”
Paul Bellantone, CAE
President/CEO, Promotional Products Association International (PPAI)
“Stop, listen, and grab something to take notes, because Sean Roark has made the transformation from promotional product
person to incentive expert. He is among the proven few, and best of all, is willing to share.”
Mark Repkin, CPIM
Vice-President, The Certif-A-Gift Company
“Understanding incentives is an important opportunity for distributors to serve new and existing customers, and learning about
how to position yourself in this marketplace is a great topic.”
Timothy M. Andrews
President/CEO, Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI)
“Learn how to take your business to the next level! Earn more money! Sean Roark shares his first-hand experience to help you
expand your promotional products business into the world of incentives.”
Dave Peer, CPIM
President, Hinda Incentives
“Most of us would bend down to pick up a $20 bill from the sidewalk. But promotional products distributors are ignoring much
more than that when they fail to assist their clients with branded merchandise and/or incentive programs. Sean has built a
fabulous “how-to” guide for helping the distributor get comfortable with the concept of incentives, rewards, and
recognition. And it comes from a peer—someone who’s been there, and doing that.”
Pete Mitchell
Director, B-to-B Sales, Samsonite LLC
“Sean Roark is one of the first promotional product distributors to earn the Certified Professional of Incentive Management
(CPIM) certification. Sean recognized he could significantly expand PromoPros’ advertising specialty business through selling
safety and other incentive programs to his clients, and has generously condensed his experience into a fast-paced presentation
for fellow distributors to help them understand the potential the incentive marketplace offers.”
Karen Renk, CAE
Executive Director, Incentive Marketing Association (IMA)
“Sean Roark provides sound knowledge and insight regarding the integration of incentives and the long-term benefits that can
be realized. Sean is on point with his message and provides practical lessons from his experience with PromoPros. The message
is expertly delivered with a contagious, positive attitude. Sean’s session is highly recommended.”
Jeff Edwards
Vice-President, Quality Incentive Company