GCSE Humanities Source Questions How do I answer GCSE Humanities exam questions? Each section is worth 36 marks and is made up of: 2 mark source Question 4 mark source Question 12 mark source Question 2 mark Knowledge Question 4 mark Knowledge Question 12 mark knowledge Question Culture and Belief Sources 2015 Culture and Beliefs Possible 1 Mark Questions on Source A : Using Source A, state what age people are calling for the age of consent to be lowered to. Using Source A state what the age of consent is. Using Source A state what the current age of consent is. Using Source A state the percentage of current 14/15 year olds currently having sex. Using Source A state one service that young people can get from the NHS. Using Source A state which country has the highest age of consent in the world. Using Source A state which country has the lowest age of consent in the world. Using Source A state the age of consent in France. Using Source A state which countries have 14 as their age of consent. Using Source A state which countries have 15 as their age of consent. Using Source A state which countries have 16 as their age of consent. Using Source A state which countries have 13 as their age of consent. Using Source A state which countries have 20 as their age of consent. Possible 1 Mark Questions on Source B : Using Source B state the age of consent in Germany. Using Source B state one effect of babies being born prematurely. Using Source B state one group of people who are allowed to give contraception to young people under the age of 15. Using Source B state the number of teenage pregnancies in 1999. Using Source B state the number of teenage pregnancies in 2001. Using Source B state the number of teenage pregnancies in 2003. Using Source B state the number of teenage pregnancies in 2005. Using Source B state the number of teenage pregnancies in 2007. Using Source B state the number of teenage pregnancies in 2009. Using Source B state the number of teenage pregnancies in 2011. 4 mark source questions: Using Source A briefly explain why people are calling for the age of consent to be lowered to 15. Using Source A briefly explain the benefits of reducing the age of consent to 15. Using Source B briefly explain why people oppose the reducing of the age of consent to 15. Using Source B briefly explain the problems facing the UK with teenage pregnancies. 12 mark source questions: ‘It would be wrong for Britain to lower the age of consent to 15’. Assess this view using Sources A and B and your own studies. ‘It would be right for Britain to lower the age of consent to 15’. Assess this view using Sources A and B and your own studies. ‘There is no argument for lowering the age of consent to 15’. Assess this view using Sources A and B and your own studies. ‘Lowering the age of consent to 15 can only be a good thing for young people today!’ Assess this view using Sources A and B and your own studies. Environmental Issues Sources 2015 Environmental Issues Possible 1 Mark Questions on Source C : Using Source C state where the Penan tribe live Using Source C state one way in which they use the rainforest to help them live. Using Source C state how often they move on in the rainforest. Using Source C state one use of the Penan’s hut. Using Source C state one animal the Penan tribe hunt. Using Source C state one method that the Penan tribe hunt their food. Using Source C state the name of the lifestyle that the Penan tribe live by. Possible 1 Mark Questions on Source D : Using Source D state one food that is linked with deforestation and destruction. Using Source D state the size of the area destroyed by the destruction of the rainforest. Using Source D state one way in which people ‘eat’ the rainforest without knowing it. Using Source D state which country is the largest importer of Soy in the world. Using Source D state one use of cattle skin. Using Source D state the area of the Amazon Rainforest that has already been destroyed. Using Source D state the number of combine harvesters used at harvest time. Using Source D state one country that imports palm oil. Using Source D state one country that imports soy oil. Using Source D state one use of soy oil. 4 mark source questions: Using Source C, briefly explain how the Penan tribe impacts on the Amazon Rainforest. Using Source C, briefly explain how the Penan tribe minimise their impact on the Amazon Rainforest. Using Source C, briefly explain how the Penan tribe hunt for their food. Using Source C, briefly explain how technology has impacted on the Penan tribe. Using Source D, briefly explain how the rainforest supports trade in the UK. Using Source D, briefly explain how the rainforest supports trade around the world. Using Source D, briefly explain how the rainforest is being used to support the growing demand for goods. Using Source D, briefly explain the impact of the ‘demand for cheap goods’. 12 mark source questions: ‘The Amazon Rainforest does not support the British economy’. Assess this view using Sources C and D and your own studies. ‘The Amazon Rainforest does not support the world economy’. Assess this view using Sources C and D and your own studies. ‘Only the Penan tribe benefits from the Amazon Rainforest’. Assess this view using Sources C and D and your own studies. ‘We are not responsible for the damage done in the Amazon Rainforest’. Assess this view using Sources C and D and your own studies. Conflict and Co-operation Sources 2015 Conflict and Co-operation 2 mark source questions: Using Source A give two groups involved with the conflict in Sri Lanka. Using Source A, give two groups affected by the conflict in Sri Lanka. Using Source A, give two key dates in the conflict in Sri Lanka. Using Source A, name two cities involved in the conflict in Sri Lanka. Using Source B, state two short-term effects of the conflict in Sri Lanka. Using Source B, state two long-term effects of the conflict in Sri Lanka. 4 mark source questions: Using Sources A and B, briefly explain why there was a struggle in Sri Lanka. Using Sources A and B, briefly explain the effects of the struggle in Sri Lanka. Using Sources A and B, briefly explain the long-term effects of the struggle in Sri Lanka. Using Sources A and B, briefly explain the short-term effects of the struggle in Sri Lanka. Using Sources A and B, briefly explain the political effects of the struggle in Sri Lanka. Using Sources A and B, briefly explain the social effects of the struggle in Sri Lanka. Using Sources A and B, briefly explain the moral effects of the struggle in Sri Lanka. Using Sources A and B, briefly explain the economic effects of the struggle in Sri Lanka. Using Sources A and B, briefly explain the religious effects of the struggle in Sri Lanka. 12 mark source questions: Using Sources A and B, assess the view that there are national conflicts cannot be resolved. Using Sources A and B, assess the view that there are only shot-term effects of conflicts. Using Sources A and B, assess the view that there are only long-term effects of conflicts. Using Sources A and B, assess the view that conflicts can never be resolved. Using Sources A and B, assess the view that conflicts only start because of religious reasons. Using Sources A and B, assess the view that Civil Wars only have political effects. Prejudice and Persecution Sources 2015 Prejudice and Persecution 2 mark source questions: Using Source C give two places where discrimination can happen. Using Source C, give two acts that have been passed to prevent discrimination. Using Source C, state two groups of people who receive different pay in the UK. Using Source C, give two benefits of anti-discrimination laws that have been passed. Using Source D, give two places where people can be targeted for discrimination. Using Source D, state two people/persons that have been targeted for abuse. 4 mark source questions: Using Sources C and D, briefly explain how disability affects people in the UK. Using Sources C and D, briefly explain how disabled have been discriminated against. Using Sources C and D, briefly explain how the government has tried to tackle discrimination against disabled people. Using Sources C and D, briefly explain why disabled people today are not able to lead a normal life. Using Sources C and D, briefly explain how social media is used to target disabled people. Using Sources C and D, briefly explain where discrimination can happen. 12 mark source questions: Using Sources C and D, assess the view that there is still much discrimination against disabled people in the UK today. Using Sources C and D assess the view that disabled people still face much discrimination in the workplace. Using Source C and D assess the view that laws have failed to overcome discrimination for disabled people. Using Sources C and D assess the view that much of the discrimination against disabled people has been overcome. Using Sources C and D assess the view that equal rights legislation in the UK has failed.