GEOL 5310 ADVANCED IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY Subduction-related Igneous Activity and the Origin of Granite November 16, 2009 PRESENT-DAY SUBDUCTION ZONES Winter (2001) Figure 16-1. Principal subduction zones associated with orogenic volcanism and plutonism. Triangles are on the overriding plate. After Wilson (1989) Igneous Petrogenesis, Allen Unwin/Kluwer. CHANGING MODELS OF ARC MAGMATISM 1960-70’s Arc magmas largely derived from subducted oceanic crust and sediment 1980-90’s Arc magmas largely derived from mantle wedge 1990’s- 2000’s both contribute, but wedge is dominant source STRUCTURE OF AN ISLAND ARC Winter (2001) Figure 16-2. Schematic cross section through a typical island arc after Gill (1981), Orogenic Andesites and Plate Tectonics. Springer-Verlag. HFU= heat flow unit (4.2 x 10-6 joules/cm2/sec) VOLCANIC ROCKS OF ISLAND ARCS Complex tectonic situation and broad spectrum of volcanic products High proportion of basaltic andesite and andesite Basalts common and an important part of the story Table 16-1. Relative Proportions of Analyzed Island Arc Volcanic Rock Types Locality B B-A A D R 2 Mt. Misery, Antilles (lavas) 17 22 49 12 0 2 Ave. Antilles 17 ( 42 ) 39 2 1 Lesser Antilles 71 22 5 ( 3 ) 1 Nicaragua/NW Costa Rica 64 33 3 1 0 1 W Panama/SE Costa Rica 34 49 16 0 0 1 Aleutians E of Adak 55 36 9 0 0 1 Aleutians, Adak & W 18 27 41 14 0 2 Little Sitkin Island, Aleutians 0 78 4 18 0 2 Ave. Japan (lava, ash falls) 14 ( 85 ) 2 0 1 Isu-Bonin/Mariana 47 36 15 1 <1 1 Kuriles 34 38 25 3 <1 2 Talasea, Papua 9 23 55 9 4 1 Scotia 65 33 3 0 0 1 from Kelemen (2003a and personal comunication). 2 after Gill (1981, Table 4.4) A = andesite, D = dacite, B = basalt B-A = basaltic andesite R = rhyolite MAJOR ELEMENTS AND MAGMA SERIES Characteristic Plate Margin Series Convergent Divergent Alkaline yes Tholeiitic yes yes Calc-alkaline yes Figure 16-3. Data compiled by Terry Plank (Plank and Langmuir, 1988) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 90, 349-370. Within Plate Oceanic Continental yes yes yes yes THOLEIITIC VS. CALC-ALKALINE MAGMA SERIES Fractional Melting of Hydrous Mantle Figure 16.6. c. FeO*/MgO vs. SiO2 diagram distinguishing tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series. The gray arrow near the bottom is the progressive fractional melting trend under hydrous conditions of Grove et al. (2003). Winter (2010) Figure 16.6. b. AFM diagram distinguishing tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series. Arrows represent differentiation trends within a series. K MAGMA SERIES IN ISLAND ARC BASALT - ANDESITE Figure 16.5. Combined K2O - FeO*/MgO diagram in which the Low-K to High-K series are combined with the tholeiitic vs. calc-alkaline types, resulting in six andesite series, after Gill (1981) Orogenic Andesites and Plate Tectonics. Springer-Verlag. The points represent the analyses in the appendix of Gill (1981). Figure 16.6. a. K2O-SiO2 diagram distinguishing high-K, medium-K and low-K series. Large squares = high-K, stars = med.-K, diamonds = low-K series from Table 16-2. Smaller symbols are identified in the caption. Differentiation within a series (presumably dominated by fractional crystallization) is indicated by the arrow. Different primary magmas (to the left) are distinguished by vertical variations in K2O at low SiO2. After Gill, 1981, Orogenic Andesites and Plate Tectonics. Springer-Verlag. DIFFERENTIATION TRENDS FOR IAV Early Fe-Ti Ox FX in Calc-Alk CaPl NaPl Pl+Cpx FX Figure 16-6. From Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall. TRACE ELEMENT CHARACTERISTICS Depleted Mantle Undepleted Mantle or Low % PM of DM? GARNET in source? Low % PM of Undepleted mantle? Winter (2010) Figure 16-10. TRACE ELEMENT CHARACTERISTICS HYDROUS MORB SOURCE, SELECTIVELY ENRICHED MORB SOURCE, OR OIB SOURCE W/ HFS-COMPATIBLE RESIDUAL MINERAL? Hydrophilic LIL Elements Nb(Ta) HFS Elements Anomalies Figure 16-11a. MORB-normalized spider diagrams for selected island arc basalts. Using the normalization and ordering scheme of Pearce (1983) with LIL on the left and HFS on the right and compatibility increasing outward from Ba-Th. Data from BVTP. Composite OIB from Fig 14-3 in yellow. PETROGENESIS OF ISLAND ARC MAGMAS THERMAL MODEL FOR SUBDUCTION Variables affecting isotherms in subduction zones: • Rate of subduction • Age of the subduction zone • Age of the subducting slab • Flow in the mantle wedge • Frictional/shear heating along the Wadati-Benioff zone Other factors: dip of the slab endothermic metamorphic reactions metamorphic fluid flow Isotherms will be higher when: • convergence is slower • slab is younger (nearer to ridge) • arc is younger Winter (2010) Figure 16-15. Cross section of a subduction zone showing isotherms (red-after Furukawa, 1993, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 8309-8319) and mantle flow lines (yellow- after Tatsumi and Eggins, 1995, Subduction Zone Magmatism. Blackwell. Oxford). POTENTIAL SOURCES OF ARC MAGMAS Only Viable Sources 1. Crustal portion of the subducted slab Altered oceanic crust (hydrated by circulating seawater, and metamorphosed in large part to greenschist facies) Subducted oceanic and forearc sediments Seawater trapped in pore spaces 2. Mantle wedge between slab and arc crust 3. Arc crust 4.Lithospheric mantle of subducting plate 5. Asthenosphere beneath slab Winter (2010) Figure 16-15. Cross section of a subduction zone showing isotherms (red-after Furukawa, 1993, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 8309-8319) and mantle flow lines (yellow- after Tatsumi and Eggins, 1995, Subduction Zone Magmatism. Blackwell. Oxford). P-T-t PATHS FOR SUBDUCTED CRUST Subduction rate of 3 cm/yr (length of each curve = ~15 Ma) Subducted Crust Yellow paths = various arc ages Red paths = different ages of subducted slab Figure 16-16. Subducted crust pressuretemperature-time (P-T-t) paths for various situations of arc age (yellow curves) and age of subducted lithosphere (red curves, for a mature ca. 50 Ma old arc) assuming a subduction rate of 3 cm/yr (Peacock, 1991, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 335, 341-353). MELTING OF SUBDUCTED CRUST ONLY FOR YOUNG CRUST AND ARCS D- Dehydration Zone - no melting; LIL-enriched fluids move into mantle wedge. M – Partial melting of basaltic slab Mg andesite Winter (2010) Figure 16-16. Subducted crust pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) paths for various situations of arc age (yellow curves) and age of subducted lithosphere (red curves, for a mature ca. 50 Ma old arc) assuming a subduction rate of 3 cm/yr (Peacock, 1991). Included are some pertinent reaction curves, including the wet and dry basalt solidi (Figure 7-20), the dehydration of hornblende (Lambert and Wyllie, 1968, 1970, 1972), chlorite + quartz (Delaney and Helgeson, 1978). Winter (2001). An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall. VISCOSITY AT SLAB-MANTLE INTERFACE ENHANCING MANTLE FLOW AND T 7 Km into Slab Winter (2001) Figure 16.17. P-T-t paths at a depth of 7 km into the slab (subscript = 1) and at the slab/mantle-wedge interface (subscript = 2) predicted by several published dynamic models of fairly rapid subduction (9-10 cm/yr). ME= Molnar and England’s (1992) analytical solution with no wedge convection. PW = Peacock and Wang (1999) isoviscous numeric model. vK = van Keken et al. (2002a) isoviscous remodel of PW with improved resolution. vKT = van Keken et al. (2002a) model with non-Newtonian temperatureand stress-dependent wedge viscosity. After van Keken et al. (2002a) © AGU with permission. Slab Surface No Mantle Flow MELTING OF HYDRATED MANTLE WEDGE MAIN SOURCE OF ARC MAGMAS Figure 16-11b. A proposed model for subduction zone magmatism with particular reference to island arcs. Dehydration of slab crust causes hydration of the mantle (violet), which undergoes partial melting as amphibole (A) and phlogopite (B) dehydrate. From Tatsumi (1989), J. Geophys. Res., 94, 4697-4707 and Tatsumi and Eggins (1995). Subduction Zone Magmatism. Blackwell. Oxford. MELTING OF MANTLE WEDGE MAIN SOURCE OF ARC MAGMAS B T A Melting at 3 main locations T - Mantle Tip A - Pargasite-out depth (~110km) B - Phlogopite-out depth (~200 km) T Winter (2010) Figure 16.19 MELTING OF HYDRATED MANTLE WEDGE MAIN SOURCE OF ARC MAGMAS Primary Magma= High-Mg (>8wt%) High-Al tholeiite from Garnet Lherzolite Source From which more evolved tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas are formed by fractional crystallization? Figure 16-11b. A proposed model for subduction zone magmatism with particular reference to island arcs. Dehydration of slab crust causes hydration of the mantle (violet), which undergoes partial melting as amphibole (A) and phlogopite (B) dehydrate. From Tatsumi (1989), J. Geophys. Res., 94, 4697-4707 and Tatsumi and Eggins (1995). Subduction Zone Magmatism. Blackwell. Oxford. Sp Gt CONTINENTAL ARCS VS ISLAND ARCS AFFECTS OF THICK DIFFERENTIATED CONTINENTAL CRUST Thick sialic crust contrasts greatly with mantle-derived partial melts may produce more pronounced effects of contamination Low density of crust may retard ascent causing stagnation of magmas and more potential for differentiation Low melting point of crust allows for partial melting and crustallyderived melts Subcontinental lithosphere may be more compositionally diverse that suboceanic lithosphere, especially if crust is old TYPES OF CONTINENTAL ARCS Destructive more common where Continental crust is older e.g. Andean Margin Constructive more common where Continental crust is younger e.g. Pacific NW ANDEAN CONTINENTAL ARC Gaps in volcanic activity • shallow subduction • overthickened slab ANDEAN VOLCANIC COMPOSITIONS DISTRIBUTION OF ROCK TYPES Melting of Lower Crust generates Felsic Magmas Lower Crust traps Mafic Magmas ANDEAN VOLCANIC COMPOSITIONS MAJOR ELEMENTS Northern Volcanic Zone • more andesitic to felsic • K-rich comps to east Alkaline Rocks Central Volcanic Zone • more andesitic to felsic • basalts rare • more staging beneath Precambrian crust Southern Volcanic Zone • broad range of comps • K-rich comps to east • shallower subduction angle • Young continental crust especially to south Island Arcs ANDEAN VOLCANIC COMPOSITIONS TRACE ELEMENTS CVZ – Assimilation of Precambrian crust and SCLM SVZ - Shallower subduction angle melting of Gt-free mantle Winter (2010) Figure 17.4. Chondrite-normalized REE diagram for selected Andean volcanics. NVZ (6 samples, average SiO2 = 60.7, K2O = 0.66, data from Thorpe et al. 1984; Geist, pers. comm.). CVZ (10 samples, ave. SiO2 = 54.8, K2O = 2.77, data from Deruelle, 1982; Davidson, pers. comm.; Thorpe et al., 1984). SVZ (49 samples, average SiO2 = 52.1, K2O = 1.07, data from Hickey et al. 1986; Deruelle, 1982; López-Escobar et al. 1981). ANDEAN VOLCANIC COMPOSITIONS TRACE ELEMENTS CVZ – Assimilation of Precambrian crust and/or SCLM Enriched LIL and mobile HFS dehydration of subducted slab and enrichment of mantle wedge Negative Nb-Ta anomaly similar to island arc pattern Winter (2010) Figure 17.5. MORB-normalized spider diagram (Pearce, 1983) for selected Andean volcanics. NVZ (6 samples, average SiO 2 = 60.7, K2O = 0.66, data from Thorpe et al. 1984; Geist, pers. comm.). CVZ (10 samples, ave. SiO2 = 54.8, K2O = 2.77, data from Deruelle, 1982; Davidson, pers. comm.; Thorpe et al., 1984). SVZ (49 samples, average SiO2 = 52.1, K2O = 1.07, data from Hickey et al. 1986; Deruelle, 1982; López-Escobar et al. 1981). ANDEAN VOLCANIC COMPOSITIONS ISOTOPIC COMPOSITIONS Winter (2010) Figure 17.6. Sr vs. Nd isotopic ratios for the three zones of the Andes. Data from James et al. (1976), Hawkesworth et al. (1979), James (1982), Harmon et al. (1984), Frey et al. (1984), Thorpe et al. (1984), Hickey et al. (1986), Hildreth and Moorbath (1988), Geist (pers. comm), Davidson (pers. comm.), Wörner et al. (1988), Walker et al. (1991), deSilva (1991), Kay et al. (1991), Davidson and deSilva (1992). CONSTRUCTIVE CONTINENTAL ARC PACIFIC NW Juan de Fuca Plate – Young, hot, bouyant; dehydrates quickly upon subduction Columbia Embayment area of young crust and arc construction by rollback or trench jumping CASCADE MAGMA TYPES OVER TIME Greater proportion of mafic compositions & bimodal volcanism More akin to Continental Flood Basalt provinces Interpreted to indicate mafic underplating leading to lower crustal melting in an extensional environment Bimodal Volcanism CASCADES TRACE ELEMENT GEOCHEMISTRY Deplete (MORB) and Enriched (OIB) Signatures = Heterogeneous Mantle Wedge? Nb-Ta anomaly not common = Early shallow dehydration of hot slab? CASCADES ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY Precambrian Crustal Signature 87/86Srº > 0.706 206/204Pbº > 18.9 GENERAL MODEL FOR CONTINENTAL ARC MAGMATISM M-crustal Melting A- Assimilation S- Storage H-Homogenization ORIGIN OF GRANITES Frontpiece from H.H. Read (1958) The Granite Controversy PARTIAL MELTING VS. FRACTIONAL CRYSTALLIZATION THE SONJU LAKE – FINLAND GRANITE CONNECTION Finland Granite The Problem: Even very efficient fractional crystallization will create only 5-10% felsic magma A FEW BROAD GENERALIZATIONS ABOUT GRANITES 1) Most granitoids of significant volume occur in areas where the continental crust has been thickened by orogeny, either continental arc subduction or collision of sialic masses. Many granites, however, may post-date the thickening event by tens of millions of years. 2) Because the crust is solid in its normal state, some thermal disturbance is required to form granitoids 3) Most workers are of the opinion that the majority of granitoids are derived by crustal anatexis, but that the mantle may also be involved. The mantle contribution may range from that of a source of heat for crustal anatexis, or it may be the source of material as well Zoned zircon in a granite with older inherited (restite) core overgrown by new material from the felsic magma ARC PLUTONIC COMPLEXES“GRANITE” BATHOLITHS FEEDER CHAMBERS TO CONTINENTAL ARC VOLCANICS GEOCHEMISTY OF ARC PLUTONIC COMPLEXES MIMICS VOLCANIC COMPOSITIONS Peruvian Coastal Batholith NON-GENETIC CLASSIFICATIONS OF GRANITIC ROCKS Chemistry-based Mineralogy-based COMPOSITE EMPLACEMENT OF “GRANITIC” BATHOLITHS Tends toward more felsic compositions over time Epizonal batholiths form mostly by roof collapse (stoping) or downdropping of the chamber floor CRUSTAL ANATEXIS AT DIFFERENT CRUSTAL DEPTHS GENETIC CLASSIFICATION OF GRANITIC ROCKS BASED ON SOURCE ROCK/MODE OF ORIGIN Table 18-3. The S-I-A-M Classification of Granitoids SiO2 K2O/Na2O Type M 46-70% low Fe3+/Fe2+ Cr, Ni low 18O < 9‰ low < 9‰ low high > 9‰ var low var Ca, Sr high A/(C+N+K)* low low: metal- moderate uminous to peraluminous I 53-76% low high in mafic rocks S 65-74% high low high low metaluminous A high 77% Na2O high * molar Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O) low var peralkaline 87 Sr/86Sr Misc Petrogenesis < 0.705 Low Rb, Th, U Subduction zone Low LIL and HFS or ocean-intraplate Mantle-derived < 0.705 high LIL/HFS Subduction zone med. Rb, Th, U Infracrustal hornblende Mafic to intermed. magnetite igneous source > 0.707 variable LIL/HFS Subduction zone high Rb, Th, U biotite, cordierite Supracrustal Als, Grt, Ilmenite sedimentary source var low LIL/HFS Anorogenic high Fe/Mg Stable craton high Ga/Al Rift zone High REE, Zr High F, Cl Data from White and Chappell (1983), Clarke (1992), Whalen (1985) M-TYPE GRANITOIDS Table 18-3. The S-I-A-M Classification of Granitoids DIFFERENTIATES OF MAFIC MAGMAS SiO2 K2O/Na2O Type M 46-70% low Fe3+/Fe2+ Cr, Ni low 18O < 9‰ low < 9‰ low high > 9‰ var low var Ca, Sr high A/(C+N+K)* low low: metal- moderate uminous to peraluminous I 53-76% low high in mafic rocks S 65-74% high low high low metaluminous A high 77% Na2O high * molar Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O) low var peralkaline 87 Sr/86Sr Misc Petrogenesis < 0.705 Low Rb, Th, U Subduction zone Low LIL and HFS or ocean-intraplate Mantle-derived < 0.705 high LIL/HFS Subduction zone med. Rb, Th, U Infracrustal hornblende Mafic to intermed. magnetite igneous source > 0.707 variable LIL/HFS Subduction zone high Rb, Th, U biotite, cordierite Supracrustal Als, Grt, Ilmenite sedimentary source var low LIL/HFS Anorogenic high Fe/Mg Stable craton high Ga/Al Rift zone High REE, Zr High F, Cl Data from White and Chappell (1983), Clarke (1992), Whalen (1985) Type M Table 18-3. The S-I-A-M Classification of Granitoids I-T YPE GRANITOIDS Sr/ Sr SiO K O/Na O Ca, Sr A/(C+N+K)* Fe /Fe Cr, Ni O Misc Petrogenesis Table 18-3. The S-I-A-MU Classification of Granitoids R EMELTING OF M AFIC NDERPLATED C RUST 46-70% low high low low low < 9‰ < 0.705 Low Rb, Th, U Subduction zone 3+ 2 2 2+ 18 87 86 2 SiO2 K2O/Na2O Type M 46-70% low I 53-76% low Ca, Sr high high in mafic rocks high in mafic low rocks 3+ 2+ A/(C+N+K)* Fe /Fe low low low: metal- moderate uminous to peraluminous low: metal- moderate uminous high to low peraluminous I 53-76% low S 65-74% high S 65-74% high low A high 77% Na2O high low var metaluminous peralkaline var A high 77% Na2O high low var peralkaline var * molar Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O) * molar Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O) metaluminous high low Low LIL and HFS or ocean-intraplate Misc Petrogenesis Mantle-derived < 0.705 Low Rb, Th, U Subduction zone < 0.705 high LIL/HFS Subduction zone Low LIL and HFS or ocean-intraplate med. Rb, Th, U Infracrustal Mantle-derived hornblende Mafic to intermed. low < 9‰ < 0.705 high LIL/HFS Subduction zone magnetite igneous source Rb,LIL/HFS Th, U Infracrustal high > 9‰ > 0.707 med. variable Subduction zone hornblende Mafic to intermed. high Rb, Th, U magnetite igneous source biotite, cordierite Supracrustal high > 9‰ > 0.707 variable Subduction source zone Als, Grt, LIL/HFS Ilmenite sedimentary high Th, U low var var low Rb, LIL/HFS Anorogenic biotite, cordierite Supracrustal high Fe/Mg Stable craton Als, Grt, Ilmenite sedimentary source high Ga/Al Rift zone low var var low LIL/HFS Anorogenic High REE, Zr high Stable craton HighFe/Mg F, Cl high Ga/Al Rift(1985) zone Data from White and Chappell (1983), Clarke (1992), Whalen High REE, Zr High F, Cl Cr, Ni low low 18O < 9‰ < 9‰ 87 Sr/86Sr Data from White and Chappell (1983), Clarke (1992), Whalen (1985) SiO2 K2O/Na2O Type M 46-70% low Ca, Sr high A/(C+N+K)* low Fe3+/Fe2+ Cr, Ni low 18O < 9‰ 87 Sr/86Sr Misc Petrogenesis low < 0.705 Low Rb, Th, U Subduction zone Low LIL and HFS or ocean-intraplate Mantle-derived I 53-76% low high in low: metal- moderate low < 9‰ < 0.705 high LIL/HFS Subduction zone Table 18-3. The S-I-A-M Classification of Granitoids mafic uminous to med. Rb, Th, U Infracrustal rocks peraluminous hornblende Mafic to intermed. 3+ 2+ 87 86 18 Fe /Fe Sr/ Sr O SiO K O/Na O Type Ca, Sr A/(C+N+K)* Cr, Ni Misc Petrogenesis 2 2 2 magnetite igneous source M 46-70% low high low low < 9‰ > < 0.707 0.705 variable Low Rb,LIL/HFS Th, U S 65-74% high low high low high > Subduction zone Low and highLIL Rb, Th,HFS U or ocean-intraplate metaluminous biotite, cordierite Supracrustal Mantle-derived Grt, Ilmenite sedimentary I 53-76% low high in low: metal- moderate low < 9‰ < 0.705 Als, high LIL/HFS Subduction source zone Na2O mafic uminous med. Th, U Infracrustal A high low var to var low var var lowRb, LIL/HFS Anorogenic rocks peraluminous hornblende Mafic to intermed. 77% high peralkaline high Fe/Mg Stable craton magnetite igneous source high Ga/Al Rift zone S 65-74% high low high low high > 9‰ > 0.707 variable LIL/HFS Subduction zone High REE, Zr high Rb,F,Th, High Cl U metaluminous biotite,Clarke cordierite Supracrustal * molar Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O) Data from White and Chappell (1983), (1992), Whalen (1985) Als, Grt, Ilmenite sedimentary source Na2O A high low var var low var var low LIL/HFS Anorogenic 77% high peralkaline high Fe/Mg Stable craton high Ga/Al Rift zone High REE, Zr High F, Cl S-TYPE GRANITOIDS REMELTING OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS * molar Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O) Data from White and Chappell (1983), Clarke (1992), Whalen (1985) Dehydration Melting of Hydrous Mineral-bearing Rocks Mantle-derived I 53-76% low high in low: metal- moderate low < 9‰ < 0.705 high LIL/HFS Subduction zone mafic uminous to med. Rb, Th, U Infracrustal rocks peraluminous hornblende Mafic to intermed. magnetite igneous source S 65-74% high low high low high > 9‰ > 0.707 variable LIL/HFS Subduction zone Table 18-3. The S-I-A-M Classification of Granitoids high Rb, Th, U metaluminous biotite, cordierite Supracrustal 3+ 2+ 87 18 Sr/86Sr Als, Grt, SiO2 K2O/Na2O Ca, Sr A/(C+N+K)* Fe /Fe Type Cr, Ni O Misc Petrogenesis Ilmenite sedimentary source M 46-70% low high low low low < 9‰ < 0.705 Low Rb, Th, U Subduction zone Na2O A high low var var low var var low LIL/HFS Anorogenic Lowhigh LILFe/Mg and HFS or Stable ocean-intraplate 77% high peralkaline craton Mantle-derived high Ga/Al Rift zone I 53-76% low high in low: metal- moderate low < 9‰ < 0.705 high LIL/HFS Subduction zone High REE, Zr mafic uminous to med.High Rb,F, Th, Infracrustal ClU rocks peraluminous hornblende Mafic to(1985) intermed. * molar Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O) Data from White and Chappell (1983), Clarke (1992), Whalen magnetite igneous source S 65-74% high low high low high > 9‰ > 0.707 variable LIL/HFS Subduction zone high Rb, Th, U metaluminous biotite, cordierite Supracrustal Als, Grt, Ilmenite sedimentary source Na2O A high low var var low var var low LIL/HFS Anorogenic 77% high peralkaline high Fe/Mg Stable craton high Ga/Al Rift zone High REE, Zr High F, Cl A-TYPE GRANITOIDS ANOROGENIC MELTING OF CONTINENTAL INTERIORS * molar Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O) Data from White and Chappell (1983), Clarke (1992), Whalen (1985) GRANITES CREATED DURING CONTINENTCONTINENT COLLISION (OROGENESIS) POST- OROGENIC GRANTOIDS EXTENSIONAL COLLAPSE PostPenokean granites TECTONIC DISCRIMINATION DIAGRAMS FOR GRANITOIDS Figure 18.9. Examples of granitoid discrimination diagrams used by Pearce et al. (1984, J. Petrol., 25, 956-983) with the granitoids of Table 18-2 plotted. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.