Hong Kong as a Regional Education Hub Education Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government April 2010 1 Education Services One of six economic areas identified as having good potential for further development in Hong Kong Objectives Enhance Hong Kong’s status as a regional education hub Nurture talents Increase competitiveness Further internationalize and diversify our higher education sector 2 Developing Hong Kong as a Regional Education Hub To attract quality students to study and stay in Hong Kong to enlarge our talent pool To increase the exposure of our local students 3 Developing Hong Kong as a Regional Education Hub A place where East meets West Exposure to a blend of Chinese and Western cultures English environment and speaking tertiary institutions English- Cosmopolitan campus life Nurturing students with inter-cultural competence Preparing students to meet challenges in a globalized world 4 Developing Hong Kong as a Regional Education Hub Internationally-recognized academic standard World-class universities Internationally-recognized curriculum and rigorous quality assurance mechanism 5 Developing Hong Kong as a Regional Education Hub QS.com Asian University Rankings (2009) HKU, CUHK and HKUST ranked 1st, 2nd and 4th Times Higher Education Supplement (2009) HKU, HKUST and CUHK among the top 50 universities in the world CityU and PolyU ranked within the top 200 6 Developing Hong Kong as a Regional Education Hub Prestigious EMBA and MBA programs EMBA programs of Kellogg-HKUST and CUHK ranked 1st and 19th in the world in 2009 (Financial Times) The MBA programs of HKUST and CUHK ranked 9th and 28th in the world in 2010 (Financial Times) Impressive standing in hospitality and tourism The School of Hotel and Tourism Management of PolyU ranked 2nd in the world in 2009 (Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research) 7 Internationalization 9,300 non-local students (13%) in publiclyfunded programs Tuition fee: US$9,000 - $13,000 per year Student exchange programs with major universities around the world receives more than 3,000 incoming exchange students from around the world more than 3,000 out-going local students participate in exchange activities 8 Internationalization Measures implemented in 2008 to facilitate non-local students studying in Hong Kong Doubled non-local student quotas for local institutions (10% to 20%) Established the HK$1 billion HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund Relaxed employment and immigration restrictions Allowing non-local students to take up part-time job, internship and summer job Relaxing restrictions for non-local graduates seeking local employment Granting fresh non-local graduates 12 months’ stay without restrictions 9 Internationalization Hong Kong offers ample research opportunities Established the HK$18 billion Research Endowment Fund in 2009 Will create additional 800 publicly-funded research postgraduate places Launched the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme in 2009 Aims to attract best and brightest students from around the world Provides monthly stipend and allowance for up to three years 10 Internationalization Over 1,200 courses in Hong Kong offered by institutions outside Hong Kong Leading to the award of a non-local higher academic or professional qualification Distribution 62% UK 22% Australia 8% US & Canada 6% Mainland China 2% Other countries 11 Diversification In 2009/10, 27% of students in the 17-20 age cohort are receiving degree education Degree programs First-year first degree % 22% Publicly-funded 19% Self-financing Senior year places 4% 5% Publicly-funded 2% Self-financing 3% Degree programs (total) 27% 12 Diversification Measures to facilitate development of Hong Kong’s self-financing higher education sector Land Grant Scheme To invite interested institutions, local and nonlocal, to express interest in developing a selffinancing higher education institution on a site which can provide over 100,000 sq. metres in gross floor area Start-up Loan Scheme Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme 13 Thank you 14