scheduling algorithm

Lecture Topics: 11/15
• CPU scheduling:
– Scheduling goals and algorithms
Review: Process State
• A process can be in one of several
states (new, ready, running, waiting,
• The OS keeps track of process state by
maintaining a queue of PCBs for each
• The ready queue contains PCBs of
processes that are waiting to be
assigned to the CPU.
The Scheduling Problem
• Need to share the CPU between
multiple processes in the ready queue.
– OS needs to decide which process gets
the CPU next.
– Once a process is selected, OS needs to
do some work to get the process running
on the CPU.
How Scheduling Works
• The scheduler is responsible for
choosing a process from the ready
queue. The scheduling algorithm
implemented by this module determines
how process selection is done.
• The scheduler hands the selected
process off to the dispatcher which
gives the process control of the CPU.
When Does The OS Make
Scheduling Decisions ?
• Scheduling decisions are always made:
– when a process is terminated, and
– when a process switches from running to
• Scheduling decisions are made when an
interrupt occurs only in a preemptive
How is the CPU Shared?
• Non-preemptive scheduling:
– The scheduler must wait for a running
process to voluntarily relinquish the CPU
(process either terminates or blocks).
– Why would you choose this approach?
– What are the disadvantages of using this
How is the CPU Shared?
• Preemptive scheduling:
– The OS can force a running process to give
up control of the CPU, allowing the
scheduler to pick another process.
– What are the advantages of using this
– What are the implementation challenges
presented by this approach?
Scheduling Goals
• Maximize throughput and resource
– Need to overlap CPU and I/O activities.
• Minimize response time, waiting time
and turnaround time.
• Share CPU in a fair way.
• May be difficult to meet all these goals-sometimes need to make tradeoffs.
CPU and I/O Bursts
• Typical process execution pattern: use
the CPU for a while (CPU burst), then
do some I/O operations (IO burst).
• CPU bound processes perform I/O
operations infrequently and tend to
have long CPU bursts.
• I/O bound processes spend less time
doing computation and tend to have
short CPU bursts.
Scheduling Algorithms
• First Come First Served (FCFS)
– Scheduler selects the process at the head
of the ready queue; typically nonpreemptive
– Example: 3 processes arrive at the ready
queue in the following order:
P1 ( CPU burst = 24 ms)
P2 ( CPU burst = 3 ms)
P3 ( CPU burst = 3 ms)
Scheduling Algorithms
• First Come First Served (FCFS)
– Example: What’s the average waiting time?
• FCFS pros & cons:
+Simple to implement.
– Average waiting time can be large if
processes with short CPU bursts get stuck
behind processes with long CPU bursts.
Scheduling Algorithms
• Round Robin (RR)
– FCFS + preemptive scheduling.
– Ready queue is treated as a circular queue.
– Each process gets the CPU for a time
quantum (or time slice), typically 10 - 100
– A process runs until it blocks, terminates,
or uses up its time slice.
Scheduling Algorithms
• Round Robin (RR)
– Example: Assuming a time quantum of 4
ms, what’s the average waiting time?
• Issue: What’s the right value for the
time quantum?
• Too long => poor response time
• Too short => poor throughput
Scheduling Algorithms
• Round Robin (RR)
• RR pros & cons:
+Works well for short jobs; typically used in
timesharing systems.
– High overhead due to frequent context
– Increases average waiting time, especially
if CPU bursts are the same length and
need more than one time quantum.
Scheduling Algorithms
• Priority Scheduling
– Select the process with the highest priority.
– Priority based on some attribute of the
process (e.g., memory requirements,
owner of process, etc.)
• Issue:
– Starvation: low priority jobs may wait
indefinitely. Can prevent starvation by
aging (increase process priority as a
function of the waiting time).
Scheduling Algorithms
• Shortest Job First (SJF)
– Special case of priority scheduling
(priority = expected length of CPU burst)
– Non-preemptive version: scheduler
chooses the process with the least amount
of work to do (shortest CPU burst).
– Preemptive version: scheduler chooses the
process with the shortest remaining time to
completion -- a running process can be
Scheduling Algorithms
• Shortest Job First (SJF)
– Example: What’s the average waiting time?
• Issue: How do you predict the future?
– In practice systems use past process
behavior to predict the length of the next
CPU burst.
Scheduling Algorithms
• Shortest Job First (SJF)
• SJF pros & cons:
+Better average response time.
+It’s the best you can do to minimize
average response time-- can prove the
algorithm is optimal.
– Difficult to predict the future.
– Unfair-- possible starvation (many short
jobs can keep long jobs from making any
Scheduling Algorithms
• Multi-level Queues
– Maintain multiple ready queues based on
process “type” (e.g., interactive queue,
CPU bound queue, etc.).
– Each queue has a priority; a process is
permanently assigned to a queue.
– May use a different scheduling algorithm in
each queue.
– Need to decide how to schedule between
Scheduling Algorithms
• Multi-level Feedback Queues
– Adaptive algorithm: Processes can move
between queues based on past behavior.
– Round robin scheduling in each queue -time slice increases in lower priority levels.
– Queue assignment:
• Put new process in highest priority queue.
• If CPU burst takes longer than one time
quantum, drop one level.
• If CPU burst completes before timer expires,
move up one level.