IT Teacher 0.4 Fixed term one year with the potential for this to develop into a permanent role From September 2014 We are looking for a dynamic teacher who is looking for their first step onto the leadership ladder. We want someone who can walk the walk and lead by example. You will be looking to develop your leadership skills and be part of the engine room of change at this forward looking 11-18 academy. Innovative curriculum praised by OFSTED where GCSEs are taken over a number of years, relieving year 11 pressure. Mixed age tutor groups and teaching encourage students to learn the life skills of effective communication across year groups. In the TES: Friday 9th May 2014 Closing date: Closing date 9am, Friday 16th May 2014 (apologies for the short application window) Proposed Interview week: Monday 19th May 2014 BE YOUR BEST AT BES Northgate Bridgnorth Shropshire WV16 4ER Headteacher Mr P Loveday : Chair of Governors Mrs A Bamford Telephone 01746 762103 : Fax 01746 768340 Email: website: Dear Thank you very much for your interest in applying for the post of IT teacher at Bridgnorth Endowed School from September 2014. I hope that you find the information in this pack useful and that you are encouraged to submit an application. The School: The school has over 500 years of tradition, being the Old Grammar School in Bridgnorth since 1503. It became a comprehensive school in 1974. I joined the school in January 2009, moving from an outstanding school in York. The first thing I noticed on interview was the students; they are articulate, well mannered and confident in themselves. I also found staff to be warm and welcoming, and the longer I have spent here the more I find these things to be true. As a school we are actively seeking to provide an outstanding education from a current position of satisfactory/requires improvement with the drive to being recognised as providing a good education at our next OFSTED inspection, expected in the current academic year. We became a converter Academy on 1st March 2013. We were in the position of being able to apply for Academy status because of the increase in results over the previous three years that saw us receive an Outstanding Improvement Award from the SSAT in June 2012. Our vision: Be your Best at B.E.S. We are a vibrant learning community where students are inspired to achieve their potential Where we are now: The school was recognised as one of the top 200 most improved nationally in June 2012, following year on year improvement in exam results since 2008 (44% 5+ A*-C inc English and Maths) so that in 2012 67% of students achieved five or more A*-C grades, including English and Maths and 83% achieved 5 or more A*C grades. In June 2012 we were presented with an outstanding improvement award, and Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT (The Schools Network) said: “Bridgnorth Endowed School should be congratulated for their stunning achievement in improving their GCSE results.” “Bridgnorth Endowed School has proved itself to be one of the best schools in the country at improving GCSE outcomes for their students. There is plenty that other schools could learn from Bridgnorth Endowed School’s success. “These results are testament to the commitment and hard work of the students, teachers and leadership team at Bridgnorth Endowed School and a vindication of their belief in high expectations, good teaching and ambition for every young person. “Successful schools like Bridgnorth Endowed School understand the value of data, such as these progress measures, in helping to ensure all young people perform to the very best of their ability. The progress measures show how schools make a difference and raise achievement above expectations.” The OFSTED inspection of March 2011 found that “The headteacher provides a clear vision and drive for improvement and has an accurate view of the strengths and weaknesses of the school. There is now a shared understanding of what constitutes high-quality teaching and learning, and many teachers have responded to the challenge and improved their practice. The senior leadership team and many middle managers communicate high expectations.” The inspection team were clear that we are a school that is improving rapidly and where there are many innovative and exciting things happening. We have moved from the bottom of satisfactory in 2008 to the border of Good. However we are not happy being described as satisfactory and will not rest until teaching and learning is outstanding so that pupils leave us prepared for the rigours of the world, having gained the qualifications that mean they will have the opportunities to fulfil their potential in their working life. Results summer 2013 showed general improvement but the headline 5+ A*-C including English and Maths figure was hit by poor maths results meaning that whilst 85% of students achieved 5 or more A*-C and the ‘Best 8’ progress figure was the best in recent times (1000.7), only 58% of students achieved 5+ A*-C including English and Maths. Since then, new leaders in English and Maths have developed very clear strategies to improve attainment and progress in these core areas and we are confident that we have the right people in the right post in these areas. We are a school that believes in developing our leaders as well as our teachers and over the last twelve months we have seen changes at senior leader level with new staff appointments as Assistant Head (Support) and Assistant Head (Experience). The current senior leadership team is the strongest in my time in the school and I am looking to develop its strengths further. We are committed to the development of the personalising learning agenda and to that end we have restructuring the Teaching and Learning Responsibilities to reflect the nine gateways to personalising learning, grouped into the Deeps as per David Hargreaves’s work. We have also remodeled the Senior Leadership Team around the Deeps. I am looking for staff who are reflective, always looking to improve themselves through coaching, collaboration and peer observation. CPD is strong at the school with a good internal system where staff training takes place every Monday night for an hour and half after school. This excellent training is augmented by visiting national inspirational figures such as Jackie Beere, Claire Gadbsy and Paul Trainor, all who have visited in the last 18 months and have become friends of the school. We also believe in bringing in people to inspire the students and use athlete mentors, such as Lesley Owusu, Daniel Caines, Adam Whitehead and others regularly. The whole staff was TEEP trained in 2010 and all new staff are trained in teaching and learning BES style by our in school TEEP trained consultant. If you feel that you are able to meet the challenges we are setting for the future then I am pleased that you are interested in joining us on our exciting journey towards providing an outstanding education to all those in our care and look forward to receiving an application from you. Applying for the post: I hope you will be interested in applying for one of these posts. If you are, please complete the application form and return it to the school by Friday 16th May 2014, by 9.00 am at the latest (apologies for the quick turn around). In your letter of application, which should be no more than two sides of A4 (Times New Roman 12 pt), please make it clear how your skills, experiences and educational philosophy link with our whole school vision and the role for which you are applying. Application forms should be returned by post to: The Headteacher, Bridgnorth Endowed School, Northgate, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4ER or by email to my PA Mrs Beaman ( If you have not heard from me by 19th May, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion. If that is the case then may I thank you for taking the trouble to apply and I wish you well in future applications. Phil Loveday Headteacher May 2014 ICT at BES The ICT Department is part of the Science and Technology Cluster. This brings together talented staff from Science, Design and Technology and ICT together in driving their departments and the school forwards. We have two very experienced members in ICT, each with their own specialist area; Multimedia Technology, Marketing and Business. These skills are used to create a dynamic and enjoyable curriculum for all students. We are a very hard working department who are both supportive and who help each other by sharing knowledge and resources. Our aim is to make our students’ experience of ICT as enjoyable, fun and motivating as possible. The ICT facilities throughout the school are excellent, with a recently upgraded network and new computers in the majority of the computer suites. All staff have laptops and each classroom has a projector and an interactive whiteboard. We are very proud of our student-to-computer ratio of approximately 1 to 3. All subjects are able to book ICT suites when available, allowing cross-curricular ICT skills to be developed. Our curriculum consists of: Foundation Stage in year 7, all students will commence the new Program of Study which introduces Computing at the core of all lessons. Year 8 will follow a similar approach allowing them to acquire the skills required by the changes in IT. Development Stage in years 9 to 11 allow students to opt to take a GCSE in ICT with 5 hours per week teaching allowance. Students can choose between AQA Computer Science, AQA GCSE ICT or OCR iMedia. Advanced Stage years 12 and 13, students undertake the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in IT or the Diploma in IT. At AS they focus on three or six units depending on the choice of course followed. The units chosen allow all students to have a full understanding of areas that are invaluable for employers but also the necessary skills for higher education. The ICT department is enthusiastic, hard-working and has an open ethos of collaboration, support and driving standards to make all lessons enjoyable and allowing all students to achieve their potential. Mr Wez Akhtar DDPL Science and Technology Cluster Generic Role descriptions for teaching staff Introduction All posts at Bridgnorth Endowed School involve at all times seeking to further the mission and vision of the school, accepting responsibility for the implementation of school policy, procedures and other guidance, working positively, flexibly and co-operatively both with colleagues and as appropriate with those outside the school and the setting of high standards. All teaching posts are subject to the general duties and responsibilities set out in the School Teacher’s Pay and Conditions Document published annually. This sets out in detail the duties that it is the professional responsibility of teaching staff to carry out as circumstances require. All roles also involve responsibilities as set out in the appropriate national standards. Additional duties may be asked of members of staff by the Head as occasion requires. The generic role specifications below are offered in good faith as a guide to professional practice in the expectation that staff will seek to approach them in a professional manner. All role specifications are subject to revision in the light of changing circumstances. Main Scale Teacher Job Description Purpose: Reporting to: Responsible for: Salary/Grade: Disclosure Level: Main (Core) Duties Operational/Strategic Planning: Assessment for Learning: All teachers are subject to the Conditions of Employment set out annually in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. These detail the professional and particular duties required of all teachers, together with the requirements for Management time, Leadership time, guaranteed Planning & Preparation time. The School complies with these requirements in order to make reasonable demands of teachers. Director of Personalising Learning The progress and achievement of all students assigned to classes taught Raising pupil’s achievement through providing well planned high quality teaching and learning, monitoring progress, providing intervention, care and support and working with other staff colleagues as necessary. Promoting pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development Developing numeracy and literacy skills in all students. Main Scale/Upper Pay Spine with teaching load 44/50, 10% PPA time + 1 mentoring period per fortnight. Enhanced Teaching within the curriculum cluster using the TEEP planning and delivery model. Be a Form Tutor to a group of students across the 11-18 age range. Set challenging teaching & learning objectives which are relevant to all students in their classes. Produce long, medium and short term planning in accordance with school policy and procedures and within required deadlines. All planning of lessons/units of work to follow the TEEP model. Develop and audit schemes of work and other documentation within the curriculum area and to support cross-curricular delivery including support for colleagues to enable curriculum requirements to be met. Implement and review the cluster development plan in conjunction with the line manager. Use T&L objectives to plan lessons and sequences of lessons showing how this will assess students’ learning. Make appropriate use of the school’s monitoring and assessment strategies to evaluate students’ progress towards planned learning objectives. Use monitoring and assessment information to improve planning and teaching. Monitor and assess the effectiveness of learning activities and Teaching & Learning: Human Resources: Quality Assurance: Professional Development: Communications: Management of Resources: Additional Duties: provide immediate and constructive feedback to support students as they learn. Involve students in reflecting on, evaluating and improving their own performance and progress. Assess students’ progress accurately against appropriate standards. Set challenging targets for attainment based on FFT ‘D’ or ALIS where appropriate. Track individual student progress, planning and implementing individualised intervention to ensure that all students make at least good progress Develop strategies to promote new teaching methods and improve learning throughout the school and monitor their effectiveness in raising standards of Teaching & Learning. Have high expectations of students and build successful relationships centred on Teaching & Learning. Establish a purposeful learning environment where diversity is valued and where students feel safe, secure and confident. Teach clearly structured lessons or sequences of learning which interest and motivate students, making learning objectives clear, employ interactive teaching methods and collaborative group work. Differentiate teaching to meet the needs of students of all abilities. Organise and manage Teaching & Learning time effectively. Record students’ progress and achievements systematically in line with the school policy on assessment & reporting. Plan for the deployment of any support staff who are contributing to students’ learning. Work collaboratively with other professionals and manage the work of support staff to enhance students’ learning. Take part in the School’s QA systems and procedures. Contribute or lead professional development activities as part of the planned programme for the school and to promote the sharing of good practice. Participate in training, continuous professional development and other learning activities as required including participation in the schools’ performance management arrangements. Contribute to team meetings and events. Set high expectations for students’ behaviour and establish a clear framework for classroom discipline in line with school policy on behaviour management. Anticipate and manage students’ behaviour constructively and promote self-control and independence. Ensure that students are entered for examinations in line with the school policy on examinations. Manage and deploy resources effectively within lessons. Select and prepare resources, and plan for their safe and effective organisation, with the help of support staff where appropriate. Organise and manage the physical teaching space, tools, materials, texts and resources safely and effectively with the help of support staff where appropriate. Use ICT effectively in delivery of Teaching & Learning. To use the Mentoring hour provided per fortnight as part of PPAM constructively to support individual students progress towards fulfilling their potential through short withdrawl sessions, planning and marking additional learning or engaging in cluster/subject CPD to develop improved differentiation. To work within the requirements of the Safeguarding Children’s Policy To play a full part in the life of the school community, to support its distinctive mission and ethos and to encourage staff and students to follow this example. To undertake other reasonable responsibilities delegated to the post-holder by the Headteacher. In order to support the principles of distributed leadership and succession planning, over time all teaching staff are expected to: Review and develop curriculum policy within their cluster/curriculum area. Monitor and evaluate the quality of planning in the cluster/curriculum area by other teachers. Observe teaching in the cluster/curriculum area in order to support teaching; identify strengths; and areas for further development, or evaluate the impact of school improvement work. Evaluate relevant assessment information for individuals, groups or cohorts. Ensure all students in their care are entered for relevant external assessments/examinations. Suggest issues in the cluster/curriculum area for further development. Review and co-ordinate the use of resources in the cluster/curriculum area. Provide advice and support new staff in the cluster/curriculum area. Report on progress, achievement and standards in the cluster/curriculum area to staff, governors or parents. Arrange and promote relevant subject activities to promote students’ enthusiasm and interest. Take part in collaborative planning, assessment and other relevant activities with partner providers (e.g. OWS, SELF, Beacon Employment, Wildwoods etc.). Actively promote student voice, learn to learn and PLTS. To be a role model and promote a professional approach to all BES activities whether in or out of school. Take an active part in all whole school developments e.g. coaching program, Be the best etc All staff are expected to be teaching using the TEEP framework and working at or towards the advanced level of AfL as detailed in the staff handbook. Tutor Job description Twenty minutes spent with the vertical tutor group daily (usually the tutor group will comprise 20 11 – 16 year olds with roughly 4 per year group). Tasks during tutor time: o Modelling coaching and mentoring o Tutor as Be the Best advocate o Tutor group admin o Monitoring academic progress o Oversight of behaviour for learning o Development of Global tutor group identity o Accompanying tutor group to assembly once a week Key point of contact for parents concerned over general issues. Writing tutor reports once a year, one per student per annum. Attendance at parents evening o Settling in parents evening (1.5 hours in October) to meet parents and discuss the students start to the year o Year parents evenings (year 7 to 11); 0.5 hour for each year group. To meet parents and discuss overall progress, behaviour and attendance. o New parents evening (1 hour July); to meet new year 6 members of tutor group All teachers are provided with one hour per fortnight designated as part of their PPAM to compensate for time spent in parental conversations and to provide the opportunity for tutors (or teachers) to withdraw students from other classes for a short mentoring or coaching session where necessary. This equates to nearly 20 hours in any academic year. The Role of the Form Tutor Care for the individual Care for the individual student lies at the heart of the schools pastoral care. Knowing each member of the form group as an individual, and care for each as an individual. Knowing their Home circumstances Friendships Interests Academic strengths and areas for development Extra-curricular involvement Aspirations for the future Tutors will: Listen, support, encourage and guide Let each student in their care know that they are valued as an individual of real potential, that they have strengths that can be shared with others and that they are special. Work with their students so that each member of the group grows to understand the special contribution that each has to make to the school community and to society generally. Ensure that students know their levels of achievement, their targets and what they need to do to reach those targets. Watch over the development of their students, both academically and as young people, and give them a sense of self-worth and the confidence to allow them to make the most of their abilities. Tutors will also: Be a role model to all young people (dress, punctuality etc.) Be trusted and approachable Provide an open link with home Be consistent and fair when reinforcing school policies and promoting the school ethos Have the ‘big picture’ of each of their students progress Be a good listener Be trustworthy Facilitate team building Motivate Be a critical friend Be student centred Be knowledgeable Tutorial time will be: Creative, active and purposeful A time develop tolerance, understanding and inclusivity Tutors will promote the nine main facets of tutorial work: 1. A place of consistency where a student is well known 2. Business and administration 3. Reinforcing standards and expectations 4. Monitoring homework 5. Monitoring academic progress 6. Information, advice and guidance (IAG) 7. Social, moral, cultural and personal development 8. Independent reading and literacy 9. Development of mentoring and coaching skills in students PERSON SPECIFICATION POST TITLE: Main Scale teacher Knowledge & Experience Experience of comprehensive education A clear philosophy on how and why the subject should be taught Subject knowledge sufficient to challenge able students and achieve high outcomes at sixth form level Familiarity with national strategies Qualifications Qualified teacher status Honours degree or equivalent Training/Professional Development Evidence of keeping up to date with educational thinking and knowledge Practical and Intellectual Skills Ability to articulate and maintain a vision for high quality education An effective communicator and motivator of pupils Able to communicate both orally & in writing to students & their parents A thorough appreciation of the applicant of the principles of equal opportunity Personal Qualities Openness, enthusiasm and positive outlook Willingness to learn and confidence to think ‘out of the box’ Reflective practitioner An ability to work under pressure while maintaining a sense of humour The ability to work independently and collaboratively as a member of a team Reliability & integrity Good personal organisation Physical Energy, stamina, resilience Evidence of good health Teaching and Learning The potential to be an outstanding practitioner Able to use a range of teaching & learning strategies An understanding of how assessment for learning can improve student performance Knowledge & understanding of how ICT can be used in the teaching of the subject to enhance student learning Able to use student level data to raise standards