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YogaVoice® Vocal Vinyasa™
This Vocal Vinyasa™ is designed to train your awareness of breathing and sound in each of the 7
major chakras. By eliciting the quality of the element associated with each chakra, and by
bringing that energy into the way the breath is used to make a vocal sound, we develop the
qualities of a free, communicative voice (resonance, inflection, volume, clarity, spaciousness,
listening, etc). Practiced mindfully, each of the exercises trains an aspect of healthy and
balanced voice mechanics, as well as a psycho-spiritual aspect of vocal communication.
To get the most from this practice, cultivate the skill of listening first for a sense of the space and
vibration in each chakra as you coordinate the breath gesture with the authentic vocal sound.
Use the BIJA mantras (activating words) and Vibrational Phonemes (healing sounds)
interchangeably, based upon your intention. Try not to judge your own voice or the resulting
sound in any exercise. Simply listen, observe, and feel the connection to your authentic vocal
In each of the exercises, pay close attention to the relationship of the breath to vocal tone. The
two phases of the breath gesture are important to consider. The in-breath gathers your
intention and invites the sound you are about to make (this is a listening, preparatory gesture).
The onset of the out-breath creates the vocal tone, which expresses your intention. The release
of the tone (release of the out-breath) is coordinated with the beginning of the new in-breath.
The vocal gesture is a natural manifestation of the breath cycle.
Each of the following tone/voice exercises can be practiced either in a simple seated or standing
posture or in an asana of your choosing. I have suggested an asana or two with each exercise.
There is a natural progression of the movement from one exercise to the other and when
practiced in the following sequence, you will begin to understand its flow as a vocal vinyasa.
Repeat each exercise until you feel a sense of satisfaction and completion with the energy it
awakens. Then move immediately to the next.
Sound/Voice Technique
“LUM” / [u] / ”soothe”
Onset and release of tone
Vocal Stability/Rhythm
In the root chakra, generate short, deep “blocks” of tone on LUM and/or “oo”, with a
breath between each. Explore tempo (speed) and rhythm of these sound blocks,
concentrating on the quality of Earth in your vocal tone. Coordinate your breathing with
the onset of the tone and the release of the tone, as described above. Explore further by
toning the word “soothe” and engaging mula bandha to deepen your awareness of the
grounding in your first chakra. Asana suggestions: Standing or seated Mountain pose,
Warrior 1 or 2
© 2014 Mark Moliterno
“VUM” / [o] / ”flow”
Sound/Voice Technique
Voice Inflection
In the sacral chakra, listen first for the fluidity of your creative impulse on your inbreath. With the out-breath, center a deep, resonant VUM and/or “oh” sound in the
sacrum and/or pelvic bowl. Let the low, deep sound rise and move around through the
different registers of your voice (moving high and low) as you imagine an undulating
river of sound emanating from your second chakra. Repeat, using the word “flow” and
allow yourself to embody the meaning of the word. Asana suggestions: Triangle,
Goddess, King Pigeon, Fish
“RUM” / [a] / ”prana”
Vocal Identity
In the solar plexus (epigastric region between your navel and sternum), center a
buoyant and light bouncing articulation of your breath as you tone RUM and/or “ah” to
resemble laughter. Think of the warm, bright, and alert quality of fire as you embody the
brightness of your own vocal personality. Have fun with this one. Repeat, toning the
word “prana”. Asana suggestion: Seated Twist, Side Angle
“YUM” / [e] / ”awake”
Place your hand directly over your sternum. Center your in-breath in your heart chakra
(clavicular breathing). Listen for and sense the openness in the heart chakra that will
become the “unstruck” source of your vocal tone. Concentrate on the quality of the
vocal gesture that can emanate from this open and expressive energy. On an outbreath, center a sustained YUM and/or “eh” tone here so that you can feel the vibration
of the vocal sound, on your sternum, under your hand. Begin the tone quietly and then
allow it to grow in intensity and expressive volume. At its peak loudness (while
maintaining the openness in the heart), release the tone with an in-breath, keeping the
heart/chest from constricting with the intake of air. Immediately resume the loud tone
on the next out-breath and gradually bring it back to the original quiet volume in a
smooth vocal gesture. Repeat several times, connecting an expressive intention to the
growth and return of the tone. Interchange the word “awake” with the “eh” sound, and
express the intention of the word as you practice the exercise. Asana suggestions:
Triangle, Cobra, Warrior 2
© 2014 Mark Moliterno
Sound/Voice Technique
“HUM” / [i] / ”free”
Place your hand on the back of your neck. On a deep, full in-breath, connect a line of
energy from your sacral chakra to the throat chakra as feel the inner ear open with your
awareness and your soft palate (top-back of your throat) lift toward the crown of your
head. This is similar to the sensation of yawning. On your out-breath, tone HUM so that
you feel the vibration of your voice under your hand. Maintain the yawn feeling as you
tone the “ee” vowel sound, cultivating the spaciousness of your voice. Sustain the tone
by keeping the fluidity of your breath stream moving from the sacral chakra to your
palate. Tone the word “free” and contemplate freedom and truth in your vocal
expression. Listen carefully to the tone for steadiness and freedom, especially through
your right ear. Cultivate listening as you breathe and tone the “ee” sound. Asana
suggestions: Eagle, Downward-facing Dog, Seated Forward Fold, Fish
“AUM” / [m] / ”mmm!”
Prephonatory Tuning
Intentional Awareness
Bringing your awareness to the center of your forehead (in-between your eyebrows),
contemplate the “third eye”. Begin to listen for the sound “mm” as a balancing sound
for your thoughts. With a slow, deep in-breath, gather your intention and listen for the
sound you are about to make. On the out-breath, lightly begin to tone the mantra AUM
and become aware of the vibration in the third eye when you close the lips for the
“mm”. The “mm” is a gathering, unifying sound. Hold the “mm” for as long as your
breath will allow, being sensitive to the evenness of vibration in the chakra through the
entire out-breath. On the next slow in-breath, release the tone and begin immediately
to listen for the silence that follows the sound. Just before your in-breath is complete,
begin to perceive the tone again and how you will voice it. This is called “prephonatory
tuning”: listening for the sound before you make it. Repeat 7-10 times until your
thoughts and intention are balanced and your awareness of the breath and tone are
united. Asana suggestions: Tree, Dancer, Child’s Pose
Silence / [ŋ] / ”sing”
Resonance Balancing
Inspiration awakening
With the attention at the crown of your head, take a slow, deep in-breath and gather
the intention of the words, “I sing”. On the out-breath, tone the words, connecting your
intention into the crown of your head with a full, vibrant breath gesture. Close to the
“ng” in “sing” and let that sound vibrate in the 7th chakra. You can also intentionally
connect the 3rd, 5th and 7th chakras in this exercise with your breath and tone as you
glide through the words. Allow the joy of singing to participate in the meaning of the
words you are toning! Asana suggestion: Seated meditation posture
© 2014 Mark Moliterno