Grants Committee Policies and Procedures Note: Nonprofits are highly encouraged to speak with the Chief Executive Officer or Foundation staff prior to submitting an application. Please call 757-397-5424 Grantmaking Policy Proposals for grants are considered on the basis of supporting the Southeast Virginia Community Foundation’s (SEVACF) Mission and its Fundamental Strategies which state that the Foundation’s primary focus is on “programs that support all community-related causes in our area of influence.” The Foundation’s Grants Committee oversees all grant making. The committee consists of no less than five members of the foundation board or advisory council but it is recommended that an odd number of people serve on the Grants Committee to allow for a majority vote, should one be necessary, though consensus decision-making is preferred. The Grants Committee shall be chaired by a director who has been appointed by the Executive Committee for a term of two years. The Board President and Executive Director are ex officio members of the committee with no voting rights. Only 501c3 nonprofit organizations serving the greater Hampton Roads area communities are eligible to apply. Agencies receiving SEVACF grants must serve its population without discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, disability and national origin or sexual orientation. The policy supports the philosophy and intent set by the SEVACF Board to make grants that have a lasting and positive impact on the population served by the applicant organization. To that end, the guideline is to recommend one-year grants. Organizations cannot apply for a grant more than once in a 12 month period. Each year, the Grants Committee makes recommendations to the SEVACF Board based on its research and review of the grant applications, and the budget appropriated by the Board. Programs must meet emerging needs, including the potential benefit of organizational capacity building grants to support these programs. To ensure objectivity, the Grants Committee uses a 10 question score sheet to evaluate each application. Policies Grants will be made only to non-profit charitable organizations. Grants will be made only to organizations that provide for a responsible nonprofit fiscal agent and adequate accounting procedures. Grants will be made only for projects/programs that are certified in writing by the chair and/or the Executive Director of the organization’s governing body. Grantees must submit final grant evaluations reports in a timely manner. If reports are delinquent from a previous grant, current applications will not be considered. (Final grant report attached) Grant Guidelines All grant requests must adhere to the following guidelines: SEVACF is interested in funding from its available discretionary funds charitable organizations that can demonstrate projects planned with respect to the community’s overall needs. The Board and Grants Committee, at their discretion, may direct unrestricted funds in a particular grant cycle to a specific community issue (i.e., education, breaking the cycle of poverty, women’s issues) Grant applicants should keep in mind that priority is given to projects that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Address current pressing problems; Reach a broad section of the community; Demonstrate innovation; Have a track record of success; Encourage matching gifts or added funding from other sources; Yield substantial benefits for the costs involved; Promote cooperation among agencies within their fields of interest; Agencies receiving grants must serve their population without discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, disability and national origin or sexual orientation. Consideration will be given to requests that address current programs as well as newly developed programs focused on meeting emerging needs, including the potential benefit of capacity building grants to support these programs. Grants will not be made for debt reduction. Grants for capital and endowment must demonstrate a clear tangible impact on program and must leverage matching funds within the particular organization. The amount of grants awarded will be determined by the SEVACF Grants Committee. Any future year commitments are contingent on some level of measureable performance and the appropriations process. Conflicts of Interest It is very important that the Foundation’s grantmaking process be perceived by both the public and the applicant, as fair and unbiased. Because board and committee members are active in the community, potential conflicts of interest may arise from time to time. It is the Foundation’s policy to deal with any conflicts of interest as openly as possible. A conflict of interest is defined as any activity or interest that may cause bias for or against a particular grant being considered. Committee and board members will disclose in writing and discuss potential conflicts and answer relevant questions. Once a conflict is disclosed, members may, if appropriate (as determined by the Board or Committee), abstain from further consideration of a particular application and will recuse him/herself from any discussion on the application. Confidentiality All discussions about applicants and the decisions of the committee are strictly confidential. This means that while committee members may discuss the nature of the review process in general terms, they may not discuss the details of the privileged information that comes through the review process or different Committee member’s opinions. What We Don’t Support The Foundation generally does not make grants for the following: Programs/equipment that were committed to prior to the grant application period. Debt reduction. Annual appeals or membership contributions To projects/organizations benefitting individuals or a few persons; Travel expense for individuals or groups Support of public or private educational institutions or government agencies except in special situations where support is essential to projects/programs that meet critical community needs; Political purposes; Capital and Endowment building unless matching funds are generated within the particular organization Religious organizations per se (However, projects that serve the community, regardless of religious affiliation, are eligible for committee consideration). Evaluation In evaluating grant proposals the Foundation gives consideration to: Project Quality: established community need, expected benefits, planning, similarity to other programs, reasonableness of budget and grant request, other expected funding sources, potential to leverage other grants. Community Impact: number of people affected, potential impact, demonstrated community need/desire for the project, collaboration with other organizations, volunteer commitment to the project. Project Management: staff and board experience, organizational ability to carry out the project, missionappropriate, long-range plan for the project and the organization, future of the organization. The Foundation also takes into account whether the Foundation has adequate resources to effectively respond to the request. Grant Review and Recommendation Process Agencies are encouraged to review our grant making policies and schedule and contact staff before submitting an application. The application is available in word format at Agencies submit grant applications to Ward Robinett, CEO, at or through regular mail to SEVACF, 5800 High Street West, Portsmouth, VA 23703 Deadline for grant requests is March 15 for the spring grant cycle and September 15 for the fall cycle. 15 days after the deadline: The Board sets the amount of funds available for disbursement, the length of commitment and a grant cap prior to Committee deliberations. The board of directors will provide the Grants Committee with guidance in regard to the types of requests to consider during a particular giving cycle. Staff must provide grant application summaries and the score sheet at least two weeks prior to the Grants Committee meeting. April and November: Grants Committee deliberates (includes reviewing grant application, additional research and agency visits or presentations). By Mid-April and November: Committee prepares a recommendation for grant funding to the Board for approval. Following the Board action, the Committee notifies all finalists, whether or not they have received a grant. May and December: Committee works with the Communications Committee and staff to announce funding selections, volunteer and agency presentation opportunities to all Hampton Roads residents and members. Grants Committee follows up with funded agencies on a semi-annual basis.