
Sponsorship of PSA’s Infrastructure Update Newsletter is now
available for the first time!
In 2010 the Senior Partners of PSA Group LLC (the leading supplier of targeted infrastructure
directories and lists since 2001) launched a 501c4 non-profit: PSA Infrastructure Advocacy & Education
Organization to help inform industry stakeholders of key legislative developments, new technologies
and key economic indicators affecting their businesses.
PSA’s Infrastructure Update Newsletter has been distributed 6 times per year ever since as a PDF via
email to over 100,000 public officials, contractors, engineers and manufacturers and suppliers in water
and wastewater, transit and transportation and transportation construction.
Sponsoring PSA’s Infrastructure Update Newsletter puts you right in
front of the Public Works industry!
Newsletter Sponsorship Offers:
$2,000 package
Sponsor is mentioned in subject line of the Newsletter email which is distributed via email to over
100,000 industry stakeholders
Sponsor is mentioned in LinkedIn post, the October edition of the Newsletter had over 2,300 views!
Sponsor gets a banner ad at the top of page one of the PDF Newsletter: Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixel)
Sponsor gets their choice of any four Marketing Directories with unlimited usage.
$1,000 package
Sponsor gets a banner ad at the bottom of page one of the PDF Newsletter: Full Banner (468 x 60 pixel):
Sponsor gets their choice of any three Marketing Directories with unlimited usage
Sponsor is mentioned in LinkedIn Post
Additional Banner Ad Specs:
Your banner ad must be a .gif, .jpg or .pdf.
Your ad cannot include animations.
Your ad cannot imitate computer effects like scrolling or mousing over.
No strobe or flashing effects allowed.
Audience Overview and Readership Stats:
Email Blast Audience: 100,000 targets in total
Water & Wastewater industry contacts comprise approximately 50% of the total universe,
Transportation Construction industry contacts comprise approximately 30% of the total universe
Transit and Transportation industry contacts comprise approximately 20% of the total universe.
Email Blast Audience by job description:
Public Officials: 34%
Contractors: 28%
Engineers: 17%
Manufacturers and Suppliers: 21%
Over 4,000 contacts on average open and read the Newsletter.
Social Media: The Newsletter averages over 2,000 views on Linkedin.
Distribution of the next Newsletter will begin on March 1, 2016. The deadline for submission
of Sponsorship materials is February 26, 2016
PSA Newsletter Sponsors can choose from any of our electronic Directories!
$2,000 Sponsors can choose any four of the directories, $1,000 sponsors can choose
any three. The Directories are delivered via email in Excel and are available for
unlimited usage in your marketing campaigns!
Please make your selection below; you’ll receive your Directories via email upon
receipt of your completed application:
Please send me: _____ Transit and Transportation Public Officials - Over 5,000 records – 3,600 with email addresses
_____ Water and Wastewater Public Officials - 44,000 records – 11,000 with email
_____ Water and Wastewater Contractors – 9,800 records – 3,800 with email
_____ Water and Wastewater Engineers - 3,600 records - 1,100 with email
_____ Road & Bridges (Transportation Construction) Public Officials - 8,500 records – 5,300 with email
_____ Transportation Construction Contractors - 7,700 records - 5,300 with email
_____ Transportation Engineers – 3.100 records - 900 with email
_____ Civil Engineers – 3,800 records – 1,300 with email
_____ Mechanical Engineers - 1,400 records – 500 with email
_____Trenchless Technology and Tunneling Construction – 1,600 records including 1,350 email
_____ Public Engineers - 5,200 records – 3,700 with email
_____ Construction Management Engineers – 4,000 records – 1,100 with email
_____ U.S. General Construction Contractors - 6,400 records - 2,800 with email
Sponsorship Order Form
Sponsoring Company _______________________________________
Street Address ____________________________________
Suite/PO Box _____________________________________
City _________________State ________ Zip ___________
Email Address ____________________________________
Contact Person ___________________________________
Sponsorship Type: ___$2,000 ___$1,000
Payment Method: ____Visa ____MasterCard ____American Express ____Discover
Amount Due _________________
Credit Card Number ________________________________ Expiration Date ____________Security
Code ____________
Name on Card ____________________________________
Signature _______________________________________
Please return your completed Sponsorship form to PSA’s Eric Rothman:
Via Email: eric@psagroupllc.com
Via Fax: 410-558-6766
Please call Eric at 703-568-6880 if you need additional information.
The deadline for submission is February 26th, 2016. Sponsorships will be accepted on a first
come, first served basis.