EQ 6A Ozone Layer NOAA Webquest

Learning about the Ozone Layer – Revised 1/31/16
This is an investigation of current theories that are believed to be the most up-to-date information available
on the ozone layer. Answer the questions from the following NOAA website. You may also reference
information from: NASA, EPA, NOAA and Wikipedia (only to try and look up details that may not be addressed
elsewhere). Answer the questions in a few sentences completely and with sufficient details under each
question. You will hand in the assignment electronically using “Turn It In”.
This epa site explains good vs. bad ozone:
Another site explaining bad ozone:
NASA site on Ozone:
Ozone Layer Activity:
Ozone Activity site:
1. What is ozone and where is it in the atmosphere?
2. How is ozone formed in the atmosphere (stratosphere and troposphere)?
3. Why do we care about atmospheric ozone, or another words what is good and bad about it?
4. Where is stratospheric ozone in highest and lowest concentrations across the globe?
6. What are the principle steps in stratospheric ozone depletion caused by human activities?
7. What emissions from human activities lead to ozone depletion?
8. What are the reactive halogen gases that destroy stratospheric ozone?
10. Why has an “ozone hole” appeared over Antarctica when ozone-depleting gases are present
throughout the stratosphere?
11. How severe is the depletion of the Antarctic layer?
12. What is the depletion of the Arctic ozone layer?
17. How does the depletion of the ozone layer affect ground-level ultraviolet radiation?
18. Does the depletion of the ozone layer affect climate change?
20. When is the ozone layer expected to recover?
21. What months do the highest values of the ozone hole appear over Antarctica?
22. How long does the ozone hole typically last over Antarctica?
Bad Ozone: Near ground level, ozone is formed when pollutants emitted by cars, power plants, industrial
boilers, refineries, chemical plants, and other sources react chemically in the presence of sunlight. It is
harmful and a bigger concern during the summer months when hot weather occurs.
Motor vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents are some of the major
sources of NOx and VOC, also known as ozone precursors.