
Product Analysis
The CD Case attracts the target audience it
shows originality and its uniqueness by
looking at the title there is no main focal
point because all the CD case is focusing
on is everything such as the independent
styles of photos and the name of the artist
and the song on the music track “Got Me
Good "which is a very good reason to
create on a CD case. In addition it also has
a illusion creative look.
There is also a very big use of creative
colour to compliment this CD Case overall
as a whole.
The target audience for this CD Case
is aimed at 15-25 year olds. A reason
for this suggests on the colour which
is simple yet attractive because of
the style of different pictures it
portrays a strong, party summertime
vibe around because of the use of the
colour for the title and different
pictures of the artist which are at the
back to show a distinctive vibe
Costs£1 1. 99 is a reasonable
price because of the amount of
profit that the CD Case will make
depending on the amount of
copies sold
The production would be Mass Produced because of
the ranges sold and amount of recognition that is
and would be attractive because of its different look
by the techniques used in the process associating
with the style.
The style of writing has an unconditional look
meaning the CD case looks as if it is giving a
statement due to the song and the look which
is a good thing to achieve.
There wouldn’t be any retakes on this
CD cover because of the use of colour
of grey creating a attractive
independent vibe around making it
different to most CD Cases which is why
it is effective.
The CD case is an all around
album meaning others any age
even older the age range can
listen to and enjoy because of the
quality of the Case which makes
it enjoyable by everyone.
I have used ACCESS FM to analyse this product. This will help
me when in the actual process of producing my real product
The function of this CD Case is to stay sustainable in
order to last along time this will be an advantage to
increase the satisfaction of the target audience because
of its long term existence.
•Jewel Case
•Simline Jewel Case
were used in the process of this CD Case.
This product will be safe to use
because all sides are equal this
will also decrease the chances
of getting injured
This size is suitable because all
edges are equal to each other so
the size is satiable then
transforming the complement of
the the look of the CD
Product Analysis
This CD Case attracts the audience by its use
of bright colors this involves a mixture of
warm and cool colors to set a tone of a
unique ripple effect to the involvement of
many colors used.
This CD Case has no focal point because the
image is a straight drag towards the artist and
the title “Brave Heart” despite the title this
also it shows that the cover brings attention
to the target audience because of the “in
your face” mood set around the cover itself.
This is what some CD Cases don’t have which
is to only the attention of the artist but the
CD itself, how would it apply to the audience
This CD case will not have a target age in terms of
age it will only be aimed at a mature audience
because the CD case symbolizes love once you
immediately set your eyes on the cover.
A reason in order to back this point means that
the use of an intimate soft calm cover used to
create the appearance of a soft tone which shows
its definition to “Love”
This CD must cost around £ 10.99
this would be because of the detail
used on the CD. This is also a
reasonable price because the price
is high so this would mean that the
amount of copies sold will be a link
to the recognition of how much
people are buying this particular CD.
The typography used on this CD Case gives a
freedom of expression look symbolizing he
theme of love in different forms it also
expressing what the whole CD is about o one
There would be no
improvements made,
this is because of the
use of color added to
the CD which is
This CD Case will be mass produced because of how
popular the CD is and also because of the popularity
of the artist because they already know that a lot if
people will buy the CD so the profit will increase.
This CD Case will be accessible and useful
anywhere because it seems that
everybody who looks at the CD and plays
it will be interested by the cover and by
the lyrics on the CD both equally because
the illustration of the cover is has a very
exquisite look as same as the lyrics
produced by the lyrics
I have used ACCESS FM to analyse this product. This will help
me when in the actual process of producing my real product
•Jewel Case
•Slimline Jewel Case
were used in the process of this CD Case
The purpose of the CD is to stay
together including all the parts f the CD
which comes as a package this helps the
CD in order to have a good reputation
because the process of the CD was
taken care of which created a good
This product would be safe to
used because of the parental
advisory on the cover which
shows the safety regulations
which will need to be proceeded
the sides of the
package including
the lyric book and the
poster and the front
and back of the CD all
have equal sides
which increases the
safety use of the CD.
Design Specification
Essential points
Desirable points
Aesthetics-My product must includes ranges of designs in order to attract the
target audience and others my products must also have originality and unique
look towards the colour for it to sell and to promote to the public. It must also
have many variations of quality which complement the product overall. It must
also have bright ranges of colours such as metallic colours because those style
of colours make the package have its own personal look as a whole package.
Aesthetics- My CD Case could include different styles of design this associates with the attraction of
the audience. \ and also what the group really means to others and themselves this could be a help
of briefly summarising the whole CD simply of one cover .
Costumer-my product must interest the audience ages 15-19 my reason for
that is because the quality of the whole package was put into detail which had
to give and outcome individual style. This will also mostly express the target
audience and give the advantage of what long way its come in t process of
design and also because all elements which are interested by this particular age
group reflect on the impact it have made onto the elements of design used.
Costumer-since my target audience is 15-17 I could be very aware in terms of what should and wha
shouldn't be produced on the case to help the CD Package be on the safe side, then again I must
make sure of what kind of information will be put on.
Costs- my product must have the price range of £6.99-£9.99 in that category
with £8.99 being the highest price that the CD will be ranged up to. I have
chosen his price because it is not unrealistic having in mind that the people
who are gaining popularity shows the price will need to be in the middle but
yet controlled in order for the public to buy more because the realistic the
price the higher the popularity and the higher the profit.
Costs- I could have a fairly higher profit than the cost because it will show the progress whereas I
must be aware weather the profit is high or low because it may put the public off that we are not
progressing by a glimpse of how must money were gaining.
Environment– my product is a youthful sound so it can be used anywhere such
as events in the car or other journeys such as parties or even barbecues but
then it even has its mature sound to also apple to the people who are over 15
this gives the use of free choice in the music and the as a group to be
promoted by any kind of age breaking down barriers to unsure kind of music
and making music expressed by any age just as long as the 21st century sound
is still there and they simply just enjoy it. Overall I hope this factor will help the
design process f this CD Case.
Environment-My CD Case could be environmentally safe to the extent that it makes the audience
comfortable to use anywhere in any decision they are in This also extends the amount of CD’s
being sold at a much better profit because of their sense of being comfortable. Expanding the
Safety-The safety of this CD Case must be a very important factor to the extent
that there could be any harmful part which would be on the case. It could
possibly harm any of the costumers who want to buy the music so there must
not be any sharp parts which will definitely not be on the case. This shows that
the CD Case will be safe and the costumers will be safe.
Safety-The safety towards my CD Case could be important reflecting on the purpose to a better
level and no harm being done to the public who could be into the CD .
Size-I think the size of he packaging should be suitable for the target audience
who are interested to be able to carry it around it will be obviously made in a
high quality form causing each ad every design a 110% success at its max
overall this will credit the rating of this package a high rating in the right
materials and right angles. I would prefer for my size to be medium sized
Size-I think the size may not need to be too big because of the amount of other resources which
come with it (lyric book, CD , CD Case and the Poster) so they may need to all fit in proportion
The newly signed group ‘’TrenseTTers’’ ages 15-17
originating from Las Angeles ,California U.S.A are an
upcoming group newly signed to Interscope Records
whereas the situation they're in is a struggling
situation in order to make themselves known they
must promote a CD Case to show that they want a
big notice from the public and make a platform
alongside big reputation they must also increase an
attraction from the public and create a big profit to
get them started as a newly signed promoted group
they're music involves: R&B,Hip Hop & Pop. This
gives them a chance to show themselves off to the
Task Analysis
Bauhaus 93 sTENCIl std
Purple, Orange , Blue, TrendseTTers
Red ,Grey, Pink, Black
The poster must be
very attractive
Ranges form
towards the
£6.99- £ 9.99
appearance ideas
that I listed it must
have ranges of
colour with many
bold fonts
describing the style
of sustainability of
original effect
These pictures give me an idea of
how the CD Case will look like in
terms of style, originality and
differences to other CD Cases
Materials Glue ,Plastic
,Paper, Cardboard ,Jewel
Slimline, Jewel ,Case
Design Brief
I have taken forward this in order to design a CD
Cover to myself in order to help Trendsetters
move forward with their music experience in the
celebrity industry and also music industry.
The theme for the CD Case overall must be
original with a sustainable effect of Uniqueness
all over it.
the scenario presented above shows
what the new band will have to face
describing their decisions and issues
they will have to face and come over
successfully and still be recognized as
a R&B Group and also what they aim
to achieve and how they are going to
do it.
The design brief suggests how am I
going to design the R&B groups CD
Case and what it must have to reach
the publics interest and so for the
public to be satisfied.
Ideas For CD Case, Lyric Book, Poster, CD
Open to
Hip Hop
I Tunes
Dance Hall
The lyric must have a range of the music
groups songs including their bonus tracks
also and intro for the whole CD songs to
introduce the songs and explaining how
good the cd will be featuring their voices
I have a few selection for the
on the Tracks
target audience that will be
interested in my CD Package
This brings awareness
The poster of the
of the group as a newly
CD will be
These lists of word will help
promoted group of
advertised around
me focus on the products
how much they want to
many local places
appearance and work hard in
blow up and gain quick
in their hometown
order to receive the
Sold At: which is L.A
Style of Box
population to reach a higher
I have created this research plan to be a tool in
order to help me create my actual product. I have
made this plan a helpful resource for me in order
to understand the process of how to design my
product and also how to make it appeal to the
Radio adverts
This will help me to decide on
what genre of music will need
to be added or chosen in the
development of my CD
Background music
Research Plan
A high
Dance Hall
Hip Hop
A apart of the
album remixed
Photos will help me in order to know what
pictures I would need or what pictures I would
need to take of my group. This will be an
advantage to gain recognition and a good
reputation of my group
Interviews will help me figure out questions
Photos on the music type weather R&B or the design
of the title. This will also be an advantage to
the target audience because their thoughts
on the surveys and questionnaires will finally
reflect onto the CD Package
Bar Graph
Discussion in
TV adverts
Talk to the manager about he types of
products sold and what impact it gives
Buy online people in the store
Secondary Research
Buy in the
While looking around certain shops it gives me
the influence and understanding of what to
expect on how to make my product
successful. His is an advantage because it helps
my promotion in order to increase the amount
of interest and popularity in my product so this
resource will be very helpful
This would help me in order to know
what correct sources of information I
should use because I have talked to the
right people E.G managers so have a
clear understanding of their side of what
others will expect
Pie chart
Countdown Shows
T.V Channels 15+
This would help me because it would
be major source of information into
106 & Park
being the starting point of the groups
rising success
CD Package Design
Graphic Design
Information about
existing products
Certain resources about
the process of the
designs of the products
Tally chart
CD Case design books
Information about
design of product
This will help me understand what needs to be developed in
terms of standard of design and how would I appeal to my
audience because internet plays a big part in peoples lives
now so it should play a big part in the making of the CD
This will help me to have insight on what
style of 3Dientional effects used in order to
create an original effect towards the
appearance of the CD
Graphic Books
This would also help me in order to label parts my CD
package with the help of the graphic boos as resources
to my advantage and to demonstrate how to structure
my CD Package, this helps me understand the process by
demonstrating my understanding to the target audience
so they can now what part of the CD is what part , this
also improves the presentation of the CD
1) Are you male or female?
This page shows the questionnaire I am
going to deliver out in to the public
followed by an explanation on why I
asked these questions.
Once I've received the information
back from the questionnaire I made.
2) Who is your target audience?
3) Do you think a CD Case must have color or plain, if so, why?
4) What age group are you in?
5) What price would you give to your CD Case?
6) Have you ever bought a CD Package yes or no, if so was it online or in a shop?
7) Would you prefer more images, less images or plain, if so why?
8) Do you think the appearance has an effect on the CD Cases music choice if so or if not state your
9) Do you think a CD Product should be more up tempo or low tempo in music?
Up Tempo
Low Tempo
I chose this question in order to have an
understanding of what my CD Case should be
targeted at and weather it will be the right
audience for it to be targeted at.
This opened question was for me in order o
have an equal balance in interest while talking
about the things that people didn't want for
example this will give me the freedom in order
to express my thoughts and views and apply it
to the CD Case and hen the target audience will
be lovers of POP or R&B will get the message of
what is really in stock and that the CD case will
have what they are looking for.
so I focused on the things they wanted in order
to research their target audience successfully.
This 3rd opened question is an advantage
because it gives the views of peoples thoughts
when talking about color This will satisfy he
audience because I have listened to their views
and then the R&B group will gain recognition
and the CD itself all at the same time because
he presentation of the CD Case will be
satisfactory to the audience
This question explains peoples thoughts on price
This is an advantage because the higher the
price the detailed the design or in some cases
the popular he artist whereas thee are
upcoming artists so there CD Case must be
attractive with a mix of original to reach the
standards of the target audience who will be
buying the CD
The sources Online or in the Shop are both 2
sources which are used by the pubic who are
buying new CD’s online would mean the public
are interested in technology which is now
accessible whereas other may not be
comfortable in buying from the internet instead
they may find it easier in buying the CD in order
to look at the CD physically in appearance so I
decided for this question o have an advantage
of free choices.
This question then explains weather any
pictures should be added this explains its
purpose for why they are there whereas the
different opinions will help me come to a
conclusion on if the CD case should be attractive
because the artists are a newly signed group
and so the target audience will be attracted
because of the design of the CD Case
I asked this question linking to the appearance
of the CD Case because it would help me
develop and understanding of what appearance
means to the target audience and what needs to
be added to make an impact on how the CD will
be developed in the process with just the help of
questions like this alone.
This final closed question gives me the
I asked this question because music is an
expression that other people have to their own
taste which will have a link to the beat the
rhythm and so music can be expressed by many
in different forms which the target audience will
show that music doesn't link to the same thing
because it is interpreted by many things this
shows me to understand the target audiences
opinions involving the best and having insight of
the likes and dislikes of what music means to
the target audience and others.
I chose this question in order
to have insight for what my
CD case will mostly aspire to
look like weather it will be
targeting mostly boy, girls or
even mixed gender.
Do You Think a CD Product
should be more Up Tempo or
Low Tempo In Music?
Questionnaire Analysis
I chose this opened question
because it gives my the views
and opinions of what audience
my CD Case will be targeted at
depending on the kind of
people will be interested.
1) Are you male or female?
I asked this opened
question in order to
know which colors to
use even though I
wasn’t mentioned I
would still have a full
mindset of what taste I
would need to apply on
to the CD.
Up Tempo
Do you think Apperance Effects the CD on
music choice?
2) Who is your target audience?
No Apperance
3) Do you think a CD Case must have color or plain, if so, why?
I asked this age group in order to have insight
of a Childs opinion this will be an advantage to
my CD Case because I understand what style
they want on the a CD Case being promoted.
Age Group
4) What age group are you in?
The reason why I chose this
question was in order to get
an answer for the price I
would want to choose for my
CD Case.
5) What price would you give to your CD Case?
I chose this
question in order
to gain an
understanding in
what sources will
be used in order
for he target
audience to buy
this CD.
Do you prefere music Up
Tempo or Low Tempo?
Series 3
Up Tempo
6) Have you ever bought a CD Package yes or no, if so was it online or in a shop?
I asked this opened
question because it
will value the purpose
of weather images
should be present or
no images at all.
7) Would you prefer more images, less images or plain, if so why?
I asked this question
because the CD focuses
on the target audiences
dislikes and likes.
8) Do you think the appearance has an effect on the CD Cases music choice if so or if not state your
9) Do you think a CD Product should be more up tempo or low tempo in music?
Up Tempo
Low Tempo
I chose this closed
question in order
to also know what
kind of music will
need to be added
to the lyric book
and weather the
music should be up
temp or low tempo
depending on the
type of audience it
will call out.
Research analysis
These two screen shots show my product analysis that I've done to
describe two Existing CD products which are the Ciara and Ashanti
Cover. This will help me in order to receive help from my primary and
secondary research to know how to analyse both products at its
advantage. For example I think the Ciara cover was more attractive
because the use of colors create a ripple effect to the dark colors
transforming into a loud expression even though only a few colors were
used of the cover
Whereas the Ashanti cover seems more worth to buy because it shows
what will be on the CD such as songs. Its sponsors for proof who are a
company called eone so this product have more resources offered than
the Ciara cover, but also considering these two factors will help me
create a better product
These two screenshots show the work I've done for my
questionnaire and questionnaire analysis. This will help me
develop my packaging into a way of satisfying the customers
who will be purchasing the product by displaying the views on
to the looks of the packaging
This screenshot shows my two resources which are Primary
and Secondary resources. these will help me in order to
know which factors I will need to consider when in the
process of making my product. I have looked at
questionnaires and existing CD’s which will help me to make
the product with qualities that will catch the peoples
attention and for them in order to purchase the product
These three screen shots show my design brief my
scenario and task analysis of my product. For
example the mind map will help me in order to use
this a resource in developing my product by using
what my product must have in order to reach a
high stage of success.