School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Bibb County School District CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2013-2014 The Consolidated School Improvement Plan (CSIP) contains and/or is aligned with the following guidelines and mandates: Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA ) AdvancEd (SACS CASI) Georgia Department of Education Annual School Improvement Plan CCRPI (College and Career Readiness Performance Index Achievement ________ Progress __________ Achievement Gap __________ ED/EL/SWD __________ Exceeding the Bar __________ Star Rating _____________ Performance Flags __________ Title I ___ Title I Schoolwide Plan ___Annual Addendum ___Targeted Assistance Plan Federal and State mandate Required for all Bibb County Schools Required for District-wide Accreditation Georgia DOE mandate Required for all Bibb County School District Schools Needs Assessment Consolidated School Improvement Plan Required for all Bibb County School District Schools The Professional Learning Budget should be placed in the CSIP Appendix and copied to the Department of Professional Learning. Bibb County School District Plans Special Education Plan Professional Learning Plan 1 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Table of Contents Section Statement of Quality Assurance Integration of AdvancEd (SACS CASI) and Georgia DOE School Standards Steering Committee Members and Signatures Developing a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Mission and Vision Leadership and Governance Scientifically Based Research School Culture/Climate Teacher Involvement in Decisions Regarding the Use of Academic Assessments Stakeholder Communication Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers Focusing Daily Lessons and Differentiating Instruction to Meet Student Needs Providing Students with Effective, Timely Additional Assistance to Meet Student Needs Plans for Assisting Students during Transitions Support Services for Student Learning Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement Coordination and Integration of Federal, State, and Local Services and Programs Reading/ELA Action Plan Math Action Plan Science Action Plan Social Studies Action Plan Attendance Action Plan Graduation Action Plan (High Schools Only) Special Education Action Plan Professional Learning Action Plan 2 Page # 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Statement of Quality Assurance To ensure that school improvement stakeholders have a common understanding regarding the development and implementation of the Consolidated School Improvement Plan prior to its approval, each party is asked to carefully review this section and the plan in its entirety. By his or her signature on this page, each party attests to the fact that he or she approves of the plan. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in the attached Consolidated Schoolwide Improvement Plan (CSIP) is correct, complete, addresses all components required under Federal, State, and district laws, policies, and regulations, and that all specified assurances have been and/or will be met within the operating period of this plan. Principal: Date: Deputy Assistant Superintendent: Date: Director of Special Programs: Date: Title I School Improvement Coordinator: Date: Superintendent: Date: Establishing a CSIP Facilitator, Steering Committee, and Subcommittees The principal appoints a CSIP Facilitator and ensures that the Steering Committee (SC) is representative of all stakeholders. The CSIP Facilitator is responsible for oversight of the CSIP throughout the planning process and the submission of the final document to the principal for approval. The SC is comprised of the CSIP Facilitator and the chairpersons of all subcommittees. The SC and subcommittees are responsible for the development, the on-going monitoring, and implementation of the CSIP. The SC will make necessary revisions to the Plan, collect evidence files for Quality Assurance and perform the End-of-Year Review of the school’s success in implementing the Consolidated School Improvement Plan. 3 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Integration of AdvancED (SACS CASI) and Georgia DOE School Standards The following standards are incorporated and adhered to in this CCSIP document: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 AdvancED (SACS CASI) Accreditation Standards Vision and Purpose Governance and Leadership Teaching and Learning Documenting and Using Results Resources and Support Systems Stakeholder Communications and Relationships Commitment to Continuous Improvement Georgia School Standards Sequenced and Organized School Curriculum Collaborative Planning for Curriculum Delivery Systematic Process for Monitoring/Evaluating Curriculum Implementation Systematic Use of Data to Maximize Student Achievement Comprehensive School-Based Assessment and Evaluation System Data Analysis Instructional Alignment with GPS and District Expectations Research-Based Instruction High Expectations for All Learners Shared Vision and Mission Comprehensive School Improvement Planning Process Collaborative Planning for Fiscal Management and Resource Distribution Safe, Productive, and Inviting Learning Atmosphere Active and Sustained Involvement of Student, Family, and Community Organizational Structures and Process for Stakeholder Involvement Stakeholder Needs Addressed through Services and Partnerships Professional Learning Communities Alignment of Professional Learning with School Goals and Best Practices Professional Learning Content Leadership Commitment to High Expectations Leadership Management and Organization Distributed Leadership and Planning Shared Governance School Culture Reflects and Reinforces Stakeholder Growth Community of Teaching and Learning 4 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones CSIP Steering Committee Members Participant/Role CSIP Facilitator School Administrator School Counselor Printed Name Mr. R. Steven Jones Mrs. Brenda Edwards Dr. Cathy Dothard Special Education Representative Ms. Lee Fuller Parent/Community Representative Mr. Robert Allen Data Team Representative Media Specialist Professional Learning Liaison Classroom Teacher(s) Signature Mrs. Sharon Lewis Ms. Becky Ehalt Mrs. Donna Walker Thompson Mrs. Ericka Wright Writing and Editing Chair Mr. Robert Winborne Family Engagement Facilitator Ms. Sandrena Sermons Other: Title I Liaison Mrs. Tina Lawson 5 Plan Year: 2014-2015 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 CSIP Steering Committee Members Participant/Role CSIP Facilitator Description of Role Review plan and monitor progress in plan development School Administrator Communicate implementation of plan to Title I School Improvement Coordinators and stakeholders School Counselor Parent/Community Representative Serve as liaison between parent and School Improvement implementation in the school guidance focus (from the guidance perspective) Serve as liaison between general education and Special Education to ensure the needs of Students with Disabilities are met Serve as voice for the parents and share their views on School Improvement Leadership Chair Represent the School Leadership Team in the School Improvement Process Data Team Representative Present data from a variety of sources on School Improvement Research Chair Work with data chair to evaluate current research to support the School Improvement process Share research with staff and support staff initiatives on School Improvement Provide information as to current resources available and work to ensure additional resources are procured to support School Improvement Coordinate professional learning process to support School Improvement Plan implementation Special Education Representative Media Specialist Professional Learning Liaison Classroom Teacher Writing and Editing Chair Assist in identification of classroom practices that support School Improvement goals and student learning Consolidate information to write the plan and maintain the history of the process Family Engagement Facilitator Ensure family engagement opportunities through the plan development process Other 6 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Developing a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (ESEA Mandate) School Profile: See appendix for a copy of the Georgia CCRPI Report, EOCT and GHSGT results, survey results, GAPSS analysis results, and other test scores as appropriate. Describe how the school stakeholders and the CSIP Steering Committee developed a comprehensive needs assessment. Include information about when, where, and how the team met*. The performance learning coach, zone and principal attended the Georgia DOE summer leadership academy on June 24 – 25, 2014 at the Macon Centreplex in Macon, Georgia to discuss the needs assessment and development of the comprehensive school improvement plan development for 2014 - 2015. The leadership team will meet at a designated time and location to discuss how best to involve and inform the entire faculty to set the S.M.A.R.T. goals/targets for the year. We reviewed the CSIP in order to get staff and community input so that we could finalize the plan prior to the beginning of the 2013 – 2014 school term. We determined the strengths and weaknesses of the instructional program of Northeast High School. We conducted a root cause analysis of school strengths and weaknesses to further determine our course of implementation for intellectual performance for all students. Analysis of data indicated weaknesses in the area of mathematics, United History, Coordinate Algebra, and literacy. List the types of data analyzed and placed in the appendix. 2013 – 2014 EOCT 2012-2013 GAPPS Analysis 2013 - 2014 GHSGT Results Focus Monitoring (PEC) Behavioral and Emotional Risk Screening Attendance and Discipline Data Formative and Summative Assessments 2014 CRCT Increased Learning Time Monitoring Data Increased Learning Time Academic Data Differentiated Instruction Monitoring Data Professional Development Attendance Data and Implementation Identify the subgroups for which assessment results are disaggregated regardless of whether or not the subgroup is large enough to constitute a group that affects school’s classification as Reward, Focus, Priority, or Alert. 7 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 SWD Economically disadvantaged Black *All needs assessments are required to include stakeholder perception results and GAPSS analysis results (through a Georgia DOE Review, an OSI Review, or a Self-Assessment) in addition to test data. Conclusions based on data will be presented in the Leadership and Governance section. 8 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 School Mission and Vision Bibb County School District School Vision What is our image of a successful school for our stakeholders? Vision Develop a highly trained staff and an engaged community dedicated to educating each student for a 21st century, multiethnic, global economy. Vision Develop a highly trained staff and an engaged community dedicated to educating each student for a 21st century, multiethnic, global economy. Mission How will we make our vision a reality? Mission Each student demonstrates strength of character and is college ready. Mission “To transform teaching and learning for the 21st century by engaging students in critical thinking and independent learning to become productive, goal oriented citizens and lifelong learners.” Values What beliefs and standards guide our mission? Values Bibb County develops a learning orientation that mobilizes effective effort to accelerate learning. Bibb County is committed to a culture of respect that includes equitable treatment, honesty, openness, and integrity. Bibb County uses data and evidencebased decisions to determine the training and support provided to adults, so they can be accountable for the success of all students. Bibb County strengthens productive partnerships for education Values High expectations for ALL everyday Opportunities to become experts and teachers. Teachers search for new resources and materials to energize and revitalize their lessons. Inquiry through 5-Es (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. 9 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Leadership and Governance Write a brief narrative for each question describing your conclusions drawn from the School Needs Assessment. All conclusions should be based on data. Describe the school’s strengths. According to the 2012-2013 GAPSS Analysis review, the following areas of strength were noted: Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction Weekly mini-assessments are in place and are being used as part of the for formative assessment process. Instructional Coaches are provided in all four major content areas and are providing need resources for teachers. Planning and Organization Student attendance has significantly improved over the past 3 years. The physical plant is well-maintained and clean. Student, Family, and Community Involvement and Support Parents and community members consistently feel welcome in the school. Leadership The administrators maintain a positive relationship with students. The administrators maintain high visibility in hallways during class change. Professional Learning Instructional Coaches have begun providing frequent PL to staff that allows for differentiation of staff needs (e.g. ‘Coaches Corner’). School Culture High School is commended for consistently acknowledging and celebrating the achievements and accomplishments of students. School protocols are in place that ensure minimum interruptions to instructional time. 10 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 What evidence do you have to support this perception? 2012-2013 GAPSS Analysis Professional learning sign in sheets and documents Lesson plans Collaborative planning sign in sheets and documents Describe the school’s opportunities for improvement. An analysis of assessment data revealed mathematics, social studies, science, and literacy as areas in need of improvement. Other areas identified at the GADOE Summer Leadership Academy include: Standards-based classroom implementation, professional learning, school culture, classroom management, use of technology for classroom instruction, and data analysis and differentiated instruction are also identified as areas needing attending during the current school term. What evidence do you have to support this perception? 2012-2013 GAPSS Analysis Report 2013-2014 EOCT Results 2013, 2014 GHSGT Results SAT/ACT results Focused Monitoring (PEC) Report Behavioral and Emotional Risk Screening Describe the current governance structure/decision-making process of the school. The Better Seeking Instructional LeadershipTeam (BSILT) serves as the governance structure of the school. The BSILT consists of representatives from each department and a community stakeholder. The representatives share information with the group that they are representing and bring suggestions and feedback to the decision-making body. Describe how the school leadership makes instructional decisions regarding staffing, creating a master schedule, selecting instructional initiatives, and providing professional learning opportunities. Decisions about staffing and master scheduling are made based on the strengths and weaknesses of individual teachers and staff. Data such as EOCT, GHSGT, benchmarks, discipline, attendance, SWD IEPs and walk-throughs guide the decision-making process. 11 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Briefly describe how the leadership communicates and enlists the assistance of central office personnel to ensure that SACS standards are met in the areas of non-instructional support (facilities, finance, transportation, nutrition, and health). Each zone is assigned a district administrator (deputy superintendent) with whom to communicate in meeting SACS standards. The deputy superintendent is informed and invited to attend leadership team meetings as his schedule permints School Culture/Climate Describe the methods utilized to ensure a school culture that is pervasively academic and demonstrates high expectations for teaching and learning. Consider such factors as maximization of instructional time, common planning time, job-embedded professional development, philosophy reflects belief that all students can and will learn, etc. In addition to the GAPSS review, the leadership team analyzed teacher and staff beliefs and practices through a school-wide survey. These data will be used to plan job-embedded professional development on positive school culture, an organized instructional framework, differentiated instruction, and co-teaching strategies. 9th grade students will be organized in an academy to further develop their readiness for high school transitioning. Additional assistance in the four academic areas will be provided by a performance learning coach and an education support specialist to assist in gathering, analyzing, and interpreting collected data. Common planning for teachers will be continued and Terrific Tuesday events will be used for professional development during collaborative planning sessions and for faculty study groups during faculty meetings. Describe how the school-wide discipline plan is developed and/or revised*. The district sends a discipline matrix to each school. The PBIS (discipline committee) then develops the school’s matrix based on specific needs. This process will be revised to include input from staff, students, and stakeholders at the pre-planning retreat. *See appendix for a copy of the current school-wide discipline plan. Describe the methods utilized to address the social and emotional growth of each student. Northeast HS will continue with Teachers as Advisors for the 2013-2014 school year. We analyzed data from the Behavioral and Emotional Risk Screening to determine specific needs of each student. Students who fall into the “elevated” category will be referred to school counselors and other providers as needed. In addition, a summer program for targeted ninth-graders has been implemented since 2010. These at-risk students receive instruction and training in leadership development, mathematics, reading and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Teacher Involvement in Decisions Regarding the Use of Academic Assessments (ESEA Mandate) Explain how data resulting from academic assessments are used to inform and revise daily instruction. 12 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Data talks will be used to design teacher’s Professional Growth Plan (PGP) and/or Professional Development plans for those whose classes made less than a 10% increase over previous passage rates for the EOCT subject areas. Teachers will use both summative/formative assessments and data from the Self-Directed Improvement System conducted at the end of the 2012-2013 school term. Describe how teachers are involved in the decision-making process of selecting, implementing and monitoring academic assessments. Teachers meet in collaborative planning meetings to review the data pertaining to their department and to plan instruction. As part of the instructional planning, each department reviews data to determine the types of assessments to be used. Teachers will work together to create common assessments, when possible and appropriate. Teachers are selected from each school across the system to help create system benchmark assessments. The leadership team reviews academic assessment data to determine teacher and student needs. Stakeholder Communication (ESEA Mandate) Describe the process by which teachers and administrators interpret and articulate assessment results to stakeholders. 1. Provide Individual Student Assessment Results and Interpretation to Parents. Send hard copies of GHSGT/EOCT results to students and parents. Infinite Campus Counselor conferences with students and parents Teacher-parent conferences Describe the various ways by which your school will communicate to the widest possible range of stakeholders (e.g., parents and community) the results of the disaggregated data. 2. Provisions for Public Reporting of Disaggregated Data Local newspaper Infinite Campus Teachers and Advisors (CTAE meetings) School Website DOE Website PIE (Parent Involvement in Education) Sessions (Quarterly) School Council 13 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Describe the methods and media by which the CSIP will be communicated with school stakeholders, including staff members, student, parents, and community members. * 3. Public Dissemination of the School Improvement Plan to all Stakeholders The CSIP will be communicated with stakeholders through community meetings, Parent Involvement in Education (PIE) meetings hosted by the Parent Involvement Coordinator and the school’s website. Translation or interpretation of the plan, to the extent feasible, shall be provided for any language that a significant percentage of the parents of participating students in the school speak as their primary language. Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers (ESEA Mandate) Describe the policies and procedures used to ensure adherence to Federal mandates regarding “Highly Qualified” instructors. Update forthcoming. Teachers are screened at the District-level to guarantee HiQ status in recruitment efforts. Middle Georgia RESA ensures that TAPP teachers meet their requirements. Current teachers not HiQ are place on a PDP with a specific timeline for completion of certification. Describe policies, procedures, initiative, and programs in place to recruit and retain highly qualified instructors at this school. In order to attract highly qualified teachers, Northeast High School will do the following: a. Participate in the district-wide Teacher Fair. b. Participate in the district Mentor Program for new teacher (Teacher Support Specialist). c. Provide support to new teachers in academic and classroom management. d. Provide time once a month for Teacher Support Specialists and new teachers to meet and discuss successes and challenges. e. Provide interviews and tours of the school when requested by potential teachers. f. Provide incentives for teachers whose classes excel on the End of Course Test and the Georgia High School Graduation Test. 14 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Focusing Daily Lessons and Differentiating Instruction to Meet Student Needs (ESEA Mandate) Describe how administrators, teachers, and instructional support personnel ensure the use of a standards based curriculum delivery. The new Standards-based lesson plans will be collaboratively designed with the performance learning coach, administrative staff, consultatnt from Georgai College and State University, and the NEHS Stem team to ensure that the standards are being taught. Walk-throughs and formal observations will be performed by administrative personnel, the performance learning coach, and other district and involved observers to look for lesssons that are standards based. Co-teacher assignments will be strategically planned based on areas of expertise and working relationships. A more in-depth study of the TKES (Teacher Keys Effectiveness System) will take place during the 2013-2014 school year to further the staff’s knowledge of standards-based teaching and learning. Job-embedded professional learning will be based on data results of observations in the classrooms. The district has adopted a new initiative that was begun second semester of the 2013 – 2014 school term and will continue in the 2014 – 2015 school term. Describe how administrators, teachers, and instructional support personnel: plan for, implement, and monitor research-based instruction that is effective and appropriate to student needs. An more in-depth study of (TKES) Teacher Keys Effectiveness Systems will take place during the 2013-2014 school year to ensure the staff’s knowledge/awareness of standards-based teaching and learning. Differentiated instruction training has been and will continue to be required for all Bibb County certified personnel. Teachers and co-teachers will plan collaboratively to provide instruction through research-based strategies. Standards-based instruction will be monitored consistently through walk-throughs and formal observations. The use of classroom videos will be implemented to further teachers’ understanding of standards-based instruction will be implemented during the 2013-2014 school year. Explain the role of RTI/Student Support Team (SST) process in identifying students at risk and the process established to customize, monitor, and evaluate effective strategies used to address students academic barriers. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a preventive approach designed to help students who are struggling due to academic or behavioral needs. RTI will enhance the opportunity for students to be successful in their classes. This approach will follow the four tiers include in the district wide Pyramid of Intervention. The assistant principal will coordinate the RTI process for the 2013-2014 school year. The assistant principal will work closely with teachers to assist with improving students’ achievement and performance. Describe how plans are developed and implemented to address the needs of students who have not met expectations. Student data is used to identify students who are not meeting expectations: behavioral and academic. Parent conferences and academic/behavior contracts will be scheduled with the Assistant Principal and the Counselor for intervention programs during the summer months for those students who have poor academic achievement/severe disciplinary records. Counselors, teachers and administrators will then purposefully schedule these students within the Targeted 9th Grade (bubble students) based on the 2014 CRCT data) and Learners Engaged in Academic Progression –LEAP (overage students in Grades 9 and 10) to ensure success. These students will be placed with the most effective content teachers with proven 15 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 success and monitored closely by the Counselor assigned to these programs. Additionally, the SDIS (Self-directed Improvement System) will be used during increased learning time and advisement to address the needs of students who have not met expectations. Describe the procedures in place to identify and address the needs of students who have met expectations in order to facilitate their progress toward exceeding expectations. Students who have met expectations are identified through both formative and summative assessments. Flexible grouping during increased learning time will provide enrichment, peer coaching, and extended learning opportunities through activities that require higher order thinking skills. During the 2012-2013 school year, some certified staff received gifted endorsement training and AP training to enhance teachers’ understanding of how to plan lessons for higher-order thinking skills. All core area teachers will begin training in using the new CCGPS (Common Core Georgia Performance Standards). Describe the school-wide policies, procedures and programs in place to address the needs of gifted, talented, and high achieving students through academic rigor (advanced academics). How does the school schedule and classroom instruction ensure academic rigor, promote student engagement, and increase student achievement for students with high ability levels? High-performing students are identified through both formative and summative assessments. These students are recommended for Honors, Accelerated and Advanced Placement courses. During the 2010-11 school year, all certified staff receive gifted endorsement training. All staff will also be encouraged to attend the Advanced Placement Summer Institute. Providing Students with Effective, Timely Additional Assistance to Meet Student Needs (ESEA Mandate) Describe how and when students in need of additional assistance are identified. Timely assistance is important for helping students who are experiencing difficulty in his/her classes. A student contract will be implemented for students who have a 69 or below grade average in any class. A parent will be contacted for the purpose of scheduling a parental conference. During the conference, factors contributing to the student’s performance will be indicated on the plan and explained to the parent. Teacher comments as well as parent comments will also be indicated on the plan. During the conference, the teacher will discuss with the parent intervention strategies that will be implemented to help the student master standards and achieve academic success in the course. Phone communication in lieu of face-to-face interaction will be implemented for those parents who are unable to attend conferences due to work schedule or unforeseen circumstances. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a preventive approach designed to help students who are struggling due to academic or behavioral needs. RTI will enhance the opportunity for students to be successful in their classes. This approach will follow the four tiers included in the district wide Pyramid of Intervention. The RTI team will work closely with teachers to assist with improving students’ achievement and performance. The assistant principal will work closely with teachers to assist with improving students’ achievement and performance. 16 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Describe how and when data is reviewed to ensure that student progress is occurring. Both formative and summative data will be reviewed and analyzed during weekly departmental data team meetings. Classroom instruction will be differentiated and adjusted based on student data. The Self-directed Improvement System (SDIS) will be implemented and monitored in increased learning time and advisement sessions. List training opportunities provided to teachers in the identification of student difficulties, data analysis, and the appropriate assistance for identified difficulties. The leadership team received training on the use of data teams at the GADOE Summer Leadership Academy (summer 2012). Information learned from this training will be shared with all teachers during the school year. In addition, one certified person and the principal from each school in the district were trained to use Indistar for monitoring quality work of the leadership team. These persons will redeliver training to BSILT members during leadership meetings during the 2012-2013 school year. The school will continue to monitor data using indistar and utilize this data to evaluate the determined SMART goals for the school. A system level behavior interventionist is assigned to each zone to provide assistance to teachers and students in the identification of available appropriate support. Describe any academic or behavioral growth opportunities provided outside the regular classroom environment in order to assist students in identifying and reaching their goals. For academic growth, Northeast High School offers E2020 credit recovery and credit repair both during and after school. In addition, we offer Saturday school opportunities and after-school tutoring. Clubs, sports and other extra-curricular activities provide a network of support for both academic and behavioral growth (ROTC, CTSOs, Math team, Student Government, Student Diplomats, and National Honor Society, etc) Plans for Assisting Children during Transitions (ESEA Mandate) Describe your plans for assisting student transition (new students, PreK to Kindergarten, elementary to middle, middle to high, early childhood programs, Special Education, English Language Learners Program, group home participants, etc.). 1. As an effort to promote a smooth transition from middle school to high school, the following activities will be implemented: Northeast High School teachers, counselors, and a chosen group of students will visit the middle school and talk to the eighth grade population about goals and expectations of the high school environment. Counselors will meet with eight grade teachers to enhance understanding of course offerings for ninth graders in preparation for registration. 17 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Northeast High School will participate in the district wide “Smooth Move” program in which middle school students visit the high school. An accelerated program will be implemented at the feeder middle school. This program involves middle school teachers introducing eighth grade students to the curriculum and materials that will be used in high school content areas. Teachers will also discuss with students standards that will be in addressed in high school. As a result of this program students will have an understanding of the expectations of a high school environment as well as build a foundation for learning at the high school level. Academic skills, character education, and social/emotional learning will be addressed during Teachers As Advisors (TAA). Rising Grade 9 students were invited to attend a Summer Bridge Program. PEC students who have been suspended (in or out of school), expelled or removed from the regular school setting for more than 10 days received home based instruction by a certified PEC teacher. On-line Avanced placement courses will be offered to students who desire to participate in AP English, science, social studies, and math classes. All students will have the opportunity to join the STEM club (especially designed to include students not in the STEM cohort). Support Services for Student Learning To be completed by the counselor(s): Describe how the school provides support through counseling and academic advisements that provides access to an adult advisor, mentor, or counselor. Northeast’s counseling department facilitates many support avenues such as a mentoring project, teen parent advisement/counseling, senior night, individual pull-out counseling, test talks, Smooth Move (9th grade transition), referrals to social services for truancy and attendance, scholarship information, crisis management, conflict resolution, career planning and study skills. Describe how counselors, social workers, Prevention/Intervention specialists, and other student support personnel work with the district office and outside agencies to meet student needs. 18 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Counselors work with students through referrals to outside agencies and district personnel such as social workers, colleges, military recruiters, mental health, and mentoring projects. Each Wednesday, the counseling department incorporate time in their schedule to meet with any student in need of academic/emotioanal support counseling through Wonderful Wednesday with the Counselors Program). Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement (ESEAMandate) Describe the parent/community outreach activities and initiatives in place. 1. Northeast Health Science Magnet High School employs a Parent Involvement Coordinator. Some of her duties and responsibilities include: Planning and organizing parent meetings which discuss state assessment scores, strategies for helping children to achieve, and parental involvement in academics and school wide activities. Informing parents of attendance issues, school activities, after school tutorials, and SES services. Working with teachers and administrators during parent related activities such as PTO meetings, Open House, and Student and Parent Orientation Day Monitoring student tardiness by signing students in and communicating with parents who are consistently tardy. The parent involvement coordinator will inform parents of the consequences of habitual tardiness and its effect on student success in school. 2. Northeast will host GHSGT kick-off with motivational speakers, music and other activities that will be open to the community. 3. Northeast will sponsor a Relay for Life team which will include parents and community members. 4. Northeast will hold both Junior and Seniors nights during the school year to provide parents with information about GHSGT, graduation requirements, and post-secondary opportunities. Describe how parents and community members are involved in the school decision-making process. Northeast will increase parent and community involvement in the decision making process by working toward and developing an active School Council and Parent Involvement Team. 19 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Describe the level of involvement of parents and community members in the development of the CSIP. A logo has been proposed for the Northeast Zone. This logo and the CSIP will be posted on the schools’ website. Parents and stakeholders will be notified (via automated phone) of the website posting and feedback will be sought. *Briefly describe the process used for developing and implementing Title I compacts and Parent Involvement Policies (if applicable). *Title I schools only Coordination and Integration of Federal, State, and Local Services and Programs The following programs will be utilized at Northeast Health Science Magnet High School: Free and reduced breakfast and lunch (Qualifications must be met) o School Nurse o After School Tutorial and Enrichment Program o Credit Recovery and Credit Repair Program o Bibb County Mentor Project o Special Education Program o Health Occupation Partnership with Central Georgia Technical College Program o Supplemental Educational Services o University Instructors Supplemental Education Services Program 20 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones o Plan Year: 2014-2015 Saturday School Tutorial and Enrichment Program Funding Sources Federal Funds State Funds School Improvement Grant (Needs Improvement Title I Schools Only) Local Professional Learning Funds Amount $283, 000.00 $21,405.00 (Pending) $25,000 Targeted Audience State connection to SI plan by providing a narrative explanation of how funds will be used to support student achievement and/or school improvement in relation to the components of this plan. Parents/students/teachers Salaries for ESS, PLC, Parent Involvement Coordinator and Social Studies teacher; Read 180, Study Island, USA Test Prep Parents/students/teachers School Administration and Support Services Parents/students/teachers University Instructor’s Math Teaching Assistant; Transportation for after school programs and enhancement sessions 0 Teachers $7,000 STEM Club students PTSA/PTA/ PTO 0 Parents/students/teachers Partners in Education 0 - Other (list) (ARRA) 0 Parents/students/teachers Grants (list) Promote STEM initiative and development of program *Copies of all budgets referenced in this section should be placed in the appendix. 21 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Reading/English/Language Arts Action Plan Annual Measurable Objective: Grade 9 students (FAY) will increase their achievement in ELA on the End of Course Test from 73.8% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2013-2014 to 78.8% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2014-2015. Grade 11 students will increase their achievements in ELA on the End of Course Test from 82.5% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of the SY 2013-2014 to 87.5% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of the SY 2014-2015. Intervention Professional Estimated Cost and Timeline and Means of Evaluation Learning Funding Sources Positions Evidence of Progress Evidence of Needed Responsible Monitoring Mastery Implement and utilize differentiated Effective Aug. 2014 – Lesson Plans Teachers can instruction to meet the needs of the Differentiated May 2015 articulate and students. instruction Observations apply DI practices (formal and informal) reading strategies Dr. Webb Students work based on data (GCSU) samples Improved ELA, EOCT, and SAT scores Implement and utilize effective literacy Training in RT3 Funding- TBA August 2014 – Lesson Plans Teachers can strategies to improve student reading content area (AP Training) May 2015 articulate comprehension. reading Observations effective strategies Literacy Workshops Dr. Webb (formal/informal) research TBA based AP Regional Benchmarks strategies to Workshop improve student Middle GA Student work samples literacy RESA Improved SWD and general education ELA EOCT, 22 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Use of summative and formative assessments to guide instruction (FIP – Formative Instructional Practices) Training in formative assessment strategies RT3 $1,750 (Teacher release time 1day / month for 4 months) Training in creating assessments for DOK Increased Learning Time with Focus on Standardiazed Tests Standards Based Classroom Monthly release time to create common assessments Developing and implementing literacy frameworks Plan Year: 2014-2015 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Jo-Ne Bourassa Common assessments aligned with standards Weekly miniassessments Tandy Pressley Aug. 2014 – May 2015 Training on implementation of Standards Based Classroom Administration Academic Coaches & Department Chair 5E Model Lesson Study Dr. Webb (GCSU) 23 County Benchmarks and SAT scores Teacher and students can explain learning goals and articulate progress toward mastery of the standards through reflection of data. Improved SWD and Summative/Formative general Assessments education ELA Observations GHSGT, (informal/formal) EOCT, and SAT scores Electronic resources data Lesson Plans Teachers can show Observations evidence of the impact Word Walls strategies on engagement Student Work and rigor in Samples the classroom. Teacher observations & reflections Students are School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Classroom videos Technology Technology Integration: Schoolwide focus on infusing 21st century Training technology into classroom instruction August 2014May 2015 Technology Specialists Jim Rumble, Apple Rep Lesson Plans Observations (informal/formal) Technology Training Agendas Technology Training Sign-in sheets Electronic Student Work Samples 24 engaged in activities that are aligned with the standard engaged in activities that are aligned with the standard Teachers and students can explain how technology is being used to enhance instruction and engagement School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Mathematics Action Plan (ESEA Mandate) Annual Measurable Objective: Grade 9 students (FAY) will increase their achievement in coordinate algebra on the End of Course Test from 5% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2012-2013 to 15% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2013-2014. Intervention Safari Montague Training Professional Learning Needed Math teachers: District training and modeling of math strategies Estimated Cost and Funding Sources Timeline and Positions Responsible Means of Evaluation Evidence of Monitoring Evidence of Impact Priority School Funds August 2014 – May 2015 Observations (formal and informal) VAT District Math Coordinator Benchmarks Lesson Plans Increase the use of manipulatives and conceptual instruction Manipulative training for Algebraic concepts None (inhouse) District Math Coordinator Manipulative training for Geometric concepts Inside Algebra (Coordinate Algebra Support) Math Coach and Dept. Chair Aug. 2014 – May 2015 Sign-in sheets Observations (formal and informal) Lesson Plans Sign-in sheets Manipulative training for Statistics/Probability Support program for Gear Up 9th grade Coordinate Algebra – supplements classroom instruction 25 Education Support Specialist & Department Chair Aug. 2014 – Dec. 2015 ESS & Dept. Chair Improved GHSGT, EOCT, and SAT scores VAT Improved understanding of mathematical concepts Agendas Lesson Plans Improved performance Formative/Summative on Coordinate Assessments Algebra EOCT. Data Books School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Implement the 8-step process during the increased learning time (ILT time) Teachers as Advisors (redelivery) None Plan Year: 2014-2015 Aug. 2014 – May. 2015 Observations (formal and informal) Sign-in sheets Lesson Plans VAT Utilize AIMSweb and SLDS scores to drive instructional decisions Re-deliver use and operation of SLDS and AIMSweb data None Aug. 2014 – May 2015 ESS & Dept. Chair Observations (formal/informal) Lesson Plans Observations (formal/informal) Sign-in sheets Agendas None Technology Integration: Texas Instrument Math Forward, TI graphing calculators, Geometer’s Sketchpad, iPads TI Math Forward Training Aug. 2014 – May 2015 Departmental Meeting Minutes Sign-in sheets Lesson Plans Lynn Janes – District Math Coordinator VAT Observations (formal/informal) 26 Improved performance on Math GHSGT, EOCT, and SAT Increase student reading levels Improved performance on Math GHSGT, EOCT, and SAT Improved performance on Math GHSGT, EOCT, and SAT Increased understanding of mathematical applications School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Science Action Plan Annual Measurable Objective: Annual Measurable Objective: Grade 9 and 10 students will increase their achievement on the Biology End of Course Test from 60.4% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2013 - 2014 to 65.4% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2014-2015. Intervention Professional Learning Estimated Cost Timeline and Means of Evaluation Needed and Funding Positions Evidence of Evidence of Sources Responsible Progress Impact Monitoring Implementation Standards-based Attendance at NSTA Professional April 3-6 2014 Departmental Improved Classroom National Conference in Learning Funding Science Action plan to SWD and Boston, MA $6,000 (conference Department implement general registration, Members strategies education lodging, expenses learned during Science and release time) conference. EOCT scores Teachers can Agenda and show Training on meeting notes evidence of implementing of the impact of Standards based strategies on Lesson plans classroom. engagement Observational and rigor in Data the science class. Students are engaged in activities that are aligned to the standards Utilization of Formative Assessment Strategies to drive instruction and decision making. Assessment Training Formative Assessment (book) by Paige Keeley Race to the Top $900 (Teacher release time 3 days for 4 teachers Training on the use of formative assessment to drive instructional 27 October 2014April 2015 Chris Holmes PLC Notebook of Common MiniAssessments Feedback on lesson plans Awareness walks Improved SWD and general education Science EOCT scores School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones decision making. Plan Year: 2014-2015 Department Chairperson Implementation and utilization of research-based literacy strategies (RSW Initiatives) Training on strategies to improve literacyAttendance at NSTA National Conference in Boston, MA Professional Learning Funding $6,000 (conference registration, lodging, expenses and release time) indicating observations of utilization of formative assessment strategies Student portfolios Plans for flexible grouping Rubrics Thursday Data Analysis meeting notes April 2014 Lexile Scores PLC Lesson Plans Department Chairperson Student Portfolios Leadership Team Jo'ne Bourassa Student SMART Literacy Goals Improved SWD and general education Science EOCT scores Students can articulate their progress toward meeting their literacy goals. Teachers can Monitoring and observations Sign-In sheets Agendas 28 Teachers can demonstrate DOK and alignment of assessment items to standards/ elements. Teachers and students can explain the learning target and articulate progress towards mastery of the standards through reflection on goals and feedback. School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 explain and demonstrate student growth through feedback on student work samples throughout the semester. Implementation and utilization of Differentiated Instructional Strategies. Training on implementing DI strategies. $0 (DI training by Gilda Lyons) August 2014May 2015 PLC, Leadership Team, Lesson plans indicating DI strategies used Student portfolios demonstrating use of DI strategies Direct observation of strategies used. Technology Integration: Schoolwide focus on infusing 21st century technology into classroom instruction Technology Training PLC September 2014-May 2015 Academic Coaches Technology Specialists Jim Rumble, 29 Lesson Plans Observations (informal/formal) Technology Training Agendas Technology Training Sign-in Students can demonstrate evidence of growth throughout the semester. Teacher can explain how notebooking strategies support the implementation of differentiated instruction in their classrooms. Teachers and students can explain how technology is being used to enhance instruction and engagement School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Apple Rep 30 Plan Year: 2014-2015 sheets School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Social Studies Action Plan Annual Measurable Objective: Grade 11 students will increase their achievement in Social Studies on the End of Course Test (EOCT) in U.S. History from 23.2% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2013-2014 to 40% meeting and exceeding at the end of SY 20142015. Grade 12 students will increase their achievement in Social Studies on the End of Course Test (EOCT) in Economics from 68.34% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2013-2014 to 73.3% meeting and exceeding at the end of SY 2014-2015. Intervention Create and implement common summative and formative assessments Professional Learning Needed Estimated Cost and Funding Sources Timeline and Positions Responsible DOK Training (Teacher release time-1day/ month for 4 months)- $1750 Aug. 2014 – May 2015 Means of Evaluation Evidence of Monitoring Progress Notebook of common assessments Tandi Pressley Sign-in sheets Evidence of Impact Improved SWD and general education Social Studies EOCT scores Jo’ne Bourassa Meeting minutes $500 (Conference Upgrading Curriculum and Assessment for the 21st Century Learner Department Chairperson Agendas Leadership Team Weekly Mini Assessments Rubrics Thursday Data Analysis 31 Teachers can demonstrate DOK and alignment of assessments items to standards/ elements Teachers and students can explain the learning target and articulate progress towards mastery of the standard through reflection on data School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 and feedback. Implement and utilize research-based literacy strategies (RSW Initiative) Literacy Training (Class sets of Upfront Magazine by Scholastic ) Aug. 2014 – May 2015 (Teacher Tool Box and Resource Guides) Literacy Team Dr. Sandra Webb (GCSU) Performance Learning Coach Tandi Pressley Lexile Scores Lesson Plans indicating strategies utilized Student portfolios demonstrating RSW literacy initiatives Student SMART Literacy goals Jo’ne Bourassa Monitoring and observations Sign-in sheets Implementation of the standards-based classroom and formative instructional practices (FIP) Training on (GCSS Annual implementation Conference of the for 2 teachers) Standards Based Classroom Department Chair Performance Learning Coach Leadership Team Agendas Departmental Action Plan based on conference sessions Observations (formal and informal) Sign-in sheets Agendas 32 Improved performance on Social Studies EOCT. Students can articulate their progress toward meeting their literacy goals. Teachers can explain and demonstrate student growth through feedback on student work samples throughout the semester. Improved performance on Social Studies EOCT. Teachers can show evidence of the impact of strategies on engagement and rigor in class. Students are engaged in School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Implementation of Differentiated Instructional Strategies Training in effective strategies for differentiated instruction. (Gilda Lyons) Plan Year: 2014-2015 August 2014May 2015 Performance Learning Coach Dr. Sandra Webb (GCSU) Leadership Team Technology Integration: Schoolwide focus on infusing 21st century technology into classroom instruction Technology Training SIG Funding $ (Training on the use of IPADs to enhance instruction) August 2014May 2015 Academic Coach Technology Specialists Jim Rumble, Apple Rep 33 Lesson plans indicating DI strategies used. Student portfolios demonstrating use of DI strategies Direct observation of strategies used. Lesson Plans Observations (informal/formal) Technology Training Agendas Technology Training Sign-in sheets activities that are aligned to the standards. Improved performance on Social Studies EOCT. Students can demonstrate evidence of growth throughout the semester. Teacher can explain how DI strategies support the implementation of differentiated instruction in their classrooms. Teachers and students can explain how technology is being used to enhance instruction and engagement School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Attendance Action Plan Annual Measurable Objective: The average student attendance rate will increase from the SY 2012 – 2013 rate of 90% to 95% SY 2013 – 2014. Intervention Develop quarterly Perfect Attendance celebrations for students Professional Learning Needed Estimated Cost and Funding Sources Timeline and Positions Responsible N/A $1,500.00 August 2014May 2015 Means of Evaluation Evidence of Monitoring Progress Event Attendance List Evidence of Impact Posted list of Monthly Attendees Graph in Data Room Sign-in sheets Increase in percentage of parental involvement by 20% each meeting Attendance Booklet Decrease average daily absences from 55% to 45% Decreased days of unexcused absences Graduation Coach Schedule monthly recognition “Shout Outs” to students/teachers who have been present N/A N/A Monthly Steve Jones Principal Design quarterly PIE (Parents Involvement in Education) activities for parents and students and distribute parental involvement handbooks. N/A $2,000.00 August 2014May 2015 Administrators BSLT Distribute 15-day quarterly attendance reports for all Teachers as Advisors Infinite Campus Training N/A Data Team August 2014May 2015 FTE Clerk Parent Involvement Coordinator Counselors 34 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Graduation Rate Action Plan (HIGH SCHOOLS ONLY) Annual Measurable Objective: The graduation rate will increase from 51% in 2011 to 61% in 2014. Intervention Develop and implement Content-specific mentoring plan for students who have not passed the GHSGT. Professional Learning Needed Estimated Cost and Funding Sources Teachers As Advisors N/A Timeline and Positions Responsible August 2014-July 2015 Academic Coaches PLC Means of Evaluation Evidence of Monitoring Progress Copy of plan Mentormentee roster Calendar Meeting notes Contact log with activities Department Chairs Teachers Create a success plan for students who have not passed one or more parts of the GHSGT and/or lacking credits to graduate by Summer 2014. Teachers As Advisors N/A August 2014-July 2015 Copy of SSP Student Roster Counselors Teachers 35 Copy of individual testing report sheet Evidence of Impact Academic coaches and teachers will be able to articulate how they have worked with each student to be successful in core areas on the GHSGT. More students passing the test during the Fall. Increased number of students graduating with a diploma. All stakeholders can communicate a plan for these students and provide intervention services. School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Conduct frequent parent/student meetings for students who begin the school term at risk for not graduating by Summer 2014 $1500 Provide support services for students at risk for not graduating by Summer 2015. (After school tutorial, Saturday School, GHSGT Virtual, Credit Recovery, Credit Repair, & Credit Extension) $20,000 Plan Year: 2014-2015 August 2014-July 2015 Calendar Agenda Administrators Counselors Teachers HSF Parents Parent/Community Representative Parent Contact Log August 2014 -July 2015 Calendar PLC Counselors Teachers Attendance verification Attendance sheets Student roster Copy of SSP 36 Increased number of students graduating with a diploma. Increased parental and student involvement in academic decisions. All stakeholders can communicate a plan for these students and provide intervention services. Timely communication for intervention. Increased number of students graduating with a diploma. Increased number of students participating in support services. Students can communicate School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 what they need to graduate. N/A Review and analyze drop-out list from MyGadoe portal for accuracy. August 2014-July 2015 Counselors Registrar Testing & Accountability Dept. Monitor Seniors academic and behavioral progress weekly. Teachers As Advisors N/A August 2014-July 2015 Administration Counselors Senior Advisors TAA 37 Copy of roster Verification of drop-out codes (contact info.) Student contact sheets Copy of SSP Discipline report Academic report Increased awareness of the students who are impacting our rate negatively to determine next steps. School leaders can communicate drop-out data and determine what drop-outs can be successful if provided additional school services. Decreased number of students not prepared to graduate in May 2011 due to attendance and behavioral concerns. Increased monitoring of students. All stakeholders School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Host two Senior Nights to inform and facilitate postsecondary opportunities. College applications Financial Aid SAT/ACT/ASVAB Military Career Fair Scholarship Determine Grade 11R and Grade 10R students who can graduate by Summer 2014. Develop a success plan for these students that outline specific safety nets. $1500 Teachers As Advisors N/A 38 Plan Year: 2014-2015 can communicate student progress and can predict success of the students. December 2014 Sign-in sheets Increase number of March 2015 Partnership students with a roster post-secondary Counselors plan of action. Parent/Community Agenda Teachers and Representative students can Post-secondary articulate option student available postroster secondary opportunities. Students can express their plan of action after graduation. August 2014 Student roster Increased January 2015 number of Copy of SSP students Counselors graduating Teachers Attendance with a diploma sheets to help the graduation rate Copy of meet school transcripts and state goal. School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Special Education Action Plan (ESEA Mandate) Annual Measurable Objective: 1) Grade 11 SWD (FAY) will increase their achievement in ELA on the End of Course Test (EOCT) from 20% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2013-2014 to 40% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2014-2015. 2) Grade 11 SWD (FAY) will increase their achievement in Mathematics on the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) from 0% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2013-2014 to 10% meeting and exceeding standards at the end of SY 2014-2015. 3) The graduation rate for 2014 will increase from 50% to 55% 4) Decrease absences due to ISS/OSS by 50% Intervention Professional Estimated Timeline/ Means of Evaluation Learning Cost/Funding Positions Evidence of Evidence of Needed Sources Responsible Monitoring Impact Progress Implement and utilize research-based reading Training in August 2014Benchmarks Increase SWD strategies the use of July 2015 English scores Language Lesson Plans on GHSGT curriculum PEC Lead and EOCT teacher Observations (formal/informal) Sign-in sheets Implement and utilize research-based math strategies Training in the use of math manipulatives August 2014July 2015 Agendas Benchmarks Lesson Plans District Math coordinator Increase SWD Math scores on GHSGT and EOCT Observations (formal/informal) Sign-in sheets Use formative/summative data and student conferencing to monitor PEC student progress across the curriculum Infinite Campus and understanding August 2014July 2015 39 Agendas Raider Time documentation of student Increase SWD graduation rate School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones data Design, implement, and utilize PEC time-out program to de-escalate aggressive/negative behaviors prior to administrative referral Plan Year: 2014-2015 PEC Lead teacher Training in de-escalation interventions August 2014July 2015 PEC Lead teacher 40 conferences Progress monitoring data of IEP goals Time-out logs Progress monitoring towards IEP behavioral goals and BIPs Decreased SWD classroom absences School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Career Technical Agriculture Education (CTAE) Action Plan (ESEA Mandate) Annual Measurable Objective: 1) 100% of CTAE students will complete their pathway by the end of SY 2014-2015. Intervention Professional Estimated Learning Cost/Funding Needed Sources #4-Counselors are asked to review Ag courses as to offer Basic Ag for students to start the pathway #6-Seek guidance from CTAE supervision for implementing system programs for field trips in and out of county 2014-2015 year 2014-2015 year #9-CTAE instructors will ensure that evacuation plans October 2014 are printed and posted in all CTAE classrooms. #11-All CTAE instructors will identify and coordinate 2014-2015 collaborative projects with instructors in content areas year #13-CTAE will add middle school teacher and/or representative to advisory committee Sept 2014 and March 2015 Timeline/ Positions Responsible Means of Evaluation 0 0 CTAE budget will support field trips for CTAE to include Fall Leadership, Regional Competitions, and State Leadership Conferences. 0 Cost will be calculated using Trip Tracker Evidence of Monitoring Progress Dothard, Curry, Dept. Chair, CTAE Supervisor 0 Mr. Jones During collobarative Planning, CTAE teachers will coordinate projects across the curriculum to enhance the technology and academic skills of CTAE students. High School CTSO Advisors will invite the CTSO Advisor from 0 CTAE instructtors 0 CTAE Advisors 41 Evidence of Impact Mr. Jones will ensure plans are posted near all classroom exit doors Lesson plans Master Schedule Copy of agendas or field trip itineraries Advisory Board roster and minutes School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Appling Middle School to attend the Advisory Board Meeting on September 25, 2013 and March 26, 2014 Recruitment Activities for CTSO: Movie Afternoon at Northeast and CTAE Recruitment Day will be held during 1st semester. CTAE t-shirts will be ordered to wear on CTSO day. 0 Plan Year: 2014-2015 #14-Each CTAE discipline will develop and implement strategies for promoting nontraditional careers and recruiting members in CTSOs Oct 2014 – May 2015 #15-CTAE faculty will identify and create a list of potential employers to match and/or compliment pathways #16-CTAE Supervisor will make recommendation to Counselors about possible CTAE professional development opportunities to attend for updates (Regional Drive-ins?) Oct 2014 – May 2015 Each CTAE teacher will recruit 5 new members to their Advisory Board. 2014-2015 year 0 0 CTAE Teachers Percentage of graduates completing a CTAE pathway within each program of study. 2014-2015 year 0 0 CTAE Teachers Counselor 0 2014 - 2015 year 42 CTAE Dept. Nontraditional camps: M.A.G.I.C, Men in Medicine, and Girls Auto Know were held during the summer. CTAE Dept. Roster of Advisory Board members. CTAE Supervisor CTAERN accounts have been set up by Charles Baima for the counselor Advisory Board roster and minutes Gradutes names on the End-ofPathway Ceremony Progam. School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Professional Learning Plan The plan below should include all professional (PL) activities conducted on or off-site during the school year, regardless of funding source. PL Liaisons will submit a copy of this document along with the supporting budget and class proposals to the Department of Professional Learning to served as the Comprehensive Plan. The PL budget should address only activities funded through the Professional Learning Department budget. A copy of the PL budget and any other budgets utilized to support professional learning should be placed in the CSIP appendix. Funding Goal to Improve Student Description of Activity Timeline Means of Evaluation Source Achievement Evidence of Evidence of Monitoring Impact Increase EOCT, SAT and Aug 14 – Informal and Teachers’ State AP endorsement training GHSGT scores in all May 15 formal implementation (PL Funds) Gifted endorsement training academic areas observations of AP and STEM Training with Georgia gifted College and State University (Dr. Increase graduation rate Sign-in sheets strategies Sandra Webb) Literacy Initiative (Develop and Enhance literacy Dept meeting Increased implement Power 12 strategies) by agendas student working with Dr. Sandra Webb, achievement reading professor, of Georgia on EOCT, SAT College and State University and GHSGT Differentiated Instruction PL activities Formative Assessment PL activities Increase EOCT, SAT and Aug. 14Informal and Teachers’ Federal AP endorsement training GHSGT scores in all May 15 formal implementation Gifted endorsement training academic areas observations of AP and STEM Training with Georgia gifted College and State University (Dr. Increase graduation rate Sign-in sheets strategies Sandra Webb) Literacy Initiative (Develop and Enhance literacy Dept meeting Increased implement Power 12 strategies) by agendas student working with Dr. Sandra Webb, achievement reading professor, of Georgia on EOCT, SAT College and State University and GHSGT Differentiated Instruction PL activities Formative Assessment PL activities Enhance literacy Reading in the Content Area Teacher Informal and Increased Local Keys formal student 43 School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Plan Year: 2014-2015 Effectiveness observations Systems Sign-in sheets Dept meeting agendas Common assessments Read One program Sign-in sheets at Book Club 44 achievement on EOCT, SAT and GHSGT Increased student use of media center services School Name: Northeast High School Principal: Mr. R. Steven Jones Appendices 45 Plan Year: 2014-2015