Dead Poets Society

Quote Analysis
1. In the initial screenplay, Todd specifically does
not sign the paper at the end. In the movie,
we are not told one way or the other. Did
Todd sign it or not? What do you think?
2. What happens next? What does the future
hold for Keating?
3. What does the future hold for the boys?
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Gerard Pitts
Mr. Keating
Mr. Perry
Mr. Nolan
Character’s Personality
(2 adjectives)
Other Character Traits and Roles (purposes each
character fulfills in the movie)
1. Where do you see these play out in the film?
2. Provide 3 examples from the film for each
thematic idea.
Feelings of alienation
Dealing with increased feelings of independence
and rebellion
Academic pressure
Influence of role models
Thinking independently
Q: What do these pillars tell you about the
school and its philosophies?
In a group of four, discuss the various slides.
Each person must take notes on the group’s discussion
and be prepared to share some of your thoughts in
a large group discussion tomorrow.
You will have 4-5 minutes to discuss each slide. Be
sure to keep your conversation focused during this
• What is the context of the quote?
• Who is saying it?
• To whom is it said?
• Meaning/Analysis of the quote: (what are the boys
or anyone else supposed to get out of this quote?)
We don’t read and write poetry because it’s
cute. We read and write poetry because we
are members of the human race. And the
human race is filled with passion. And
medicine, law, business, engineering, these are
noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.
But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are
what we stay alive for.”
I stand upon my desk to remind myself that
we must constantly look at things a different
way. The world looks very different up here...
Just when you think you think you know
something you have to look at it in another
way... When you read, don’t just consider
what the author thinks, you must consider
what you think.
Show me the heart unfettered by foolish
dreams And I’ll show you a happy man. —
But only in their dreams can men be truly
free. ‘Twas always thus, and always thus will
be. —Keating
I went to the woods because I wanted
to live deliberately, I wanted to live
deep and suck out all the marrow of
life, To put to rout all that was not life
and not when I had come to die
discover that I had not lived. —Thoreau
Most men live lives of quiet desperation.
I sound my barbaric YAWP over the
rooftops of the world. —Whitman
...Two roads diverged in a wood
And I, I took the one less traveled
by And that has made all the
difference. —Frost
O Me! O Life! O Me! O life!...of the questions of
these recurring: Of the endless trains of the
faithless— of cities fill’d with the foolish;.... What
good amid these, O me, O life? Answer. That
you are here— that life exists, and identity; That
the powerful play goes on, and you will
contribute a verse. —Walt Whitman