Introduction to Analytical Chemistry (SE-307)

Anna Permanasari
2 sks, 2nd grade, 4nd semester
Compulsory/ Concretation Competence Courses
prerequisite : Has attended fundamental
Standard Competence:
Understand that analytical chemistry is a part
of chemistry that can be used to identify
element in an inorganic compound, to
analyze structure and to analyze the quantity
of substance in materials
Can describe the steps in chemical analysis
Can define the test to identify element in an inorganic
3. Can describe basic concept in titrimetric methods (acidbase, redox, argentometric, and complexometric
4. Can do the calculation related to titrimetric methods
5. Can describe the basic concept in spectrometric analysis
6. Can use Lambert-Beers Law to calculate the
concentration of sample matrix
7. Can describe methods in separation chemistry.
- Method(s) : demonstration, discussion,
questions and answers,
- Approach(s)
: Problem Based Learning
- Assignment
: structured-assignment
- Media
: LCD, OHP and apparatus
mid-semester test = 30 %
final-semester test = 30%
Paper Tasks = 20%
Presentation = 20 %
Prerequisite for final exam: 80% presences.
1st Meeting: Manipulation, Course preview
2nd Meeting : Analytical chemistry as a part of chemistry
3rd Meeting : Steps in chemical analysis
4th Meeting : Qualitative analysis (1)
5th Meeting : Qualitative analysis (2)
6th Meeting : Quantitative analysis (Acid-base titrations)
7th Meeting : Quantitative analysis (Argentometric
8th Meeting
9th Meeting
10th Meeting
11th Meeting
12th Meeting
13th Meeting
14th Meeting
15th Meeting
16th Meeting
: Quantitative analysis (Redox titrations)
: Quantitative analysis (Complexometric titrations)
: Exercise on calculation in quantitative analysis
: Mid exam
: Spectrometric analysis (UV/VIS); Introduction to
Lambert-Beer Laws
: Spectrometric analysis ; Exercises in spectrometric
: Separation methods in analytical chemistry
: Separation methods in analytical chemistry
: Final exam
Day, Underwood (2004): Introduction to Analytical
Chemistry, Prentice and Hall Pub, 5th edition, NY.
Kolthoff and Sander (1994): Quantitative Inorganic
Other Analytical Chemistry textbooks