The Gift of the Atonement

The Gift of
“Lesson 45: The Gift of the Atonement
(Easter),” Primary 6: Old
Testament, (1996),202
•You may each have
one piece of candy.
I’m going to give each of
you a piece of paper with
this code to solve:
• If you solved the code,
you may have three
more pieces of candy!
• This activity teaches us a valuable
lesson about the Atonement.
• Jesus Christ has given us the gift of
the Atonement, which has two parts.
• One part requires no effort from us
to receive it. But we must work if we
are to have the other part.
• Let’s read Moses 1:39 to find the
two parts of the Atonement.
• In this lesson we will learn the
meaning of:
–Immortality (the gift of the
Resurrection, which Jesus Christ
gives to all people) and. . .
–Eternal life (the gift to live forever as
families in God’s presence if we
repent) and. . .
• How each gift was prophesied of by
Old Testament prophets.
• God’s plan is to make
immortality and
eternal life possible
for each of us.
• The Messiah atoned
for our sins.
• When Jesus and
the Apostles went
to the Garden of
Judas did not go
with them.
• He went to tell the
Jewish leaders
where Jesus was.
• Jesus knew He needed to
suffer for the sins of all
people. He was obedient to
Heavenly Father.
• As Jesus prayed, He began to tremble
because of the pain. An angel came to
strengthen Him.
• He suffered so much
that he sweat drops
of blood. He was
suffering for all of our
sins so that we can
be forgiven if we • Jesus woke Peter,
James, and John. He
told them that He would
be betrayed and killed.
Jesus said that wicked
people were coming to
take Him away.
• The leaders of the Jews
sent men with swords and
sticks to the Garden.
Judas Iscariot was with
them. The chief priests
had paid Judas to show
the men where Jesus was.
• Judas showed the men who
Jesus was by kissing Him.
Then they took Jesus to the
high priest, Caiaphas.
• The Jewish leaders said that He
had broken the law by saying that
He was the Son of God. Jesus
told them that He was the Son of
God. They said Jesus was guilty
and should die.
• The Jewish leaders did not have
the authority to kill Jesus. They
took Him to Pontius Pilate, who
could sentence Jesus to die. The
Jewish leaders told Pilate that
Jesus had taught the people to
disobey the Roman law.
• Pilate wanted to let Jesus go. But the
priests and the people kept shouting that
they wanted Jesus to be crucified.
• Pilate washed his hands. He said that he
was not responsible for Jesus' death. The
people said that they would be responsible
for His death. Pilate told his soldiers to
crucify Jesus.
• The soldiers beat
Jesus with whips and
put a purple robe on
Him. They made a
crown of thorns and
put it on His head.
• They made Him carry His own cross.
They nailed His hands and feet to the
cross and lifted it up. They also crucified
two other men, who were thieves.
Jesus Christ Gave Us
the Gift of Immortality
• What was
foretold about
the Savior’s
hands and
• Psalm 22:16
• Jesus asked
Heavenly Father to
forgive the soldiers
who crucified Him.
They did not know
that He was the
• Mary, the mother of
Jesus, was
standing by the
cross. The Apostle
John was there too.
Jesus told John to
take care of His
• Darkness covered
the land. The
Savior suffered on
the cross for
many hours.
Finally His spirit
left His body, and
He died.
• Jesus Christ was buried
in Joseph of Arimathea’s
• How was Jesus
• Luke 23:33
• Crucify means to kill by nailing
or tying a person’s hands and
feet to a cross and leaving him
to die.
• When Jesus died
on the cross, what
happened to his
• When Christ died,
his spirit left his
body and went to
the spirit world.
Let’s read:
• Luke 23:46
• D&C 138
• The Savior’s body was in
the tomb for three days.
Then two angels came
and rolled the stone away
from the tomb.
• A woman whom Jesus had
healed named Mary
Magdalene went to the tomb.
She saw that the stone had
been moved and that Jesus'
body was not in the tomb.
• Where was Jesus’
body laid?
• Why were soldiers
assigned to guard
Jesus’ tomb?
Let’s read:
• Matthew
• Matthew
• Mary ran to tell Peter and
John that someone had
taken the Savior’s body. She
did not know where it was.
• They found the cloth Jesus
had been buried in, but
Jesus' body was not there.
Peter and John did not know
what to do. They went home.
• Mary stayed by the
tomb, crying. When she
looked into the tomb
again, she saw two
• They asked her why she
was crying. She said
someone had taken
Jesus' body away.
• How was the tomb
opened on the third
day after Jesus’
• What did the angel
tell Mary at the
Let’s read:
• Matthew 28:2
• Matthew 28:5–
• She turned around and
saw someone. She didn’t
recognize Him. He asked
her why she was crying.
She asked Him if He knew
where Jesus‘ body was.
• Then the man said,
“Mary,” and she knew it
was Jesus. He asked her
to tell the Apostles that He
was resurrected.
• Mary and some
other women told
the Apostles that
Jesus had been
resurrected. At
first they did not
believe them.
• Later, while the
Apostles were
talking to each
other, Jesus
came into the
• The Savior told
them to touch
His hands and
feet. He was
resurrected. His
body and spirit
had come
together again.
• The Savior
overcame death.
• The Savior will
redeem all of us from
the grave.
• Hosea 13:14
• Jesus Christ was
• Matthew 28:5–6
• Jesus’ spirit, which
had left his body
when he died, came
back again into his
body when he was
• This was the first
time that anyone on
earth had been
Let’s read:
• What did Isaiah mean • Isaiah 25:8
when he said the
Messiah would
“swallow up death in
• What did Hosea mean • Hosea 13:14
when he said Christ
will “ransom all of us
from the grave”?
Let’s read:
• These revelations • See
“Resurrection” in
describe the
the LDS Bible
Dictionary [p.
• What does Jesus Christ’s
Resurrection mean for each of us?
• Because of Jesus’ Resurrection all
people who have lived or who ever
will live on earth will be
• Jesus gave each of us this gift, the
gift of immortality, to live forever
with our bodies and spirits reunited.
Jesus Christ Made It Possible
to Gain Eternal Life
Let’s read:
• Isaiah 53:5
• What did Isaiah’s
prophecy teach us
about Christ’s
• What did Jesus do after • Matthew
he entered the Garden 26:36
of Gethsemane?
Jesus Christ Made It Possible
to Gain Eternal Life
Let’s read:
• How did Jesus express • Matthew
26:39, 42,
his willingness to do
Heavenly Father’s will? 44
• Luke 22:44
• How terrible was
Jesus’ suffering in the
Garden of
Let’s read:
• D&C 19:18
• Jesus took all our
sins upon him, which
caused him greater
agony than we can
• Because of Christ’s suffering,
we have the opportunity to
repent of our sins and be
• If we do this, we will not have to
suffer as Christ did.
Let’s read:
• This is what Isaiah
meant when he
said, “With his
stripes we are
• Isaiah 53:5
A & Q Time!
• I am going to give each of you
a piece of paper with a
question on it.
• Now, I am going to read an
answer to a question.
• Whoever has the right
question is to read it aloud.
Enrichment Activity #2
A & Q Time!
• When the spirit leaves the body.
–What is death?
• When the body and spirit come
together again, never to be separated.
–What is resurrection?
• Jesus Christ.
–Who was the first person on earth to
be resurrected?
Enrichmet Activity #2
A & Q Time!
• Immortality and eternal life.
–What are two gifts Jesus Christ gave
to us?
• The gift of resurrection or immortality.
–What gift is given to us without any
effort on our part?
• The gift of eternal life.
–What gift do we have to work for?
Enrichmet Activity #2
• This is a picture of someone I love
who has died.
• Even though I miss this person
very much, I know that because of
the Atonement of Jesus Christ, if I
live worthily I will see this loved
one again.
• Do you know someone who has
died in your family whom you
would like to see again?
Enrichment Activity #3
• We do not need to fear death.
Prophets have revealed that
we will see our loved ones
again, and we will feel great
comfort and joy in the spirit
world after death.
Enrichment Activity #3
• Joseph Smith said: “I
have a father,
brothers, children,
and friends who have
gone to a world of
spirits. They are only
absent for a moment.
They are in the spirit,
and we shall soon
meet again” (History of the
Church, 6:316).
Enrichment Activity #3
• Brigham Young said:
“We shall turn round and
look upon it [the valley of
death] and think, … I
thirst no more, I want to
sleep no more, I tire no
more, … [I feel] nothing
like pain or weariness, I
am full of life, full of vigor,
and I enjoy the presence
of my Heavenly Father” (in
Journal of Discourses, 17:142).
Enrichment Activity #3
We are going to read a reference from the numbered list
and match it with the fulfillment from the lettered list.
Fulfillment of
1. Isaiah 53:7—He opened not his
2. Psalm 34:20—No broken bones
3. Psalm 22:1—Why hast thou
forsaken me?
4. Psalm 22:18—Cast lots for his
5. Zechariah 11:13—Thirty pieces
of silver
a. Luke 23:9
b. Matthew 27:9 c. Matthew 27:35
Enrichment Activity #4
d. John 19:36 e. Matthew 27:46
The Third Article of Faith
We believe that through
the Atonement of
Christ, all mankind may
be saved, by obedience
to the laws and
ordinances of the
Enrichment Activity #5
• Each of you may choose an object and read the scripture.
• How does the object relate to the story of the Atonement?
Coins—Matthew 26:14–16
Soap—Matthew 27:24–26
Red cloth—Matthew 27:28–30
Nail—Matthew 27:31–32
Soil—Matthew 27:50–51
White cloth—Matthew 27:58–59
Rock—Matthew 27:60–65
Enrichment Activity #6
Did Jesus really live again?
Yes, when the third day came,
He wakened and he left the tomb;
He called Mary’s name.
Did Jesus come to those he loved?
Yes, people touched his feet,
And of the fish and honeycomb
He did truly eat.
And there were nail-prints in his hands
And a spear wound in his side.
Did Jesus really live again
After he had died? Oh yes! And so shall I!
Words: Mabel Jones Gabbott, b. 1910. © 1977 IRI Music: Royce Campbell Twitchell, b. 1939. © 1977 IRI
Enrichment Activity #7
• I am thankful for the
great gifts that
Jesus Christ has
given us, that we
might be
resurrected and live
forever with
Heavenly Father
and with our
families if we
• Lesson and Enrichment Activities are from the
Primary 6 Old Testament Manual. Clipart and images
are from (magazine library),,
and Microsoft Office. The scripture stories & hymn
are from Sound effects are from Microsoft
Office. No copyrighted materials were knowingly
used improperly or without consent. Please do not
use this presentation for commercial use.