Dead Poets Society: Discussion Questions

Movie Small Group Discussion Questions
Dead Poets Society
Movie Summary:
Painfully shy Todd Anderson has been sent to the school where his popular older
brother was valedictorian. His room-mate, Neil, although exceedingly bright and
popular, is very much under the thumb of his overbearing father. The two, along with
their other friends, meet Professor Keating, their new English teacher, who tells them of
the Dead Poets Society, and encourages them to go against the status quo. Each, in
their own way, does this, and are changed for life.
Discussion Questions:
Prior to meeting in your small groups, select a couple questions from the list below to
discuss with your group.
What were the values of Whelton Academy, and how were they maintained?
How was Mr. Keating’s philosophy different from the other teachers?
Describe one specific lesson that Mr. Keating used, and explain his purpose in that lesson.
What was the purpose of the original Dead Poet’s Society?
Was Mr. Keating supportive of the boys’ attempts to bring the Dead Poet’s Society back to life?
Discuss the circumstances behind Neal’s death. Consider the following relationships: Mr. and Mrs.
Perry, Mr. Keating, the Dead Poet’s Society.
Did you find Neal’s death a surprise? Or could you have predicted his suicide?
To what extent do parents today pressure their children to be successful?
How do you feel about expressing your feelings to your parents? What types of ideas do you openly
share? When is it difficult to confide in them?
Is suicide an acceptable solution to anyone’s life problems? Explain.
Why is the administration of Welton Academy so set on making their students conform to the “cookiecutter” image of success and discipline?
Why do you think Welton Academy is so anxious to hold Mr. Keating responsible for Neal’s death?
Why do you think Welton Academy wanted the Dead Poet’s Society disbanded?
Have you ever found it difficult to be your “true self” around others?
If the setting of this movie were in a public school, instead of a prestigious academy, would the
message be any different?
What does the closing scene of the movie symbolize (when the students stood on their desks, crying
“Oh captain, my captain…”)?
Do you believe Mr. Keating is responsible for Neal’s death? Or the rebellion brought on by the Dead
Poet’s Society?
Mr. Keating’s motto is carpe diem (seize the day!). Do you think this is a good motto to have? Explain.
Why do you think Welton Academy is not racially diverse?
How does each of the members of the Dead Poet’s society contribute to the development of the
movie’s plot?
How do Knox and Chris contribute to the overall message of the movie?
Why do you think the movie is titled Dead Poet’s Society?