THE WAY OF WISDOM: “INTEGRATIVE PLURALISM” AS AN IMPOSSIBLE YET RELEVANT IDEAL” ~ CONNECTING THE TRANSCENDENTAL, NATURALISTIC AND HUMANISTIC HORIZONS OF EXPERIENCE COURSE DESCRIPTION • In “The Way of Wisdom” we explore the principle of “integrative pluralism” as “an impossible yet relevant ideal,” connecting the Transcendental, Naturalistic and Humanistic Horizons of Experience which have become fragmented in the modern secular technocratic age. • Further, we explore the search for wisdom within the context of various historical perspectives and cultural traditions – sacred and secular, ancient and modern. THE WAY OF WISDOM A BRIEF COURSE OVERVIEW Session 1: The Way of Wisdom: Singular Session 2: The Ways of Wisdom: Plural Session 3: The Transcendental Dimension Session 4: The Naturalistic Dimension Session 5: The Humanistic Dimension Sessions 6-8: Aspects of the Humanistic Dimension THE WAY OF WISDOM A BRIEF COURSE OVERVIEW Session 6: The Whole Person & the Life Systems Session 7: Historical Consciousness & the Liberal Arts Session 8: Worldview Perspectives & Political Ideologies A FEW BOOKS THAT GOT ME THINKING ABOUT “THE WAY OF WISDOM” • The Way of Wisdom, by Karl Jaspers • Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, by Karl Jaspers • Wisdom: From Philosophy to Neuroscience, by Stephen S. Hall • The Island of Knowledge, by Marcelo Gleiser • Ways of Wisdom: Readings on the Good Life, Ed. by Steve Smith • Three Philosophical Poets, by George Santayana • The Cosmotheandric Experience, by Raimon Panikkar A FEW BOOKS THAT GOT ME THINKING ABOUT “THE WAY OF WISDOM” • The Passion for Wisdom: A Short History of Philosophy, by Robert Solomon • Ten Theories of Human Nature, by Lesley Stevenson & David L. Haberman • Worldviews: Cross-cultural Explorations of Human Beliefs, by Ninian Smart • The Saturated Self: (Romantic, Modern, Post-modern), by Kenneth J. Gergen • The Truth About the Truth: (Romantic, Modern, Postmodern), Edited by Walter T. Anderson THE WAY TO WISDOM BY KARL JASPERS SOCRATES, BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS, JESUS, BY KARL JASPERS WISDOM: FROM PHILOSOPHY TO NEUROSCIENCE, BY STEPHEN HALL THE ISLAND OF KNOWLEDGE: THE LIMITS OF SCIENCE AND THE SEARCH FOR MEANING, BY MARCELO GLEISER THREE PHILOSOPHICAL POETS: DANTE, LUCRETIUS, GOETHE, BY GEORGE SANTAYANA THE COSMOTHEANDRIC EXPERIENCE; THE RHYTHM OF BEING, BY RAIMON PANIKKAR SESSION1 THE WAY OF WISDOM PRIMAL WISDOM BEYOND KNOWLEDGE WHY WISDOM MATTERS ANCIENT WISDOM SYMBOLS TOWARD A DEFINITION OF WISDOM PLURALISTIC – INTEGRATIVE – ENCOMPASSING TRANSCENDENTAL – NATURALISTIC – HUMANISTIC THE PRIMAL WISDOM OF SILENCE, SOLITUDE AND SIMPLICITY THE PRIMAL WISDOM OF NONATTACHMENT, MINDFULNESS & COMPASSION THE PRIMAL WISDOM OF WONDER, GRANDEUR AND BEAUTY THE PRIMAL WISDOM OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM THE PRIMAL WISDOM OF MUSIC, POETRY AND THE ARTS THE PRIMAL WISDOM OF READING, WRITING AND REFLECTION INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE ARE NOT ENOUGH! “KNOWLEDGE IS GOOD, BUT WISDOM IS BETTER” WHY DOES WISDOM MATTER? WHY DOES WISDOM MATTER? • The alternative to Wisdom is Ignorance, Arrogance, Madness and Folly. It is a life driven and consumed by chaos, confusion, fear, craving, impulse and excess, a life devoid of reflection, insight, balance and maturity. WISDOM MAY BE EXPRESSED IN THE “PRIMAL LANGUAGE” OF SYMBOL, MYTH, POETRY, PARABLE, IMAGINATION & THE ARTS. ANCIENT WISDOM SYMBOLS THAT EVOKE THE IDEA AND VALUE OF WISDOM ANCIENT WISDOM SYMBOLS THAT EVOKE THE IDEA AND VALUE OF WISDOM ANCIENT WISDOM SYMBOLS THAT EVOKE THE IDEA AND VALUE OF WISDOM WISDOM IS EXPRESSED IN THE SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE OF HOLISTIC MANDALAS THE IDEAL OF WISDOM IS EXPRESSED IN LEONARDO DA VINCI’S VERIDICAL MAN “THE VERIDICAL MAN” SYMBOLIZES THE HARMONY & BALANCE OF THE WHOLE PERSON Imagination Intellect Heart Senses Will THE IDEAL OF WISDOM IS SYMBOLIZED IN WILLIAM BLAKE’S GNOSTIC VISION OF “THE DANCING OF ALBION” THE IDEAL OF WISDOM IS SYMBOLIZED IN THE “WISE OLD WIZARD” OF POPULAR CULTURE THE IDEAL OF WISDOM IS SYMBOLIZED IN THE ARCHETYPE OF WISE OLD WOMAN OR CRONE THE IDEAL OF INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL WISDOM IS SYMBOLIZED IN THE GODDESS “SOPHIA” IN ANTIQUITY WISDOM IS SEEN AS A NATURAL ALLAY OF “THE THREE GRACES” TOWARD A DEFINITION OF WISDOM --WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY • 1. The ability to understand inner qualities or relationships • 2. A body of facts learned by study or experience • 3. The ability to make intelligence decisions especially in everyday matters • 4. Suitability for bringing about a desired result under circumstances WISDOM AS THE OPTIMAL COURSE OF ACTION • This implies a possession of knowledge or the seeking thereof in order to apply it to the given circumstance. This involves an understanding of people, things, events, situations, and the willingness as well as the ability to apply perception, judgment, and action in keeping with the understanding of what is the optimal course of action. (Source: Wikipedia) WISDOM AS A CARDINAL VIRTUE • Wisdom (sophia) is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. Wisdom has been regarded as one of four cardinal virtues; and as a virtue, it is a habit or disposition to perform the action with the highest degree of adequacy under any given circumstance. (Source: Wikipedia) WISDOM AS CONTROL OF THE “PASSIONS” • It often requires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions") so that the universal principle of reason prevails to determine one's action. In short, wisdom is a disposition to find the truth coupled with an optimum judgment as to what actions should be taken in order to deliver the correct outcome. (Source: Wikipedia) THE NEURAL PILLARS OF WISDOM WISDOM: FROM PHILOSOPHY TO NEUROSCIENCE, BY STEPHEN S. HALL • Emotional Regulation: The Art of Coping • Knowing What’s Important: The Neural Mechanism • Moral Reasoning: The Biology of Judging Right from Wrong • Compassion: The Biology of Loving-Kindness and Empathy • Humility: The Gift of Perspective • Patient: Temptation, Delayed Gratification, Learning to Wait • Dealing with Uncertainty: Change & “Meta-Wisdom” “FOLLY” AS A DEFICIENCY OF “WISDOM” MERRIAM-WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY • 1: lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight • 2a: criminally or tragically foolish actions or conduct • 2b: obsolete: evil, wickedness, especially: lewd behavior • 3: a foolish act or idea • 4: an excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking THE “CRAZY WISDOM” OF THE PARADOXICAL “WISE FOOL” THE CONCEPT OF “THE WISE FOOL” • The idea of the wise fool seems to be an oxymoron in which the fool may have an attribute of wisdom. With probable beginnings early in the civilizing process, the concept developed during the Middle Ages when there was a rise of "civilizing" factors (such as the advent of certain practices of manners in Western Europe) and achieved its most pronounced state in the Renaissance. The wisdom of the fool occupies a place in opposition to that of learned knowledge. THE CONCEPT OF “THE WISE FOOL” • The wise fool may be the Socratic Gadfly whose wisdom consists of “learned ignorance,” of knowing that there are things that one does not know, or at least not through reason, mathematics, logic, philosophy and science alone. • One may come to know some things through intuition, instinct, experience, relationships, “hard knocks” and common sense. • The “wise fool” often speaks in the language of jests, riddles, parables, aphorisms and enigmas that confound and embarrass the arrogant, powerful, pretentious and “wise.” THE WISDOM OF THE “FOX” AND THE WISDOM OF THE “HEDGEHOG” The Fox has Many Small Ideas The Hedgeho g has One Big Idea THE WAY OF THE HEDGEHOG AND THE WAY OF THE FOX One Big Idea: Dig In and Fight to Defend a Small Territory Many Small Ideas: Avoid Death through Evasively Covering a Large Territory THE FOX & THE HEDGEHOG SYMBOLIZE THE YIN & YANG ENERGIES WITHIN THE INTEGRAL TAO The Fox: Many Small Ideas The Hedgeho g: One Big Idea Pluralistic & Integral Tao “ABOVE, BETWEEN, AND BELOW” ~ THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF IMMEDIATE HUMAN EXPERIENCE THE THREE HORIZONS OF WISDOM: FRAGMENTED OR INTEGRAL? Transcendental Horizon: 12-14th Century Middle Ages Humanistic Horizon: 14-15th Century Renaissance Transcendental Horizon: 16th Century Reformation 1 3 2 Naturalistic Horizon: 18th Century Enlightenment A FOURTH HORIZON? THE TECHNOCRATIC SOCIETY Transcendental Horizon: 12-14th Century Middle Ages & 16th C. Reformation Humanistic Horizon: 14-15th Century Renaissance 1 3 Technological Horizon: 21st Century 2 Naturalistic Horizon: 18th Century Enlightenment TRANSCENDENTAL, HUMANISTIC, NATURALISTIC & Transcendental Technocratic TECHNOCRATIC HORIZONS? Horizon: Horizon: 12-14th Century Middle Ages & 16th C. Reformation Humanistic Horizon: 14-15th Century Renaissance 21st Century Naturalistic Horizon: 18th Century Enlightenment THE INTEGRAL WISDOM OF THE THREE HORIZONS: TRANSCENDENTAL – HUMANISTIC – NATURALISTIC • The Transcendental Horizon: Numinous Intuition (“Above”) Ontological & Teleological, Being & Process, “Spiritual” • The Humanistic Horizon: Pragmatic Experience (“Between”) Body & Soul, Mind & Spirit, Culture & Society, “Human” • The Naturalistic Horizon: Rational Empiricism (“Below”) Cosmic & Atomic, Physics & Biology, “Material” THE THREE HORIZONS AS THREE WAYS OF THINKING The Transcendental The Naturalistic Horizon: Horizon: T View from “Above” View From “Below” Metaphysical Physical Consciousness Cosmos Mind, Intuitive Unity in Matter, Empirical Diversity Psyche, Intuition Soma, Sensation Introspective Observational N H Holistic; Music Mechanistic; Math Right-Brain “Mystery” Left-Brain “Mastery” st 1 Person Subjectivity 3rd Person Objectivity War m Participation Cool Detachment Intuitive-Feeling Type The Humanistic Horizon: Sensory-Thinking Type Introverted Perception View from “Between” Extraverted Judgment Relational, Dialogical, Synthetic, Symbiotic, Implicit-Explicit, InwardOutward “I-Thou” & “I-It” : 2nd Person Inter-Subjectivity & Inter-Objectivity Dante Seeking an “Integrative Pluralist” perspective on human beliefs, values, knowledge and experience that finds unity in“N” diversity… Lucretius “T” L Unity in Diversity ...And That respects our finite human comprehension of the Encompassing Reality that “H” transcends our limited personal and cultural views Goethe Applying Integrative Pluralism within an encompassing vision to the transcendental, Naturalistic AND HUMANISTIC horizons of life 1. THE “TRANSCENDENTAL WISDOM” OF THE MYSTIC WHO PONDERS THE INEFFABLE MYSTERY THE INEFFABLE MYSTERY OF THE ENCOMPASSING REALITY THE MYSTERY OF THE ENCOMPASSING REALITY AN ENDLESS SERIES OF HORIZONS ENCOUNTERING THE LIMITS OF KNOWLEDGE AND THE SEARCH FOR MEANING 2. THE “NATURALISTIC WISDOM” OF THE SCIENTIST WHO EXPLORES THE PHYSICAL AND NATURAL WORLD TWO WAYS OF THINKING: TRANSCENDENTAL AND NATURALISTIC • “There are two ways of thinking. The way of time and history and the way of eternity and timelessness, are both part of man’s effort to comprehend the world in which he lives. Neither is comprehended in the other nor reducible to it. They are, as we have learned to say in physical, complementary views, each supplementing the other, neither telling the whole story.” – J. Robert Oppenheimer, Science and the Common Understanding 3. THE “HUMANISTIC WISDOM” OF THE SAGE, SCHOLAR, POET, LITERATI AND POLYMATH THE GRANDEUR OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE: VAST, INTRICATE, DIVERSE, NUANCED & SUBLIME PLATO & ARISTOTLE AS DIVERGENT SYMBOLS OF THE CLASSICAL HUMANISTS THE WISDOM OF “INTEGRATIVE PLURALISM” • “Integrative pluralism seeks an open, expansive and encompassing vision of reality that makes room for a variety of different commitments, beliefs, values and perspectives, including the Transcendental, Naturalistic and Humanistic horizons of life, knowledge and experience.” WHY “INTEGRATIVE PLURALISM” MATTERS • It gives us the ability to integrate, connect or combine a plurality or multiplicity of viewpoints, values and perspectives into a more encompassing and unified whole • It gives us the ability to see the wisdom of understanding appreciating more than one point of view THE RELATION OF “INTEGRATIVE PLURALISM” TO THE ENCOMPASSING REALITY A. Integrative Pluralism assumes that different visions and values may be partly right, or symbolically meaningful, or pragmatically useful within a particular linguistic, historical, social and cultural context. Many things can all be true. B. Encompassing Vision respects the finite and conditioned limits of human reason, knowledge and experience, practicing a measure of metaphysical and epistemological humility before the vast, ineffable encompassing reality. AN “ENCOMPASSING VISION” INCLUDES ALL AGES, CIVILIZATIONS, KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE 1. Ages 2. Civilizations 3. Knowledge 4. Experience Primal Axial/Ancient Medieval Early Modern High Modern Late Modern Post-Modern Trans-Modern North North-East East South-East South South-West West North-West Philosophy Religion History Literature Arts Sciences Psychology Sociology Childhood/Yout h Young Adulthood Mid-Life Adult Senior/Aging Comic Romantic Tragic Ironic INTEGRATIVE PLURALISM IS “AN IMPOSSIBLE YET RELEVANT IDEAL” • Why an Impossible Ideal? Because there are times when our different assumptions, beliefs, visions and values may in fact be mutually exclusive, being rationally contradictory or incompatible with each other; or else they are radically incommensurable, that is, so different as to defy any meaningful comparison at all. INTEGRATIVE PLURALISM IS “AN IMPOSSIBLE YET RELEVANT IDEAL” • Why a Relevant Ideal? Because there are times when we attempt to make connections and even to find common ground between different visions, values, assumptions and beliefs, since they may be compatible, complementary, dialectical and/or paradoxical in their relationship rather than absolutely opposed and exclusive of each other. “MERGERS” AND “SPLITTERS” AS TWO DIFFERENT CASTS OF MIND “Mergers” seek to find the common ground between different perspectives, uniting them into a greater whole. Their methodology is the contemplative, paradoxical, mystical and therapeutic Both-And. They dislike conflict and prefer to find the middle-ground. “MERGERS” AND “SPLITTERS” -TWO DIFFERENT CASTS OF MIND- “Splitters” seek to force a necessary choice between contradictory beliefs, values, perspectives and commitments. Their methodology of the critical, analytical, prophetic and ethical Either/Or. They dislike compromise and prefer to hold firm to their principles.