Program Charter [Insert Program Name] Type the author name Last Updated: November 14, 2012 Program Charter – [Insert Program Name] Program Overview Problem Statement Outline why this program is important and what it needs to achieve. What is the problem this program is meant to solve? [Insert Problem Statement here] Program Description Provide a brief description of the program, including what the end state of the program will look like and how it will benefit the University. What are the key strategic drivers? What is the program’s relationship with University strategic objectives, and with other ongoing strategic initiatives? Who are the program’s sponsor(s), program manager, and customers? Is there an organizational structure of the group executing the program that should be documented here? [Insert Program Description here] Program Goals & Objectives What are the goals and objectives of this program? What are the key benefits/goals sought for this program? What are the key program outcomes? What measurements will be used for the objectives? [Insert Program Goals & Objectives here] Program Scope What is and is not included in the scope of this program? [Insert Program Scope here] Program Critical Success Factors What is required for the success of this program? What dependencies are there for this program to be successful? What factors contribute towards the realization of the benefits & goals identified for this program? [Insert Program Critical Success Factors here] Program Assumptions and Constraints What are the assumptions, constraints, and external factors considered to shape the program? [Insert Program Assumptions and Constraints here] Program Risks and Issues What are the initial risks and issues for the program? List any mitigation steps put in place initially for these risks and issues. Note that these will be expanded upon within the program’s components /projects. Page | 1 [Insert full path and file name] Program Charter – [Insert Program Name] [Insert Program Risks and Issues here] Program Organization Program Structure What components/projects are required for this program? How will these components/projects be configured/ managed to ensure the program is successful? What is the relationship between the components/projects? How will components/projects for this program be selected? This section may also include a high level program plan for all components/projects. [Insert Program Structure here] Program Governance What is the recommended governance structure to manage, control, and support the program? What are the recommended governance structures to manage and control projects and other program components, including reporting requirements? [Insert Program Governance here] Program Stakeholders Who are the program’s stakeholders and what is their attitude towards the program? What is the initial strategy to manage them? What is the initial communications plan for these stakeholders. This section is probably best documented with the use of a stakeholder and communication charts. The stakeholder chart should include stakeholder identification information (name, position, location, role in project), stakeholder assessment information (their major requirements, main expectations, potential influence in the project, phases of life cycle that most interest them), and stakeholder classification (internal/external to project, supportive/neutral/resistant/etc. to project). The primary stakeholder should be clearly identified in the chart. The communications chart should include stakeholder, messages, communication medium, frequency, communicators, and feedback mechanism. [Insert Program Stakeholders here] Program Roles & Responsibilities Provide a high level description of the roles and associated responsibilities that will be required for the success of this program. This could be documented with a RACI chart. Note specific skill sets for a responsibility, if applicable. [Insert Program Roles & Responsibilities here] Page | 2 [Insert full path and file name] Program Charter – [Insert Program Name] Program Authority & Milestones Program Funding Authority What are the expected costs and benefits associated with the program? How will these costs and benefits be managed (controlled, monitored and reported upon)? Who has funding authority for the program? What timelines are the costs and benefits expected to be realized? [Insert Program Funding Authority here] Program Milestones What is the total length of the program (begin date, and end date), including all key milestone dates? This can be broken down by program components/projects. [Insert Program Milestones here] Program Points of Contact List all key program points of contact. [Insert Program Points of Contact here] Approval This charter formally authorizes [Program XXX], based on the information outlined in this charter. Should any of this information change throughout the duration of the program, it shall be discussed by [insert statement according to program’s governance on where changes are discussed] and documented under [insert statement where program’s documented changes are recorded]. Approved by: [insert who has approved the charter] Approval Date: [insert date the charter is approved] This approval was discussed by [insert where this approval was discussed] and documented at [insert where documentation for approval resides]. Revision History Provide a chart where document revisions are recorded. This chart should include who made the revision, the date made, what was revised, who it was reviewed & approved by, and the date it was reviewed & approved. [Insert Revision History chart] Page | 3 [Insert full path and file name]