Shake, Snap, and Roll! 25 Cool Things You Can Do with Windows 7

Shake, Snap, and Roll!
25 Cool Things You Can Do with Windows 7
Teresa Phillips
Bulloch County Schools
Teresa Phillips
Instructional Technology Specialist
Bulloch County Schools
1. Shake
Shake a window to
minimize everything
except that window
3. Personalize
• Picture (User Account)
– Start; click on picture; Change picture
• Desktop Background
– Change your desktop background (wallpaper) > Rt click
desktop; personalize; desktop background (can choose
picture library for slideshow)
– Themes
• Start Menu
– Rt click > properties >
4. Show Desktop
• Located in bottom right corner next
to clock and date
• Click to minimize all windows and
show desktop
5. Search computer
Start > enter text in white box
to quickly search computer
6. Pin to Start Menu
• Right click on any program >
pin to start menu
7. Pin to taskbar
• Customize your taskbar so that
programs you use most are located
there for quick access
• Right-click on program > Pin to
9. Resize window
• Grab window and pull down
• Restore > resize
10. Desktop Shortcuts
• Pull down any window so it’s not
• Click on icon in front of http:// and
drag to desktop
• Right click > Rename
• Side by Side
– Drag open window to side
• Vertically
– Drag window vertically to top or bottom
• Maximize
– Drag window to top to maximize
14. Search Documents
• Libraries (Documents, Music,
Pictures, Videos)
– Search filters
15. Problem Steps Recorder
• Start > type psr in search box
• Records actions on the screen and
plays back like slide show
17. Snipping Tool
• All programs > accessories
• Takes a screen shot and saves as
png or jpeg
18. Speech Recognition
• Start > all programs > accessories >
ease of access
19. Magnifier
• Start > all programs > accessories >
ease of access
• Press Esc to close
21. Sticky Notes
• Start > All programs > accessories
Text can be formatted by selecting the text then:
Ctrl + B = Bold
Ctrl + I = Italics
Ctrl + T= Strike through
Ctrl + U= Underline
Ctrl + Shift L= bulleted list or numbered list
Ctrl + Shift > or < = resizes the font
To change color> Rt click and select color
Add another sticky note > Click on the + on a current
sticky note
22. Gadgets
• Rt click desktop; gadgets; drag
anywhere you’d like; more online
23. Automatic Backup
• Control Panel > System and
Security > Backup
– Set automatic backups
24. DVD Maker
• Start > enter dvd in search box
(Windows DVD Maker)
– Movies or Slideshows
• Burn DVD that will play in a DVD
25. Windows Live Essentials
• SkyDrive (online storage)
• Mesh (syncs to multiple computers)
• Photo Gallery
• Movie Maker
Helpful Resources
2. Peek
Hover over icons at bottom to
peek at windows that are open
Note: multiple Internet tabs
can be viewed
8. Jumplist
• Create jumplists (shortcuts or
favorites organized by program)
• Right click on task bar > put cursor
over item > pin
• Drag from desktop and drop on
12. Updated Features
• Calculator
• Paint
13. Extend Desktop
• Windows + P
16. Sound Recorder
• Start > All programs > Accessories
• Saves recordings as wma files
20. Pin to Library
• Network locations
• Folders