HRP 223 - 2008 HRP223 2008 Topic 4 – Data Manipulation Copyright © 1999-2008 Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. Warning: This presentation is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction of this presentation, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to maximum extent possible under the law. Why Code Data step advantages – – – – Splitting data into many subsets Tasks that require looping Quickly subsetting Complex retains Minor tweaks with nice pay offs – – – – Adding Page Numbers Inserting Group Names in Titles Title and Footnote Justification Conditional Highlighting Including parameters HRP223 2008 Common Ground … where HRP223 2008 The first week of class you saw that you can point-and-click with EG or write data step code or PROC SQL statements to subset data. where HRP223 2008 The syntax for where is identical in SQL and data steps. Differences vs. if statements: – main points work in where only • sub points work in either – x between y and z • x >= y and x <= z • y <= x <= z – string1 ? string2 or string1 contains string2 • index(string1,string2) > 0 – string1 =* string2 • soundex(string1) = soundex(string2) – x is null or x is missing • missing(x) – String1 like “U%of%A%” • use regular expressions (PRX) Why bother? HRP223 2008 If you can use the GUI to write the subsets, why bother learning the code? – It takes time to make a new dataset. If all you want is to subset for an analysis, it is a LOT faster to add the where into the analysis code. • First run the analysis on the complete data. • Right click the node and choose open last submitted code. • (Tell it to keep all variables.) • Scroll to the procedure and add in the where. Keep All Data HRP223 2008 Before the analysis code, SAS puts in instructions to subset the data. Tell it to include all variables by adding the variable in the where statement or just use a *. More on this in a bit. where Syntax HRP223 2008 The where statement, like all SAS statements, begins with a keyword (where) and ends in a semicolon. – – – – – – where where where where where where isDead = "false"; isDead ne "true"; missing(gender); salary > 100000; country in ("USA", "Japan", "UK"); country in ("USA" "Japan" "UK"); where Syntax HRP223 2008 Arithmetic – where salary/12 > 10000; – where (salary /12) * 1.20 ge 9900; – where salary + bonus < 120000; Logical – – – – where where where where gender ne "M" and salary >= 50000; gender ne "M" or salary >= 50000; country = "UK" or country = "UTAH"; country not in ("USA", "AU"); Make Decisions HRP223 2008 SAS has many operations available to help you make decisions. – = eq, ~= ne, < lt, > gt, <= le, >= ge, in ( ) – Not • requires the expression following it to not be true. – & And, | or, in • & Requires both operands to be true. • | Requires one operand to be true. • In () requires at least one comparison to be true. – Math operations: • + - * / **. Logical Decisions & Compound Expressions HRP223 2008 Use the List Data … option on the Describe menu to choose what variables to report, then include validity checks on the data. Common tests and common problems: where YODeath < YOBirth; where Sex = "M" and numPreg > 0; where Sex="M" and numPreg > 0 or ageLMP > 0; *** bad ***; where Sex="M" and (numPreg > 0 or ageLMP > 0); *** good ***; – Moral: Use parentheses generously with ands and ors. Looking at Data HRP223 2008 The traditional way to look at data is with proc print. proc print data=parity; var gender numBirths yoBirth yoDeath ageLMP; run; You can print out the corners of your data table. proc print data=parity(firstobs=6 obs=6); var gender ageLMP; run; SAS should have called this lastobs. Moving Stuff in EG HRP223 2008 Last time somebody asked me how to move stuff between process flows and I said that I just copied the entire project. Actually, you can copy a bunch of stuff then right click and choose “Move to > somewhere”. Data Step HRP223 2008 There are a few things that can be done in a data step that can’t be done in SQL. Most SAS programmers do not know SQL and I need you to be able to look at their code. Data Step Parts HRP223 2008 Data steps begin with a data statement. The second statement is usually a set statement or an input statement. There are any number of additional statements after the set or input line. The data step ends with a run statement or (if the programmer is too lazy to type run;) at the beginning of the next data step or procedure. About that second line… set blah; HRP223 2008 – Says you are going to read data from an existing SAS data set (called blah in this case) into your new data set. input gender $ age; – Means that you are going to read existing data from this page of code or from a text file. Typically the input statement appears with a datalines statement (for reading from this file) or an infile statement (for reading from another text file). – “gender $” means that one variable is a character string – Age does not have a $. So this signifies a numeric variable. Those lines after the 2nd line HRP223 2008 Commands that you are likely to see after the set line include: where statements are used to select what records to include based on the values in the source file. if-then-else statements are used to check simple logic to assign new values. select statements are used to perform complex checking and choosing from a list. How SAS Processes a Dataset 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HRP223 2008 When you create a SAS data set with data step code, SAS does the following things: It figures out what variables it needs to track and it sets aside some space in the computer’s working memory (RAM) to hold the variables. This space is called the Program Data Vector (PDV). It sets the values in the PDV to missing. Then it does all the instructions you tell it to do, in the order you have written them. Then it writes all the variables out to the new dataset. It then repeats the process if there is more data. Manipulating Data HRP223 2008 Say you have a dataset with a bunch of variables. How does SAS keep track of the data and allow you to manipulate it? Say this is the dataset called “OLD”. Manipulating Data HRP223 2008 When you do a data step every variable on the set or input lines are added to the PDV for the life of the data step. The variables id, race, case, refage and lname are put into the new dataset. data new; The variables id, race, case, refage and lname are put set old; into the PDV. run; If you don’t tell SAS to do something different, every1 variable in the PDV is output to the new dataset. How SAS Really Works The Program Data Vector HRP223 2008 SAS processes information a record at a time in the PDV. The PDV tracks variable names and their contents, plus a couple of automatic variables. The automatic ones don’t get output. SAS forgets what is in the vector when it reads the next record but you can force it to remember without too much effort. Working With Variables HRP223 2008 It is easy to add variables to the PDV. You can create a variable called isMale and set it to a value for everyone in a dataset like this: Id, race, case, refage, lname and isMale are put into the new data new; dataset . set old; isMale = ‘yes’; isMale is added to PDV. run; or you can conditionally assign a variable’s value with an if statement: if refAge < 50 then isYoung = 1; if then (else) statements HRP223 2008 If you want to do something if a condition is true, use an if-then statement. Remember you need both words, if and then . data males females; set parity; if gender = "m" then output males; else output females; run; What could possibly go wrong? HRP223 2008 If you send the people who have a gender of “m” to one dataset and everyone else to another, you will be dealing with major headaches later. The “female” records plus all the “Males”, “ ”, and every misspelling of male and female goes into that second file. I do use if-then statements but very rarely do I use simple else statements. select-when-otherwise-end HRP223 2008 I use select statements instead of complex else logic. The first condition in the block that is true is executed and the rest are ignored. data males females others; set parity; select (gender); when ("M") output males; when ("F") output females; otherwise output others; end; run; Creating a Variable HRP223 2008 data x; input grade $ @@; datalines; A B C D F ; run; data y; set x; select (grade); when ("A") score = "Woop!!!!"; when ("B", "C") score = "Bah"; when ("D", "F") score = "Ut oh"; end; run; Complex Decisions HRP223 2008 The first condition that is true is done and the rest are ignored. So get thing in the correct order. data ovary.affected; set ovary.rptca; select; when (refage =. ) missing is negative infinity so check for when (refage <60) missing before your when (refage <65) first < when (refage <70) when (refage >=70) end; Note: Select ends with end; run; Note: NO THEN agegr agegr agegr agegr agegr = = = = = .; 1; 2; 3; 4; I use select statements to track known problems in a dataset. data alice2 missingStuff badAge ageThing; set alice; select; HRP223 2008 *These are FATAL data errors each dataset should have 0 observations; *no year blood draw, yob, age at entry in study; when (missing(yr_bl_dr) or missing(birthyr) or missing(dadage)) output missingStuff; *age from blood draw inconsistent with reported age; when ((yr_bl_dr-birthyr)-dadage > 2) output badAge; * blood draw before age at birth; when (yr_bl_dr - birthyr < 0) output ageThing; otherwise output alice2; end; run; * NOTE: this does not notice multiple errors; No Otherwise HRP223 2008 If you leave off the otherwise statement, SAS will generate an error if the data is not “trapped” by one of the other conditions. This is very helpful because it makes it easy to see problems. Adding New Variables HRP223 2008 As it scans down the page containing a data step, SAS figures out if new variables are character or numeric by looking for quotation marks. The first time it sees a new variable it sets the width in the PDV. Playing with Character Variables HRP223 2008 If you manipulate character strings you want to remember these things: – upcase() – lowercase() What variables and contents are in the new dataset? data case; band = "Skinny Puppy"; uBand = upcase(band); output; band = "Assemblage 23"; lBand = lowcase(band); output; run; Length HRP223 2008 Be sure to set the length of the variable to be wide enough to hold your data. data case2; length band $50.; band = "Skinny Puppy"; uBand = upcase(band); output; uBand = ""; band = "Assemblage 23"; lBand = lowcase(band); output; run; EG Helps HRP223 2008 Combining HRP223 2008 EG 4.1 does not have all the functions in SAS 9.1.3 listed. A couple important missing functions are the CATs. CAT Function – Concatenates character strings without removing leading or trailing blanks CATS Function – Concatenates character strings and removes leading and trailing blanks CATT Function – Concatenates character strings and removes trailing blanks CATX Function – Concatenates character strings, removes leading and trailing blanks, and inserts separators Compressing HRP223 2008 Often you will a variable which has extra characters in it and you want to get rid of them. – Check digits in medical record numbers. Use the function compress() to remove the – and spaces. "- " HRP223 2008 Splitting Strings HRP223 2008 If you need to break a string of letters into words use the scan function() – Specify the original string, comma, the word number, comma, an optional list of word delimiters. The First Word HRP223 2008 Example of Character Functions HRP223 2008 Variable Order HRP223 2008 There are times when you will want to move a variable to the beginning of the PDV and therefore, to the left side of a dataset. I do this if I am calculating values and I do not want to scroll to the end of the spreadsheet (viewtable) to check a value. Just reference the variable before the set statement. data life; input subj_id yob yod @@; datalines; HRP223 2008 1000100 1920 1942 1000101 1921 1942 1000102 1930 1995 ; run; data span; * move age to head of pdv by referencing it before it is read in the set statement; age = 0; set life; age=yod-yob; run; Importing Data from External Text Files HRP223 2008 You also use the keyword input to get data from a stored text file. Specify an infile statement to define the source of your data and do not use datalines. data life; infile ‘c:\projects\blah\life.txt’; input subj_id yob dob; run; Importing Data… the Hard Way You can specify what column has the data you want as well as how wide it is: HRP223 2008 data rawblah; infile ‘c:\projects\pam\prostate.dat’; input This variable is written as a seven digit number with no @1 id 7. @3 race 1. decimal places. @2 case 1. @24 refage 2. Here you tell SAS that this variable is @99 l_name $10.; going to hold 10 characters. run; Importing Data… the Hard Way HRP223 2008 If you have fixed length character variables, specify them with a dollar sign and an informat like this: input l_name $10.; If your character variables are of variable length and you want to read them up to a maximum length or a delimiter, include a : in the specification: input l_name : $10.; This is handy if you are reading tab-delimited data with character variables with imbedded blanks. Comments HRP223 2008 Comment the heck out of the code you write. Two syntaxes you have seen: – * blah; – /* blah */ You can also select a block of code and push – Control / to comment it out Control shift / – Turns the comment back into code. What is a bug anyway? HRP223 2008 When you write a program and it doesn’t work the way that you intended, it is described as having a bug. There are many types of bugs. Syntax and semantic errors are relatively easy to find and fix. When these errors happen, SAS can not figure out what you want done. Conceptual errors happen when SAS understands the words you give it but it does not do what you intended. These can be very, very hard to find and fix. Spotting syntax and semantic bugs is easy. You just need to look in the SAS log. Syntax Errors HRP223 2008 As you try to write code you will see syntax errors and lots of red in the log. Look at the line it marks first. If you can’t see the problem, look for problems (especially a missing semicolon) on the line above where the red begins. – – – – Misspelled keywords Unmatched quotation marks Missing semicolons Invalid options What is a bug anyway? (2) HRP223 2008 You will look in the log window to find out if SAS found any syntax errors. * oops forgot the "then";