Meeting Minutes for: Bonnie Branch Middle School PTA Meeting

Meeting Minutes for:
Bonnie Branch Middle School
PTA Meeting
Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 7pm
I. Call to Order and Introductions
Edwina Britt, PTA President
Attendees... Edwina Britt, Cher Jones, David Ebbe, Lori Kelly, Mary Nicklin, Donna Sudbrook, Felicia
Anthony, David Walter, Gaye Stokes, Tonya Sigalas, LeAnn Young, Niki Dhar, Cheryl Queen, Jarrett Emery,
Cathy Gabriel, Shayne Rioux, Janet Drnach, Jean Xu, Lisa Upton, Wayne Collier, Julie Ash, Judith Dixon
II. Review and Approval of Minutes from August 8th meeting
Motion to approve minutes made by David Walter, second by Tonya Sigalas.
Approved by attendees.
III. School Reports
Jarrett Emery PBIS, Scholar Dollars are now called Shark Bucks.
If a student demonstrates the 3Rs, (Respectful, Responsible, and Ready) teachers may reward them with
Shark Bucks. Students can spend their Shark Bucks at the Shark Shop on Fridays, at quarterly Fun Days, etc.
Silent Auction at Back to School Night Donated items will be put in Baskets and offered at a Silent Auction to
benefit PBIS. Pays for DJ/dance on Fun Days, ice cream, Shark Shop items, etc. May send in items through
the Friday before Back to School Night. If anyone has any connections with businesses that would like to
donate, that would be helpful.
Principal’s Report Ms. Cher Jones
748 students at Bonnie Branch this year.
1. Fantastic opening of school – the students are doing a tremendous job.
2. Reminder that lunch is now $3.25 and not $3.00. Milk is still .50.
3. Upcoming Back to School Night on Wed, Sept 25. Ms. Jones is meeting with the police again
tomorrow to discuss options for parking at Back to School Night, so that the ticketing that
occurred at 6th grade orientation is not repeated. Camp Ilchester has an event the same
night as our Back to School night, so parking options are limited.
4. Bring Your Parent to School ... American Education Week
6th grade, Mon, Nov 18
7th grade, Tues, Nov 19
8th grade, Wed, Nov 20
Breakfast of Champions (for students with straight As the previous quarter)
will start each day for that specific grade. Parents are welcomed to come in any time
throughout the week, but there is a special invitation for parents from each grade
for Nov 18 – 20.
Upcoming Field Trips
6th grade Outdoor Education - week of October 21
*** a question was asked about security, a list of chaperones is sent to Kevin
Burnett, Head of the Security Department for HCPSS.
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7th grade
National Aquarium, Baltimore October 31
Medieval Times
Thurs, Dec 19
** The 7th grade team thanked the PTA for their help with the Medieval Times field trip,
decreasing the overall costs of the field trip for everyone.
A 7th grade T-Shirt fundraiser (long sleeve) will be held.
8th grade
Terrapin Adventures – Mon, Oct 21 and Tues, Oct 22
(1/2 of the grade (125 students) on each day)
There will be no 8th grade New York field trip this year. A meeting is planned with some 8th grade parents,
staff, and students to discuss alternatives.
Upcoming Events
Friday, Sept 13 Kick-off of Hispanic Heritage Month during periods 1 and 2.
Grammy nominated band Los Pleneros de la 21 (coming from NYC).
Students will learn about music from Puerto Rico.
(Thank you to our PTA for helping to fund this event.)
Wed, Sept 25
Sept 30
Kick-off for Lavender Fundraiser (during lunch shifts)
Back to School Night – 6pm
1st collection day for Lavender fundraiser
Starting Oct 3
MAP testing (Measures of Academic Progress)
No longer giving Howard County Quarterly Assessments.
MAP will be given twice, Fall/Oct and Spring/May.
Winter/Jan for students with math and reading interventions.
Oct 7
Oct 8
2nd collection day for Lavender fundraiser
School Improvement Team Meeting (review proposed School
Improvement Plan)
3rd collection day for Lavender fundraiser
Final collection day of Lavender fundraiser
Oct 14
Oct 16
Week of Oct 21 Students will take the Gallup Survey which measures the Hope,
Engagement, and Well being of America’s students. (20 questions)
Overview of MAP
Mr. David Ebbe, Administrative Intern
The MAP tests are computer adaptive, i.e. if a student get a question right, the questions get harder, etc..
6 mobile labs of 30 computers each, plus 125 computers that we already have, allows us to test an entire
grade at once. This year 19 elementary schools and some number of middle schools are taking the MAP
tests. Next year all elementary and middle schools will take the MAP tests.
The MAP tests are leading up to the PARCC tests which will replace the MSAs. MAP is preparation for
If a student is in Algebra I or beyond (Geometry), they will be exempted from the MAP Math testing.
MAP is also a norm referenced test. Students will get a percentile. Results will be shared with parents.
Average time 45-55 minutes, but no time limit. 40-50 questions. Ms. Jones and Mr. Ebbe will go into each
classroom to explain to students about this new type of test.
Upcoming Presentation by Bonnie Branch Administration on the implementation of HCPSS new 5 year
Strategic Plan at Bonnie Branch.
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Dr. Renee Foose , Howard County Schools Superintendent, has given presentations around the county within
the past months about the new five-year strategic plan for the school system, i.e. “Vision 2013, Fulfilling the
Promise of Preparation”. The plan went into effect on July 1, 2013. (See the home page of for
All parents are invited to attend a presentation by Principal Cher Jones and the Bonnie Branch Administrative
Team on Dr. Foose’s vision and mission goals and how we will implement them at Bonnie Branch. The Bonnie
Branch administration presentation will be on Weds, Oct 9, 6:30pm with a brief PTA Meeting to follow at
IV. PTA President Report,
Edwina Britt, PTA President
Passage of HB 232 (No sales tax for PTA Fundraisers, effective in July)
Building Use Forms
October 2, Red Robin FUNdraiser 5 -9 pm will earn 20% of sales
Special Administration Presentation for October meeting
V. Vote in New Chairs
Social Committee (LeAnn Young)
Website (Shayne Rioux)
Reflections (Judith Dixon)
CAC (Judith Dixon)
VI. Budget Mary Nicklin, Treasurer
BBMS PTA budget has been drafted by the Budget Committee, i.e. Mary Nicklin, Edwina Britt, Donna
Sudbrook, and Trina Thames. Budget presented to attendees. Budget voted on and passed unanimously
PTA Budget will be presented at the brief general PTA meeting before Back to School Night to be approved by
the general membership.
VII. Commitee Reports
1. Boxtops, Lisa Upton, 1st contest to run through Oct 25. Prizes of ITunes gift cards.
Second contest will run January 22 – Feb 21, so that Boxtops may be postmarked by March 1 deadline.
2, STARS, Marie Fiorello, Will have people matched by the end of the month.
3. Spiritwear, Karen Druffel, orders due by Friday, Oct 4. Go to website to download form. See samples on
Back to School night.
4. FBI, Wayne Collier
Will have a sign up for men on Back to School Night. Working with Harvard Alumni Club of Maryland, Mr.
Tucker, Community Outreach. Originally looking for a speaker for the High Achievers Group, Mr. Gardner.
Effort growing in scope to be an event/speaker for the Bonnie Branch community. Had an alumni speaker on
College Readiness / including breakout sessions. They can provide some funding, up to $1000 and have a
committee to help plan a presentation. A meeting is planned.
5. HC Drug Free, Lori Kelly
HC DrugFree to hold a Town Hall Meeting on Tues, Sept 24 at the Jim Rouse Theater at Wilde Lake High
School. Speakers to include Congressman Elijah Cummings, Delegate Elizabeth Bobo, Police Chief William
McMahon, Circuit Court Judge William V. Tucker, and HC DrugFree Executive Director Joan Webb
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Scornaienchi. Topics of discussion to include the issue of adults who provide alcohol and other drugs to youth
in Howard County, how to empower youth and adults, and HC DrugFree's upcoming media campaign
supporting the "Cool Parents" (the parents not hosting teen alcohol parties).
Drug Take Back Day Start collecting your medications to get them out of the home, away from teens and
keep them out of the water supply. Sat, October 26 is the next Drug Take Back Day. Collection locations will
be announced in early October.
Accepted medications:
• Prescription medications, liquid and pill form
• Over the county medications, liquid and pill form
• Pet medications, liquid and pill form
VIII. PTA Council of Howard County (PTACHC)
David Walter, Delegate
PTA Council represents approx. 22,000 PTA Members in Howard County.
Christina Delmont Small is the current President.
Superintendent’s liaison to PTACHC, Joan Fox, and BOE members give reports at PTACHC meetings. This
year BOE members Ann DeLacy and Cindy Vaillancout are the representatives to PTACHC from the Board of
New POS system will be implemented in school cafeterias. It is starting at BBMS in Oct.
Facebook, every school has a Facebook page.
Felicia Anthony, Delegate PTACHC is asking for a list of committee chairs from each
PTA. Will be used to provide resources, best practices, etc... for committee chairs’ use.
IX. Next Meeting Wed, October 9, 2013,
6:30pm Presentation by Bonnie Branch Administration on the implementation of HCPSS’ new
5 year Strategic Plan at Bonnie Branch.
7:30pm brief PTA meeting
X. Adjournment
Minutes submitted by, Donna Sudbrook, PTA Secretary
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